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Constant Ravana War-

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2004, while making bye bye presents a Gift.

The Asian coastal area struggles to cope with Tsunami earthquake in the Indian

Ocean,began at Indonesia region on the 26th Dec & after three hours, it

affected areas like Sri Lanka, Maldives,Port Blair, Andhra Pradesh, Pondichery

and Kerala. Sri Lanka is the hardest hit- a wall of water triggered by the

world's biggest earthquake in 40 years with magnitude of 9.0 that erupted off

the northern Indonesian coast.This huge tidal waves in the coastal areas

affected seven Asian countries & one in East Africa & many have lost their

lives; it may not go down in history as causing the greatest loss of life &

fears of diseases may spread all round, with no fault of sufferers or any

reason therefore.!!!


A force of nature, equivalent to a million atomic bombs the size of those

dropped on Japan in Second World War, was sufficient to disturb the earth's

rotation. Now may theories will be surfacing, each one will be proving its own

point of view. But do not forget the fact that all the developed countries

have been experimenting the Nuclear and Atomic experiments underground for many

years & these tests have to show their after- affects some time, which these

countries may deny by saying that these experiments were performed in their own

areas and are not responsible.If certain nations have been effected on account

of natural calamity ,we are sending the necessary aid to those countries on

humanitarian grounds. Or some may say that it is an Act of God, who is very

angry on account of EXALTED EGO Or this is on account of attitude of certain

people & it is an warning to avoid an further doses of disaster or Theory of

Karma will prevail, etc etc.


May Baba protect all his children in this calamity & rest their soul in peace.

Let us pray to Baba to ease the pain and suffering caused to those affected by

this calamity & have become homeless and helpless. May Baba bring some

enlightment for those who are indirectly responsible for this disaster.

A constant Ravana war is being waged by every one of us at all our crucial

moments of time. In all cases, the negative forces in each of us are larger in

number and usually mightier in their effectiveness, while the inner divine army

is less in number and comparatively weaker in efficacy. But if the good in us,

although less in number, is fully organized or controlled and brought under the

guidance of His Holiness Pujya Gurudev Narayan Baba, then it can be easily

ushered into true and permanent victory over large number of negative forces of

Lust, Greed, Hatred, Anger and Ego.


The Heaven and Hell are here and it is for you to perceive and find out from the

actions and dealings undertaken by you in marching ahead. Whether it is a Debit

balance or a Credit balance, it all depends upon your action in the World

outside in dealing with human as your own brothers/ sisters or otherwise. Are

you fair in your dealings with others? Are you the Real Trustee of God! Who has

given you wealth, not for Self use alone, but for taking care of those who are

poorer and are in need of assistance & the BABA has given you a chance to prove

your worth & not to sit over the amassed wealth for self use alone. Almighty has

already drawn your balance sheet and now it depends upon you as how you are

improving it with your performance of good actions and deeds during the 2005 .


"Baba's wishes for you..."

Comfort on difficult days, Smiles when sadness intrudes, Rainbows to follow the

clouds, Laughter & Serenity on your face,

Let you not be any sadness, Sunsets to warm your heart, Gentle hugs when spirits

sag, Friendships to brighten your being,Beauty for your eyes to see,

Confidence for when you doubt, Faith so that you can believe, Courage to know

yourself, Patience to accept the truth, And love to complete your life.

God Bless you!

I asked the Lord to bless you As I prayed for you today To guide you and protect

you As you go along your way.... His love is always with you His promises are

true, You know in all our struggles He will see us through So when the road

you're traveling on Seems difficult at best

Take a moment, say a prayer

And Baba will do the rest.

Lamp always rises upward to dispels darkness. To dispel darkness or ignorance

one needs the lamp of wisdom showered by Baba. Inner purity is the wick of this

Divine lamp. Devotion is the oil and Divine grace is ignited by Baba by liting

the knowledge

All that you need to have within you, a faith & perseverance like an oak tree

within you drawn forth. You contain within you tremendous potential, when Baba

is with you to strengthen and to guide you every movement until you burst open

the fountain of Love to merge with Him foe ever & ever..Never waste time &

always be grateful to Baba & surround yourself with positive thoughts & lit the

light of truth shining in everything and everywhere. Let your light shine

brightly to lit others.Let the lovable smile all the time emanate from you & be

of help to needy in the world.Baba's ways are mysterious, but He paves path for

all His devotees. "The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, He will

grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Be always in the company of messenger of God.

Learn through Satsang & be in the company of good and pious people, which will

strengthen the spirit and endow you with inner peace. Be aware of the Atma.

Evil is making inroads everywhere, this Atma is the embodiment of love. Only

through love,it is possible to kill all evils. available in this world.

Cultivate & develop love & flourish in love, which is the true devotion..


nimano fakir-Dubai-28th Dec:2004

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