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The Revelation

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Dear Sai brothers and sisters,

This discourse is so wonderful! It works on so many levels.

Please read and derive ananda!






The Revelation


[Editor's note. This is the last part of Sathya Sai Baba's discourse at the

World Conference of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations in Bombay, 17

May 1968. It states plainly and directly that Sathya Sai Baba is an

incarnation of God, come to restore righteousness (dharma).]



17 May 1968


Since at this place those who have devotion are gathered and people of all

nations have come, I cannot but tell you one fact. World conferences

dedicated to religion or spiritual problems have no doubt been held before;

also, conferences of followers of particular faiths. But these have been

held only after the demise of the founders and divine inspirers. This is the

very first time that a World Conference is held, of persons devoted, while

the incarnation is present before every one, with the body assumed for the

purpose, bearing the name that is chosen for it by Itself. I must tell you

this fact, because ninety-nine persons out of hundred among you do not know

my Reality. You have come here drawn by diverse needs, a taste for spiritual

matters, eagerness to develop the institutions to which you are attached,

admiration or affection, love or reverence or a spurt of enthusiasm to join

others and share with others your own exultation.


In truth, you cannot understand the nature of my Reality either today or

even after a thousand years of steady austerity or ardent inquiry even if

all mankind joins in that effort. But, in a short time, you will become

cognizant of the bliss showered by the divine Principle, which has taken

upon itself this sacred body and this sacred name. Your good fortune which

will provide you this chance is greater than what was available for

anchorites, monks, sages, saints and even personalities embodying facets of

divine Glory!


Since I move about with you, eat like you, and talk with you, you are

deluded into the belief that this is but an instance of common humanity. Be

warned against this mistake. I am also deluding you by my singing with you,

talking with you, and engaging myself in activities with you. But, [at] any

moment, my Divinity may be revealed to you; you have to be ready, prepared

for that moment. Since Divinity is enveloped by humanness you must endeavor

to overcome the maya (delusion) that hides it from your eyes.


This is a human form in which every divine entity, every divine principle,

that is to say, all the names and forms ascribed by man to God, are

manifest. ... Do not allow doubt to distract you; if you only install, in

the altar of your heart, steady faith in my Divinity, you can win a vision

of my Reality. Instead, if you swing like the pendulum of a clock, one

moment devotion, another moment disbelief, you can never succeed in

comprehending the truth and win that bliss. You are very fortunate that you

have a chance to experience the bliss of the vision of the Sarvadaivathwa

swaroopam (the form that is all forms of the Gods) now, in this life itself.


Let me draw your attention to another fact. On previous occasions when God

incarnated on earth, the bliss of recognizing Him in the incarnation was

vouchsafed only after the physical embodiment had left the world, in spite

of plenty of evidence of his grace. And the loyalty and devotion they

commanded from men arose through fear and awe at their superhuman powers and

skills or at their imperial and penal authority. But ponder a moment on this

Sathya Sai Manifestation; in this age of rampant materialism, aggressive

disbelief and irreverence, what is it that brings to it the adoration of

millions from all over the world? You will be convinced that the basic

reason for this is the supra-worldly Divinity in human form.


Again how fortunate you are that you can witness all the countries of the

world paying homage to India (Bharatha); you can hear adoration of Sathya

Sai's name reverberating throughout the world, even while this body is

existing --not at some future date but when it is with you, before you. And

again, you can witness very soon the restoration of the Ancient and Eternal

Religion (Sanathana Dharma) to its genuine and natural status, the

righteousness (dharma) laid down in the Vedas for the good of all the

peoples of the world. The revival of vedic dharma is the Sai sankalpa (the

resolve that Sai has) not only drawing people toward me, attracting them by

the manifestation of my shakti (power) and samarthya (capacity). This is not

a bhramathathwam (phenomenon of delusion). This phenomenon will sustain

truth, it will uproot untruth, and in that victory make all of you exult in

ecstasy. This is the Sai sankalpa (will).


Some persons, even those who have reached a certain stage of leadership and

authority, have started exchanging the Vedic formulae and the principles of

Indian (Bharathiya) culture for lucre, selling them, in fact; and westerners

too are inclined to purchase them! These truths and discoveries are not

merchandise to be sold and bought. Therefore, I am going to western

countries soon, in order to apprise them of their real worth and put a stop

to this bargaining. Already, the authorities of universities in the United

States of America and the leaders of the students of those universities have

written that they are eager to welcome me and they have drawn up programs

for me. It was only yesterday that passports for my visit to Africa have

been brought, praying that I may visit those countries soon; I am proceeding

to Africa before the month of June.


So utilize the chance of association with me as much as possible, and

endeavor as quickly and as best as you can to follow the directions that I

have been giving. Obeying my instructions is enough; it will benefit you

more than the most rigorous asceticism. Practice sathya, dharma, santhi and

prema [truth, righteousness, peace and love], which are dear to me; resolve

to keep those ideals before you ever, in all your thoughts, words and deeds.

That can confer on you the summum bonum of mergence in the supreme substance

of Divinity.


(quoted from Sathya Sai Speaks VI, 210-213)

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