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Parthi Update November 23, 2004

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Parthi Update

Bhagawan Baba’s 79th Birthday Celebrations



It was just 5.30 a.m. when the first line of students left the Hostel to the

Mandir. Luckily it was not very cold this morning. We all rushed to the Mandir

fearing the huge crowds. The queue for the gent’s devotees to enter the Mandir

had reached till the Primary School and was growing exponentially!! We were

struck by the devotion and inspiration of these thousands of devotees. Did they

not know that their chances to even enter the Mandir were almost nill? But

still, what drove them to undergo so much strain and stand all these long

hours? That is the miracle!! His Love is a powerful magnet that just attracts!!

Who can escape that pure Love?


When we entered the Kulwant Hall, of course through the Ladies side entrance as

our side was fully blocked, we found that the Hall was already full!! My! What

about all those thousands standing in the queue? With a silent prayer in our

hearts for al of them, we went and occupied our places – privileged as we

were!! But the question kept nagging us. How could Swami satisfy all these

devotees? If they do not get something, how is it that they keep coming again

and again? This means that they all are receiving something – something

intangible that words cannot express!! We realized the power of our omnipresent

Lord, seated in each one of our hearts and having His relation with us both from

within and without!!


At 6.55 a.m., the base drum of the band gave its first beat, heralding the 79th

Birthday of the Avatar of the age!! Soon a huge procession marched forward from

the Poornachandra Compound. It seemed like a river in full spate making its way

to merge with the ocean! The Anantapur band, the Primary School girls band, the

Primary School boys band, the Institute Gents Band, the Vedam boys….O the list

goes on and on. And there, behind all of them, in the Lamburgini vehicle,

driven by our dear brother Satyajit, was seated our most beloved Bhagawan

shining brighter than all suns put together, in His brilliant white robe!!

Swami was looking too good! His flowing curly black hair falling over His white

robe and His shining, brilliant face with that beautiful subtle smile…..Manda

Hasa Vadani Manohari Sai Jagat Janani. You would have had to see it to believe



At 7.15 a.m., after taking a full round of the Kulwant Hall, Bhagawan stepped

down on the dais. He walked from one end of the stage to the other end,

Blessing all and casting a glance at all. At 7.30 a.m., He sat down on the

sofa. Meanwhile, all the bands were playing catchy tunes one after the other.

Both the Anantapur and Prasanthinilayam bands played ‘Happy Birthday to You’ in

their own unique styles. There was a loud applause after each piece. After a

while, Bhagawan signaled to them to be seated.


At 7.35 a.m., Sri Sanjay Sahni, Principal of the Brindavan Campus of SSSIHL,

made an introductory speech. He expressed his feeling that what sort of

Birthday could one wish Bhagawan who is indeed the ageless and timeless,

extolled as such in all our scriptures!! He also recalled several instances

when devotees have wished Bhagawan a Happy Birthday and Swami has always

replied, “I am ever happy, it is you who must be happy”. This indeed is the

very purpose of our life and the journey goes on and on. Sri Sanjay Sahni

introduced the two speakers for the morning.


The first speaker was Dr. Michael Goldstein, a physician by profession and

Chairman of the Prashanti Council that oversees the service activities of the

Sathya Sai Seva organizations around the globe. Dr. Goldstein began his talk by

making an apparently surprising but very thought provoking statement. He said

that we truly are not brothers and sisters as we normally think. We are indeed

ONE. Then why call ourselves brothers and sisters? Again where is the question

of sharing Love? Love is one undivided entity, which must be experienced and

not shared. He said that we are not celebrating the birthday of the physical

body of Bhagawan but we are celebrating the confirmation of Divinity in this

Holy Form, which we can see with our physical eyes. He referred to Bhagawan as

the cause of faith, reason for hope and the embodiment of Selfless Love!!


The second speaker for the morning was Padmashri Prof. G. Venkataraman, the

well-known scientist, winner of several awards, former Vice Chancellor of our

Institute and currently heading several projects under the direct guidance of

Bhagawan – notably the Global Sai Harmony. He paid his obeisance to Bhagawan on

behalf of every man, woman and child on this planet earth as, in his opinion,

all of us are His children whether we believe in Him or not.


He spoke very highly about our Institute and it’s stress on moulding the

character of students. He praised the boys, quoting several instances where

boys had manifested in their behaviour the impact of this character building

exercise. One incident was of one of our students, who went out of his way,

even at the cost of arriving late to the Hostel, to help an old woman board the

bus to her town – during one of the earlier Birthday celebrations of Bhagawan.

That boy felt that this small service of his, was his offering to Bhagawan on

that auspicious day.


Another instance was something that took place just a few days before. Old

students of the Institute went to Penukonda (a close by town) in a vehicle and

distributed blankets to all those sleeping on the streets, especially the

children. This was very thoughtful of them especially given the weather

conditions now. Prof. Venkataraman asked the audience whether there was any

other University anywhere in this world, where alumni students would undertake

such selfless service, even after five years of their passing from the college?


He also reminded us of the unique opportunity we have of being in the Divine

Presence of the Lord. He gave the example of the ‘Lady statue of opportunity’

that he had seen in a museum. This statue had two wings and was blindfolded. On

asking the curator the significance of this, the curator said that the blindfold

implies that we often do not see the opportunity waiting at our very doorstep

and the wings symbolized the fact that this opportunity would not wait for

long, and if lost - would fly away forever!!


After the two talks, Bhagawan got up from the sofa. It was 8.15 a.m. The mike

was arranged and Swami scanned the entire ocean of devotees and gave a Blissful

smile!! He commenced His Divine shower of invaluable wisdom. Highlights of the

Discourse follow:


Without Sathya, Dharma, Prema and Shanti, value of education is zero, acts of

charity are futile and compassion is meaningless. These four values are the

very pillars of human life.


Embodiments of Love, you are forgetting the very reason for your coming here.

What would happen if we would post a cover, without writing the ‘from’ and ‘to’

address? It would be delivered to the ‘dead letter’ office. So too, you have

come and fallen into this world without knowing your ‘from’ and ‘to’ address.

You must necessarily recognize at least one of the three – Where have you come

from, where are you going and where are you now. Otherwise life will be futile!


Bhagawan narrated the well-known story of the boatman, which He has mentioned

several times before. A Businessman travels in a boat and in order to pass

time, he keeps talking to the boatman. First he asks the boatman whether he is

educated. The boatman replies in the negative. Then the businessman asks him

the time, asks him about the newspaper, asks him about the prices of gold and

silver in Mumbai and also the name of their destination. To all these queries,

the boatman fails to give any answer, as he is illiterate in the very first

place. Therefore, the businessman tells him that by not having a watch, he has

wasted a quarter of his life. By not knowing how to read a newspaper and not

even keeping one under his shoulder – as the fashion is these days, he has lost

another quarter of his life.


Not being able to reply the query about the name of their destination, he had

lost even the third quarter of his life, according to the businessman. Just

then a severe storm sets in and the boat starts rocking. Then the boatman asks

the businessman whether he knew swimming. The businessman nodded his head –

indicating a ‘no’. Then, said the boatman, that his whole life was a waste!!


Bhagawan in detail, explained the experience of Dr. Goldstein in his encounter

with the air hijackers. Many of us would have heard this from Dr. Goldstein

himself. Once Bhagawan had asked Dr. Goldstein to postpone his return trip to

USA. But Dr. Goldstein, worried about losing the money paid for the ticket,

‘sort-of’ disobeys Bhagawan’s command and proceeds with his plan. The result is

that, he is caught in a major PanAm air hijack adventure.


Swami described in full detail as to what happened in the aircraft. How the

hijackers opened fire with their guns and how almost all were killed but Dr.

Goldstein and his wife were saved by Bhagawan’s Grace. Swami praised them

saying that both were ardent devotees and kept on chanting ‘Sairam, Sairam’, in

their heart.


Miraculously, both were spared by the hijackers and after the three day long

ordeal, they were free and they caught another flight to USA. Bhagawan went

into the further details and gave all the nuances of their adventure. Finally,

Swami praised Dr. Goldstein’s wife and said that Ladies always had more

devotion than men. Bhagawan said that ladies are able to manifest their

devotion more easily than men.


He also praised Dr. Goldstein for taking up weight losing exercises seriously

and burning away nearly 60 kgs of fat. Bhagawan said that growing physically is

not so important, growing mentally is very essential. At this point, Bhagawan

sang the Bhaja Govindam song.


Why are we born on this earth? Is it for Khana, Peena, Marna and Sona? (eating,

drinking, dying and sleeping?) There is a lot that we have to do in between

birth and death. There is a purpose for our coming here into this world. You

all are forgetting that.


Premaswaroopulara, we are traveling in this ocean of the world. So many waves

push us continuously. We must have the strength to face all these challenges.

Iha Samsare Bahu Dustare Krupaya Pahe Pahi Murare. Is life merely about coming

and going from the mother’s womb?


Human life is for liberation. We study to earn a lot of money and eke out a

living. Even birds and beasts do this. What is the use of all this education

unless it is used for noble purposes? We are here, not merely for education. A

degree is necessary but not sufficient. Therefore, all must discharge their

duty keeping the goal in mind. Boys say, I have done an MBA. What is the use?

Degrees are just on a paper.


We must know why we have come here. Indeed, man alone has the power to know

this. Being born, studying, securing a degree, earning money, going abroad – is

this all life is about? No. At the end of our life, we must feel Blissful, happy

and a sense of fulfillment!


Bhagawan then spoke about Mahatma Gandhi and gave several insights into his life

and about the great sacrifices he made for the country. He also spoke very

highly about Kasturba, the wife of Gandhi, who served the people lovingly, even

when Gandhi was in prison. But then, though we won freedom ultimately, Swami

said that this is not the true freedom. True freedom is that of the spirit.

Mahatma Gandhi too strived very hard for this.


Swami also spoke briefly about Subash Chandra Bose, and how his wife and son had

come and been with Swami for a long time, both at Ooty and Brindavan. He praised

Subash Chandra Bose a lot saying that he had a very good mind. He said that

these were people with great devotion. Those who have true devotion, will

manifest the same in some way or the other.


Bhagawan again stressed that political freedom is only one level of freedom.

True freedom is Svarajya – that of the spirit. There are many hundreds of

people who have sacrificed their life for the nation and given up bodily

attachment – promoting Atmabhimanam. The nation must be safeguarded by such

people with Atmabhimanam – attachment to the Self. Body is merely an

instrument. We must be ready to sacrifice at any moment. Body is like a dress;

we can have it only till it is worn out.


Having been born as humans with this body, there may be many sufferings. But

keep praying to the Lord and let the body go through all these sufferings. You

will have no problem.


This body fell down in the bathroom. I have no body attachment at all. I told

the doctors that they could do anything. I do not care for this body. Till this

day I am walking happily. Many renowned doctors told me that I must undergo

another operation. Prakriti itself did the operation for Me. My falling down

and breaking the bone was an operation in itself.


I have no suffering or pain at all. Many devotees feel bad. But I have never

known what pain is. Sacrificing body attachment in this manner, you can

accomplish anything. I say and also act accordingly!! There is unity of

thought, word and deed. I can stand for any length of time. Doctors told me not

to stand for a long time. But I can stand however long I want. Even now I am

standing and talking to you all. I have not resorted to any bandage or any

tablet for all this.


Students, body is bound to suffer. Body is like a water bubble, mind is like a

mad monkey. Do not follow the body, do not follow the mind, follow your

conscience. Live with Atmabhimanam, then there will be no suffering. Swami’s

programme will face no obstacles because of all this. Swami will keep moving

all around the world; nothing can come in the way of His Plan!!


All this is being done to set an example to humanity. The human body is given to

serve the Lord. This body must be offered to the Lord. By itself, this body is

nothing but a bundle of bones and flesh, full of stench and dirt. It is not

permanent. Surrender the body at the Lotus Feet of the Lord.


Serve your country as far as possible. To help an old woman in need is also an

act of service. No service is too small. Even a small service will yield huge

rewards!! To suffer in the process of serving others is good.


The lady devotees wonder how Swami looks so healthy and good inspite of all

these problems!! You must understand this. My weight neither decreases nor

increases. I can walk fast if I want. But the doctors have some fear and

therefore to satisfy them, I am walking like this. The doctors have advised Me

to have two boys on either side to help Me. Hence, I have these two boys over



I am not troubling them in any way. Arun and Prusty – both are serving Swami so

well. I am not troubling anybody nor am I troubled. These boys go to their

offices and do their work. In their free time, they come and serve Swami. I ask

them sometimes for a glass of water, nothing more.


Today is the birthday of this body only. Do I look like a 79 years old person?

Not at all!! People at this age get so many ailments. Their ears become weak of

hearing, eyes develop cataract, wrinkles form on the forehead. For Me, all the

organs are perfectly normal. You will not find any wrinkles on My forehead. Not

just now, even at the age of 80 or even 90, I will be like this only!!!


You must have such courage and go about doing your work. But you are losing your

strength by misusing the latent inner power. Otherwise, you can accomplish so

much with Swami’s Grace!!


This human body must be maintained well for the purpose of serving, not for

decoration or show. If anybody wants My life, I am ready to give that also

immediately. You too must be ready like that. At the same time, you must also

not neglect this body.


When there is smoke, there has to be fire behind; when there is a moving train,

there has to be a driver responsible for it; having such faith, why not be

courageous O Mind?


I see these boys sitting here. They may be just 20 to 30 years old. But look at

them. They look so dull and old. No, you must not be like this. You must be

ready for any task at any time. Be ever ready to sacrifice! You must always

say, “I am ready, I am ready, I am ready!!” Mmmm….. Chala Santosham….


The purpose behind this Birthday celebration is to communicate the message that

the body is meant for service to society. This is true Seva.


Bhagawan concluded His Discourse at 9.25 a.m. with the Bhajan, “Sai Bhajana Bina

Sukha Shanti Nahin…”.


Prasadam Distribution began. Meanwhile, Swami called Sri Maharaja Rasagotra, the

Chief Guest of yesterday’s Convocation and materialized some Vibhuti for him.

Later, Swami called him again and materialized a ring and put it on his finger.

Apples were the Prasadam this time. The distribution went on and on for a long

time. Swami went into the interview room and retired by 10.00 a.m. However, the

Prasadam distribution went on till 11.00 a.m. Thousands of devotees joyfully

partook of the Prasadam!


In the evening, Bhagawan came out for Darshan at 3.20 p.m. Vedam chanting was

going on and the students of the Music College were playing the Panchavadyam

(Kerala equivalent of Naadaswaram). Bhagawan was in His normal orange robe and

in the golf cart. He went straight into the interview room. He came out at 3.45

p.m. and gave some instructions to brother Nitin Acharya.


Immediately, there was lot of commotion - Sevadal people running around. We then

discovered that Swami wanted a platform to be arranged on the dais for the

singer. By 4.15 p.m., the platform was arranged with a beautiful velvet blue

carpet spread on it. Bhagawan came onto the dais and sat down on the sofa. Few

minutes later, Begum Parveen Sultana with her husband Ustad Dilshad Khan came

over to the stage and took Bhagawan’s Blessings.


Begum Parveen Sultana was to be the singer for this evening. Accompanying her on

the tabla were brothers M. Ratnakar and Niranjan Kanadia of our Institute. Dr.

Shailesh Srivastava played the harmonium and Sanket Modi from the Music College

played on the keyboard. All of them offered a bouquet to Bhagawan and took their



The music programme began at 4.20 p.m. Bhagawan, the Master of all knowledge and

art, had asked her to commence the programme with Raag Hamsavardhani. Therefore,

as per Divine instructions, she started with a Tarana in Raag Hamsavardhani.

This was followed by some Meera Bhajans and Sai Bhajans. We had - Mere To

Giridhara Gopala, Payo Ji Mene Naama Ratana Dhana Payo, Bhaja Mana Nanda

Nandana Giridhari, Sairam Sairam Sumirana Karo and Dayani Bhavani – all her top



Bhagawan took Aarti and got into the golf cart at 5.40 p.m. The ocean of

devotees packed in the Kulwant Hall and also parked all along the lanes and

pathways of the Ashram kept their eyes glued onto the golf cart as it slowly

moved away towards the Poornachandra Hall carrying our dear Lord in it. Each

one of us wanted just one more glance of His Divine Form before the curtain

dropped on this most holy and auspicious day in our lives!


Let us all pray to the Lord to give us the strength to follow His command and

rise up to His expectations, so that the next year when we assemble for the

80th Birthday, He feels proud of us – His children and takes us further on our

journey towards Him!!


Let us wish each other a very Happy Birthday with the full knowledge that

Bhagawan is residing in each one of our hearts. In fact that is what Bhagawan

says about His Birthday. He says that His true Birthday falls on the day when

we realize His presence in our heart!!





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