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Dear SaiRam Brothers and sisters,

I need a help.Our friend one Mrs.Lakshmi ,who is now in Pennisylvania,

wants to come to Kerala at the earliest.She had a hip fracture and is now

better.But she is afraid to travel to India alone.Is anyone planning to come to

Kerala?Do you know anyone coming to Kerala,India.It will be better if it is a

malayalee as this lady knows Malayalam and she will need assistance

whiletravelling.If so, please contact the following number--001-8146950187. She

is with her son Dr. Rajesh Subramanian.MD.

Ihope by Swami's grace,there will be someone to help her.

Thanking you and regards.

OMSAIRAM. Lalitha Sankar

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Sai Ram,

I fully agree with the sentiments expressed by

Meena Chintapalli in regard to Seva. In fact Swami

Himself has mentioned that the meaning of SERVICE lies

in the very letters they stand for. viz.,

S Be simple

E Enduring

R Respect

V Valiant ( Be valiant)

I Innovative

C Caring

E Ever Loving

Above all there should be no ego aspect nor expecting

something in return (selflessness). We have observed

the noble services rendered by people like Mother

Terresa & several others. One should treat service as

an opportunity and as a gift from GOD. Jai Sai Ram,

Balakrishna Abburi




--- saibabanews_webmaster <saibaba_news



> Kedar Chintapalli <mkchintapalli

> Tue Nov 2, 2004 11:32pm

> Re: [saibabanews] Sai Ram


> Sai Ram Chandran,

> Swami accepts any seva that is done with selfless love, for the cause to

> remove suffering in the person served, with 100% purity in your heart with

> no strings attached to that service.


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my beloved Saibrother Hareesh,

*enda ithra samsayam

ammaye vilikkan muhurtham nokkumo nammal

Bhagwannu aayiram amma marude snehamanennu paranjnal pora

sayee ennuvechal amma

baba enuuvichaal achanndre vilikelkum, tto

ottum vishamikenda

Bhagaval Sevayil Sajeevamayi pangukolluga

Bhagwan Hareeshne Anugrahikkatte*

( English traslation-

why are you in doubt

do look for an auspicious time to call your mother?

Bhagavan showers on us love of thousand mothers

if you call Sayee its mother

if you pray Baba its the Divne Father who would answer

do not worry

plunge into Sai Seva with full faith and vigour

Let Bhagwan Bless Hareesh




hareesh chandran wrote:


> Sai Ram

> I am Hareesh Chandran residing at Pathanamthitta, Kerala. I believe

> that i am a Sai devotee but i don't know whether Swami will approve

> that. ..........

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