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Song of My Life by Jeannette Caruth. Chapters XXIII and XXIV. A thought

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Light and Love


The present chapters "Song of my life" are as a contemplation about Swami's

Omnipesent Cosmic Form, the Divine Will, purpose of sadhana and splendour of

creation of diverse forms what born through sufferings and difficulties -

inescapable states in this relative reality of Maya.



Your conversation with me keeps me aloft Its Flight carries me high

above the mundane structures of thought Its view shortens all distance and

shrinks time Bliss has transcended these concepts as beauteous

Non-Existence reveals Itself as Your Glorious Existence


Once again He speaks:

"Supremely wealthy are those who embrace poverty of the mind Mindful of

the Divine are the ones who have become mindless of the ego Attentively

alert they seek out only the Rich Food of All-ness Its inexhaustible Source

frees them from the burden of having to seek replenishment Contently

full they exist out of the Non-existence of My Existence and thereby

glorify My Formless State as well as My Form Duties - they have not

Actions - they are unaware of Opposites are equal to them Spontaneous

being is their Essence Perfectly timed is their timeless expression

Lively still - they ignite the still dullness in the dormant ones

They bring Melodious Silence to the clattering noise of the world Their

formless Love makes the Form of Love tangible Wondrous Glory of Being

present unceasingly everywhere at all times Holiness of Existence breathing

perpetually the perfection of balance Its sweet motion displaying the soft

swaying of Bliss generated by the awareness of the Motionless State The

certainty of this Being flows to all directions and covers the expanse

beyond every horizon Divine Embrace holding close the multitudes in Its

endless attempt to enfold Its Glorious Self This is the Sublime Play of the

One, Who though constantly immersed in His Depthless Love, yet created

a second as to celebrate more and more the Uniqueness of His One-ness

Nature The Ultimate Manifestation of Love No other reason for existence

there is Fullness of Love is My Nature Complete is My Purpose

Endless is My Expression Perfection in Self-ness

Splendorous Consciousness ever filling the Emptiness of Forms with the

Fullness of the Formless Love is My Reason, Love is My Purpose,

Love is My Expression All-pervading Consciousness is My Love Divine"





"We have talked for some time now and many have been My Words,"

He continues, "The echo of their sound has suffused your being and

now it is time for you to fully embrace these understandings I have come to

take you Home The Swift Flight to your Birthplace will bring you the needed

revelations I have carefully prepared you for this moment, cleansing

your senses with repeated actions of so-called spiritual practice Busily

thinking of how to exert yourself in various exercises I allowed you to

miss the truth about these endeavors Now I wish for you to understand it

clearly It has simply been My Desire that My Light shall submerge your

awareness This alone, My Desire, sets into action all your seeking,

all your praying, all your hoping Unmistakably this is the Announcement

of the Oncoming Birth The inevitability of the Flood of My Light In

actuality the efforts you make are no other than the labor pains a

mother-to-be has to endure before giving birth to new life She has no

choice in the matter Nature wishes for her to celebrate new life and

during the process of this emerging the labor pains are simply a


At no time during this evolution can she initiate the beginning of the

labor pains the length of their torment or the brilliant outcome of this

glorious event Likewise - it is Never your mind that decides to make

efforts, for the mind of its own accord does not have sufficient power

to propel such activities Sadhana is looked upon as an action prompted by a

mind-born conclusion in answer to the call of the aching heart for the

living touch of the Divine... and so -

the mind eagerly sets up various routines of disciplines and

enthusiastically starts to follow its rigorous pace in anticipation for a

concrete result in the abstract world of Light

O, I allow you to run with it, to polish it, to perfect it and I

let it take you a thousand places and let it tire your restless eager mind

I urge you to skip, tumble and fumble

until your strenuous effort loses its breath and finds peace in the

discovery of the inability to achieve ... the futility to reach the hoax of

doership And so finally I reveal to you the realistic purpose of sadhana:

it is the unveiling of the incorrigible incapability of the mind ...

And in your joyous laughter I drown its existence Now the concrete

surrenders to the abstract Your heart of Light swallows the stone of your

mind ...


This glorious discovery allows you to hear ever more clear My Call The

adopted harshness of your world made you forget that you have a Mother

Struggling through the morass of this sense-laden land you almost exhausted

the sensitivity to this Call for Truth ... but just like a mother I have

beseeched you again and again in an effort to stir your memory How

grateful one would be to find one's mother in the hour of distress

Similarly - but more profoundly so is the discovery of My ever-present

Presence Know that ... My Love in Her eagerness to Love has to be

everywhere therefore She is Formless so She can be with you always! Do

not turn away or pretend that you do not see Me


O, why, My child can you not be devoted to Me as I am to you ..?

Not one moment could I endure without thinking of you Always you are in My

Heart and I caress you with My Thought I pray, respond to Me,

relieve My Agony I have riveted My Eye upon you

and in supreme eagerness I await your loving glance, the gift of

your sweet heart and the surrender of your soul Please be Mine ..!

Never shall I give you up At times I become your stern Father reprimanding

you harshly so you will remember Me I don Myself with the garment of a

most compassionate Mother, overwhelming you with My inexplicable devotion

I walk by your side like the companionship of a constant friend dazzling

your mind with uninterrupted attention I pursue you with the persistence of

an abandoned lover who cannot erase the memories of sweet union

Incorrigible is My insistence!


Not much is left to say for Me, My child ... Let the Sound of My Words

subside for it is time to enter the Holy Silence of My Temple

of Love Divine"




Source: Jeannette Caruth. "Song of My Life: A Journey to the Feet of

Sathya Sai Baba." Published by Leela Press, 1996, 118 pages. ISBN: 0962983586

(new members, read please the note at the end of Chapter XVI).


A thought


"As close as you are to God, so close is God to you." Sathya Sai Baba


When more than a half of humanity acknowledge this truth, the real

spiritual evolution (revolution?) will happen and arrival the 'Golden Age'

turns to reality. However, all is the Divine Will and It as tested the humanity

to be ready for the development. However, the humanity is not ready for that

jet... The Lord is as an Observer and a Witness. Through humans' actions only,

the Divine Will realizes. The Lord waits patiently giving to the humanity many

opportunities and pinpointers to experience and realize the Divine Will what is

within anyone. It is not easy to recognize the Lord within today, as the darkest

time is before the dawn. Jeannette's as Swami's Messenger's verses give to

many readers a force and motivation to overcome the delusion of mind and to turn

the attention inward, into company with the Lord. "Song of My Life" is one of

the expressions of the Divine Will, what softly with love and melody of verses

try to shine in the hearts of its readers.

Namaste - Reet

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