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Fwd: Update on the search for Pia Awal's donor

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Praise Be unto our Swami His miracles are astounding! This is the latest up-

date on Pia Awal, former Bal Vikas student who was stricken with Leukemia. Her

transplant is scheduled on and around Swami's birthday!

Please dear Sai family keep her in your prayers. We know that our beloved Baba

is taking good care of her.

Lots of Prema and Shanti



Thu, 4 Nov 2004 2:33:26 PM Eastern Standard Time

Fwd: Update on the search for Pia =?ISO8859-1?B?QXdhbJJz?= donor =?ISO8859-1?...

jcavazos, Devakki3, Angelicpassage, ushatenali, prasan36,

SAIRAAM, jnjscher, Christine (Maharaj,Christine), NisairamDear


Here is the incredible news about Pia. Her transplant is fixed for on or around

November 23rd! If you have any email ids of others who need to be informed,

pls. send them to me. Thanking you all for your hard work and prayers, let us

continue our prayers and whatever efforts are possible for others waiting as

well as for Pia and others post-transplant. Best wishes, Veena



Update on the search for Pia =?ISO8859-1?B?QXdhbJJz?= donor =?ISO8859-1?B?bWF0Y2iF?=

Thu, 4 Nov 2004 1:26:33 -0500

This message is very dear and true to both Pia and I. As we started this

journey, we never would have imagined the outpour of everyone’s commitment in

making a difference for this cause and us. As we carefully educate individuals

who want to make a difference in saving someone’s life by being a potential

donor match, we hope that these individuals will also be committed and available

to donate stem cells/bone marrow when called upon.


Well our dream has come true, Pia has a donor match. Not just any match, but an

identical match…it sounds too good to be true, but we defeated the odds against

us. You see our chance for a match was 1 in 20,000 to 1 in a 100,000. Let

alone 1 in a million for an identical match. I would like to personally thank

everyone of you for all your sacrifices you made over the last 14 weeks for our

cause, let alone the sheer dedication commitment you’ve made to Pia and all the

other patients that need HOPE to get them through to the next day.


There was an individual who once told me early on that “Don’t hold your breath,

as you will never find a match. You haven’t found one in two years, so why do

you think you will find one now” said a certain NMDP representative. Well, no

hard feelings, but my reply today is “ You should get to know my community

better, see what we see, feel what we feel”.


At matchpia.org, our strategy, was to launch a very effective campaign that can

touch everyone emotionally, whether you are a male or a female, a Hindu, Muslim,

Sikh or Christian in our South Asian community. It doesn’t matter anymore, as

the barriers of religion, needed to be broken-down in order to save lives in our

community. Now the only thing that matters, is the compassion for HUMANITY, and

all our commitment to sustain it.


As we enter this next phase of treatment, we are very cautious, as we have only

addressed 2 of the 4 essential steps of this journey (1. Find a donor, 2.

Convince that donor to donate, 3. Survive the transplant, and 4. Post transplant

survival), we have so far accomplished steps 1 and 2.


So, as we continue to thank you all, we would like to share two themes about our

community that was so evident in our campaign.


1) Total “act of kindness by strangers”…so many of you didn’t even know us or

had a clue on what to do, and how to do it, but were kind enough to give us a

chance to provide you an understanding of how to do a donor drive…you took a

chance on us…complete strangers whom you did not know.

2) The notion “If you educate Humanity, Humanity will rise to the

occasion”…this campaign has demonstrated that once people were educated on what

bone marrow is, and the process involved to save a LIFE…the choice is simple.


So what’s next, well Pia and I thought long and hard what to do, and we decided

to continue our efforts with Matchpia.org, in bringing awareness on the

importance of getting members of our South Asian Community tested. You see,

complete strangers took a chance on us, and we will continue to do the same for

all the other 35 South Asian patients (I personally speak to about 8 of the

families everyday). As you view our website, you may have noticed that we have

recruited 12, 442 donors, in 188 donor drives, in 83 cites, in 14 weeks….

according to the NMDP, that will facilitate 6 South Asian transplants a year for

the next 10 years.


So we are so proud of each and everyone of you who joined our campaign, whether

you volunteered for the day, spread the news to your friends and family or got

tested at a drive…YOU MADE A DIFFERENCE for Pia and all the other 35 South Asian



On a final, but a very important note, I would like to encourage everyone of you

to join our efforts in enabling our campaign to continue, so far we have

personally spent over $83, 846 to support the marketing efforts and donor drives

for this campaign. A few weeks ago, we have started the “South Asian Marrow

Foundation Fund”, with the Marrow Foundation in Washington, DC. Now anyone can

contribute to this fund and get a charitable tax deduction (tax exempt #

41-1704734), as our fund is housed under the Marrow Foundation tax-exempt



The proceeds of the funds will enable us to conduct MORE donor drives in the

South Asian Community, defray some of the additional tissue typing cost related

to further testing for patients and some of the additional expenses in finding

donor matches for South Asian patients. Please help us to raise the funds we

need to effectively continue this campaign (if you have a matching program at

your employer for charitable contributions, please let your HR manager you want

the funds to be matched to the “South Asian Marrow Foundation”).


Again, thank you so much for all your kind generosity, determination and

sacrifices for the last 14 weeks. All your efforts allowed Pia to get her “one

in a million chance”, at a miracle.



Tim & Pia




If you no longer wish to receive updates from Matchpia.org, please reply to this

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Akkanna_Pragada Anantha_Vijaya <aavijaya

Fri Nov 5, 2004 0:55am

Re: [saibabanews] Fwd: Update on the search for Pia Awal's



Sai Ram


Pia Awal is a Bal Vikas student i.e. chosen girl of Swami.

I am quite sure Swami is going to do the needful. Our

Prayers are always there for Pi Awal. Swami will give

out definately as his birthday gift a good health for Pia.





Fri Nov 5, 2004 9:00am

Re: [saibabanews] Fwd: Update on the search for Pia Awal's



Dear Moderator


I am delighted to learn today that a perfect match has been found

for Pia and a transplant is schdeuled for 23rd November 2004. What

more one can ask from our Beloved Swami on his Birthday. Now that

Pia will have been granted new lease of life, the mission should not

stop here but using her as an example efforts should continue to

raise awareness and encourage more donors to register. We in Sri

Sathya Sai Service Organisation the UK have been doing just this for

last 4 years and 10 months. I would request you to contact Sai

Organisation in USA and adopt this as a National Service Project.

After all what else one could offer to SAI other than a Lease of

Life to someone unknown to oneself.


Sai Ram

Bharat Handa


Sri Sathya Sai Leukemia Awareness Programme (SSSLAP) UK

Accountants & Tax Consultants (UK)

01895 257027/01895 237091 (Fax)




singsong <bakulat

Fri Nov 5, 2004 10:58am

Re: [saibabanews] Fwd: Update on the search for Pia Awal's



This is the most heart touching news! Thank you swami. Pia will be

well with swami's grace.

Love and light...of course she will be in our hearts and prayers on

the day.

Love, bakula








saibabanews, Devakki3@c... wrote:

> Praise Be unto our Swami His miracles are astounding! This is the

latest up- date on Pia Awal, former Bal Vikas student who was

stricken with Leukemia. Her transplant is scheduled on and around

Swami's birthday!


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I am overjoyed to hear about Pia's donor. By Swami's grace, her operation

should go smoothly and she can begin her new life.


God is Great but having faith in God is even greater.


Sai Ram and God's grace to Pia and family and the donor.


Sai's love to one and all




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