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Song of My Life by Jeannette Caruth. Chapter XIII and XIV. Thoughts by Swami

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Light and Love


"Song of my life" continues... with love what ..."always seeks expansion

and longs to embrace."


O Lord Divine Your Love so deep warms my heart and soul Steeped in

this Glorious Nectar a wish to spread this Golden Glow emerges But how

.... does one pour this Flow and yet leave Its purity untouched? How

does one spread a perfectly White Cloth and yet leave It unstained? Tell

me, sweet Lord how do I spend the Gift of Giving?


He answers: "Indeed at times your Pitcher of Nectar is so filled

that It wishes to spill over ... Love always seeks expansion and longs to

embrace but Her Embrace never suffocates instead Her Arms forever widen

in Her endless attempt to enfold! So too ... should be your Gift of

Giving Leave behind the thought of your own doing for this surely shall

mark the intended purity with dark stains Abolish the lurking desires to

heighten your own image for you will blur their vision with the

unnecessary colors of self-importance Always be saturated with the intense

longing to bring My Presence in the midst of those around you You do

likewise in worldly ways After having spoken so highly


about your loved one you are eager to bring him into the company of

your friends and gladly you remain quiet so they can relish his

presence So too in the subtleness of the spiritual Gift your inner

attention should be fully focussed on the Presence of the Divine For

those whom you wish to embrace should, when they take leave, be filled

with an inner sense of Joy not because of having been with you but ...

because they now feel more closely united with Me and Me they shall take

with them Your Gift is very well spent if they leave more intensely

aware of their independence of you but yet increasingly more aware

of their dependence on Me True giving does Never seek a return Lasting

sweetness you shall find in this Silent Giving


If you wish to give then you shall no longer 'take' from the world

It is in the state of your 'being' where lies the Gift of Giving In

actuality you do not give but those who measure in opposites believe

that you give It is in the spaciousness of 'being' where they find the

disappearance of the distance between Me and them It is the Stillness

of this 'being' hat nourishes their souls


and they will find rest in the Shadow of your Stillness


To pour freely from the Cup of Love bring to mind that I love the one

in front of you more than words can describe I love him as deeply and

tenderly as I love you Let this fact efface all opinions you might

hold about the one you face Nothing hinders My Love Your Flow too

should be without a halt Streaming freel with the currents of total

Acceptance and limitless Compassion This engenders subtle changes in

those who surround you The still Radiance of Pure Love elevates the

striving seeker to the state of true yearning for Love Divine It is a

magical transformation For striving is born from the mind and still

quite concerned with its own process of progress while yearning springs

forth from the Inexhaustible Fountain of the Soul and one becomes more

and more submerged in the sole longing for the Presence of the Beloved

leaving behind all thought of self-effort It is in the pursuit of a Goal

where Time is calculated but the awe of wonder born in the yearning soul

finds the Eternal Now This is a true Gift!


Of greater value yet is this Gift if you deposit this Treasure in your

friend's home and slip out the door unnoticed My sweet little soul do

understand, that with this comparison I merely try to emphasize the

importance of the notion of non-doership The more you feel this the

wider will be the Space you create the fuller will be the Emptiness you

bring and in this Space and Emptiness the lonely ones shall dry their

tears and find the Endless Expansion of Love's Embrace"





With reverence do I imbibe Your Words In awe do I listen to the

Wisdom Divine Your Words carry and forever unhindered do I wish for

this Flow to saturate my being to melt my heart to purify my every cell

to elevate my awareness ...


He continues: "The more you discover about My Nature the vaster

will become your awe, the deeper your reverence In this fruitful

Silence you come ever closer to trusting Awe inspires Faith Reverence

instills humility This sweet combination fertilizes the soil of your

soul and allows hindrances fabricated by the mind to flee away and

trust can take root Trust is the acknowledgement of the existence of

Truth It is the surrender to non-action In essence it embraces the

thought of 'remembering' When you try to remember something you become

very still for you intuitively know that crowding the mind would keep the

remembrance from rising to the surface Much easier it is to remember

than having to 'learn'!


The thought of simply remembering brings the ease of surrender within

reach While those who strive to learn block the road by the boulders of

self-effort One could compare it with falling asleep, one realizes that

there is nothing the mind can do to make one fall asleep No effort on

the mind's part can possibly erase its own activity! At best it can

only relax and surrender in complete faith that it will simply lose its

own consciousness! How very similar is this for the mind which seeks

enlightenment All imaginations about the state of Liberation have to go

.... For how could you project an image of what you already are? The

very motion of your act of thought disturbs the Stillness of Being

Enlightenment is never a spectacle Enlightenment cannot be a perception

made by your limited self It is only the ego which distinguishes between

spectacular and boredom That which IS cannot undergo either That which

IS cannot undergo such modifications Enlightenment is the natural outcome

of the clear state of mind wiped clean by the Fire of your Heart


Forever hold still the Flame of Faith for it burns away the anxious

pursuit of make-shift realities Its warmth spreads like a soothing balm

healing the self-inflicted wounds


It lessens the lessons which a fear-induced mind would have to endure

In Trust you can freely delight in the care-free anticipation of the

Bounty of My Love


Remember: you were never meant to be alone nor was I ever meant to

be left alone No walls of Solitude did I create in My Creation As 'me'

- you stumble As 'we' - we dance As I ... duality has found its single

Essence Love has merged with Love and Glorious Being is All That Is"




Jeannette Caruth. "Song of My Life: A Journey to the Feet of Sathya Sai

Baba." Published by Leela Press, 1996, 118 pages. ISBN: 0962983586.



Thoughts by Swami inspired by Chapter XIII and XIV


Below are excerpts from, Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba. "Man, Truth, Love and

God." Divine Discourse 18 April 1998, Kodaikanal.

Jeannette through her own conscience as puts the same Swami's expressions

into verses.

Enjoy, remember, study, form an inner set as a part of conscience of Swami's

words directed to humanity.


"God shines with effulgence in the universe and the universe shines in God.

This is the friendship between the Creator and the creation. No one can fully

understand the relationship between the Creator and the creation. We are not

able to understand divinity, as we are carried away by the external physical


God is in your heart. Wherever you go and whatever you do, it is known to

God even if you think none has noticed it. God is in you only in the form of


We refer to humanity as mankind. Does this not imply that as a human you should radiate kindness?

Let us experience peace and share it with others. Then we will be liberated

and the world will be happy." (Excerpts from, Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba. "Man,

Truth, Love and God." Divine Discourse 18 April 1998, Kodaikanal).


Swami's words sounds as a call to human beings who lost the way to kindness

and search for the false celebrity by methods what has created by the demonic

properties of delusive mind.


Namaste - Reet

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