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Liberation through Baba

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Liberation through Baba:


Baba is Absolute and not attached to any body. As it is said "Your faith is

not God, but God is your faith". Everything is created from this absolute

and merges with this absolute. The absolute is the source of all energy and

creation. Baba is absolute because Baba can manifest any body from absolute

by His will and can dissolve it by His will. Only absolute has this

knowledge how to create body and dissolve into Him. That is the truth and

absolute truth about Baba. Science can convert material into energy by

destroying material body but creation of Body using energy is impossible

yet. That is god mind and unmanifested energy until it takes a form.


I had heard Baba's voice living in America as I challenged that He is not

kalki avatar. I challenged Him and told Him that this is not the way to

establish dharma that he will perform miracles and people will say that this

is a magic. God can not be only magician but if men do not listen Him, he

should come out with His weapon. Then before Tsunami Baba talked to me

through my soul and told me that what is going to happen India, Indonesia,

Jakarta and other Asian countries. He took me under the sea and showed me

the fault and He also showed me 1000s of shirts under the water. When the

Tsunami was happening that time I was traveling with my friends in

California. I felt something is happening within me and I start talking

about the destructions mentioning Srilanka and other Asian countries. I told

my friend that I am doing it to establish dharma. Next day I found 1000s of

people died because of Tsunami. Then after few days Baba took me to the sea

shore and showed me how the water came in the form of wave and washed my

body. I felt the splinter of water that washed my body. So don't think that

God only delivers all goods, to establish dharma, he can use weapon if men

do not listen.


Again I challenged Baba, to show me His viswarupa, the universal form. Baba

also obliged and showed me His universal form. That time He showed me His

1000s eyes and the complete cosmos within Him. I told him that these are all

dream and I don't believe it. So then I found whenever I do something, think

something as if somebody is doing on my behalf. I felt the energy every

time, everywhere. I was reading yesterday one Baba's presentation about

higher study in response of my email to the group about spreading Baba's

teachings and message about liberation and felt the same energy again. I

felt Baba sitting within me and reading line by line. Suddenly I got my

conscience back and I called Baba, you are with me. Baba then told me, see

these are my eyes which are yours now. Immediately I realize that's why Baba

showed me His 1000s of eyes while showing me His viswarup (universal form).

He is noticing everything from everywhere using our eyes. Similarly I had

lots of experience traveling in the cosmos etc. by Baba's grace.


So if you have any doubt challenge Baba. You should be bold enough to

withstand those. There are lots of pain attched to those challenge and you

will have to experience several death of yourself. Baba sometimes makes me

afraid also, that is the nature of universal father. Baba himself came and

make me His chela giving me mantra in 1996 blessing with His bivuti and also

He took His guru dakshina immediately. He told me to come to His whitefield

ashram (temple) but I ignored Him that time because I could not realize Him

that he was sai Baba indeed. Today Baba remind me again that you told me you

will come but yet not came. I always challenge Baba and tell him that you

are not god and He tries to convince me that He is. So you challenge Him and

see what happens. Whatever mantras appears in my mind that comes through

Baba's grace. He is the universal father, sometimes I thank Him and sometime

I do not. Sometime I challenge Him that I am god and that he is not. He then

smiles and I feel very happy.


Baba also showed me the entire cosmos without any material manifestations.

He told me that , that is His original being. Origin-That-Being

(Om-Tat-Sat). He traveled me through the Blue Ocean in cosmos many times.

Once I reached to a beautiful star and thought that I will stay there. The

star got broken and while I am falling I called Baba, Baba..That is the

experience I had when even I was not even knowing about sai Baba in 1992.

Most of the experience I had, I experience as if Baba is my own father. Then

I realised Baba and my father has no difference. Baba's loves comes to you

in the form of your own father's love. One day again He traveled me to guru

Brihaspathi and showed Him. He showed me how beautiful this ocean of cosmos

is where you can travel freely. It is really a wonderful experience when you

can strat travelling through cosmos according to your will. He told me that

everybody is god but they are attached to the body and they think that they

are body only. They don't know that they are free. What a pity I have for

them when they ask me all worldly things which is temporay one. They should

ask for liberation and work for liberation. So experience Baba, love Baba,

dream Baba,Challenge Baba, Doubt Baba and say that you are Baba.


Spread this message of Baba each and everyone. To be blessed and to be








>"PHANI KUMAR" <phani_chimalapati

>[saibabanews] Re: 2 miracles of omnipotence

>15 Feb 2005 06:27:18 -0000



>thats an iteresting mail.

>how does faith grow in a doubting thomas??

>maybe i dont understand it..


>thanks for the insight


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It was quite unique experience while reading your mail. And I do doubt some

times about baba, since I do not have first hand experience. I beleive that u

have better qualification than me thats why you have been blessed by baba.


I do beleive baba but I want to experience him. This may sound crazy but

unless you feel him its hard to just follow him. It could be said that my time

is yet to come thats why I do not have any such enchanting experience with him,

but still I would like to give a try. Can you please guide me regarding this



Thanks and Regards,


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"Srimanta Kumar Jana" <srimantajana

Wed Feb 16, 2005 0:44pm

Re: Liberation through Baba


Sai Ram:


Dear Sister Sangeeta,


Peace is very important in life. Peace of mind comes only through

surrender to God. Your faith to Baba will definitely lead you to

that path. I had also undergone several pain and sufferings within

my mind and without any peace of mind until I see the God within

me by grace of Baba. As you understand all attributes attached to

human soul is temporary and thus pain and sufferings also temporary

for you. So you have to achieve faith by realizing God.

So praying for liberation is utmost important than thinking about how

you will give things to your children. Give them love that is much

more important than giving them toys. That's what Baba says love is

important and supreme. Love is nirguna, hence path of liberation.


If you are thinking to serve other children than first bring them

into your heart as Baba does. We are planning to develop a website

and we want some volunteer who can help us to develop the site.

Then next we will come out some projects through which we can serve our

brothers and sisters along with their children. The most important

service today is for building character what Baba is utmost looking for.

Since Baba says that every body is god and we only don't think so,

so thinking to be god and becoming god is the only path of liberation.

So we have to teach our children how to think themselves

that they are god and they are divine. That will not come in a day

because we ourselves do not think so. So without thinking us how we can

teach our children.


So that's why we have to build our own character before even we

build others. No body in this world is born only God without any attribute

(swatic, rajasik or ignorance) since we have a body. So to become God

everybody needs to go through experiencing and loving each other and

practicing the character of God. So in that process in one point of

time you will see God within you. Since God is your faith , your faith

is not God, by achieving God you will achieve the absolute faith on

yourself and you will dare to claim infront of the whole world that

you are God. Just Baba started claiming to be God when he was a child.

Once you become that you will inspire other. So that is Om-Tat-Sat



with lots of love




Note: I am forwarding this email to all our devotees though it is

little personal in nature. But Baba is for all of us and everybody

should be blessed by Him.




Manie V <vmanie

Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:15pm

Re: [saibabanews] Re: Liberation through Baba


Sairam dear brothers,

Following this thread, I felt it would be good to share the

following passage from "Sai Baba the Holy Man and The Psychiatrist"

by Dr.Samuel Sandweiss which I just recently read. I felt these

discussions are coincidental to these verses.


"One of the important motivations behind the writing of this book is

my desire to communicate some of the uplifting nature of my

experience, and to share it with those who are yearning for light.

Even though at present we know little about the various factors and

mechanisms involved in a spiritual transformation, it is almost

enough to be aware that such a phenomenon exists at all. Knowing

that many peaple have undergone or being witness to this

extraordinary experience can bring joy, and the strength to

continue, into the lives of others who are searching.

What factors can lead a person to adopt a radically different view

of reality? Why is it that one person can change almost completely

upon simply seeing Sai Baba, while for another it takes a certain

amount of time to measure and study him... and still another---no

matter how much contact he has with Baba, experiencing the most

incredible demonstrations of his greatness---changes not one iota? I

have tried to analyze this but have given up; the answer is simply

beyond me.

I remember reading something Baba said about this when he was

questioned about why some people stay at the ashram, disciplining

themselves, becoming involved in meditation and good services and

appearing to be very devoted - yet still not experiencing much of

the change inside - while others will stay only a short while and

suddenly be overwhelmed with bliss and joy and become completely

transformed. He has used the analogy of a rock that has a specific

breaking point: let's say twenty-two blows with a hammer. It might

already have received twenty blows in a previous lifetime so that in

this one it needs only two more to shatter, while a similar rock may

have had only two blows and so require twenty in this life time.

Such concepts involving another dimension of reality are beyond my

level of conciousness, and so I am simply unfamiliar with many of

the factors operating here. I now realize my limited capacity to

communicate my experience in a way which allows others to share in

the transformation......"


In my understanding of what the author has to say in the book and my

belief that Swami is around and always with me, I can say that we

mortals in no way can challenge Swami to show us a miracle or

experience with the thought that we would then believe him. The

converse actually is true. One should start completely believing in

Swami (or your deity or role model of choice as Swami is in what you

choose) and virtually start communicating with him/her. One cannot

come out successful unless going through series of tests. This not

only proves our dedication, hardwork and sincerity to the subject

but also evolves you to the level of maturity to handle

Swami's "Paramananda" (state of eternal bliss). Definitely I am

still on the infancy of this but certainly I am excited to go

through this path with Swami as my guide and teacher.

Above all experiencing Swami's bliss is indeed a personal experience

that cannot be quantified in this dimensional world especially with

no scientific methods. It has to be achieved only by rigorously

practising his teachings and following the path of riteousness.


I pray Swami to his beloved devotess to forgive me if my above

thoughts may lack clarity in subject or may carry any


Jai Sairam,





"Srimanta Kumar Jana" <srimantajana

Wed Feb 16, 2005 1:29pm

RE: [saibabanews] Liberation through Baba


Brother D.,


Baba had sent you to the right person to give your answer. Yesterday

Baba met me in the complete embodiment of Shiva with snakes in His divine

neck and came and huged me. He told me in my ear that I am also Shiva.

His hugging is so pleasant that I felt that I hug being awaken and

definitely I got up immediately after His hug. Next when I slept again He

showed one of my dead elder uncle sitting in the chair. It looks he had some

mental pain.

The uncle called me and asked me to sit on His lap. I went to Him and

holding His arms of the chair I talked to Him without sitting on His

lap. He asked me to control the vegetable growing prices.


Hare Krishna manta is the highest mantra in any of the religion in

this universe. You are lucky to get this mantra. Baba Himself by person

came to give me this mantra in 1996 at Bangalore, India when I was growing

through some computer courses. He did not talk to any body and straight way

came to me and give His mantra in my both ear. Then He blew my two ears and

asked me to do padanamaskar. After doing so He gave me His Bhibhuti,next He

asked me to give guru daskina and I gave everything what I had. Then He asked

me to come to Whitefield Ashram. That time I was not knowing about Baba.

In 1998, one of the Sai devotee listening all those things from me started

crying , saying that He was no other than Sai Baba. But I was doubtful

because before Baba came to me, I had gone through many spiritual experiences

and I even traveled through the cosmos. I used to meditate about Ramakrishna.

And even 1992 I got Samadhi infront of my whole village. Once I left my body

and reached to the brahmalok where I observed all colorful stars looked

like parijat(flower of heaven) in Heaven. I choose one of this star and

thought I will stay there but unfortunately the star got broken and I started


While I was falling I saw the sun and start calling as Baba and I

came back to the earth again. Since then I had many such experiences moving

in the cosmos. But still my doubt did not go since I got the Hare Krishna

mantra from Baba and I started doubting Him. Still I have some doubt about

Him sometimes


So doubting Baba is good for your liberation. That's why you came to

know about me. Just a week I started writing in this though I

was member for last 2 months. All the email used to go into my junk mail

and I don't bother even to see them earlier. During last 2 months I was

experiencing everyday many new things about Baba and Baba always

used to act within my own father's soul because I had a discrimination about

my own father and Baba. I always used to think that my father is the god

who had brought me to this earth because the first time I left my body and

went into the cosmos in 1992, I was sleeping with my own father. When that

discrimination has gone that my own father and Baba is same, I got all peace

of mind. Now I don't discriminate between my father and Baba. The

discrimination between your own father and Baba is because of the

attribute (gunas) because you are to much attched to your own father from

your childhood. As long as you have guna i.e. attribute like swatic

(goodness), rajasik(action), tamasik (ignorance) you follow the 3 mode of

nature as mentioned in the Bhagavad- Gita. But Baba is nirguna Brahama.

So how can you realize Baba when you are attached to gunas (attributes)

which is body consciousness. So that's why the discrimination with you.

You have to attained nirguna Brahama by Baba's grace and only then you will

stop discriminating Baba and other god.


Baba will guide you through the rest.


With lots of love



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Sai Ram, dear Shrimanta, as fascinating as your experiences with Baba are, and I

certainly would love to read more of your beautiful mails about them, they are

your experiences only. Swami has said that his relationship with each and every

one of his devotees is unique, intimate and cannot be duplicated. Some devotees

may not have the same positive results you did if they challenge Swami.


It is fine to share our experiences of Swami with each other, but we should not

advise others to do this or that in their relationship with Swami, because each

relationship, as He has said, is unique.

Besides, each one of us should do with Swami and tell Him that which is in our

own heart, not follow what others do in that sense.


Though experiences like yours are beautiful and we love to read or hear about

them, we all know that what makes a person a devotee of the Lord is the

adherence to a daily sadhana or spiritual practice that incorporates Swami's

teachings into one's own daily life, as expressed by him in the Nine Point Code

of Conduct, the Ten Principles, and other instructions He's been giving us

throughout the years in his Discourses.


Mainly, the whole Sai Teaching is contained in this: "Love all, serve all. Help

ever, hurt never". And this, according to Him, should be put into practice on a

daily basis.


Also, I don't see how doubting Baba can be a blessing or help us to achieve

liberation. Can you explain that?


With much Sai love,


Sai Ram

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Dear Sister Gina,


Very good email received from you. It is Baba's blessing that I have an

opportunity to reply such a beautiful email. To reply your email I need to

explain what the essence of doubt? Doubt of what? Doubt of whom? The only

answer is yourself. You doubt yourself first before you doubt Baba. You

think you are not God, you can not achieve God. Baba is different then us.

He is God and you are human. He is divine and you are sin. He is virtue and

you are sinner. You have a difference with Baba. That means you are

separated from Baba. You are looking something else not Baba. To become

close to Baba you have to clear your doubts, no doubt. Baba is nirguna

(attribute less) Brahma and embodiment of absolute. As Gita says God is the

all reasons and all doers. But he is not attached to anybody. Everybody is

attached to him. So you have to hold God firmly, not Baba have to hold you.

If Baba holds so many than you can not remain free. As per the liberation is

concerned you want to be free. You don't like anybody hold you. That means

you should not allow Baba to hold you. Rather you hold Baba. So before

holding Baba test whether Baba is solid or not! Baba is absolute or not?

That is the test you have to make with Guru. When Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

came He brought Naren (Vivekananda) with Him, similarly Baba also brought me

along with all of you. As per your email all the relationship with Baba is

unique and it is true. So as mine. I want my Guru's test because I hold Him.

Guru has given me His test and I am now firm. That's why I mentioned you

also take Guru's test first if you have any doubt. Why you are doubting

yourselves forever. Doubt Baba first than you doubt yourself.


Oh! my brothers and sisters do not forget that you are the son of divine and

you are all gods. That Baba teaches us and follow this unique teaching

first. Rise yourselves to God and bring others to your goodness. Liberate

yourself first and than liberate other. As long as Baba did not told me that

I am liberated I never leave Him. Now the turns is yours. Take this unique

opportunity and get lord's grace and mercy. Hold Him firmly with your all

might. You will surely reach the heaven no doubt.


"Your faith is not God but God is your faith"


God bless you







>[saibabanews] Re: Liberation through Baba

>Thu, 17 Feb 2005 00:42:37 +0000


>Sai Ram, dear Shrimanta, as fascinating as your experiences with Baba are,


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Dear Srimanta,

please forgive me, I live in Italy and from your name I am not

able to know wether you are a brother or a sister, please be not

offended by this.

I want to thank you very much for your email. You have pointed out the right

questions and I am grateful that reading your mail was an opportunity for

me to analyse myself and to keep on learning. You have helped me indeed very


I have joined in this group only recently and I have the feeling as though

a new time has come for me. reading al those beautifull and "incredible"

messages about our beloved Swami, I feel like as if He were trying to "hold

me tighter", as if this experience will give birth to something new within


Geographically I am so far away but indeed reading all those emails I feel

so close to all brothers and sisters. It is in fact the first time that I

can share my love for Baba with so many people. No more I must feel to be

strange, but I feel at home. So many people here seem quite embarressed if

you talk about God, now finally I can share my love for God, my love for

Baba, with all you.

Thank you again for all your love and help.

I send you all my love. God bless you and those dear to your.

Berit Martina



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Sai Ram, dear Srimanta, thank you for your reply and blessings. I really

appreciate it. May Swami bless you always with his sweetest and most tender



With much Sai love,


Sai Ram

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Sairam Dear Brother:


You already got the answer through Murali Krishna's email disclosures. God

blesses everything to a simple person not to a king who has everything.

That's the answer. So Om is the king of devotees and he will find His own

way by grace of lord. Definitely the presence of lord wll be sensed there

through Om.


Om-Tat-Sat (Origin-That-Being)


With lots of love





>shatrughan lal gupta <om_nirwan1974

>RE: [sainathMaharaj] Liberation through Baba

>Sun, 20 Feb 2005 17:16:13 +0000 (GMT)


> Dear Srimanta ji,


>Thank you very much for sharing such wonderful

>experiences with all of us.Can you pl ask Baba ji

>what has His plan regarding the re- construction

>of "Om -Samadhi" village :Jagsenda ( Distt :Barabanki, U.P.).I shall be

>very much thankful to you pl .

>With Sai Love,



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Dear Sister Vijaya,


The principle of liberation what Baba is teaching us "Freedom" means "Hold

me, I will not hold you any more". So in that process you need to hold your

god and guru with all your might to arrive in Heaven and the lord will not

hold you any more from now onward. If lord holds you so many you all are not

free. That means "Your Faith is not God but God is your faith".


As Baba says make your luggage less such that you get extreme comforts while

traveling. That means make your both hand free such that you can hold God

while the God will liberate you. If you hold somebody by engaging one of

your hand you will be left with one hand only. So your journey will not be

comfortable because of heavy luggage. So don't be attached with anybody and

do not ask god liberate my brothers, sisters, husband,friends, parent or

give me some material, money, property etc. Liberate yourself first and be

confident of yourself. Then advice your all neighbors or friends to do the

same. Let them to hold your lord by their two hands also. This is the

principle of liberation always Baba is saying to all of you.


Now the question is you are not sure that whether Baba can take you to the

heaven? You have always doubt in your mind because you did not tested Baba's

might. So test Him before you start your journey with Him. Baba already

given the biggest test saying you that you are liberated means you are free

to live Baba at any point of your journey if you have any doubt about Baba

reaching in Heaven. Baba is so confident and that's why He told this. He is

sure that He will take you to heaven if and only if you can hold Him with

all might using your two hands. It is you have to hold Him, not Baba have to

hold you. So that's why you need to test your confidence by testing Baba. If

you are confident then say that Baba is my lord and I will definitely reach

heaven holding Baba. Otherwise say I am not confident about myself that I

can hold Baba during my journey. If you are not confident then reduce your

luggage and ask for Baba's grace. This is the only way to be liberated.


Baba says discriminate with others, with your taught, your feelings because

carry only those necessary things which are absolute. Don't carry any

useless things which are not needed. Leave them here itself. It will reduce

your luggage. While boarding into Baba's plane to heaven, Baba will only ask

you, are you confident that you can hold me tightly with your all muscle? If

you say yes and come inside and have a sit. Otherwise he will return you

from the gate and ask you to become confident and come with less luggage. So

you need to reduce your luggage by engaging yourself by practicing

discrimination. Baba's gate is not widely open that anybody can enter. He

will also take one test from you and that is your confidence. So get your

confidence by testing Baba at the beginning of your journey. This is my

advice to all of you who is willing to make journey with Baba.


With lots of Sai Love





>"Vijaya" <vijaya

>Fw: [saibabanews] Re: Liberation through Baba

>Tue, 15 Feb 2005 11:00:13 +0800


>Sai Ram Sister,


>I read your email which was forwarded to sister gina.

>I am a new devotee.

>Can you please explain to me and guide me.

>What you mean by guru test.

>Please reply.

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Sai Ram Srimanta ,


I want to clarify one point Swami is not interested to take us to heaven- heaven

is not our final destination.If we crave for heaven then we have to come back

again to earth ,as heaven is there for us depending upon our storage of good

deeds.So our cravings will be to merge with Swami where there will be no birth

no death.Recently in one His discourse's Swami said that during Krishna's era

Krishna liberated thousands and thousands souls such was His compassion >

Swami is trying to do the same thing with us as we all know Mother Esswarrama

physically comes to Swami to have His darshan even thou she died ,so this was

possible because of Swami's Darshan ,Sparshan and Sambhasan.As Swami said" be

confident that you all be saved ,you all believe in postman and know that your

letter's will be delivered so also believe me and trust my words and I will

deliever you.""

At the feeet of Sai



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Sai Ram Soumendra,


It is not the will of God whether He will take you to heaven or not. It is

your will whether you want to travel to heaven or not. If you decided to

travel to heaven you need a vehicle and Baba is that. If you understand that

this vehicle will take you to heaven and then ride on that. Don't waste your

time because there is lots of passengers are waiting. But if you think that

it can not carry you because you have lots of luggage than remove your

luggage and ride on it. If you still believe that you need your luggage

still in heaven then first find a vehicle to send your luggage. But still if

you had some luggage than make only a postcard size and give it to Baba. But

know that your luggage is useless there. But ultimately you have to travel

and how long you can wait for it?


With lots of Sai Love



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest guest


You are very right in saying that our motto is no to

achieve heaven's pleasure but we should pray our

Baba for providing us His closeness & nearness all

the time in whatever form He wills.


"Swami ka hamko pyaar mile,

Unkaa saanidhya aur saath mile.

Aur kyaa chaahiye es jeewan me,

Swami ka bas anuraag mlie."


(We should wish to get Baba's

love & to have His closeness

& company.What more do we

need in this life.Let us pray for

His compassion.)

With Sai Love,





Soumendra Bhattacharjee <soumendra_toronto > wrote:

Sai Ram Srimanta ,

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