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My own Personal Experiences - Part 2: Prof Anil Kumar

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Anil Kumar's Sunday Satsang at Prasanthi Nilayam

December 8, 2002

My Personal Experiences

Part Two







Sai Ram.


With Pranams at the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan,


Dear Brothers and Sisters!


Sharing Some More Experiences


Today I'll divide my talk into two sections. In the first section,

due to the request of some friends, I'll share with you more of my

experiences. In the second part, we'll have questions and answers.


It was back on the 25th of October that I shared with you Part One of

my personal experiences. I thought that was the end of the matter.

But I have received a series of letters and demands, (Laughter)

saying that you want to know more of my personal experiences.


Really, I love to do it, except for the simple fact that I'm afraid

that people may mistake this as some sort of advertisement or

publicity-seeking, which I'm totally against. But because of the

spiritual pestering from my friends, I'll share certain experiences

with you this morning.


As I said in my last lecture on October 25th , I was in a period

of 'exile', receiving total silence from Bhagavan, without any

recognition of this human being by the name of Anil Kumar (Laughter).

For seven to eight long years, I was non-existent, a non-entity, and

almost in a vacuum wherever I sat. It went on for a very long period -

from seven to eight years. Later in the talk on October 25th, I

mentioned how things went following this long period of waiting.


Very Busy Teaching Students


During that long period of waiting, certain things happened

mysteriously, which were not understandable, beyond all explanation

and expectation. It was the year 1975 when I was very, very busy

during the summer teaching. I was preparing students for the medical

entrance examination, which is an annual feature. During this period,

we make some money too – unaccounted for, so it is all the more

welcomed! (Laughter)


I was extremely busy preparing students until 10 o'clock at night.

The program commenced at 6:30 in the morning, and went on until 10

PM. It depended upon the star value of the person, the magnitude of

attraction and presentation, to the taste of the students. Depending

upon the demand, you would be given as much workload as possible.

There were times when I taught for 13 hours a day because the star

value was such.


An Interview Conducted By Rotary International


Here it was the last hour, around 9.45 PM or so. Suddenly, I received

a message from some of my friends, asking me to appear for an

interview at 10 o'clock in the night. What interview I did not know.

I said, "I shall meet you afterwards."


But they all went and met the Principal, C.V.N. Dhun, of a reputed

college by the name of Ravi Tutor College at Guntur.


The Principal himself came and said, "I could not risk my reputation

when your friends came here. Better you cancel this class and oblige



Then I asked my friends, "What is it that you want of me?"


They said, "An interview is going on. You should appear for that



"What interview? What am I supposed to do?"


They did not tell me. They pushed me into a big building very close

to this college. Finally I found out that it was an interview

conducted by Rotary International, which selects a team of five every

year to go abroad to study the social and educational aspects of that

country. The visiting team is called the Group Study Exchange

program, GSE. Under the GSE program, five are selected every year --

one representing agriculture, one representing engineering, one

representing medicine, one representing education, and so on -- one

from each walk of life. Except for the condition that you cannot be

related to members of the Rotary Club, it is an open competition.


Well, I didn't have face powder; I had chalk powder instead, having

taught until 10 o'clock that night. You can imagine me - my

personality - at 10 PM: totally tired, after having taught 13 hours

that day. As I could not say 'no' to my friends, somehow I went

inside. My turn was last, as interviews had started at 8 o'clock.

Good! I could say 'goodbye' to them and run away from there!


Well, when I went in there, the President, who happened to be a

doctor, a secretary, and a senior lawyer said, "We don't have to ask

you any questions."


"Then why did you call me for an interview?" (Laughter)


They said, "It is just a formality. Our children are your students,

so you were selected at the regional level."


I simply laughed at them, "Oh, things go like that? Okay!"


The next morning, they sent me an application form to fill out --

selection first, application next -- just the reverse order.

(Laughter) That's how Sai started working in His own way.


Going To The Final Interview At Hyderabad


Then I was to appear for the final interview in Hyderabad at the

Riggs Hotel, one of the prestigious hotels in those days. Later, many

other costly hotels were built. But in those days, Riggs was the



Somehow I was tempted to attend the final interview that included

contestants from three states. The interview spread over five days.

Many people attended. Somehow I simply decided to attend the

interview. But I had no time to prepare or read anything because of

my tight schedule, teaching botany to my students and preparing them

for the medical entrance examination. The number of seats that my

students would get would decide my fate for the next year. (Laughter)

Therefore, I had to be very, very careful, and highly competitive.


As I sat in the train, which was speeding up towards Hyderabad, I saw

many youngsters preparing for the interview. I found out that I was

the only married man with four children, while many of the others

were eligible bachelors. Anyway, I was just relaxing because there

was no investment. There was neither profit nor loss. Since I had not

prepared for anything, there was nothing to lose!


Having just come into the Sai fold, being in that fresh period, I was

humming Sai bhajans, as most of us do. I never realised that I would

be disturbing some of these people who were preparing for the

examination. (Laughter) One or two got down from their berths and

gave me some books to prepare with. (Laughter) They did not ask me

not to sing. In a polite, refined, cultured way, they wanted me to

read instead of sing. (Laughter) Maybe it was for two reasons: my

voice was not that good, and they could not concentrate.


Then I realised my mistake and said, "What are the books you are

giving me?" The title of one book was "India, Who is Who?" That book

is published every year. It covers all the latest developments in the

country, plus national and international coverage of personalities

figuring in the newspapers, particularly on the front page. Expecting

that questions would be asked on this, some people were preparing. As

one chap completed reading that, he passed it on to me. Another man

gave me "Manorama", which also covers all the latest developments.


Because I was sufficiently matured, I told these gentlemen, "I

understand your problem. I am disturbing you. Don't worry. I have

nothing to read because I have never read anything along these lines

to prepare for an interview. So why should I read them now?

Either "India Today" (a popular national magazine), India yesterday

or India tomorrow, India is India. I have no time to read. Please

leave me alone," I said. (Laughter) They were happy with my silence.


Anyhow, a cardio-paediatric surgeon, a doctor by the name of

Balakrishna Murthi, who deals with the heart ailments of children,

was sitting just opposite me along with his daughter. His daughter

was staring at me, I didn't know why. I told her and her father, "I'm

not a mad person. (Laughter) I'm not going to bite you. After all,

I'm just humming some Sai bhajans. Don't be afraid of me." They just



Little did she realize that after three or four years, she would

become my student. Now she's happily married and settled in the USA.

Even to this day, whenever they happen to see me, they laugh

wholeheartedly recalling my comments that I was not a madcap. So,

that was the situation.

Nothing To Lose Or Gain


Another gentleman, an elderly man, very well known to me, came and

said, "What is it you are doing? Why don't you read? I appeared for

this interview last year and the year before last. I was not

selected. It calls for preparation. Then why are you doing like this?"


I told him, "My sister lives in Hyderabad. They sent an invitation,

asking me to attend their house-warming function, which I could not

attend because of a busy medical entrance coaching program. Now, in

the name of this interview, as a plea, I'll go and have nothing to

lose or gain. Sir, please busy yourself, I pray that you be

selected." And thus I silenced him.


Then I got ready to appear for the interview. My wedding suit was

still so nice in those days (Laughter). I picked up that dark blue-

coloured suit with an orange-coloured shirt, a dark blue tie with

stars on it, and well-polished shoes with spray applied. I then went

to Hotel Riggs, where I was to appear for the interview.


The Questions Put To Them


Many youngsters, after completing their interview, were talking among

themselves about the questions they were asked. Because of curiosity,

I wanted to know the questions, though I had no answers for any of



It was the year when India launched a space research project

called "Arya Bhatta", which landed a space satellite. People were

asked some questions relating to "Arya Bhatta" -- about the launching

of this satellite by Indian scientists. I was wondering, "If that

question was asked of me, what answer would I give?" A nice big zero!



Some other gentleman was asked a question about a treaty between

India and the Soviet Union. This was a time when India and the Soviet

Union had entered into an agreement. "India, being a non-aligned

country, how was it that it could enter into a treaty with the USSR?"

That was the question. I didn't know that there was an agreement at

all, let alone justifying it! (Laughter)


It was also a time when a very big person, a big black marketer, was

arrested. There had been a thorough search all over the country.

Ultimately, the government succeeded in arresting him. Some questions

were asked about that. I didn't know such a gunda (bandit) existed,

nor did I know about the subsequent arrest of that person.


It was also the time of a national emergency declared by Indra

Gandhi, who happened to be the Prime Minister. There were some

questions on this. "India, being a secular, sovereign, democratic

republic, how could a state of emergency (which is not a democratic

act) be declared in this country?" Well, emergency or non-emergency,

I wasn't bothered because I just did my duty. I'm the least affected,

being a teacher, by emergencies. Maybe those in the field of politics

are affected by an emergency. But most of us are employees. We are

not at all affected. So there's nothing to worry about. But I had no

answer, if the same question were asked of me.


I prayed a silent prayer to Baba: "Swami, see that I'm not exposed to

such questions." (Laughter)

"Swami, Save me From Insult!"


My second prayer was this: "Let them not ask certain questions of

general knowledge such as, 'What is the capital of Norway, of Sweden,

of Denmark, of Guatemala, or of Argentina?' (Laughter) I may not have

immediate answers."


"Once they know that I am a student of biology, don't have them

ask, 'Name a frog without a tail. Name the frog with a tail, with a

head, and without a head.' Finally, lifting their eyebrows, I'm

afraid they may say, 'What kind of teacher are you if you do not know

these things?' My job would be in disrepute. I would be defamed, and

I'd feel personally insulted if such questions were asked of me."


"Swami, save me from that insult and save my job as a professor, so

that we will not be a laughing-stalk in the sight of the public,

particularly the members of the interview board."


Anyway I went and sat relaxed, cross-legged, with my arm on the chair

behind, totally free, because I had nothing to lose and nothing to

gain. (Laughter) I was fully aware that I was speaking in the Divine

Presence of Baba, not only there, but here in your hearts, too. And

everything is subject to verification at any moment because Bhagavan

is a silent listener to every one of our conversations. I have had

many bitter experiences too, in this regard. (Laughter) He gives no

scope for any exaggeration or under-estimation, but only statements

based on facts and not fiction.


All Questions Centred Around Sai Literature Only


So, in full understanding of this, I'm telling you -- believe me or

not – all the questions were centred only on Sai literature!

(Exclamations of "Oh!" from the audience, and applause) That's all!

In my bio-data, there was no mention of Sathya Sai Baba -- nothing

whatsoever! Yet all the questions were on Sai literature.


That period I was fresh to the Sai movement, and was very familiar

with Sai literature. Going around to every village (in Andhra Pradesh

state) in those years, I was quite conversant with the teachings of

Sai. So I could answer every question. I think you'll be interested

to know some of those questions. They will be of interest to every

one of you.


There were 12 members of the Rotary International -- past district

governors, who asked these questions, one-by-one. It was something

like Abhimanya surrounded by so many people in Padmavyuha (a

formidable military formation) – such was the interview hall.


"God Is One And The Same"


The first question asked was this: "India is thickly populated, not

only with people, but also with many gods. How do you justify the

number of gods and the number of people there are in your country?"

That was the first question.


The answer was quickly available from Sai literature, which Bhagavan

prompted from within. What did Bhagavan say in this direction? "There

may be many different names and forms of Divinity, based on our likes

and dislikes and on our whims and fancies; based on our intensity of

devotion and on our concentration. The names and forms may be varied,

but Divinity is One and the same. You may give Him any name, but God

is One and the same. You may think of any form, but He's the same."

That's what I said, just as I also quoted Bhagavan's famous poem:


Flowers are many, but worship is one.


Forms are many, but God is One.


Cows are many, but milk is one.


Jewels are many, but gold is one.


Paths are many, but goal is one.


I repeated the famous quotation, and they seemed to have been



"It All Depends On You"


Then came the second question: "If God is the same, why is one God so

tall, like Rama, while one god is so short, like Ganesha? (Laughter)

Why should there be differences in the height of the gods, if all are

the same God?"


The answer was also available from Sai teachings. I remembered very

well Bhagavan saying that you get your dress stitched according to

your measurements. You don't wear the same shirt as the one worn by

King Kong! (Laughter) No! Or you don't give your shirt to that boxer

man. A shirt for a thin man cannot be given to a fat man. You cannot

wear a shirt stitched for a fat man because three of you could fit

into it! So, a garment or a dress is made as per your measurements.


Similarly, depending upon your choice, depending upon your

temperament, depending upon your background, your level of

comprehension, understanding and experience, the deity is designed in

that form. Some can easily concentrate on Rama. Some can concentrate

on Krishna. So it all depends on you. That was the second answer.


"You May Give Any Name Or Form"


Then came the third question: "If that's so, why should there be so

many names? How can there be Siva? How can there be Rama, or Krishna,

or Durga, or Lakshmi? Why so many names? Why?" That was the third



Bhagavan had given an example: It seems on one day, a hotel-keeper

and a medical shop owner both got headaches on the same day. The

medical shop fellow went to the hotel for a cup of coffee. The hotel-

keeper went to the medical shop for a pill or a tablet. So he had

faith in the tablet. This other man had faith in the cup of coffee.

Both of them had a total cure of their headaches.


Similarly, you may give any name or any form to God. Water is called

neeru in Telugu. In Sanskrit, you may call it vaari; in Hindi, paani;

in Tamil, tanni; but the water, H2O, continues to be the same.

That's the example given by Baba, which I could also give because of

His Divine Grace.


Vast Spiritual Literature



Then there was a question like this: "India, being the land of rich

spiritual cultural heritage, how is it there is illiteracy? How is it

there's poverty? How is it there is corruption? Why? What answer can

you give?"


There was an answer, which I thought of at that moment. What did Baba

say? "Where do you find the doctor? You find the doctor where there

are patients. So, you get what you really seek. There are several

countries that have sought physical comforts -- countries that want a

daily life full of comfort and conveniences, luxury and extravagancy.

But Bharath has always been in search of God. This country has always

been in search of the experience of Divinity. There has been a

constant search for this by sages and saints, seers, aspirants and



"There is so much spiritual knowledge today. In addition to four

Vedas, you have 108 Upanishads, 18 epics, Brahma Sutras and Yoga

Vasishta. So much vast spiritual literature has grown in this country

because of the selfless service and the penance undertaken by sages

in those days for the welfare of mankind. They prayed for the

progress of mankind without any trace of selfishness. So,

spirituality has grown here, not the electronic gadgets, not the

physical, mundane comforts and requirements." That answer seemed to

have satisfied those people.


50% Answered


Then came a final question, which was really amazing -- nay,

unbelievable! "Who is the Prime Minister of Israel?" (Laughter) This

question had nothing to do with the questions asked before. Well, I

had to put on a blank face. I fully realised at that moment that

Bhagavan was telling me from within, "All these questions I made them

ask you. Now you tell how much you know! (Laughter) Come out of your

emptiness and nothingness. I am exposing you now."


"Swami, it is a serious test! I am not such a fool to think that it

is for my glory. I'm not so stupid to think that I am a wise man. No!

I know every second that You have been prompting me."


Then immediately I said, "Sir, I know Goldameir has been the Prime

Minister of Israel until now. Now she is out of power. A man has come

in her place whose name I do not remember." (Laughter) Then one of

the persons said, "50% answered. You can go." (Laughter)


My situation was like a child in elementary school, who runs out of

school hearing the final bell, carrying his bag of books, running

happily! I was so happy and gay, dancing, coming out of the interview

hall because nothing had happened to me. Nothing happened to my

prestige whatsoever. Then I returned home happily, not expecting



There was some pressure from my friends, who were asking me to find

out the results. I was afraid to find out the results because I was

not prepared to accept failure. Success I didn't expect. There were

no expectations at all. I thought to myself, 'Let things come in

their own time, but let me not advance it.'


I said, "I'm not going to find out. No!"


Why? Because I had made no preparation, no investment and no training.


"Leave me alone," I said.


I Stood First!


After a month, the results were announced. I stood first on the list

of people selected to go to Southern Indiana in the United States

that year. I have been to a lot of places in the United States: (in

Indiana) Brazil, Corydon, Alora, Columbus, Indianapolis, New Albany,

and Terrehaute. All those places I have visited under the courtesy of

the Rotary International.


After my return home, I received a letter stating: "You are to attend

a meeting where you will be given some training before you go to the

United States. We will give you some training on how to answer

questions, how to meet people, and on certain requirements."


Suddenly, on the day of the training, the college where I was working

was to have the College Annual Day Celebration. I went to the

Principal, Dr. Isaac, at that time, and told him, "Sir, kindly grant

me leave on that day, so that I can attend the training before I go



That man immediately said, "Who are they to give you training? I will

give you training here!" (Laughter)


"Sir, when they are spending their money, how can you give me

training here?"


He said, "Nothing doing. It happens to be the College Anniversary

Day. Therefore, I cannot grant you leave."


I said, "The College Anniversary is not based on me, Sir. The college

has 5,000 students and 300 faculty members . I don't think that

anything would happen if I go on leave."


He said, "Nothing doing!"


Then I returned home and prayed to Baba, looking at His

picture: "Baba, You are really fantastic. You made me stand first in

the list, and now I am the last to go. Whether I can go or not, I do

not know. But anyway, it is a question of Your prestige and Your

Name -- nothing to do with me, please remember! (Laughter) Because

You selected me, alright, You take the credit or discredit. The whole

world knows that I had not made any preparation. So what do I care

about it?"


College Anniversary Is Postponed


The invitations for the College Anniversary were ready and sent.

Refreshments were also ready. Students were given badges. All the

preparations for the College Annual Celebration were ready. Collector

Chandrayya, an IAS officer, was to be the chief guest.

Please believe me. This is subject to verification because I'm giving

the date and also the names of the people involved. I'm not here to

concoct or fabricate or imagine. I'm against such silly things. I'm

giving you all the details, being a student of science. Just 24 hours

before the Annual College Day, the Principal, Dr. Isaac, came to me

and said, "Anil Kumar, please leave this place tonight." (Laughter)


I said, "Sir, why do you want me, to go? You said you wouldn't grant

me personal time-off. You didn't want to give me personal time-off!

Why do you want me to go?"


He said, "The College Anniversary is postponed."


It was a college of 100 years standing. Now it must be 130 years --

one of the oldest premier institutions in the State of Andhra

Pradesh, managed and monitored by the Lutheran Church of America. It

is a very big college. The College Anniversary had never been

postponed in all of its history.


Our Baba is an excellent manager and a manipulator! (Laughter) He had

just got the Anniversary postponed for one bloke by the name of Anil



The Five Of Us


So, I went there, attended the meeting, and everything was checked

for my travel to the United Sates. I met my other colleagues, who

were eligible bachelors, quite handsome, occupying very high

positions, coming from medicine and engineering fields. I was the

only non-gazetted government officer with four children. So, what was

to be done?


They were talking among themselves about what they would do in the

United States. Finally, one of them ventured to ask me, "Anil Kumar,

would you like to have a sip of alcohol?"


I said I would like to have any number of sips of coffee, but not



Everybody laughed at me and said, "Five of us are going, but only

four will be returning."


They thought that once I was over there, I'd be finished (Laughter)

They said, "Do you eat meat or anything like that?"


"No, no, no, I'm a total vegetarian."


Just like that, I became an untouchable among the five of us!

(Laughter) A Godforsaken creature! Nobody was prepared to talk to me

or exchange any views because there was nothing in common.


Once we were there, oh! There were so many things that were served to

us! But there was nothing for me to eat. Though I mentioned that I

was a vegetarian, what is it that they brought for me to eat ? Boiled

potatoes made into chutney, like a paste. (No doubt Anil Kumar means

mashed potatoes.)


They said, "This is vegetarian. Why don't you eat it?"


Ah-re! Potato is no doubt vegetarian, but I don't eat it that way,

made into a paste or gum like that! So I didn't relish it, but

courtesy made me silent. I wore a broad smile on my face, "Fine,

fine, this much is enough."


But smart people they are, the Rotarians! The USA is a great country

of hospitality. The United States of America is a country where there

is the synthesis of religions. They are ready to invite new

ideologies. It is a country of friendship, where the people are full

of smiling faces.


They could understand my diet problem, and at the next session, I had

a number of things like peanuts, cashew nuts, ice crèmes, cakes,

biscuits, and so many such things! While the non-vegetarians had only

one or two dishes, I had so many. (Laughter). I was more energetic

than all of them, even without eating rice.


Pets Were Pestering Me


All right, I was quite fine. But here's another thing that I should

also share with you, though it is quite embarrassing. I'm not used to

pets, like dogs and cats -- no. At the residence of every American,

to my surprise, I noticed these pets, these dogs and cats,

everywhere. I used to check to see if my room were dog-free or cat-

free. (Laughter) Only then would I go into the room!


Unfortunately, at 11 o'clock in the night, I heard some sound --

"Purr, purr" -- like that. (Laughter) What happened? Immediately I

got up. I noticed one cat under my cot. (Laughter) I shouted to my

American friend. He came in immediately. "Anil Kumar, what happened?"


"Ah-re, what is this cat? Please take it out!"


"No, no, Anil Kumar! It is a Burmese cat -- so sweet!"


I said, "No! Burmese or Chinese, I don't want it here! (Laughter)

Please take it out. I can't sleep!"


That was the only problem I had.


I also remember in New Albany something happened. A gentleman

introduced me to his sons. "Oh, Mr. Anil Kumar, here is David and

Nelson." All that was fine. Finally he said, "Caesar, come along!"


I thought Caesar was a third son. Caesar was the name of their dog,

and he was my size (Laughter) and ready to climb up on me like an

expert in mountaineering! I am not Mount Everest -- to be climbed

upon! I was very much afraid.


This man said, "Say hello, Anil Kumar! Caesar is very friendly!"


"Sir, I'm not friendly. Please!" (Laughter)




As my legs were trembling, well, the dog came closer and closer, and

then started touching me.


"Sir, would you like me alive or not? Please take it away!"


That was my problem, and I didn't know what to do. I was about to

move to the next place -- some other residence. Instead of being

curious about the family with whom I was supposed to live, I was

curious about the pets there (Laughter) because the pets were

pestering me! Well, I had no alternative.


So, helplessly I told the gentleman, "This is my problem."


Then they started taking care of their pets and made me quite

comfortable -- such kind, nice people.


Singing Baba's Bhajans


Then one day, while speeding along in the car, I was just singing

Baba's bhajans and the American thought something was happening to

me. He said, "What's wrong with you?" (Laughter)


Well, I said, "Nothing is wrong with me. I'm quite hale and healthy,

and I hope to live for a couple more years! But the thing is, I'm

humming Indian bhajan songs -- Indian hymns or prayer songs."


The American said, "Would you do it at my residence this evening?"


I had been waiting for that opportunity! I said that I would be happy

to and would also give them the English translation to the songs. But

only on one condition -- they should invite their friends also. They

should not restrict this to only their family."


He said, "OK. Why not?"


Every day they invited their family and friends in the neighbourhood

to come. The result was that 30 or 40 attended the Rotary meetings

and 300 or 400 attended my evening bhajan programs! (Laughter) Since

that day, I became more and more popular. I was the 'most wanted'

person – 'most wanted' in a desirable way.


Interviewed by The TV People


The TV people and news reporters also interviewed us. My other Indian

friends were in search of good cameras and other things. I did not

have any kind of desire like that. I had a deep feeling that Swami

had sent me and that I should speak about Him everywhere. That was my

only mission. I had no other desire.


"How Is It You Don't Eat Beef In India?"




Some questions were put to us like this: "Why is it that you don't

eat beef in India?"


Well, I could not answer straightaway because there were five of us

seated in the television studio. One man said, "We don't eat beef.

Cows are sacred."


Then they asked another man, "Why are you eating beef here?"



They were all very intelligent fellows. The third fellow

said, "Indian cows are sacred, not other cows!" (Laughter)


Then I raised my hand and said, "Sir, I'll give you the answer. That

was just a kind of joke -- that American cows are not sacred, no.

Cows are sacred, revered like a mother. There are many we revere like

a mother. One is the Motherland, Desha Matha. Another is Mother

Earth, Bhu Matha. The third one is Go Matha, the cow, as mother. A

fourth is the Scripture, Veda Matha. These four are respected, adored

and worshipped like the mother. That's all."


"Oh, that seems to be sensible," someone said.


"How Is It There Aren't divorces In India?"


Then they asked another question: "How is it that there are no

divorces in India? How is it that you live with the same person

throughout your lifetime, even though you don't agree?"


One man, by the name of Raj Kumar, was newly married. He was working

in the Union Corporation. He gave the answer: "Why marry a number of

times? You have to sit in front of a fire and smoke for long hours!

(Laughter) We don't want that tedious process to happen again and

again!" (Laughter)


Another man said, "Marriage is an expensive process. Why pay for it

more than once? We don't want to."


They all enjoyed these jokes. I said, "Sir, there is an answer.

Marriage is only an institution. Marriage is only a vehicle. Marriage

is only a transport to move from one end to the other end, to move

from one shore to the other -- the shore of life on earth to the

shore of life thereafter. I travel by car, but I don't live in the

car. I go across the bridge, but I don't stay there on the bridge my

whole life. So, marriage is an institution -- like a bridge, like a

boat, like a ship -- taking you from the shore of this life to the

life thereafter, to Eternity and Immortality."


That seemed to have been satisfactory to them.


"How Is It there Is A God Who Wants Human Hair?"


There was another question, "How is it that there is a god in your

country who wants human hair?" They meant Lord Venkateswara of






Another person laughed and said, "God can grow hair by Himself! Why

does He want your hair?"


A very pertinent question! Bhagavan spoke about this a long time ago.

The answer is simple and straight.


Bhagavan said, "Hair symbolizes animality or the bestial temperament,

the thamasic quality, the darkness of ignorance. When you remove your

hair, when you offer your hair, you make an attempt to be free from

the thamasic quality of dullness, of ignorance, of darkness, or

ignorance of the Self. That's why the hair is offered."


"Secondly, if anyone stands in front of the mirror just combing his

hair, everyone thinks that he is a film star -- most handsome, though

the next person tells him, 'You are not.' It is very different if one

is ugly when standing in front of the mirror. So once you offer your

hair, there is no more decoration, no more attempt to look

handsome. 'I disfigure myself.' This is self-effacement. There is

nothing like projection. This is the symbolic expression of offering

hair to God."


This made some sense to them. Somehow we came out of that television

program and all of them seemed to have been satisfied with the

answers. So, we began to disperse back to our destinations.


A Bag Of Pickles


The others, being rich, wanted to stop on the way back and visit

London, Amsterdam, and other places with the extra money in their

pockets. Since I was a teacher, I did not carry anything at that



I was to visit a close relation there. My father-in-law gave me a big

bag of Andhra pickles, hot stuff, to be handed over to her.

(Laughter) I was carrying this bag for one month -- a horrible

burden! The American brothers were good to me. The sisters over there

didn't allow me to carry anything. They carried all the things for

me. It must have been a headache for them to carry this big package

of Andhra pickles, such hot stuff. It will help you to land on the

moon straightaway -- straightaway, with no expenditure! (Laughter)

One mango pickle, one piece is enough -- you can try this afternoon!

(Laughter) Of course, you should write your will in advance!



So, I was carrying these pickles all along. But how was I to reach my

relatives? When all my friends had dispersed, the Rotary governor,

someone named Clark who lived in New Albany, came and said, "Anil

Kumar, what are your plans now?"


I said, "I have no plans except to go home."


He said, "What is this bag?"


"That bag is full of pickles, which I have to hand over to my





"Where are they?"


I gave their address.


"How do you plan to go?"


International Sai Service


Should I say that I didn't have enough dollars to get there? Or

should I tell them, 'You fund my trip'? I didn't say anything.

"I don't think I have sufficient time to go there. I'll just bring

the pickles back."


Then he said, "No, no, your tickets and visa will enable you to stay

here for some more time. Why do you want to leave like that? No!

We'll see that you get to see your relations there."


They were staying in Hamden, Virginia. Immediately they made all the

flight reservations. My other friends were traveling by the Greyhound

bus service. Being sent by Sai International, Inter-continental Sai

service, I could fly all the way on Northwest Airlines, without a

single paisa (penny) in my pocket, through the courtesy of Rotary

International, unasked and unsolicited.


They also telephoned my relations and told them that Anil Kumar had

taught them many things about India, Indian philosophy and culture,

and that they wanted to visit that country some day. They said that

it had been an honour to have me there. They asked my relations to

please be there at the airport half an hour before my arrival time to

receive me. Then they put down the receiver. (Laughter)


By the time I landed there, my relations were waiting for me as if

they were receiving Clinton or Bush! (Laughter) That is the dignity

and the position one has with Sai's Grace, which has impressed me

very much.


The College Declared A Holiday


That is how my trip went. After my return, I was obligated to go

around to different Rotary clubs in India and share my experiences.

Many people don't do that because they don't travel everywhere here.

But I wanted to go everywhere because that gave me an opportunity to

share the Grace Bhagavan Baba showered upon me with everybody, along

with spreading Sai's message everywhere.


It so happened that I was invited to speak by the Rotary Club in

Nagpur. Eduljee was the Rotary governor. I addressed Nagpur

University and the official Rotary Club and shared my experiences.


I began my return journey. I was traveling by Dakshin Express, which

was to connect with another express. Due to my bad luck, Dakshin

Express was running late. I could not report to the college in time --

that was the magnitude of the emergency.




The Principal had been very angry with me because I had gone against

his wishes. I was expecting that he would be ready with a dismissal

letter. I was thinking and praying to Swami, "You have sent me on

this trip, so You cannot kick me out of the college, which is my only

means of livelihood."


Having arrived back home, I heard that the college had declared a

holiday that day because our students had won the state-level cricket

match. I congratulated the students, not for their performance, but

for getting the day declared a holiday! (Laughter) I wanted all the

players of the college to play like that and win many times so that I

could have a holiday -- so I could go on my trips like this, sharing

the message of Sai Baba with as many people as possible.




Within the time left, let me cover some questions given to me, as

those who have asked questions will be anxious about the answers. I

shall try to deal with some of the questions to the best of my

ability within the rest of the time.


"What Is The Origin Of The Mind?"


One question sent to me is this: "What is the origin of the mind? The

answer is simple. There is no mind, so there is no origin! If there

is a mind, you have to trace out its origin. The mind is non-

existent. The mind is only a bundle of thoughts. The mind is only a

bundle of desires. In the deep sleep state, there is no mind at all.

The mind is there in the dreaming state; the mind is there in the

waking state. But the mind is non-existent in the deep-sleep state.


When thoughts are withdrawn, when desires are given up, there is no

mind. Withdrawal of the mind or annihilation of the mind is called

amanaska or manolaya. So, the question of the origin of the mind does

not arise at all.


"What is The Significance Of New Moon And Full Moon?"


Another question: "What is the significance of the new moon and full



Whether it is a new moon, a blue moon, or a full moon, a moon is a

moon. (Laughter) The answer is: The moon is the presiding deity of

the human mind. That's the reason why on a full moon day, mad people

are full of activity! (Laughter) On the dark night, they will also

full of activity. They may even resort to violence. So, the moon

controls the mind. The mind and the moon go together.


But spiritually speaking, there is another interpretation. The full

moon stands for wisdom, knowledge and awakening. It was on the full

moon day that Buddha was born. It was on the full moon day that

Buddha was enlightened. It was on the full moon day that Mahaveer was

enlightened. Purnima is the full moon day, which is the day of

enlightenment. Moonlight is like the awakening of the inner Self. The

full moon represents the knowledge of the Self. That is the meaning.


"Has Not My Karma Been Cleared?"



Another question asked of me is this: "You said," (he meant me) "the

very Darshan of Bhagavan will clear you of your karma. But I'm still

suffering from my karma. Has not my karma been cleared?" (Laughter)


That is the question. The answer is this: One will be cleared of

karmic effects if there is deservedness, if there is eligibility.


When I look at Bhagavan -- when all of us look at Bhagavan, all of us

will not have the same feelings. There are many people who tell me

that when Bhagavan passes by, they receive some vibrations. There are

many people who tell me that they are charged with energy. There are

many people who tell me that they feel a cool breeze when Bhagavan

passes by. So, experiences differ based on the nature of the

individual, their devotion or path and the intensity of their sadhana.


Therefore, I may not be cleared of karma because I'm not ready. I

have not done enough work. Though the teacher is excellent, when the

student is not able to follow the lesson, it only means that the

student has not done enough homework. The student has not the

required foundation to receive and appreciate the knowledge given to

him in the classroom, even though the teacher is an expert. In order

to be cleared of karmic effects, we should do some homework.


What is that homework? Intense devotion, total faith, complete

surrender and the sadhana of service -- these four are sufficient

physical practices on the spiritual path. Doing (practicing) these

four is sufficient homework for us to get ourselves ready and

prepared, so that we can be free from the karmic effects.


"Are Countries Also Bound By Karma?"


Then I received some more questions: "Karma, is it individual? Are

countries also bound by karma?"


Perhaps like 'wholesale' and 'retail'? This gentleman must have been

a top businessman! (Laughter) Very good!


Kind friends, do not misunderstand me -- I'm just joking. I don't

mean any disrespect to those who have asked these questions. I really

bow down in all humility to the people who have asked these questions

because they are all spiritual seekers. They are exemplary. They are

noble and role models for me in particular because these questions

help me to go into detail, into the depth. So, I thank them very much.


The question is this: Are countries bound by karma? In the Holy

Bible, there is a mention of two cities -- Sodom and Gomorrah. The

inhabitants of these two cities mentioned in the Holy Bible were

drowned. The inhabitants were totally punished by God. That's what

the Holy Bible says. When people are unrighteous, naturally the whole

place is condemned.


A country is not only a geographical location. A country is not only

dust, mud and sand. A country is a collection of people. When the

people are unrighteous…For example, just think of Afghanistan, where

ancient Buddha statues of 200 or 300 feet in height were bombed and

totally demolished by dynamite. So many Buddha statues were

demolished there in Afghanistan. What later happened to Afghanistan?

You all know that. When people are unrighteous, naturally they will

have to face the reaction. That's the answer I can give you.


"What Shall I Do To Dine With Bhagavan?"


The next question: "What shall I do to dine with Bhagavan? To sleep

in the room very close to His bedroom? (Laughter) To go with Him in

His car? To have a peaceful end of life, like His mother and

grandfather had? "


These are the questions put to me. Here is the answer, brother. Going

in His car, dining with Him or sleeping in the room next to Him are

all physical activities. You have the driver also in the car. I don't

think the driver is a saint or a sage. There in the dining room, you

also find cooks and servers. I don't think they are saints and sages.

I don't think so. In the building, there is the watchman. I don't

want to bow down to his feet.


So, these are all physical acts of Grace. They are privileges. They

are grand, golden opportunities. I don't underestimate them. But if

they lead to pride, if they make you egoistic, if they are acts of

publicity or advertisement, they will really take you to doom. No! If

these help you to be more spiritual, if these help you to do sadhana

with higher, greater or deeper intensity, then that is a boon. But if

it turns you into an egoistic man, then that is a curse. These

physical acts should take you to a psychological (mental/emotional)

level of togetherness with Bhagavan all through your life, wherever

you may go.


If you feel that the next man is Baba, it is living with Him. If you

offer prayer to God and start eating, it is dining with Him. If you

listen to Baba bhajans as you travel in your car, you are traveling

with Him. Baba said, "Wherever My glory is sung, I install Myself."

Whenever we sing bhajans, we are with Him. Whenever we think of Him,

we are by His side. Whenever we offer food, we are dining with Him.

That is the spiritual, psychological, metaphysical, mystical

experience one should have or one should crave for. (Applause)


"The Wife Is An Obstacle -- What Should the Husband Do?"


Another question: "The husband is very much interested in Baba, but

the wife is not. The wife is an obstacle. So, what should the husband

do?" He also has given three alternatives: (Laughter) "One -- should

he get divorced from his wife? Number two -- should he continue along

the spiritual path? Number three -- should he give up the spiritual

path? (Laughter) These are the alternatives – maybe it is like a

multiple-choice question. (Laughter)


My friend, this is an exceptional case! A husband finding his wife a

problem along the spiritual path is an exception. Usually the husband

is the problem for every wife! (Laughter) 90% of Sai devotees are

here because of their wives. Let all husbands be ashamed to declare

it in public. This humble self (Anil Kumar refers to himself) is also

one and the foremost. So, this case is not a matter to be ashamed of.

It is a matter to feel proud of.


If the wife is an engine, very good -- the family will be very fine,

peaceful and there'll be no problem. But here is an exceptional case

where the wife seems to be the problem. Wife or husband -- one of the

two partners will not totally agree with the other. So, what is to be



My friend, the answer is simple. If one is totally worldly and if the

other is totally spiritual, we'll be nowhere. But in co-existence,

one takes care of the family, while the other takes care of the

spiritual end. The wife taking care of the family is the root. The

husband thinking of God is the fruit of the same 'family tree'. The

one (wife and mother) thinking of the family is the root, while the

other (husband and father) thinking of God is the fruit of that same

tree of life. So, let us not consider the life partner as an

opposition party leader! (Laughter) Certainly not! Certainly not!


To give you my own tale -- for 25 years, I went around the whole

state of Andhra Pradesh. I visited thousands of Sai centres -- at

least thrice on the average -- spread over those 25 years. My wife

stayed back at home, taking care of the children, my in-laws and my

parents, ours being a joint-family (an extended family, all living

under one roof together). Suppose that she had also become a

competitor. What if she had said, "If you go towards the north, I'll

go towards the south! (Laughter) If you go and start addressing

people in the east, I'll have audiences in the west." Then the

children would be on the streets!


Therefore, it is the pure and logical dynamics of life that one will

be at the 'grass roots' while the other will be 'in the air'. It

happens like that. Nowhere do the husband and wife agree 100%. They

may agree before TV news reporters. (Laughter) They may agree for the

television reporters, but not in reality. The family 'Korean War'

certainly happens once in a blue moon, without which there is no

melody in life at all.


Let us not worry if the wife is not sailing along with the husband,

or if the husband is not sailing with the wife. The husband will make

the wife follow him one day. Just as husbands are following their

wives, in such cases as this one, the wives will also follow the

husbands someday. It all depends upon one's own life example.


For example, in a crisis, if the husband is peaceful, the wife will

learn from him. If the wife is peaceful in the worst moments of life,

the husband will learn from her. By our example, we can certainly

carry on with the other life-partner without any sense of opposition

or critical attack.


"Are All The People I See False?"


Another question: "I am a teacher of yoga. I know God is One. But do

you think all the people I see are false? Do you think it's all maya,

illusion? Do you think they don't exist? Do you say it is all a



The answer is simple: Yoga is a connecting link with God. The meaning

of 'yoga' is 'connecting or uniting with God'. So when you are

connected with God, you experience Oneness. You experience unity.

You'll see God everywhere -- in the animals, in plants, in mineral

matter. Everywhere you will experience God.


It will be just as Jesus Christ said, when He saw a dead, stinking

dog on the street. Everyone said, "Burn it! Take it away!" Jesus

smiled and said, "How bright the white teeth are! How bright are the

white teeth of that dead dog."




It means you'll see the best in the worst. If it is the true path of

yoga, you'll see unity in diversity. Yoga should give you unity. But

that does not mean in practical life we can be untidy, no! In our

practical life, diversity is there.


Suppose a student comes to me and says, "Sir, please teach me."


I cannot tell him, "You are God, I am God. So, there'll be no class

today!" (Laughter)


Suppose a patient comes to a doctor and says, "Sir, I am suffering

from excruciating pain."


Will the doctor say, "You are not a patient and I am not a doctor.

You are God and I am God. So there is no question of surgery!"


It is all nonsense! From a practical point-of-view, there is

diversity. From an ideological point-of-view, there is unity.

Ideologically, let us experience unity. Spiritually, let us

experience unity. Physically, let us operate at the level of

diversity. It is necessary to be practical, to be fundamental, to be

realistic. That is the best answer I can give.


"Can I See Baba In Different Forms?"


There is another question from Canada: "Can I see Baba in different



Why not? Baba appeared in the form of a postman. Baba appeared in the

form of a watchman. Baba appeared in the form of a monkey to His

sister. Baba appeared in the form of a cat. Baba appeared in the form

of a bird. Baba can appear in any form. Why do we go to that extent?

All forms are Baba's only. We should pray and try for that

experience -- for the awareness of that experience.


Why should He appear in a separate form? All forms are His -- it only

appears to be many. It is something like a person in the midst of

several mirrors all around. That experience of seeing the One in the

many (forms) is the culmination of spirituality.


"What Are The Steps To Merge In Him?"


Next question: "What are the steps that I should take to merge in



There are not many steps. No! The steps are of our own making. The

steps are created in our own imagination. Merger happens at once.


What are the steps that you should take to mix sugar into a glass of

water? How many steps are there? No, no! One spoon and stir it – you

get immediate results!


Similarly, for an aspirant to merge with God, there are not many

steps. Use a spoon of viveka or discrimination, plus a spoon of

vairagya or renunciation – totally stir this, which is the process of

sadhana. That is enough for total merger. There are no steps. "How

many lives are required? How many years are required?" No, no, no,

no! Merger is immediate, all of a sudden, instantaneous, spontaneous

and natural. It happens in a moment!



Merging is our original state. We only got ourselves separated. In

fact, we were all One, but we became separated. Example: here is

fire. Out of this fire, many sparks and pieces come. The pieces at a

distance turn black and become coal. So, originally it was fire. But

at a distance, it becomes coal.


Similarly, originally we were One, but later we got separated. To

know that we are One (though appearing in different forms) is called

realisation. Realisation is nothing but thinking of our original

Oneness -- getting back to that original Oneness or unity with God.

The reason that we separated from that Oneness is only due to having

taken a name and form. That is the secret of merger with God.


I should not detain you further. I beg your pardon for keeping you

for extra time this morning because of the tempting questions. I hope

you enjoyed those questions too!


May God bless you!


Sai Ram!


Om Asato Maa Sad Gamaya

Tamaso Maa Jyotir Gamaya

Mrtyormaa Amrtam Gamaya


Om Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu


Om Shanti Shanti Shanti


Jai Bolo Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ji Ki Jai!

Jai Bolo Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ji Ki Jai!

Jai Bolo Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba Ji Ki Jai!


Thank You!


Anil Kumar's Sunday Satsang at Prasanthi Nilayam

November 4, 2001

Talk by Prof. Anil Kumar




Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's English Translator Shri Anil Kumar

Kamaraju Professor of Botany S.S.S.I.H.L., Prasanthi Milayam and

Former Principal of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning,

Brindavan Campus, Kadugodi, addressed the devotees of Bhagavan Sri

Sathya Sai Baba, at Sathya Deep - Dharmakshetra, Mumbai on Sunday

4th November, at 4.30 pm.


Anilkumar shared his personal experience to the vast crowd who had

gathered at Dharmakshetra, Mumbai. It was the first time he ever

spoke about his personal life, which he had never uttered in public.


He began his discourse with an old Sai Bhajan " Sathguru Nathanee Vaa

Vaa Vaa, Satchithanandane Vaa Vaa Vaa...." While singing he was

highly inspired, as if powered with a Sai turbo engine and started

the Bhajan directly in the supersonic speed. He was so excited while

singing that he demanded the "Dafli" from us and started playing

while rendering the Bhajan."


He said that he was born in Guntur which is almost like a furnace

during summer and to cool down, they ate "green hot chillies" ! He

was born to a Brahmo Samajist. His great grand father was a Brahmo

missionary in Calcutta and his father too was a staunch "Brahmo" who

never believed in rituals and idol worship.


His mother is the first Andhra lady post graduate and that too with a

gold medal. Because in those days girls were not sent out to schools

and colleges. If they did, they were ostracised from the community.

All his brothers along with him were the most eligible bachelors,

because "Brahmos" did not believe in dowry !


His wife was born in a devout hindu family and would attend the

temples regularly. However Anilkumar never went to any temples being

a staunch Brahmo. He had hired a rickshaw for her to go to the

temples. They would both go in the same rickshaw. His wife would go

to the temple and he would stand outside the temple for temple visit

was forbidden to Bramhos.


Then his wife fell sick in 1970s. All the 13 doctors whom he met

advised them to undergo surgery for a growth found in her stomach.

That was the end to all the delicious chilly food. She was only

allowed to take curd rice.


Soon after she came back from the hospital while returning from the

temple one day, they heard a Bhajan and they both visited the place.

It was a Sai Bhajan and after returning home, Anil Kumar says "my

plight was that of Dasharata confronted by Kaikeyi. She said if you

want me to be alive, you must take me to "Puttaparthi' " He agreed on

two conditions that she will never force him to come inside the

asharam premises and the second was that they will return after one

week. And so they both went to Puttaparthi. She would go inside and

Anilkumar with his two children would be roaming around outside the

ashram premises.

After 3-4 days he was curious to see what was happening inside so he

came and stood outside the gate to have a peep of what was going on.

It seems Swami came directly to him and just looked at him, he also

stood and stared back without offering pranaams. Then he saw Swami

was distributing Ladoo prasadam to the workers who were then building

the Poornachandra Auditorium. That's the time he saw the first

miracle. He saw the plate with Ladoos appearing in his hand and

mysteriously disappeared after distribution of the Ladoos. He wished

Swamy gave ladoos to his children but then that did not happen.


Since he was a voracious reader, he bought Sathya Sai Speaks volume-5

and went back home. When he started reading, he found that it was all

the Bhramha Samaj principle, the Sarvadharma and the Universal

fatherhood of God and Love etc.. He soon went back and bought the

rest of the volumes. Next day Swami again came near him. This time

his hands and legs were shivering He offered his pranaams and Swami

gave a nod and left immediately. It seems Swami did not talk or

acknowledge his (Anilkumar's) presence for nearly seven years. He

said it was like university exams. Appear for exams, if you fail

appear again in September and even that failed again reappear in

April and this went on with him for nearly seven years!


Because he loved debates and lectures, he would always snatch the

available opportunity and speak. Once he was invited to speak on Sri

Ram. Most of the other speakers were eminent scholarly persons. "So

amongst the list of eminent professors of literature and philososphy,

there was my name in between Mr. Anilkumar without any titles!"


When he saw the invitation he rang them up to say that he wanted to

be "dropped" as he did not find himself to be the right person

amongst those scholarly people. The organisers turned down his

request saying that they have already printed and posted the

invitations to everyone. So just like the way he would prepare for

the lectures, he would sit with Swami's "Rama Katha Rasa Vahini" and

prepared himself which turned out to be the best.


The following month he heard that Swami was in Hindupur and so he

took a bus to go there. On his way to Hindupur, he saw Swami's red

car going towards Ananthpur. He alighted from the Bus and took

another Bus towards Ananthpur. He says being from a Co-ed school and

college I did not know at that time that, at Ananthpur Girl's college

no males were allowed, not even a male mosquito!! And without knowing

this he barged into the campus where he was duly stopped by the

watchman and was asked to stand out.


But Anilkumar wouldn't give up.He requested the watchman, that all

that he wanted was a mere glimpse of Swami. At last the watchman told

him. OK keep your luggage here and you may go up to the tree, that's

all..not even an inch further. After keeping his luggage he went near

the tree to have a closer peep. He was not aware that there was a

meeting of all central trust members going on there comprising of Dr.

Goldstein, Mr. Craxy, Mr.Subba Rao, Mr. Gokak etc. etc.


Then after sometime, he saw Swami coming out of the complex and he

waved out " Hey Anilkumar Come here". Anilkumar it seems thought that

Swami was calling the watchman. And Anilkumar asked the watchman,

what's your name. He replied his name was "Chellaiya". Then Swami

again called, "Hey Gunturkara Anilkumar, ikada raa" (hey Gunturman

Anilkumar come here). And so Anilkumar was called by Swami for the

first time and was introduced to other trust members. "This is Prof.

Anil kumar. A good Botany teacher, He also conducts special classes

for aspiring medical students and all his students have become

Doctors. He is also a good orator and recently enthralled a jam

packed audience with Raamkatha !!" Anilkumar says I was flabbergasted

beyond words to see my bio data coming out from the Lord.


After the lengthy introduction, Swami created Vibuti and said this is

for your wife who is sick and not for you!!. Anilkumar was wondering

Where was Swami all these years ?" Then Swami told Anilkumar that you

will speak on Dassera Day.And he spoke. Next day when he came out for

Darshan, Swamy told him to go and sit in the veranda, "Which was then

heavily guarded by huge sized Delhi Sevadals" Swami came closer to

him at the veranda later and put an envelope into his pocket and

Swami said stitch a pair of pants and shirt and this money includes

the stitching charges as well. Come for the birthday wearing the new

clothes. Then it seems Anilkumar told Swami that his birthday was

over. Then Swami told him, "for my birthday"!! And ever since I have

been asked to speak and translate on many occasions.


It seems on Novemeber 1st Anilkumar was sitting on the veranda, when

Swami showed an article in the newspaper. Swami knows that Anilkumar

reads newspaper and listen to news and so swami gave him the

newspaper. The news item was as follows: INDIA NEEDS PEOPLE LIKE



Apart from this another incident he narrated was of The Nobel Prize

Trust chairman who is also the grandnephew of Albert Nobel. He had

come to Puttaparthi. Soon after visiting the Hospital he asked for

the feedback book and wrote that "Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is a

Gift to Humanity". I am so fortunate to be here.


Finally Anil Kumar went on to say that Sri Sathya Sai Organisation is

no more a provincial organisation, its no more a state organisation,

its no more a national organisation, but it is an international

organisation and he quoted the above two instances. He said it is not

enough that we share the joys of Swami with our members of the

family, but we must share this with our other friends who do not know

about swami for their happiness. For this he said that more and more

people must join in the Sai Organisation and each one of us much play

our part in increasing not only the quantity but also the quality of

people to join in the fold.


He concluded his discourse with a lively Telugu Bhajan, playing

the "Dafli" once again, and the vast crowd who had assembled there

joined him enthusiastically, to the fast beat of the bhajan, and

sending all of them into raptures. And finally he prayed to Swami

to bless all of them who had assembled there.


Jai Sai Ram

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