Guest guest Posted September 15, 2004 Report Share Posted September 15, 2004 Light and Love Raul is a nine years old boy who at first month could not make a move even in the bed after the brain operation in March 2004. (Doctors have defined by his fancies that he has an easy autistic character with lightly paralyzed leg in connection with injury after birth. Doctors wanted to help him with operation of a brain. The operation was not fully successful). The doctors conclusion was based on boy's fancies what they could not understand. Sometimes Raul is cleverer than many adults are. Raul has a surprisingly high rate of detachment and is happy in his own world. His parents were my previous colleagues from university. They are not Sai followers; furthermore, they are deep atheists in their belief. Especially father, a governmental employer, layer. In their home were no Swami's pictures. According to Raul's wish during the years time by time and the last year nearly every week I visit Raul. I call him my young friend he calls me simply Reet. After operation Raul told me that before him appears an aunt with long orange dress and black curly hairs. She heals him. We have a long conversation on this topic. We called at first her the Aunt Swami and the Aunt of Nature, later the Uncle of Nature. I explained Raul that the Aunt Swami helps always everyone who needs in it, especially little ill children. The neurologist has visited the boy at home some weeks after operation. He has appointed to the boy's parents strictly to accept the medicine against epilepsy, as he said, after such operation spasms have not excluded. The boy reacted to the medicine with a long sleep and silence. During my consequent visit Raul after doctor between us were approximately the following conversation. Reet: “Raul, it is afternoon jet, why are you so sleepy? Have you a pain?" Raul: "No, you know that Aunt Swami has removed pains. Reet, do you know that she vanishes after I was obliged to take the medicine. She does not come to me since I should accept the medicine. I know that I need not any medicine, however, nobody believes me. Today and previous days after medicine I want to sleep only. Perhaps, now Aunt Swami comes to you only, as you know her." Reet: “No, she does not come personally only to me or to you. She comes to all good people whose heart is pure, mind is kind, and who need some help or directions. She is as a magic fairytale from fields of Nature. She is as the Aunt of Nature and as the Uncle of Nature. She is as the mother and as the father." Raul: “When I shall begin to think, I cannot even recollect now how she looks like. I know only she is very beautiful." Reet: “Raul, my friends have made her photo. This is a special photo. It is shining in the sunlight as a rainbow. I shall show it to you." Raul: "You can show but I am not confident that I can to look. You see my eye has swelled. Before my eyes is twilight." Reet: "Look at photo, have you seen it before?" Raul: "Thanks, Reet, I recognized her dress. How nice she is. However, you explained me that she is as a fairytale from fields of Nature, how it is possible to photograph fairytale's?" I have told to parents and Raul (who was near) the history of Swami's holographic photo and added the brief information about Swami as the world spiritual teacher and scientist. Father: "There are much unknown phenomena in the world. Nevertheless, I wish to treat my son with the help official medicine only and do not accept facts, which have not proved by science. How can I use the methods of phenomena about what I know nothing? They maybe exist, maybe not. There are many nice classic stories in the world literature. The stories are the result of writers’ imagination." Raul: "Daddy, she is the same aunt of the nature, who helped me to become stronger. I see foggy but I recognize her dress." Daddy: “Raul, you made a mistake. Your conversation is not the proof to me. On a photo is not the aunt, but the uncle. You with Reet have invented that there is the aunt. Aunt or uncle - this is the big difference." Reet: "There are no differences in the energy-information level of existence. Raul subconsciously (consciously on the atmic level) catches this influence as information needful for his recovery. I try to help him. It is the purpose why I told Raul about Avatar on his (child's) level of understanding. You all have noticed the positive results towards recovery. Raul's perception is a gift from nature. Instead of the scientific proof, I gifted you this Avatar's holographic photo. Show it to Raul in beams of sunlight, when he will ask." Mum: " Oh yes, we show him the photo. I do not see anything bad in this. Very nice picture, it as quiet me too, I don't know, is it reality or imagination?" Of course, I explained to the parents (my old colleagues, not exactly friends) about Swami’s Teaching, human values, Sai schools, educare and healthcare. They listen to my story telling in silence. No comments. I too asked any feedback. Today Raul's mum called and told that she has shown the rainbow photo in shine of sunlight to Raul. He, looking at it, declared to mum that he felt much better. During another visit, there was a consequent conversation between Mum, Raul and me. Mum: "Raul asked me to call you in even on one o'clock in the night. He has declared that wished talk to you. He has told to us that had a secret. Dad and I are glad that our son despite of his dangerous state that his left part of body can to remain paralyzed, looks like after operation as a small adult.Today the doctor, who performed the operation, visited Raul. He said that it is necessary to repeat the computer picture of brain." Raul: "Reet,I know, I shall not stay paralyzed and it is dangerous to do three computer pictures during one month. It for radiation is necessary to bypass. This problem can be solving without computer picture. I'm glad to meet you and shall call you on to us always." We adults, laughed with all the heart. I am again with Raul. Parents are glad that they can do their duties. Excerpts from our conversation are below. Raul: "Reet, let I look at you, have you little changed for these three days?" Reet: " Raul, there is nothing to contemplate about me. How are you?" Raul: "Quite normal, it seems that I'm better now, but sometimes I feel very sleepy. My Aunt Swami often appears to my bed, strokes my head where operation has performed and I fell asleep. I inform you thatmum and the daddy have too noticed that I am better now. For example, yesterday I have risen after operation at first also with the help of mum I have did 3 meters independent steps. I can listen to radio now also, you know, I like music and mathematics. I want to tell still to you, as I shall not to be the mathematician. I want to be such as the Aunt Swami. I too wish to help to all people and children to whom it is hard to live in this world. As you say that you know the Aunt Swami, I have to you complaints. You have a lot of clothes why you cannot give some of your dresses to her? She has only one dress. Take an example from me: you must to know it well when even I was very young, I distributed most of my toys to kids that they too could play." (He indeed has it ever done. He distributed all what he had with the others, food, toys, sweets). Reet: "My young friend, the Aunt Swami does not require my dresses. Her dresses are the stars in the sky, the Moon and the Sun, the trees in the forest, and the flowers on the fields... This Aunt is a magic princess of Nature; she is even not a fairy tale from Nature, but the Nature itself." It is also right when we say that He is a magic prince of Nature. Raul: "You have afflicted me unless that the Aunt Swami is not real?" Reet: "What do you think; is the nature that you see around of yourself real for human beings? Is the sky, the sea, days, nights and so on, real? They all are real for humans' eyes. Raul, it seems to me that all people can see each other and all around them as though with one huge eye. However, in the nature, there are many events, beautiful creations and vibrations in different forms that is possible to see only with heart. For an eye, they remain hidden. The Aunt /Uncle Swami is possible to see only with heart. When you will become older then we shall return to this conversation. Do you agree with me?" Raul: (in the presence of mum) "I want to tell to mum that with me is the Aunt/Uncle Swami too. The magic princess of Nature in the form of fine lady/or prince comes. She cures me and she/he is the best doctor in the world. However, the problem is that she has seen only with heart. It is the purpose why the doctors from hospital cannot study from her, as most people cannot see through heart. They can see through eyes only. Reet too knows this princess of Nature. She will confirm that I speak the truth." Mum: "Reet, your imagination has no limits. I as have two children who like play together. In fact my son really began to recover thanks to you." Reet: "Not to me tell thanks but to the magic Princess/Prince of Nature which is with Raul even when he sleeps.” Mum: “To your fancies there is no end." Months passed. He believed his imagination, to the 'Princess, the Aunt, later the Prince, the Uncle of Nature' Who always has helped him, as he said. (Doctors cannot to help Raul any more. They decided that Raul's unusual speech and imagination has caused by autism). During several months, I tried to help Raul with touchable positive results by the help of Sailogram. At that time, Raul declared to his parents, "I and Reet are sincere friends as she also knows the 'the Uncle of Nature' and she believes that He really heals me." Raul's health significantly turns to better after brother Jatindar Shad's and Mrs. Pam Shad's visit to Raul's home. By Swami's grace (or miracle?) it appears that in his room before Raul stands as alive smiling Swami on a photo what brought to the boy his godfather who was also with us at his home. Raul recognized on the photo his 'the Uncle of Nature' from the 'land' of his imagination and was so happy to see His true photo. Later he asked me to put photo on the wall that he can always to enjoy it. Father who was at first angry to Raul and my successive fancy at last agreed with us, as he saw the real positive results. Raul asks to send greetings from him personally to the 'Uncle of Nature' and to His friends Pam and Jatindar who visited him at his home. He said that it is the 'Uncle of Nature' who by the help of His friends and Reet’s support really permits him to turn the next page of his biography. After about four month of being constantly in bed and sitting on the edge of bed, during the two week after visit the devotees from India Raul has become much better quite quickly. At the end of August first after operation in March 2004 he visited me at my cottage. He was so happy and many times asked about the friends of the Divine Uncle. He asked where they are at this moment, what work they do...and added, "That their most important task was to visit me. I know the 'Uncle of Nature' has sent them." He enjoys Sailogram and Swami's smiling large photo. Brother Jatindar during their visit has put Vibhuti under his pillow. Sister Pam has collected some additional amounts of this miraculous material into small box for Raul. He likes to play with it and to powder the head. He declared to parents, “Do you believe now me and Reet that the 'Uncle of Nature' is real? He has sent to me this 'Vibuuthi' and His friends to visit me. Reet, immediately write greetings to Him and to all His true friends you know and great them all with words "Sai Ram, Sai Ram, Sai Ram." (Jatindar and Pam taught to Raul this word). At the end of August Raul also can freely eat at kitchen, walks slowly from room to room and to balcony. He can wash himself. He is happy and his parents too. I told to the mother about Swami, His Teaching and Omnipresent Cosmic Form. Father’s reaction about strange and rapid path towards recovery after four months being practically in bed, "I see that Raul is really much better, it is the fact and I am glad to that. However, what concern to your (Reet's) explanations I do not know anything about them. It seems that Raul believes more your fancies than my commands...But, let it be so, when it helps." On October, Raul will become a student of primary school. At present, he studies at home. His favorite subject is mathematics and he knows it significantly better than the other boys of his age do. At home, he frequently turns his sight to Swami's photo and silently repeats to himself..."the Uncle of Nature, the Uncle of Nature, I know you help me, Sai Ram, Sai Ram.” Under his pillow is vibhuuti presented by Jatindar. Sacred ash is also lightly covered his trace of operation on head. As a rule, I visiting Raul every week (or vice versa) he asks me to do it as we are friends, he says. This history is quite unusual, real Swami's Omnipresence help through ardent devotees brother Jatindar and sister Pam is evident. No words to thank Swami, His Grace and Raul's Indian guests. By the time I shall tell Raul more about the 'Uncle of Nature' Who is as the Divine Mother-Father, God for all humanity. I shall tell him that such is His duty to teach, love, protect, heal and help not only Raul, but all other human beings and whatsoever creatures of Nature too who needs in it. I shall tell to Raul that his 'Uncle of Nature' is in everyone's heart, even in his father's heart. He is in humans' hearts and everywhere in the visible and invisible nature, however, mostly in hidden form. For many people it takes time to receive the connection with Him, as there is a special demand of purity of the heart, faith and belief is needed. I shall tell him that the incarnation of Divine Mother-Father-God by the name Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba lives in India, and at the same time in the hearts of everyone who has a faith to Him-Her as Raul has. The most difficult moment for me is how to force the daddy to trust events and phenomena not explained by science. However, despite of all opinions, deep reality of oneness demands no proofs from the world of mayaa. I try to avoid agitation, but wish to give righteous information. Between information and agitation is a tender bridge. Sometimes it is hard to notice. PS: Raul's mother and godfather know I share Raul's story with Sai groups. They asked to send sincere greetings and thanks to Capt. Jatindar Shad and Mrs. Pam Shad. Swami's love and grace has no frontiers. This is magically shines on Jatindar's ring manifested by Swami. This illumination as calls to obtain the aith to the Divine force what is possible to percept through everyone's experiences. Photo with shining ring is attached. I hope, brother Jatindar permits it. Photo has done by Swami's devotee Kalev Narep when Jatindar Shad delivered his discourse at Sai seminar in Tallinn. Kalev did not know anything about source of Jatindar's ring. It is shining as by itself, its reflection has seen on a clock. In hall were no special lamps and it was the evening. Namaste - Reet Attachment: (image/jpeg) . Kapt. Jat. Shad. 6 aug.2004. 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Guest guest Posted September 16, 2004 Report Share Posted September 16, 2004 Swami and disabled boy is amazing. Awe and bliss empowers you when you read Swami's glories.Swami's ring is shining majestically with all His glories. Thank you so much for this wonderful story of Swami. Swamis blessings to you Brother Thanks a lot. Sai Ram and Namaskar Soumendra Reet Priiman <reet.priiman (AT) neti (DOT) ee> wrote: Light and Love Raul is a nine years old boy who at first month could not make a move even in the bed after the brain operation in March 2004. (Doctors have defined by his fancies that he has an easy autistic character with lightly paralyzed leg in connection with injury after birth. Doctors wanted to help him with operation of a brain. The operation was not fully successful). The doctors conclusion was based on boy's fancies what they could not understand. Sometimes Raul is cleverer than many adults are. Raul has a surprisingly high rate of detachment and is happy in his own world. .......... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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