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Twentythird Annual Convocation (November 22, 2004)

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Twentythird Annual Convocation (November 22, 2004)SRI SATHYA SAI INSTITUTE OF

HIGHER LEARNING(Deemed University)

Introductory AddressbySHRI S.V. GIRIVice-Chancellor


On behalf of the thousands who have gathered here, we pay our obeisance to

Saieswara, the Universal Sadguru.

The first stanza by Kalidasa and the second (slightly adapted) by Adisankara are

half a millennium apart, but bear evidence to the fundamentals of Indian

culture, - its stress on purity, trikarana sudhi, and universal brotherhood.

Most revered Chancellor, our beloved Chief Guest of the day Sri Rasgotra,

Hon'ble Justice Bhagwati, Members of the Institute Trust, Governing Body and

Academic Council, Distinguished guests, Members of the Faculty, Graduands of

the year, Dear students of the Institute and Dear Brothers and Sisters.

I deem it a great privilege to extend a most cordial welcome to all of you on

the occasion of the Twenty third Convocation of the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of

Higher Learning. 1. While inaugurating the Institute a score and three years

ago, the Revered Chancellor unfolded His vision thus “My sankalpa

(determination) is to provide to the youth an education which, while

cultivating their intelligence, will also purify their impulses and emotions

and equip them with physical and mental disciplines needed for drawing upon the

springs of calmness and joy that lie in their own hearts. Their higher nature

will have to be fostered and encouraged to blossom, to place them on the path

of self-confidence, self-sacrifice and self-knowledge……”

This universal philosophy of Bhagawan is made operational through the

methodology of Integral Education adopted in the Institute combining the five

ideals of education - namely knowledge, skill, balance, insight and integrity

harmonized in the teaching learning experience. The products of the Institute

have come to acquire a distinct identity with their positive attributes, sound

learning and character – all because of the inherent soundness of the system

and the loving guidance of its Chancellor. No wonder, the Institute stands out

as a beacon light and is ranked in the top grade of the University system in

the country. It is a privilege conferred on me to welcome you to the portals of

such a hallowed institution.

About the Chief Guest

2.1 I have a special word of welcome to our Chief Guest of the day Shri Maharaj

Krishna Rasgotra, an ardent devotee of Bhagawan. He was the Foreign Secretary

to the Government of India and later the High Commissioner of India in London.

Having entered the Indian Foreign Service in 1949, the second batch after

independence, Shri Rasgotra has held several diplomatic assignments in France,

America, England and nearer home, Nepal. His experience in working with the

United Nations Bodies, General Assembly as well as UNESCO and other specialized

agencies has been very extensive. He is a very fluent and facile speaker in

English and French. In recognition of his contribution to public life, he was

conferred the honour of Padmabhushan. He is currently on the Management

Committee of Sri Sathya Sai International Centre and School for Human Values,

New Delhi.2.2 Known for his liberal attitude and purposeful approach to

international relations, he is a Diplomat par excellence. His deep

understanding of the history of civilizations and the cultural contexts of

different nations lend a realistic touch to his attitudes and approach. The

students of the Institute have had the privilege of listening to him on several

occasions when he spoke in the Kulwant Hall impromptu, all the time the

underlying theme being to influence policy makers to change from the old to a

new order in constructive and peaceful ways. On behalf of the Institute, I

extend to him our most cordial welcome.

Major Developments during the Year

3.1 I take this opportunity to highlight some of the important developments during the year

3.2 While maintaining the primacy of its commitment to character building, the

Institute has systematized and broadened its research efforts by introducing a

three semester M.Phil. course and shaping several interdisciplinary projects. A

spin off of this type of research effort is to bring the fruits of research and

its methodology to the undergraduate and postgraduate teaching.

3.3 Five theses that have been approved for award of Ph.D. this year, cover a

wide range of subjects spanning from high end soft computing at one end to

insights from Mahabharata on values centred leadership in organizations and

individuals. These are sophisticated areas of research. Bhagavan identified

them all when the research scholars were selected. With His blessings they have

been able to produce theses which have all been applauded as path-breaking in

their respective spheres.

3.4 Recognizing the relevance and quality of the research carried out in the

Institute, the University Grants Commission has awarded a five-year research

support to the Department of Biosciences. More such projects are likely to

follow. The University Grants Commission is also presently considering a

proposal to identify the Institute as one of the Universities with Potential

for Excellence in the country’s university system. Hopefully this will happen

soon considering the laurels which have been conferred on the Institute


3.5 While the academic strengths have been outlined as above, far more

significant are the spiritual dimensions of the Institute’s efforts. Three

things stand out for special mention in this regard.

(i) One of the facets of Sri Sathya Sai System of Integral Education is that the

activities of the Mandir form an integral component in the mosaic of the

Institute’s curriculum. Bhagavan especially blessed this academic year by

allowing the students to chant Vedas and Upanishads every morning and evening

at the Mandir. What started as a modest effort of reciting some Suktas swelled

very quickly into a torrential flow of sophisticated Vedic chants, marked by

the purity of the rendering and sonorousness of the chants. It was an exercise

in demystification to demonstrate the universality of Vedic hymns and to

establish that they are not sectarian but meant for every one. Nowhere else do

we see a congregation of students and devotees running into thousands, chanting

Vedic hymns without a break for a couple of hours at a stretch. We express our

heartfelt gratitude to Bhagavan for this blessing.

(ii) Swadhyaya Pravachanam, that is stressed in the Vedas as continuous life

long learning, assimilation and articulation, came out in all its force. It is

difficult to single out any one hymn or a sukta but the underlying themes that

the origin of life is in sacrifice, and that all things work in unison came to

be understood and appreciated by one and all. The regular recitation of

excerpts from Vedas every day and enacting skits and plays at intervals to

illustrate the practical significance of the eternal verities of the Vedas

presented a harmonious blend of precept and practice of the spiritual

dimensions of life. The entire audience became Swami’s students and had an

exposure to the depth of the wisdom contained in the Vedas.

(iii) Grama Seva which was commenced a few years ago, has now become a regular

annual feature of the Academic calendar of the Institute. The exercise

undertaken during the recent Dussera festival demonstrated how much the spirit

of service stays reinforced and the instruments for rendering of the service

refined. This massive exercise of faith and devotion was carried out in its

true spirit and the joy was immeasurable.

Concluding Remarks4.1 As is well known, at Prasanthi Nilayam everything has a

place and everything is in its place – be it Dasara, Diwali, Muharram or

Ramzan, Christmas or New year days galore.. The impact is deep and lasting on

everyone who has been blessed with an opportunity to be here. His Excellency

the President of India was here as the Chief Guest for the Convocation in 2002.

Experiencing the atmosphere and picking up a familiar stanza, he expressed his

feelings thus:

Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in character.When

there is beauty in character, there is harmony at home.When there is harmony at

home, there is order in the nation.When there is order in the nation, there is

peace in the world

I was very pleasantly surprised to see that he gave expression to his feelings

through the same stanza when he inaugurated the restored ancestral residence of

Swami Vivekananda at Kolkata on the 26th September this year.

4.2 One more instance: All of us who had the privilege of witnessing the drama

staged by the Institute students on the Independence Day this year were

transported back to that day more than 50 years ago and felt in our beings what

it meant to be free – not merely freedom in the political sense but to earn

Swaarajyam – being spiritually free and confident. That is the intense and

enlightened patriotism which the Revered Chancellor instills in His students.

It is most heartening that the Institute is responding to His vision and is

exhibiting the will and power to brace itself for the right causes – Atmano

Mokshaya Jagat Hitayacha.

Concluding on that note of optimism, I once again welcome you all to this Convocation.









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