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Launching the Sathya Sai Human Values Online Study Companion

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Sai Ram


Website: http://www.sshvosc.org

Contact: enquiries

: sshvosc-


The Sathya Sai Human Values Online Study Companion is a personal

website that aims to explore and apply insights from the teachings of

Sri Sathya Sai Baba in the context of personal development.


Some highlights of the new site are:


** New online and free courses - Catch that thought! Shanti : the

internal landscape, and Prema: embodying love.


** Slide shows on particular symbols, such as the lotus, together

with reflective study questions and activity sheets for children


** The first issue of the SSHVOSC newsletter: SoulXchange


** Access to free resources from around the web which can be used for

those teaching in Human Values


** Ethical dilemmas, in which life situations are presented for

discussion and analysis.



We are currently looking for responses to the following Ethical

dilemma published in the first newsletter. The ethical dilemma is:


Queuing at the supermarket


It is a busy Saturday morning, and you are in a hurry to pick the

children up on time from their music classes. So you have just

shopped for what you need. You are making good time by the time as

you approach the express checkout which has been set up for shoppers

buying 8 items or less. As you reach the express checkout, another

shopper slips in front of you in the queue. She gives you a bright

smile. Her trolley is half full of goods - about 25 items. There are

about 6 shoppers ahead of the shopper with the half-full trolley, and

you realise you may be late.


What do you do?




A. tell the woman politely, and with a smile: "Excuse me, I think

you are in the wrong queue."




B. think that she is a selfish queue-jumper, say nothing and feel

angry inside




C. assess the situation, and ring the music teacher to say you will

be running a few minutes late in picking the children up




D. do and say nothing, taking your place in the queue, believing it

is the management's responsibility to manage the situation



Please send your responses to eqniries


We hope you enjoy this site and visit from time to time,




Warmest blessings


from the team at SSHVOSC


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