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28th Anniversary of Kobe Sai Center, Japan

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28th Anniversary of Kobe Sai Center, Japan



Talk given Br Ram.Chugani

On 28th Anniversary of Kobe Centre

on 24th August 2003 at I.S.S. attendance abt 120/150 devotees.


Start with a prayer (Asato ma sat Gamaya)


My Dear Sai Family, Sai Ram,


Pranaams at the divine Lotus Of our Lord -- Bhagavan Sri Sathya sai

Baba , And my Pranaams to all the divine lights that I see before

me, my Sai Brothers and Sisters.


As I stand before you, in grateful appreciation of our Lord. And

once again, to celebrate the auspicious occasion of the 28th

anniversary of Kobe Sai center.


I am grateful to our Lord and all my colleagues, and The Japan Sai

family, for giving me an opportunity to serve in the Sai's mission.

I am grateful to our loving mentors and divine guides, our respected

Sri Indulal Shah and Brother Hira, who have helped us all, to

achieve the impossible.


Due to the good work of all past and present office bearers, active

and silent workers, and from a humble beginning, this Kobe center

has today reached the Milestone of our 28th Anniversary.


Puttaparthi, the holiest of holy places on Earth, has been

constantly giving Clarion calls to the world. And my first trip with

my family to see our Lord in Puttaparthi was in 1964. Not knowing

much about Swami, but only the burning desire to see our Lord.


It was an inner call and his magnetic pull, that took me from Japan

to Puttaparthi, thousand miles away where we found our beloved

Swami, who would lead us to the path, the path of enlightenment. It

was a touching experience. And how we can describe His divine glory

enveloping us in His flame of Love. After our first interview with

Swami, we were blessed to respond as we felt a strong urge to visit

Swami again and again to quench our thirst whenever we got a chance.

The Sai's charm was growing on us.


At the time of traveling…Journey from Bangalore to Puttaparthi was

very difficult. From Bukkapatnam, we had to travel few kilometers by

bullock cart on a mud road, full of pot-holes to reach Puttaparthi.

The journey took us 10 hours to reach Puttaparthi. It was difficult

and strange enough to pass these barren lands. As the roads were cut

in many places and no light on road, except the light from the

passing cars, rest was all darkness. The intense heat and fears of

robbers who can appear in stance movement, blocking road by keeping

trees at night in darkness, the driver told us. And every step of

journey was full of Fears, but remembering Swami and praying Him for

our safety.


Once we reached the vicinity of the divine valley, all the painful

endurance of the hard journey, was soon forgotten, and Swami's

blissful smile always echoed—A warm welcome by Prof Kasturi, I

remember clearly, and how Swami called us for our first interview.

Keeping his arm around my shoulder, the blissful moment of His love,

is printed in my heart forever.


>From that day onwards, my life completely changed---As I came into

the AURIC FIELD of our Lord Sai, And we somehow managed to form the

First Bhajan Group in 1973... Only a handful of devotees, seekers of

truth , and well-wishers, came together to become Sai Family. It was

all His Will. Baba saw the need and graced us with the inception of

this mandir to give shelter to his devotees under His umbrella of

divine love.


We were like birds, coming out of our shells, Learning to fly...

And Our first efforts were, (like the birds were), very feeble and

delicate... but as the time went by, the grace of our Lord made us

strong, and unshakable, and we were able to take off, by doing,

SEVA, educational and culture activities to serve His Mission.


But we learned a very Important lesson faith. "Faith have also

comes, by actually venturing with courage, and eventually making the

faith so strong, that it is LIKE a ROCK and unshakable. And once

that is achieved, than, there is no looking back…We must all learn

to live by FAITH.


The Sai Mission is moving now at a tremendous pace... And we all

have to learn to do more... We must all combine our efforts in

whatever capacity we can, and step right into our SAI work by

helping our assigned Senior Brothers and Sisters, in accomplishing

the task before us, with absolute faith and confidence and above all

in Unity.


We must all remember, by getting involved in the work of our LORD'S

Mission. We are in this way, getting an opportunity to bring about

our own transformation.


When I look back at my life, I see how fortunate I am, that I have

Sai with me, for all these years... The Avatar has come in Human

form to be with us, and relate to us by seeking His loving guidance.

We can make this life worthwhile, before this chance is slipped from

our hands.


My Lord Sai I will always cherish, the divine gift of your holy

association, and will forever be grateful to you, for being my

security for being the power and strength deep within me.


We must all look for our spiritual food for sustenance in our Lord

Sai and He will surely send us forth, refreshed and fully satisfied.


Our sincere wish should be to endeavor to serve that light for the

rest of the useful years allotted to us on earth to play a small

part in spreading knowledge of that light, to live and Love.


Jai Sai Ram




Source: http://sss340.tripod.com/kobe.htm


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