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Parthi Update November 22, 2004

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Parthi Update

22-11-2004 (Evening)



Dear Brother



Sairam. First of all let us wish a very Happy Birthday to our dear Alma Mater,

our dear Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning!! This is the 23rd

Birthday of our beloved Institute!!


By 2.00 p.m., graduates receiving their degrees and all other students were

seated in their respective places in Sai Kulwant Hall. The Hall was jam packed

to its brim. All were expectantly waiting for the arrival of Bhagawan. We could

see the band boys preparing themselves to commence the procession near the

entrance of the Poornachandra Hall.


This time, all the Governing Body members and the other administrators who join

the Convocation Procession, assembled in the new building opposite PC, unlike

they do every year inside PC. At sharp 2.50 p.m. the drum beat was given and

the procession began. We could see Bhagawan coming in the SAAB car. He was

standing in the rear with His normal orange robe. Brother Satyajit was driving

the car and the VC, Chief Guest and other procession members were following the



The car stopped right at the centre of the Hall. Swami got down over there and

went walking towards the dais. The two brothers holding the Shanka (Conch) and

the Chakra (Disc) with the Registrar in the centre holding the maze were

leading the entire procession. This time two brothers Pranav Verma and Shyam

Ganesh, both from the II MBA(Fin) class were Blessed with the opportunity of

holding the Shanka and Chakra masts.


At 2.55 p.m. Bhagawan stepped onto the beautifully decorated stage. A few words

about the exquisite decoration. Is there any other heaven, we were wondering!!

Even the heavenly gardens of Lord Indra would have been put to shame in front

of the wonderful floral decoration that our Mudenehalli boys had made.


In the centre, around Ganesha there was a floral arch. The outer rim being

stuffed with fresh rose buds of yellow, pink and red colour. The middle part of

the arch had huge bunches of roses – red alternate with white. On either side of

the stage were two huge peacock shaped floral fans with special type of flowers

in all colours – blue, green, yellow. It looked gorgeous. The entire back of

the dais was a curtain of flower garlands with two door like frames placed on

either side, in case Bhagawan wished to go into the Portico or the Interview



At sharp 3.00 p.m. the nine selected Vedam boys chanted the standard Convocation

Vedic Mantra – Vedamanuchyacharyo…. Prior to that the Vice Chancellor offered a

bouquet to the Revered Chancellor and garlanded the Chief Guest – Sri Maharaja

Krishna Rasagotra. This was followed by the talk of the Vice Chancellor. The VC

prayed to the Revered Chancellor to declare the Convocation open!!


Bhagawan stood up and in His inimitable style said –“I Declare Convocation

Open”. Instantly the series lights decorating the board adorning the centre of

the dais with the letters “XXIII Convocation of SSSIHL’ written on it, went



The VC spoke at length about the achievements of the Institute and its

uniqueness and the golden opportunity of having Bhagawan as the Chancellor. He

made his often-used statement “In Prasanthinilayam there is a place for

everything and everything is in its place”. He highlighted the three semester -

M.Phil. Course started this year in our Institute. He also touched upon the

unique opportunity given to staff and students for chanting Vedic Hymns every

evening in the Divine Presence and the project of Grama Seva.


Next, all the students repeating each line after the Vice Chancellor, took the

pledge. It would be appropriate for us to recall this great pledge that we all

have taken at one point of time. So here it goes…..


I hereby solemnly declare and promise that, if admitted to the Degree for which

I have been duly recommended, I will, in my daily life and conversation and in

thought, word, and deed, conduct myself as befits a member of Sri Sathya Sai

Institute of Higher Learning; that I will, to the utmost of my capacity and

opportunity; support the cause of sound learning, humanity, morality and

spirituality; and that, as far as lies in me, I shall uphold and advance the

social and, indeed, all round welfare of my countrymen and fellowmen.


Bhagawan lovingly gave away all the gold medals to the respective students. The

All Rounder Gold Medal that goes to a person who has been an all rounder in the

last five years during his/her stay in the Institute and Hostel – in terms of

discipline, devotion, academics, extra-curricular activities, communication,

etc.; was awarded to a Anantapur sister.


The All Rounder Gold Medal was awarded to Kumari Deepti Bhagia – the daughter of

our dear Bhagia Sir. As soon as she went to the stage, Swami materialized a gold

chain and put it around her neck and then also placed the gold medal around her

neck. More about this fortunate sister, later in Swami’s Discourse!!


The VC then introduced and welcomed the Chief Guest to deliver the Convocation

Address. Sri Maharaj Krishna Rasagotra was the High Commissioner of India in

London. He has undertaken several diplomatic assignments in France, USA, Nepal

and other countries. He has won the Padma Bhushan. Sri Rasagotra, true to his

stature and experience, delivered a very scholarly address, touching upon

various points. He referred to Bhagawan as the Messiah of change - through

reform and reconstruction.


He highlighted two very important aspects of our Institution – the Grama Seva

and the Hostel life, that make education socially relevant. He sketched a very

brief but intellectually stirring picture of the status of the country today –

in terms of the challenges to be faced both at the national and global level.

He concluded his talk, highlighting the importance of faith in God and

Discipline. Discipline must be at three levels in his view: at the level of the

tongue, mind and the intellect.


At 4.15 p.m. Bhagawan stood up to give His Divine Discourse. Highlights of the Discourse follow:


The present condition of the world is known to all of you. There is no scope to

speak about Divinity. Money is viewed as God, Dharma is lost among humans.

Embodiments of Love, God can be found only through Love. There is no other

path. God is Love – Love is God.


We always consider Love as worldly love. Worldly love is momentary and

transient. Anyone who loves an object or a person, does so out of a selfish

motive. How can such selfish love lead us to God? True Divinity is reflected as

Selfless Love. Selfish love can be seen in a snake and even in a Paramahamsa.

How can true Love be preached to such a person?


Bhagawan always preaches about Love. I do not know any other path. No one has

any authority to decide as to who deserves love and who does not. How can you

comprehend the nature of Love? If you ask a boy, ‘Whom do you love most?’ He

will probably answer, ‘My Grandmother’. Now why must he love only his

grandmother when so many other people and objects are there? God is everywhere.


You may give God a name, but He is unseen and formless. However, with

determination and intense efforts, one can visualize the form of Love. When

Love is equally perceived in one and all as the underlying current, how then

can you differentiate this and that, as deserving of more or less love?


You all have Love in you. Love cannot be explained in words. It can only be

realized through experience that leads to Bliss! Focusing our Love on a

specific form cannot help us to realize Love in its holistic form.


We consider Love as Divine. Where is Divinity? Divinity percolates all over the

human body enabling the limbs to work in perfect coordination and unity.

Divinity can be seen in unity. On true and sincere enquiry we will realize that

the same Love is present everywhere.


Truly speaking, Love exists in enmity too. But the most supreme form of Love is

Divine Love! This Love can be experienced only by sharing it with others

Blissfully. You may call it by any name but the essence is one. Gold is one,

jewels are many. God is in every Human form. Daivam Manusha Rupena. Sahasra

Sheerusha Purushaha….


Divine Love is transcendental. You can experience this Love in stillness,

silence and solitude. There is sacred power in the depths of silence. The mouth

has been gifted not merely for speaking. We must learn to maintain silence. In

ancient times, all observed silence. However, true silence is not merely

keeping the mouth shut. When we say ‘true silence’ does it mean that there is

something called untrue also. No, everything is true. Closing our eyes, and

conducting thorough enquiry in silence, can reveal the Truth to us.


Divine Love cannot be described. It transcends all descriptions and expressions.

Our thoughts give a definite shape and form to an object. But God is beyond

this. All that you see and hear is God. What name and form can we assign to

Him? We have no authority to do so.


God is a word, but He has no form. Any amount of effort will not help us to know

God. It is silence alone that can help us to realize God. Silence is Gold and

Gold is silence. Many people have experienced Divinity in the past through

silence. Diamond means ‘Die Mind’. Withdrawal of the mind will enable us to

realize Divinity.


In My opinion, mere investigation is of no use. Have a specific form and let

your mind merge in that form. The mind vanishes, reflecting the form of your

taste! But make sure that the mind does not waver from one form to another. As

you see a form, concentrate on it; initially it may move here and there, but

finally it will come back to the same point. That is Divinity – the changeless

and ever still!


As Swami was delivering this part of the Discourse, we could see Swami looking

somewhere above, far far beyond the horizons, at something (or nothing???). We

could possibly never comprehend the Truth! He was totally in a different

dimension (if we may call it so…). Bhagawan continued the Discourse.


There you can see – 1000’s of heads and eyes. It is so clear!! Always keep

Divinity in your view. It is beyond all Reaction, Reflection and Resound.

Without knowing the underlying unity, you can never understand this diversity.


Nature is the true preacher. This preacher is born in us, is sustained within us

and dissolves in us. This preacher can be seen through Preeti or Love. If you do

not give up all your differences, you can never experience unity. You can

actually experience God in a second!! But the problem is that you are not able

to appreciate the fact that what you are seeing is verily God!


As is the colour of the glasses, so is the colour of the scene. Without wearing

coloured glasses, see the reality as it is. (Again looking far beyond, Swami

continued….)If you keep looking at it, you will keep on looking at it!! You

just cannot take away your eyes from it. (At this point, we could see Swami

totally lost in something far beyond our understanding. He would look at us for

a while and then again switch over to see far beyond…!!)


First develop a stable mind. What we need is not physical eyes but the inner eye

of wisdom. This comes from developing stability of the mind. Everyone you see is

God. Mother, father, Brother, Sister, all are Divine!! Anyone you see is God. Do

not give scope for any doubt. Have full Faith in the ONE!! Following such a

spiritual practice, you can experience Divinity.


Have your chosen Form installed in your heart and keep it steady. This is

meditation. Meditation does not mean closing your eyes and sitting in one



There is no spiritual practice beyond Love. Love should flow in one direction.

The direction is in our hands. For this we need a steady mind. In this world,

everything is based on the mind. The mind does not waver on its own. It is we

who cause the mind to waver. See, it is being seen so clearly, so lustrous and

brilliant!! (Swami was again looking at something beyond..…!!).


Our feelings must be our slaves. Not the other way round. Meditation is very

simple. All we need is a changeless feeling. Today there is constant change in

the mind. I am very surprised to see how we keep changing our mind. Mind by

itself does not have this power. It is we who cause it to waver.


Why is this human life given to us? Is it just to eat and drink? It is only man

who can experience the grand unity of existence through sincere efforts. You

are born to verily experience this unity, not to get lost in diversity. This is

what will give us fulfillment in our lives.


Bhagawan concluded His Divine Discourse at 5.05 p.m. with the Bhajan - Prema Mudita Mana Se Kaho..


After the Bhajan, again Swami started speaking. What we heard in the next 10

minutes was spellbinding!! Bhagawan was all praise for the sister who had just

received the all rounder gold medal. Of course, she was none other than our

dear Bhagia Sir’s daughter – Kum. Deepti Bhagia. Bhagawan spoke about her

ailment – diabetes, from which she has been suffering since her childhood.


Swami said that her health was very bad and it was absolutely not under the

control of any medicines or doctor. The sugar would rise up to abnormal levels

at times and even her BP would go up. All diabetes-associated ailments would

also trouble her. But all this did not bother her at all. In fact, her father

and mother would feel very sorry for her and I would pacify her father, asking

him not to worry.


Even the teachers at Anantapur were very worried and they would call up the

father informing him about her condition. She was not able to attend most of

the classes. But still she would study very well. Her devotion to Swami and

steadiness is unparalleled. Even though her parents would feel very anxious,

she would console them saying that she was very fine. She had no anxiety about

her body at all. It is through her sheer will power that she is able to cope up

with this problem.


All should take her life as a role model and develop such steadiness of mind.

She just disregards her body and has surrendered totally to Bhagawan. It is

purely by Bhagawan’s Grace that she is so healthy today and doing very well in

all spheres. Be it academics, public speaking or any other activity. She is top

in all. This is a matter for everyone to take note of and emulate!!


After this Swami pointed out to Mr. Bhagia who was sitting a little back, and

said – See, her father is sitting here only. He is a faculty member in our

Institute. He is so worried about her. Come!! Mr. Bhagia went running to Swami

with tears in his eyes – tears of Bliss and gratitude to our dear Lord. He went

and fell at Swami’s Feet. Swami patted him on his head and raised him up saying

– Why do you worry – I am there to take care!!


Bhagawan also referred to Prof. Ramamoorthy of the School of Business Management

at this point and said that he too has surrendered to Swami in a similar manner.

We were all left dumfounded watching this scene of Love between a true devotee

and the Lord. It’s a matter of great pride for all of us that one student among

us has been able to rise up to this level, so as to please Swami and be worthy

of being projected as a role model for all others!!


Prof. Anil Kumar took over then and made an announcement. He said that after

half an hour break we would have the drama by the students of SSSIHL in the

Poornachandra Hall. Swami indicated to him to mention that the drama was being

enacted by all senior students from MBA, M.Tech., M.Sc….


The band played the National Anthem to conclude the afternoon proceedings. We

all stood up and joined in singing the National Anthem. The Golf Cart meanwhile

glided in, to the front of the dais – at the center. Swami signaled to Sri

Rasagotra to sit down behind and Justice Bhagawati was asked to sit in the

front. Swami then took His seat.


The band began and the procession went behind the band, while the golf cart went

along the Ladies side and into the PC compound. We all got up and rushed towards

PC to secure a good seat and enjoy the wonderful drama in the Divine Presence.


We’ll bring you the details about the Convocation Drama in our next mail.






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