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An appeal to Sai bhaktas to come forward for a noble cause------------

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Dear Sai brothers, Sai Ram !


A call for help from Sai brothers for the following noble

cause of Sai work at "Om -Samadhi" :---------


Details about "Om -Samadhi" :-----


="Om-Samadhi",village :Jagsenda, Tahsil : Fatehpur

Disst : Barabanki ( U.P.) India, is a Samadhi of great Sai bhakta Sri Om

Prakash who is now Saileen.His Nirwan day is celebrated every year on 24 th of


= Baba appears in some form or other at the time of

annual function held at the Samadhi place.

=It is a very backward village as regards of education,

social awareness & equity.Mostly the villagers are

poor farmers, mazdoor and unskilled labours with the

mixed popupalation of Hindus & muslims.


Voulunteers are required to contribute for carrying out the following tasks :-------


=Re-construction of "Om-Samadhi" to give a new

architectural design, shape & look.

=Construction of Guest- houses for the stay of distant

chief guests & other prominent Sai-bhaktas visiting the Samadhi place & making

temporary shades with provision of toilet, bath-rooms for stay of Sai -bhakta

in general.

=Making proper arrangement for drinking water supply,

=Making annual- function more festive & blissful with

the particiption of Sai bhaktas who visits Samadhi, with singing of Sai-

bhajans,progaramme of Bal-Vikas,taking out "prabhat- pheri", distributing Sai-

Prasadam & doing other Sai- seva by distributing clothes to poor & needy persons.

= To arrange cultural prograamme time to time on the

occassion of Baba's birthday on 23 rd November,on Basant-Panchami Day ,on

Dasshera Day etc.The spiritual lectures of prominent Sai Bhaktas can be also


=Establishing charittable hospital for healing & treating the poor villagers.

=Making Sai-lierature available to the people & local news papers & magazines to

bring the spiritual & social awareness in the people of neighbouring area.

=To make the persons literate who are still il-literate.

=And other so many actvities can be held as per the suggestions of our

knowledgeable & great Sai bhaktas.


An Appeal


=We appeal to the volunteers from the "Sai -Society" from the countery & all

over the world to come forward for this noble cause of Sai -Seva at


=Any form of response in this regard will be highly

welcome. I am sure that our loving Baba will certainly

motivate our Sai brothers for this noble cause.


Thanking you,


Bhakta aur Bhagwan ki leela,

Na koyi samajh sakaa hai.

Sai to karuna Avataar hai,

Uska darbaar sajja hai.


Bol Bhagwan Sri Sai Nath Mahraj ki Jai.


With Sai Love,


Kanpur (India)


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