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Sai Baba on - Role of Love in Meditation - update

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Dear devotees Sai Ram

The correct definition of meditation is to think constantly of

something. You become that on which you meditate. Think of God, you

become God. Think of stone, you become a stone. The only thing that

the process of meditation is really meant to teach us is to remind

us that we are part of GOD from which we have come here and it is

our first duty to get back where we belong. Meditation is not only

meant for the saints it is meant for everyone.


Sai Baba constantly enlightens us through his discourses books and

other means, to think of GOD by way of Namasmarana (repeating Gods

name). Nevertheless, there is one thing, which He always calls our

attention to namely LOVE. The undercurrent of divine love is the

most important factor for a successful spiritual journey. "Do

not be carried away by the term Meditation. It is not something that

one does by sitting…"-Sai Baba


At Sathwic food web site, we have compiled selection of Swami's

words on "Sai Baba on Role of Love in meditation".

Swami's words on role of love in mediation leave significant

impression on mental makeup of devotees practicing meditation. His

divine words encourage us to progress & transform our (mechanical)

routine of meditation. In addition, His divine message clarifies the

way to the all-pervasive LOVE that, fundamentally transforms the

meditation ritual into true Meditation.


"Sai Baba on ROLE OF LOVE IN MEDITATION" Added today-




Sai Ram

Kate coleman & RB

Sathwic food ( Web coordinator)


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