Guest guest Posted October 10, 2004 Report Share Posted October 10, 2004 Sai Ram Dearest Sai Brothers & Sisters My humble pranams to Our Lord Baba I visited my niece Isha at hospital last night and by the Grace of our Lord she is recovering quite fast. Baba listened to ALL of your prayers and my niece undergo two operations which have been successful. When I visited her yesterday, her mum was holding her in her arms and nurses had removed the serum tubes. Bandages tied to her head and right foot were removed too, which are positive signs that her burns have started to dry. By Baba's Grace we hope that she will recover the soonest. Bhye Soodesh who is from the same city of mine replied to my mails and also visited Isha at hospital. He reassured Isha's parents that Baba will set everything right and also gave them Vibhuti which he brought from Puttaparthi. My sincere and deepest thanks goes to Bhye Soodesh' mails and supporting words, without forgetting his wife and sons too. I belong to a very vast and loving Sai family and am very proud of that. My brother and sis in law were very touched by your supporting mails and send their deepest thanks to all of you for your support during their toughest moments. Baba will always be near you and will always support you in every circumstance of your life. Om shri sai ram Sister Hema (Mauritus) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 11, 2004 Report Share Posted October 11, 2004 Ravi Yemula <ravi.yemula Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:15am RE: [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Sairam - Sister Hema Happy to know that your niece Isha is now recovering and out of danger. May Baba bless her always. Jai Sairam. Love All - Serve All Ravindra Yemula ---------- "SAIpapu" <saipapu Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:24am Re: Updates on my niece Isha's health ... ===== More fragrant than the sweet-smelling flowers like the Jasmine and the Champak, Softer than the cheese and the butter, More beautiful than eye of the peacock, More pleasant than the moonlight, Is the love of the mother. - BABA - Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 32, Part 2 Chapter 13 'Importance of Mother's Grace' ===== So says our beloved Saimaa. But Swami has love and blessings of 1000 mothers. We dont realise love of one mother, how can we understand love of 1000 mothers ? Swami's blessings always on all of us. We are bound by Law of Karma. Sairam - Mala Devi Bundhoo Saibabanews (E-mail) Monday, October 11, 2004 10:42 AM [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 11, 2004 Report Share Posted October 11, 2004 singsong <bakulat Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:52pm Re: [saibabanews] Re: Prayers for my little niece - Isha With swami's grace, his love and his compassion......little baby Isha is going to be 100% okay....thank you, bakula x ---------- "Betty" <bettyjoan Mon Oct 11, 2004 6:54pm Re updates on Isha's health Sai Ram I am very happy for you, Sister Hema. Yes, Sai Baba is fervently looking after your neice Isha with His Divine Love and His Aura of healing Light. Thanks you, Sai Baba Namaste Betty PS I am having problems using reply. Clicking reply refuses to activate. It freezes. I have to use "compose". Can one of you tell the reason and how can I unclock reply? Perhaps I may switch to my ISP ! - > Mala Devi Bundhoo > Saibabanews (E-mail) > Monday, October 11, 2004 10:42 AM > [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted October 12, 2004 Report Share Posted October 12, 2004 adriana atencio <adriana999992004 Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:36pm Re: [saibabanews] Re: Updates on my niece Isha's health ... SAI RAM: I ÀM VERY HAPPY BECAUSE BABA CURE YOUR LITTLE NIECE. I KNEW THAT. I ALWAYS TRUST IN HIM. GOD BLESS ALL OF YOUR FAMILY AND PLEASE DON`T WORRY ANYMORE. BEST REGARDS AND A BIG KISS TO YOUR NIECE ADRIANA ATENCIO ( I AM FROM VENEZUELA ) LATIN AMÈRICA. ---------- Venugopal Ramamurthy <venugopal_ramamurthy Mon Oct 11, 2004 9:46pm Re: [saibabanews] Re: Updates on my niece Isha's health ... sairam thanks to mother sai and ravi u r quote is perfect the swamy s love But Swami has love and blessings of 1000 mothers. We dont realise love of one mother, how can we understand love of 1000 mothers ? its true to all of us who feel we are under SWAMY CARE "since last 20yrs to me and many like me would have felt the mothers home the PRASANTHI NILAYAM the moment we take our first step into the PRASANTHI NILAYAM crossing the sevadal at the main gate THE FIRST FEELING THAT COMES TO MOST OF US IS IT IS MY HOME I AM THE RIGHTFUL CHILD , I CAN GO ANY WHERE IN SIDE, STAY ANY WHERE SLEEP, EAT, BATH , SHOP AROUND, READ BOOKS, AND ALWAYS A SENSE OF CONFIDENCE PREVAILS THAT SWAMY WLL COME OUT AND GIVE DARSHAN WHEN EVER WE CROSS THE MANDIR OR SIT IN MANDIR OR HEAR THE WORDS THAT STRIKES US FROM SWAMY DISCOURSE AND TO OUR SURPRISE OUR THOUGHTS THAT FLASHES IN NIGHT WILL APPEAR IN THE 'THOUGHT FOR THE DAY NEAR MANDIR OR SHOPPING COMPLEX' . OR ANIL KUMAR SAIRAM WILL SPEAK THE SAME CONTEXT ON SUNDAY AND SO ON E VEN IN OUR OWN HOMES WE HAVE MANY TIMES IN HIBITIONS DOS AND DONTS SINCE FAMILY IS AROUND US WE PLAY DIFFERENT ROLES AS FATHER, BROTHER, SON, COUSIN, FRIEND AND SO ON BUT AS WE ALL KNOW THE MOMENT WE ENTER PRASANTHI NILAYAM WE ALL FEEL ITS OUR 1000 MOTHER HOME AND ITS OUR BIRTH RIGHT TO DO WHAT EVER WE LIKE, THINK AND ACT FREELY WHICH CAN NEVER HAPPEN ANY WHERE ELSE SAIRAM ---------- Abburi Balakrishna <b_abburi Mon Oct 11, 2004 10:54pm Re: [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Hai sister Hema, Good to hear abt this happy news. Our beloved Baba has taken care of the child & she will recover completely very soon by Baba's grace. Trust in HIM, Jai Sai Ram, BALAKRISHNA ABBURI ---------- spatron Tue Oct 12, 2004 0:46am Re: [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Thanks a lot dearest sister Hema for your kind thoughts towards my family but as I already told you, I AM ONLY AN INSTRUMENT AT THE LOTUS FEET OF BHAGAVAN BABA. I am just trying to put into practice Swami's words by eliminating the < i > in me. Selfless Service. LOVE ALL SERVE ALL With Sai Love Soodesh --------- Venu <venugopalpr Tue Oct 12, 2004 1:55am Re: [saibabanews] Re: Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Sai Ram, When I opened my mail today morning, this was the 1st msg I read. I am so happy that Isha is ok by the grace of our beloved Swami. You are indeed under swami's protection like all of us. So don't worry Swami is always you, whatever happend might have been the Karma and I am sure that Swami must have reduced the burden and then eliminated it. So be happy. Jai Sai Ram ---------- vijay laxmi <ranawatvl65 Tue Oct 12, 2004 2:14am Re: [saibabanews] Updates on my niece Isha's health ... Dear Sister,Nice to here the update on yr neice recovery. Sai mother is always there to take care of us. Sairam vijaya ranawatvl ---------- saibabanews, "Mala Devi Bundhoo" <md.bundhoo@m...> wrote: > > Sai Ram Dearest Sai Brothers & Sisters ........... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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