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Swami teaches... The supreme mantra

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Sai Ram


Light and Love


Swami teaches... (22 January 2005)

The Supreme Mantra

The essence of the Sama Veda is the Pranava (Om). Omkaaram Sarva Vedaanaam -

thescriptures have also declared that Omkaara (the sacred syllable Om) is the

supreme mantra in the Vedas.

The single syllable "Om" symbolises the Paramatma (Supreme Omni-Self). The

sage Vyasa first taught the Sama Veda to Maharishi Jaimini. Further in the

process it developed many saakhas (branches). Out of the one thousand branches

which stemmed from the Veda, today only three have survived among its

practioners. The others have been lost by the ravages of time.

The pranava mantra is all-pervasive and ever-present. There cannot be a

single moment when we are not listening to this pranava. The Pranava is present

in every living being. The Pranava is the primordial sound on which all sounds

are based. The Pranava has been equated with the Brahman (the Cosmic Self).

The Vedic dictum, Ayam Atma Brahma (This' Atma is Brahman) points out

thatAtma and Brahman are one and the same. Hence Om, Brahman and Atma signify

the sameentity.

Every human being experiences four states of consciousness in daily life;

Jagrata (the waking state), Swapna (dream state), Sushupti (deep sleep) and

Turiya (the highest state ofconsciousness). The waking state is the state in

which one sees and experiences the phenomenal world through the five

life-breaths, the senses, the mind, the intellect and the ego. Without the

Atma, the waking state or experience of the phenomenal world cannot exist.

Hence the Atma in this state is known as Viswa. It is also called Vaiswanara or

Viraatpurusha. Krishna is stated to have revealed to Arjuna His Viswaroopa

(cosmic form). The Atma that appears in the waking state as the phenomenal

cosmos in its gross form, appears in the dream state in its sookshma (subtle)

form. All the joys and sorrows experienced in the dream state are unique

self-created experiences of the Atma. In the third state of Sushupti, the

experience of the waking and the dream states are absent. It is the state of

deep sleep. In this state Prajna (integrated awareness) alone exists. Only the

breathing process remains. Prajna is the state of unchanging and permanent

bliss described by the Upanishads.

Prajna is the permanent entity that exists equally in the waking state as

the body, in the senses as the Antahkarana (the Inner Motivator) and in the

deep sleep state as Atma. It is for this reason that it is characterised as

Constant Integrated Awareness. It is not different from Brahman or Atma. A

doubt may arise that neither Brahman nor Atma is visible. But by understanding

the Pranava, the identity of the Brahman and Atma can be experienced.

All that is seen in the visible universe, all that is heard in the realm of

sound, all the multifarious experiences of the heart - all of them are subsumed

by the Pranava. Even in the state of deep sleep, the process of breathing in

and breathing out goes on ceaselessly. That which sustains the breathing

process is Omkaara, which thus proclaims Its identity with the Brahman and the


The fourth state is Turiya. This is a state of complete ineffable Bliss in

which the UniversalConsciousness alone is experienced. It is beyond


Like the four states of consciousness, the Omkaara has also four

constituents. It is viewed as the four-faced Brahma. It is also described as

Sabda-Brahmam, the Brahman in the form of cosmic sound.The Sabda-Brahmam

contains Gaana-Brahmam (the Brahman as music). The Sabda-Brahmam pervades

everywhere. The allpervasive character of Sabda-Brahmam is first among eight

cosmic powers attributed to the Divine. (Even the modern science has discovered

that the cosmic sound accompnies whatsoever cosmic events in galaxies and in

cosmic space between them. About it some contributions to the group has sent).

The cosmic power of the sound can be known when the Sama Veda and Pranava

are properly understood. This knowledge cannot be got by external exploration.

It has to be got from within. The Lord, who is manifest in Cosmic Sound, is

present within as Pranavakaara (the form of Pranava). For nourishing this

faith, it is necessary to abjure impurity in speech. There is great energy in

the power of speech. In uttering mantras (sacred sounds), their meaning should

be understood. Otherwise the japa (repetition of Divine Name) becomes

mechanical ritual.

A human being needs primarily two qualities' Devotion to God and the spirit

of sacrifice. Your job is no doubt important for earning a living. But you must

be prepared even to sacrifice it for serving the nation and upholding Truth,

with faith in God. Realise the omnipresence of the Divine in the form of

Omkaara, as proclaimed in the Sama Veda. Practise Omkara Upasana (meditation of

the primal sound principle) with the consciousness that the Divine is

omnipresent and achieve mergence in the Divine as the goal of human birth.

To recognise the Omni-Self that is in every being is Self-realisation. Today

people boast about the tremendous progress of science and technology, but if

this claim is true, why does ajnana (ignorance) persist on such a large scale?

Good thoughts, good words and good actions are absent today. People frequently

are behaving in a manner worse than that of animals. There are fleeting moments

of devotion, but these are more demonstrative than genuine expressions of faith

in God. Unless faith in God expresses itself in a Godly life, it is sheer

hypocrisy. "Sai Ram" in words any dishonesty in thoughts is brazen deception.

"Sai Ram" must emanate from the depth of one's being.

Develop fraternal feelings towards all. Differences of opinion can be

resolved by compromise. If egoistic pride is given up, all difficulties can be


Live up to Swami's teachings as far as possible and thereby redeem your

lives. (Reet's compilation from: Sathya Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 20,

"Pranavopaasana," Chapter 24 and "Transformation is what I want," Chapter 25).

Namaste - Reet

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Thank you- you are absolutely right we have to live upto Swami's teachings as far as possible

to redeem our lives.Sai Ram in words and dishonesty in thoughts is totally

deception hundred percent true, we have to alter our thought patterns now

otherwise we will not get this precious chance again as Swami says if you say

"Yes" I too say "Yes' if you say "No" I too say "No".


Another important point which I would like to mention if Bharat declines in

Dharma then whole world is affected too as Swami said Bharat is Punya Bhoomi

where Avatars and great Rishis were born.This is the land from where we got

Vedas and Upanishads so Bharat must uphold Dharma which will be beeficial to

whole world.


Jai Bharat


At the feet of Sai


SoumendraReet <reet.priiman (AT) neti (DOT) ee> wrote:

.... Live up to Swami's teachings as far as possible and thereby redeem your

lives. (Reet's compilation from: Sathya Sai Baba. Sathya Sai Speaks Vol. 20,

"Pranavopaasana," Chapter 24 and "Transformation is what I want," Chapter 25).

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