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Sai Baba Gita - Identify yourself with the Divinity not with your Body

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Identify yourself with the Divinity not with your Body

Krishna continued, "I want to tell you one other thing, the blind father of

these evil cousins of yours had 100 sons, yet in the end there was not even one

of them left to perform his funeral rites. What is the reason for this? All

these sons were the children of God, but the blind king considered them as his.

Arjuna, you are also becoming a brother to him. You are deluding yourself with

the idea that this body is yours when it really is not yours, at all. By

thinking that you are the body, you are developing the same blind outlook. That

is complete ignorance. Unless you drive away this ignorance, you will not be

able to realize wisdom. You have to develop discrimination and self-inquiry in

order for wisdom to enter into you.

"Within your body is the spiritual heart, and within that heart is God. Also in

your body is the individual soul. These two, God and the individual, appearing

to live separately inside the body, are playing together, acting out their

parts in a grand drama. They come together and go apart again, as directed by

the author who has written this play. He assigns all the separate roles of good

and bad, virtue and sin. But, in truth, there is only the one divinity that

plays all these parts.

"From the standpoint of the body, there is the individualized soul manifested as

this particular person of body and mind, and there is God who is the indweller

of the heart. As long as you have the delusion of the body, these two, God and

the soul remain separate entities enjoying their play with each other. As soon

as the delusion disappears, they merge into the one all-pervasive divine

principle. When you remove the false delusion of body consciousness, you bring

about the union of the individual and God. Then you are established in divine

consciousness and enjoy eternal bliss."

Teaching in this way, Krishna was able to impart to Arjuna the knowledge for

becoming a wise being and the means for reaching the bliss of non-duality. He

said, "Arjuna, always have the sense that everything which exists is one and

the same entity. Do not allow the senses to pull you away from this feeling of

unity and equanimity. Let your heart be free from sorrow and elation,

attachment and hatred. Be unaffected by censure or praise. Treat all people


Krishna told Arjuna, "When you firmly believe that everything in this creation

is the manifestation of divinity, then you will become steeped in wisdom and

freed from illusion. Then you will have realized the true purpose for which you

have been born as a human being. Arjuna! Carry out my commands! See me

everywhere! Know me to be your very self, the atma! Realize the atma and be

forever free!"


- The End -

Sai Baba Gita, Compiled and edited by Al Drucker - Published by Atma Press -

http://www.atmapress.com - ISBN: 0963844903Online Edition:



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