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Whitefield - After Darshan (A Devotee)

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Sat, 21 May 2005

Whitefield - After Darshan


After Darshan of our beloved Swami, I was feeling sad that Darshan

lasted slightly more than half an hour, wondering why Swami had to

leave so early etc. I crossed the heavily trafficked road and

arrived at this roadside coffee & sandwich place, shared a greasy

table with this Indian gentleman. In course of our talks I

discovered to my surprise that the Indian gentleman was suffering

from an incurable illness. So I asked him has he been praying to

Swami for cure? Yes, I do pray to Bhagawan to heal me and have been

praying from last several years. Aren't you disappointed that Swami

has not cured you? Don't you doubt God? he replied, dear sai

brother, Bhagawan is committed to my full recovery as human being

what you are associating and concentrating about is my body and

not "I". Brother, I believe that many things we cannot see or

comprehend are still part of God's plans for us. My wall of

affliction has become a door to devotion. Brother, No matter what

your circumstances are, no matter how difficult and painful, there

is a way to look "through" the problems and "see God". Brother, I

am not saying that it is easy. It may be a difficult journey, but we

can make it because Bhagawan is involved in the process of our

transformation. Brother, For me it is state of mind and not

statement of my body, here is a story "The Two scrolls" that

illustrates the state of mind bit - A traveler walks down a path

holding a scroll of paper in each hand. Every few minutes, the

traveler stops along the way and unrolls one of the scrolls. "The

whole world was created for me," reads the first scroll. After

reading this message, the traveler walks with pride, taking long

strides on the journey, enjoying each step, paying little attention

to the world as it passes by. After a while the traveler stops and

unrolls the scroll in the other hand. "I am from dust and will

return to dust," it reads. Suddenly the traveler begins to shuffle

along the road in a state of despair, head hanging to the ground,

despondent until the next time that the scroll in the other hand is

read. Brother, do you get my point now?


I must admit the story hit the bull's eye and I was just about to

open my mouth and say "Yes, I do get the point". But before I could

get the words out of my mouth, the gentleman enquired you are

Christian are you not? Also, this time before I could say yes or

no! He uttered, Do you suppose the leper of Matthew 8:2 would have

came to Jesus if he'd been in perfect health? What about the blind

man of Luke 18:35?...


Swami's timing was spot on again!, I was feeling blessed and could

see through the illusion of Maya the glory of God and His care for

us. Somehow, Swami placed this Indian gentleman on the same table so

that "He" could teach me one more lesson of life, suffering and

glory of God. I was not sad anymore that Darshan lasted only + half

hour. The Darshan of Swami never ends, it is our physical vision

that ends the Darshan. Swami is with us all the time. Let us all

have Faith in that Omnipresent God who is always with us everywhere.



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After all this the final reason for Bhagawan's advent in this Human Forn is to

make the True seeker realize him within this gross body as the doer. Who made

the Einstein, Newton, Florence Nightingale and all the teachers from different

faiths famous? The indweller is the Universal Consciousness now amongst us as

Bhagawan Sri Sat


Fw:Sat, 21 May 2005Whitefield - After Darshan

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