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Packing for India

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Dear fellow Embodiments of Love,


My wife and I are part of a group of five from No. California leaving

this evening for Prashanti. We will be at the Lotus Feet for six

blessed weeks.


I am also part of another group of devotees which meets on Tuesdays in

an attempt to magnetize Swami's etheric form to receive His darshan

and guidance. [Warning - puns ahead] A woman in this group was

discussing her "packing anxieties" - concern about not packing needed

items, not having enough room, etc. A devotee said: "Pray to Ganesha,

for he is a "pach-yderm". Another chimed in - "Also, he has a TRUNK!"

I hope this punny story has brought a smile to your lips, as Baba's

Love brings a glow to our hearts.


I love reading the daily posts from this group, as they help me feel

closer to Swami. I pray that somehow, through our egroup connection,

our small group on pilgrimage can transmit Swami's darshan and Love to

you all.


I would like to humbly remind us of a recent posting relating a speech

given at Prashanti. The speaker (I believe it was Sant Shri Asaramji)

told students and devotees to visualize placing your hand in Swami's

upon arising, to ask for His guidance and assistance throughout the day.


We are so blessed with Swami's wisdom - knowing that by repeating the

name, detachment and attempting to serve all, our liberation is

assured. In the words of Yogananda, "Never give up."


With fond regards - Brian

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Yes, your story did bring a smile to my lips and my Heart.


I would pack as little as possible. A towel, a couple of changes of Western

clothing (which you will probably not wear until you leave Puttaparthi),

toiletries, a good sun hat, an alarm clock, a journal and perhaps some music

(music is also available at the ashram, but you might want to take a

portable cd player). The ashram sells lovely books at very cheap prices,

and they also sell appropriate white clothing for the men. Sandals are also

available and necessary--again very cheap. Other than that, I am hard put

to think of anything you need there. Women may have different needs,

including saris, but I will leave that for women to respond to.


Thank you for sharing your lovely story, and I am happy for you that God has

Blessed you with the chance to worship at His Divine Lotus Feet.


Sai Ram



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Hai Brian,

Good U r getting an unique opportunity to visit

Puttaparthi which means U r going as Baba has called U

in his midst. Some like me do not get an opportunity

many a times despite sincere efforts. Have a great

time in Baba's divine midst & get back safely. May

Baba bless U all. Jai sairam,

Balakrishna Abburi

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Soumendra Bhattacharjee <soumendra_toronto

Wed Oct 13, 2004 9:53pm

Re: [saibabanews] Packing for India


Destination Puttaparthi-


Brother Brian Sai Ram,


May yu have Darshan , Sparshan and Sambhasan from Lord Sai.


Have a safe journey.


Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavanthu.


Sai Ram






"Kay Pillay" <kay

Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:07am

RE: [saibabanews] Packing for India


Sai Ram Brain,


Thk u for the lovely post - may your visit to Swami be full of joy

and bliss.


Just a little note to your friend who is concerned about packing,

tell her not to worry, cos in the event of her forgetting or not

taking enough,


Swami, with all his compassion, has provided the most beautiful,

well equipped-( particularly for foreigners) , shopping centre,

where, she can acquire anything she needs, without leaving the

confines of the ashram. The items range from clothes,

toiletries,prepacked foods, groceries, musical,medication,

electrical items etc etc- Swami takes care of our many needs

always, even when we are closest to him.


Loving sai blessings,







saibabanews, "BrianSm88" <briansm88>



> Dear fellow Embodiments of Love,


> My wife and I are part of a group of five from No. California

> leaving this evening for Prashanti. We will be at the Lotus Feet

> for six blessed weeks. ..........

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