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Swami teaches... Vedic truth of the objective world

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Sai Ram


Light and Love


Swami teaches... (19 January 2005)

Vedic Truth of the Objective World

Logic and intellectual investigation can give only partial accounts of the

Truth. Everything in creation has many phases and many angles. Reason can

observe only from one angle; it can see only one phase. The intellect that has

been purified and clarified through the activities (Karma) laid down in the

Vedas can succeed in observing both phases. Without undergoing the process of

purification and clarification, Reason can work only within the bounds of the

materialist world. So, the conclusions that it presents before us can only be

partially true. But, the intellect subjected to the processes of cleansing and

sharpening in the Vedic way can serve us by presenting a picture of the full

Truth of the objective world.

The Universe is the Macrocosmos; the Individual Being is the Microcosmos.

But, the basic Truth of both is One, the same. That One is independent and

unrelated to any other fact or thing. When That is realised in this manner, it

can be called Brahmam. When it enters the awareness as the Universe, it is

referred to as Parabrahmam. The basic truth of the Universe is Atma. The basic

Truth of the Individual is also Atma. All that appear as different from Atma

are of the region of 'delusion' or Mithya. The last implies a condition which,

until inquiry, appears real but, on inquiry, is known to be unreal. It is only

an appearance, this universe and its supposed basis - an appearance caused by

Ignorance or Maya. The power that deludes us into believing that the created

cosmos is true and real is also an emanation from the Atma. When this power

operates and the Atma is clothed with it, it is referred to as Paramatma.

The Lord is the eternal Witness, the Power that presides over every act.

Looked at from this point of view, one has to realise and declare that the Lord

and the Individual are bound inextricably together. In the absence of living

beings, there can be no Lord. So, the Lord, it can be said, manifested the

Universe, in order to provide living beings with fields of activity and in

order to grant them the consequences of those actions.


The Universe is for each Jivi its own mental picture and nothing else,

fundamentally. So, unless one unravels the mind and its processes, the Brahma

principle is difficult to understand. Those who have not understood the real

nature of the sky will mistake it as a dome of smoke and dust; so too, the Atma

is mistaken, through non-awareness of reality, to be enclosed in and embodied as

intellect or Buddhi, to be involved in activity, to be caught up in the twin

bonds of joy and sorrow, and to be embroiled in happiness and misery and also

in bondage and liberation.

From the angle of change (Vyavahara), the higher Truth will naturally appear

as different, though they are inextricably inter-related. One space (air) exists

in houses, lakes, hills etc. - which are shapes and forms, with distinct names

attached to them and different modes of behaviour and use. Individual beings

(jivas) too have different names and forms, peculiarities and specialities of

use and behaviour; but, like the string that holds the beads, passing in and

through each and holding them together, the Super-Consciousness in all

individuals is One.


What is it that, if known, everything else can be known? When the Atma is

known, declare the scriptures (Sruthi), everything can be known. The Jagath

(the Cosmos) is only relatively real; it is partly false explained the sacred

Sruthi texts and allied sacred literature like Smrithis, Ithihasas and Puranas.

"Why worry how the Cosmos was born or when it will die? Worry rather about

yourself." That is the lesson emphasised by the scriptures. "Know Thyself."

Once you know yourself, everything else will be automatically clear.

The Jivi cannot avoid inquiring into the origins of the Universe which he

encounters. The Sruthi answers such inquiry in words that give temporary

relief. The Universe originates through illusion or Maya. Just as the dream has

no order or law, the Universe also is too full of mystery and Maya.

There is another problem that generally worries a human being, how did this

ignorance happen? The solution has been provided by the sage-preceptor,

Vasishta, to Sri Ramachandra. "Rama!" he said, "Rather than entangling

yourselves in the inquiry regarding how Ignorance entered Man, I would exhort

you to be engaged in efforts to get rid of it".

This lesson is directed not only to Rama but to all mankind. It helps all

who do not possess the realisation of the Truth behind the objective world.

Ajnana or Ignorance is the name given to ignoring what is one's own inner

experience - that the universe is an ever-changing phenomenon. (Reet's

compilation from: Sathya Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Vahini "The Primal Purpose," pp.


Namaste - Reet

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