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Influence of Pictures and Images on our stages in life

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Dear Devotees,

Sai Ram

I quote below an excerpt from Swamis' Prashnotra Vahini - which contains

Teachings in Question Answer form:

Q. Well, Swami! Among these who are theists and who adore God, are there special

types?A. Of course! There are four types among them too.

Q. Their names?A. Dwijas, Munis, Alpabudhdis and Vidithatmas: the Twice-born,

the Ascetics, the Dull-witted, and the Knowers of the Atma.

Q. Why are they called so? What is the special feature of each type?A. The

twice-born recognise God as in the Fire they revere; and with that conviction

they worship Him.

Q. The Munis?A. They recognise God in their hearts.

Q. What about the Dull-witted? The Alpabudhdis?A. They require images, pictures

or some other visible representation of His Beauty and Glory. They worship


Q. And the knowers of the Atma? The Vidithatmas?A. They recognise God as

immanent in the Universe and see only Him wherever they turn.

Q. May I ask who among these are the greatest?A. Each is great in the stage he

may have reached; but naturally, those who can experience the Lord everywhere

at all times are the greatest.

In the above excerpt Swami has given out the special categories of men, in those

who revere, who worship and who adore God.

To be noted here is that in all those who revere and worship God, there exists a

special category for everyone. Howsoever we may revere God, we will fall in this

special category of adorers defined by Swami.

Swami explains ~ There are the Dwijas - the twice borns (twice in Human form)

who revere fire - which has an inherant quality to burn - anything. Everthing

can be burnt to a pile of ash. Only the soul (Aatman) is free from fire. It

cannot be cut or burnt or destroyed.Then there are 'Munis' who recoganise God

in their hearts. That is when we say in the Lotus Heart of our body resides our


That the Alpabuddhies or Dull Witted need pictures or such other visual

representation of God to worship. Firstly 'Dull' has to be understood in the

positive adaption of the word - dull witted are one of the special category of

adorers and worshippers. Dull is not dummy here, but an adorer of God who

requires an visual representation of Gods Glory - like pictures, images, idols

and such things that visually represent HIM. These visuals are worshipped to

achieve salvation.

Lastly are the 'Knowers of the aatman' - who see only Him wherever they turn

their eyes. In any category - this is the highest ideal - over coming the

influence of maya and seeing only aatman everywhere.

In totality, visual representations are a source of joy - irrespective one is in

Dwijas, Munis, Alpabudhdis or Vidithatmas category.

In visual representations of our Beloved Baba there are millions of printed

pictures and photographs. Do you know Swami is leading among the most

photographed people in our world. Still, in all these photographs, there are

some that stand out and are made into prints. Photographs are base for every

reproduction - whether it is the cheap prints on one side of the spectrum or a

foil embossed pictures (FEP) on the other side. However, it is my belief, that

there is no gain for us spiritually if we have a huge printed picture or

photograph which does not catch our attention after the initial

new-picture-phenonena wears of.

As a qualifying requirement - any picture that is like having His darshan

physically is suitable for display in our work place of home. In all the

pictures that I have seen - the embossed foil pictures (EFP) scores very high

over prints and photographs. The secret lies in the construction of EFPs. The

foil on which these are printed are reflective like a mirror. After printing

the pictures, a special die, with very fine microscopic work, embosses the

effect area into waves. These waves have crests (upper end) and troughs (bottom

end) and the effect in 360 degree is so immense that the minutest light source

is relected back.

The effect of this mechanism on a Swami picture is that once the EFP are hung in

the room and you go about your chores - suddenly you catch a reflection - "What

was that" your mind races. Your investigation does not reveal anything. You get

back to work - again there is a reflection - again your mind goes racing - "What

is this" . This happens every day as you go about the house. Swami EFPs make

their own presence felt, by all around them.

The spiritual connotation of this effect is that we start revering the Swami EFP

as a living entity. Morning and evening we stand in front of it and we talk to

it and our eyes do catch that smile or frown on His lips.

Swami has often said in His discources that - Man has reduced God to a picture -

now, redoubled effort is required to raise that picture to God.

In raising a picture to God - the EFP are the most satisfying medium available to mankind.

Sai Ram - Be Happy




For devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba - Important Announcement.


SAI AT - project, to comemmorate Bhagwan Baba's 80th Year of Advent, has been

launched. For details


You can become project members of this memorable project if you have a SAILOGRAM

or SAI SILVER or SAI GOLD or procure one after reading this.


Sai Ram - Be Happy

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