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Marriage saying

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Sai ram to everyone,

please,this is a small request to all Swami's devotees....i need to know if

there's any particular saying of Baba regarding marriage...really need

it.hoping to get a reply.


May Swami's blessing always be with you all...

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Moderator's Note: Messages of August 2004 on this subject can be

read below.



"BS" <saiaum

Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:01am

Re: [saibabanews] Marriage saying




Hope this helps. Some sayings by BABA

can be found at site: http://www.saibaba.ws/quotes/marriage.htm




Sri Sathya Sai Baba Quotations




Before marriage, he is half body. Before marriage, she is half body.

Lady is always left side. Right side is gent's. The gent's body is

always the right side of the wife. Now you have only one body. In

Indian philosophy or custom, this is called ardhangi. (Ardha means

half.) Wife before marriage is only ardhangi, half body. Now the

left side is joined with the right side and you are full body.

(Divine Memories of Sathya Sai Baba)


Men should try to understand women, and women should try to

understand men. It is the harmony, peace and mutual love between men

and women that brings happiness and peace to the family. People want

happiness in the family, but they do not lead exemplary lives. The

fault lies with both the husband and the wife. (Sri Sathya Sai Baba,

Ladies Day Discourse, Nov. 19, 1995)


Women should take the correct path then men will follow suit, as it

is the women who have to take the leading role. The wife is half of

the husband; if she becomes good, then her husband, who is the other

half, will also become good (Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Ladies Day

Discourse, Nov. 19, 1995)


Love is life for man and love is everything in this world. It is

love that shines brilliantly in every individual. But man, not being

able to comprehend the significance of love attributes physical

relationship to it. The love of a mother towards her child is

affection. The love that exists between wife and husband is

infatuation. The love that exists among friends and relations is

attachment. The love towards material objects is desire. Love in

totality, directed towards God is known as devotion. (Sri Sathya Sai

Baba, Guru Poornima Discourse, Aug. 3, 1999)


Marriage means your whole life, a whole lifetime together, not just

a few days, or a few weeks, or a few years. (Golden Age, pp. 140-143)








Kishor Nanwani <saiyug

Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:00pm

Re: [saibabanews] Marriage saying


Sai Ram..


Pls. try this and see if it helps...Please go to

http://www.sathyasai.org and there is a search programme for all the

vahinis and Swami´s Discourses uptil 2002..


With Love in Sai Service




Jatindar Shad <egreatindia

Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:24pm

Re: [saibabanews] Marriage saying


Sai Ram Prasnita,


As per Baba, Marriage is a 'give' and 'take' of our karmic dues to

each other.


When these karmic dues are paid back full - it will result is the

passing-on of the one of the partners - so Divorce are artificial -

you seperate from each other, but, with the karmic dues still

remaining - divorce only delays the karmic re-payment. For this

karmic repayment both partners have to come together again - in this

birth or in the future. And in the interim, that is between the

divorce and coming back together - both partners do more karmas - to

effect the circumstances of the repayment at a later date.


Some years ago I had written an article on Marriage, as explained by

Swami - would the forum members be interested!


Sai Ram - Be Happy







"Anica" <ljubve

Mon Feb 21, 2005 0:09am

RE: [saibabanews] Marriage saying




Dear Prasnita, with Love and Swami's blessing always with us....






Thu Aug 12, 2004 1:31pm

Re: [saibabanews] Swami and marriage


Sai Ram!

Swami has a lot to say about the institution of marriage. The

following are quotes taken from the book A Compendium of the

Teachings of Sathya Sai Baba:




"Marriage is for the sake of pursuing dharma. It is not for enjoying

worldly pleasures.....The same pleasures are experienced by street

dogs. Is that happiness?" SS May 1996 P 121


"In the modern world, youth should know the nature of true love.

Many from abroad mix with persons of the opposite sex, calling them

boy friend and girl friend. If you really love each other, you must

get married and not continue living as friends." SS August 1997 P 212


"The antecedents of families were fully examined in the past before

marital alliances were concluded. But today these factors are

ignored. People are indifferent to family backgrounds, while they

are concerned about *the pedigrees of dogs in dog shows! This

indifference to lineage accounts for the breakup of many marriages

after a short time. This should not happen. Marriage should be a

lifelong partnership." SS Jan 1996 P 14


"Before one is married, one does not know anything about the

attitudes of one's own wife. Prior to the marriage, whatever

difficulty the girl may come across, the husband is not going to

worry about it. But once the marriage is performed, even if the wife

has a small pain or difficulty, the husband also suffers great

sorrow. The truth becomes clear from this example that these sorrows

and difficulties come half-way in our life, and they are not natural

to us."


"Marriage is like milk and sugar. Men are the milk; ladies are the

sugar.....Milk by itself is just protein. Sugar alone is just taste.

They must be mixed together to give both taste and protein.


"In the Hindu culture, the wife is called half of the

husband.....Marriage is a sacred bond and it is a promise you are

making to each other because the wife is half husband and the

husband is half of the wife. Half plus half is not two but one.


"Selflessness is God. The self which is selfless is God. To

feel `mine' and `thine' is ego. Ego is very harmful. It is to kill

the ego that two souls are brought together. They can learn to

adjust to one another and forget their egos.


"Marriage means your life, a whole lifetime together, not just a few

days or a few weeks, or a few years.....Marriage is a training

ground for fostering transensual love. Life is like a ring. The ring

is the heart; when that is given, the gift is the heart itself. That

is the sacred bond.


"Today there is the tendency of separation, not coming together.

Life is full of troubles and challenges. We should not separate

ourselves because of these but rather face them together. Now when

trouble comes, even if it is small, it separates us. That should not

be the tendency, one should give one's heart to another." GA P 140-



"Marriage is the joining together or bringing together of a man and

a woman for the sake of progeny. People should exercise discipline

and control in married life. That is why it is said there can be no

glory or achievement without discipline. Before marriage, he is half

body. Before marriage, she is half body. Lady is always left side.

Right side is gent's. The gent's body is always the right side of

the wife. Now you have only one body. In Indian philosophy or custom

this is called ardhangi. (Ardha means half). Wife before marriage is

only ardhangi, half body. Now the left side is joined with the right

side and you are full body.


"In the future, husband's troubles are wife's troubles and wife's

troubles become the husbands's. It is like, if one part of the body

is paralyzed, the other part of the body feels the paralysis. And

so, your wife must feel your pains and you must feel her pains. Both

of your pains are removed by Swami. Both husband should help wife

and wife should help husband.


"Sometimes, it is natural for you to have adjustment and

understanding. First you must understand each other. After that,

adjustment will be easy. First understanding. Second adjustment.

Ninety percent of people try adjustment first. This is wrong way

around. First understanding." VS P 129-130


"Animal qualities mean excessive desires. `I want this.' `I want

that.' Mankind is bound by desires. For example, a young man has two

legs, and he is single. After some time he says `I want to be

married.' Desires start; he gets married. Now how many legs does he

have? He has four. So long as he had two legs, he walked wherever he

wanted. But after marriage, he has four legs; he lost some

independence. After some time, he says he wants a son. Desires

continue; he has a son. Then there are six legs; he is now more and

more bound with six legs. Later he says, `I want a daughter.' Then

there are eight legs. When he has eight legs, he becomes fearful.

Because of fear, he wants to hide. As the number of legs go on

increasing, bondage increases. Where did he get the bondage? It was

the result of desires. Therefore, control your desires. In Vedantic

parlance, this is called detachment or renunciation." SSN Spring

1995 P 17


"Everyone wants to achieve happiness and makes all sorts of efforts

for this purpose without knowing where to find it. He thinks he can

get happiness when he gets a job to earn his livelihood and pursues

his studies only with this end in view. After he gets a job, he is

still not happy. He wants to get married. He marries and sets up a

family. Even then there is no happiness. He wants progeny. He gets a

child. Still he is not happy. He wants promotion so that he can earn

more to maintain his family. He gets it. Even then he is not happy.

And he goes on like that in quest of happiness that eludes him.

Happiness is not there in all these attainments or possessions. It

is only in the heart within. He is himself the embodiment of

happiness. Yet, without realizing this, he goes on seeking happiness

elsewhere." SS May 1994 P 124


"When one chooses a life-partner now-a-days, the first consideration

is paid to external beauty and charm. Next the economic position is

taken as the basis. How rich is he or she? How much does he or she

earn? Questions like, how far they are educated, what is the social

status of the families to which they belong are asked later. Carried

off by mere external frills and foppery, people enter into wedlock,

and get entangled in misery or a destructive family life. The family

cannot be stable if it is built on such a slender foundation. Prime

importance has to be paid to the fundamental requisites of a good

character, high ideals of tolerance and forbearance, love and

service. When beauty fades or wealth wanes, the bond too becomes

less strong." SSS VOL VIII Chap 51 P 266


"Marriage means your life, a whole lifetime together, not just a few

days, or a few weeks, or a few years. Marriage means one's

character. Marriage is not like changing one's bush shirt. Marriage

is an eternal bond. In the Hindu culture the wife is called half of

the husband. She also is called the one who looks to the

righteousness of the household and she is called the one who brings

auspiciousness, everything that is good.


"When a child cries it is given sweet meats. In the same way for

human beings, who are governed by the senses, God has created this

union of marriage so to satisfy them. It is for self-control that

two individuals get married. Selflessness is God. Or, self which is

selflessness is God. To feel mine and thine is ego. Ego is very

harmful. It is to kill the ego in us that two souls are brought

together so they can learn to adjust to one another and forget their

egos. Mutual understanding is very important for marriage. Now

understanding actually is forgotten and one tries to adjust,

therefore the main adjustment problem. Real understanding should be

there and adjustment is no good without real understanding with it.

The most important thing is to understand. Then adjustment becomes

something very easy later on. Both of you have got to understand

each other. Do not think in the past, let bygones be bygones. There

might have been misunderstandings but don't regret over it. Don't

anticipate the future because we do not now

understand each other. After that, adjustment will be easy. First

understanding. Second adjustment. Ninety percent of people try

adjustment first. This is wrong way around. First understanding." VS

P 129-130


"Animal qualities mean excessive desires. `I want this.' `I want

that.' Mankind is bound by desires. For example, a young man has two

legs, and he is single. After some time he says `I want to be

married.' Desires start; he gets married. Now how many legs does he

have? He has four. So long as he had two legs, he walked wherever he

wanted. But after marriage, he has four legs; he lost some

independence. After some time, he says he wants a son. Desires

continue; he has a son. Then there are six legs; he is now more and

more bound with six legs. Later he says, `I want a daughter.' Then

there are eight legs. When he has eight legs, he becomes fearful.

Because of fear, he wants to hide. As the number of legs go on

increasing, bondage increases. Where did he get the bondage? It was

the result of desires. Therefore, control your desires. In Vedantic

parlance, this is called detachment or renunciation." SSN Spring

1995 P 17


"Everyone wants to achieve happiness and makes all sorts of efforts

for this purpose without knowing where to find it. He thinks he can

get happiness when he gets a job to earn his livelihood and pursues

his studies only with this end in view. After he gets a job, he is

still not happy. He wants to get married. He marries and sets up a

family. Even then there is no happiness. He wants progeny. He gets a

child. Still he is not happy. He wants promotion so that he can earn

more to maintain his family. He gets it. Even then he is not happy.

And he goes on like that in quest of happiness that eludes him.

Happiness is not there in all these attainments or possessions. It

is only in the heart within. He is himself the embodiment of

happiness. Yet, without realizing this, he goes on seeking happiness

elsewhere." SS May 1994 P 124


"When one chooses a life-partner now-a-days, the first consideration

is paid to external beauty and charm. Next the economic position is

taken as the basis. How rich is he or she? How much does he or she

earn? Questions like, how far they are educated, what is the social

status of the families to which they belong are asked later. Carried

off by mere external frills and foppery, people enter into wedlock,

and get entangled in misery or a destructive family life. The family

cannot be stable if it is built on such a slender foundation. Prime

importance has to be paid to the fundamental requisites of a good

character, high ideals of tolerance and forbearance, love and

service. When beauty fades or wealth wanes, the bond too becomes

less strong." SSS VOL VIII Chap 51 P 266


"Marriage means your life, a whole lifetime together, not just a few

days, or a few weeks, or a few years. Marriage means one's

character. Marriage is not like changing one's bush shirt. Marriage

is an eternal bond. In the Hindu culture the wife is called half of

the husband. She also is called the one who looks to the

righteousness of the household and she is called the one who brings

auspiciousness, everything that is good.


"When a child cries it is given sweet meats. In the same way for

human beings, who are governed by the senses, God has created this

union of marriage so to satisfy them. It is for self-control that

two individuals get married. Selflessness is God. Or, self which is

selflessness is God. To feel mine and thine is ego. Ego is very

harmful. It is to kill the ego in us that two souls are brought

together so they can learn to adjust to one another and forget their

egos. Mutual understanding is very important for marriage. Now

understanding actually is forgotten and one tries to adjust,

therefore the main adjustment problem. Real understanding should be

there and adjustment is no good without real understanding with it.

The most important thing is to understand. Then adjustment becomes

something very easy later on. Both of you have got to understand

each other. Do not think in the past, let bygones be bygones. There

might have been misunderstandings but don't regret over it. Don't

anticipate the future because we do not now what the future will be.

Live in the moment and do one's best. This is a sacred bond and it's

a promise you are making to each other because wife is half of

husband and husband is half of the wife. Half plus half equals one.


"Before marriage you were an individual `I' and she was an

individual `I'. Now `I' plus `I' becomes we. You are not I but we.

In all difficulties, all joy, all sorrow and in all the pleasures of

life, you are not individualized. When husband gets into trouble,

the wife shouldn't think he but we. We. This is the real sacred

promise. Life is like a ring. Compare the ring to the heart. Now you

are giving your heart to him and he is giving his heart to you.

That's the real sacred bond." JTG Part II P 248


"Attempting to hide one's meanness and wickedness and putting on the

mask of goodness, justifying one's faults and exaggerating one's

attainments these are also poisonous traits. Equally poisonous is

the habit of ignoring the good in others and assiduously seeking

only their faults." Vidya Vahini P 79





Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:22pm

Re: [saibabanews] Swami and marriage




You may try Rita Bruce's book- VISION OF SAI- part 1. It's a

beautiful book and explains in detail why marriage is important and

how to make the relationship spiritual.I'll mail you again if i come

across some more good info.









Thu Aug 12, 2004 2:41pm

RE: [saibabanews] Swami and marriage


Regarding marriage, Swami says, Understanding is the most important

thing; Use marriage to tackle your egos.


Being Sai Baba devotee is the best thing that has ever happened to

me and my marriage. The more I follow Sai teachings, the more my

husband showers his love on me. I certainly think that we shine in

Sai's glory.






For a Marriage there must be a Husband


In a small village there was to be a marriage. The lady of the home

where the marriage was to be celebrated, told the neighboring

lady, "Dear friend, we are planning to celebrate a marriage at our

house in a grand way. We have invited a famous Bombay band. We have

also invited a number of noted singers. Several highly gifted cooks

will come to prepare food for the occasion. We are planning to put

up a very big marriage tent. It will be a truly grand affair. Please

come. You will greatly enjoy this marriage. It will be a unique

celebration." After hearing all these things, the neighbor lady

said, "O, how wonderful. I certainly will come." Then she

inquired, "Please tell me, who is the bridegroom?" At this the lady

replied, "Well, that has not yet been decided."


For a marriage, the bridegroom is a very important person. If the

bridegroom has not been selected, who will be married in the

marriage tent? What good is the fine band and cooks and singers and

priests when there is no one to be married? First the bridegroom

must be chosen, then all these other things take on value. In the

same way, if there is no peace of mind, what is the use of having

learned so many things? The wise sage told Narada, "Only by

acquiring atmic knowledge can you obtain peace of mind."


Today's man is an easy prey for attachment and hatred. He is

overwhelmed by the possessive nature and filled with ego. Just look

at the state he is in and what he is doing! He considers himself to

be the most important being in the world. He deludes himself with

the feeling that there is no one greater than he. Because of this

delusion he has lost his power of discrimination, and so he has not

even been able to reflect on his own confused state. He considers

that it is he who is doing everything. He thinks that he can hire

the whole world and do with it as he pleases. But it is not he who

is running the world. He does not have that power, neither for good

nor for evil. The one who is the creator of this world, the one who

is the protector of this world, the one who is the father of this

world, the one who is the mother of this world, the one who is the

Lord of this world... only he has the power and the authority to run

it. For this entire moveable and immovable world, th! ere is only

one master. This is an all important truth that every human being

must recognize.




Sai Baba Gita, Compiled and edited by Al Drucker - Published by Atma

Press - http://www.atmapress.com - ISBN: 0963844903


Online Edition: http://www.atmapress.com/saibabagita/index.html




"Ajith Sankar" <ajithstudyingmba

Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:08am

Re: [saibabanews] Marriage saying


Sairam Sister Prasnita,

There indeed is.

Some of them you can find at


i also recollect some discussions in this mailgroup somewhere in the

month of August-September about Swami's quotes on Marriage. Some of

the devotees in the mailgroup initiated that discussion.

You can request the moderator to provide you with the link.







saibabanews, prasnita <prasnita2003>


> Sai ram to everyone,..........

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