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Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe

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"Lewin Nelly" <lewin.nelly (AT) wanadoo (DOT) fr>


"saibabanews Moderator" <saibabanews-owner>


For Sai Webmaster


Mon, 14 Mar 2005 14:22:21 +0100



Dear World Sai Family,

My younger (by one year) 58-year-old brother John has just been hospitalized in

intensive care with a myocardial infarction (heartattack) severly worsened by

diabetes. He needs multiple by-pass surgery to survive, but the surgeons cannot

operate because his condition is too unstable.


He is not a Sai devotee and has no spiritual practice that I know of. However,

he himself is a medical doctor and has done much good in his life. He has even

reluctantly shown a certain grudging interest in that "fuzzy-headed guy in



My dilemma is that I live in Paris, France and he lives in Orange County,

California. When I last saw him at Christmas time in California, he accepted a

packet of vibhouti to apply to a diabetic infection on his foot, so he is not

completely closed to the offer of spiritual help.


Is there anyone in the Orange County area (from any of the centers in that

region) who could take some vibhouti to my sister-in-law, so that she could

pass it on to him in the next day or two?


Here is their address and phone number:


John and Debbie APTHORPE

4599 Chantry Court

Cypress, CA 90630

Tel. (714) 761 20 62


Even if you can't help this way, please pray for the well-being of his body and

soul. In our Loving Sai's Name, Minnie APTHORPE

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I live in La Plata city in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

I will pray for your younger brother, he will receive the bliss of Swami.

Do not forget to light a candle in your house. The Sai Light.

At the Lotus feet of our Lord.


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Attachment: (Image/jpeg) 23b.jpg [not stored]

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SR yellepeddy <yellepeddysr

Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:42am

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Our deepest prayers for the quick recovery of John.

May Bhagawan help him in every possible for recovery.





Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:48am

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Sai nRam

We all pray to Swami Help u r Brother Dr JOHN Swami know our Karama

Deeds. Please be Faith in Swami Sai Baba.

Love & Light,





Soni Harjani <saisangeeta2002

Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:07pm

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Sai Ram Lewin Nelly


Humble pranams at the lotus feet of Baba.


I pray that your brother John gets cured soon, BAba

will look after him. I'm sure some devotee will get

the vibuti to your Sis-in-law - I live in Spain and

wld be glad to post some to her immediately but the

mail takes like a week....pls let me know.


Jai SaiRam

monica harjani




Soni Harjani <saisangeeta2002

Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:16pm

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Sai Ram Lewin


Our Sai Brother Rathesh lives in Oakland, he will get

the vibuti to your Sister in law. See how Baba does

things.....just surrender and leave it in Baba's


Rathesh's e mail id is brathesh


Jai Sai Ram






Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:23pm

RE: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Dear Minnie,

I will pray for your brother as well as for you and your family.

Have faith in Swami, he will do what is best for your brother,

never doubt this.

You have all my sympathy and I embrace you dearly.

all my love.




I live in Milan, we are not to far away from each other. Last summer

I came to France, to Montesquieu Volvestre, south from Toulouse.




Thiroshan <myluv4sai108

Mon Mar 14, 2005 10:31pm

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe



Sairam Sister Minnie


IM not to sure if this is your email or not. I just wanted to let

you know that I did call your brothers house but nobody was there.

Im sorry to hear about his condition. Baba will indeed be with him.

Dont worry sister, all will be well with him. Our lord is wonderful.

Let me know about the vibhuti. I do have some that I could send over

there. Its all from Baba, I have no hand in the matter except to

deliver it. Have a wonderful day.


Your brother in love


Thiroshan Chetty

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"Mukesh Merchant" <mukmer

Tue Mar 15, 2005 6:05am

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe


Sai Ram Minnie

May Swami watch over brother John and make him strong enough to

undergo the necessary surgery.

Swami watches over all whether a devotee or not and I am sure with

Swami's grace the vibhuthi will reach brother John.

Continuous repetition of Swamis name has great healing powers.


Jai Sai Ram

Mukesh Merchant

Port Elizabeth

South Africa





Tue Mar 15, 2005 10:39am

Re: [saibabanews] Fw: Message from Minnie Apthorpe




I live 15 minutes from your brother, I will give some vibuthi to

them. SAI RAM.

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