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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 11-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 11 / 2005


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Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

>From the Satsanghs of SaibanisaJi


11. The dress you ware should be suitable for climatic conditions and

not for pomp and show.


12. Your expenditure should not exceed your income.


13. You should give respect to the local traditions where you live and

at the same time, you should not forget your family traditions.


14. You should avoid eating non- vegetarian food and drinking Alcohol.


15. Unnecessarily, you should not criticize the Government and at the

same time you should not shelter the anti social elements.


16. You should be faithful to your parents and you should always

receive their blessings.

17. You should not hurt the feelings of others.


18. You are responsible for the good character of the persons

depending on you at the same time if you come across any bad character

among them, you should try to eliminate them.


19. For the advancement in the spiritual life, you should select a

good guide (Guru). If you fail you will not achieve spiritual heights.


20. You should eat such food which will give good health and

longitivity. You should know that you are not living only for eating.


To be Continued……..



Chaitra 1878: H.H. Akkalkot Swami left the mortal coils at Akkalkot

in Sholapur District.


Chaitra 1908: Sri Kashiram Shimpi, a blessed devotee of Baba passed away.


Chaitra 1922: Hemadripanth (Sri. Anna Saheb Dhabolkar) commenced

writing Sai Satcharitra Marathi Script.



"Rohan Bedi": rohanbedi

Fri, 22 Apr 2005 02:39:50 +0100 (BST)


Book: Spiritual Truths

Authors Name: Rohan Bedi

Publisher: iUniverse USA

Purchase amazon.com, bn.com (search on 'Rohan Bedi')

Awards: Hollywood Spiritual Film and Entertainment Festival 2004

finalist award

Web-page: www.saisansthan.com/SpiritualTruths.html

Price: USD 23.95




The author explains the different spiritual energies and their impact

on human personality and behavior by detailing the spiritual state of

knowledge. He believes that direct access to these spiritual energies

alters the human personality that leads to spiritual knowledge... a

level that is far superior to intellectual knowledge. He simplifies

and explains human relationships from the perspective of energies.

At the core of Spiritual Truths is the experience of the mystic in

which his Guru or spiritual guide plays a critical role. The author

explains how the mystic acquires spiritual knowledge through the

erosion of his negative propensities and their subsequent recreation.

Spiritual Truths draws from different religions and faith-healing

systems and is not about any one school of thought or philosophy.

The chapters `Spiritual Decision-Making' and `The Decision Hierarchy'

are helpful pointers for individuals as well as societies. They detail

an interesting and simple approach to the critical task of making


Spiritual Truths offers interesting spiritual insights to the task of

framing Social Policy. It also details an organizational model based

on spirituality that has as its main objectives, the maximization of

creativity and minimization of ego... a must read for management thinkers.

It ends with the most important treatise that `Without devotion,

spiritual knowledge is useless and cannot take you to God'.

This book is a fascinating journey for anyone, of any religious faith,

who wants to understand Spiritual Truths.

It promises to challenge you to think differently.


Please Note:

Those desirous of using this facility (Sai's Book World) to spread the

word about their books may send ONE new copy of the book to Saidarbar,

for details contact, webmaster

saidarbar saidarbar

Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be





This incident dates back to a warm Saturday's evening during summer

month of April 1990 in the same temple site as mentioned in my earlier

experience. My mind was pre-occupied with thoughts about my first

experience with SAI. I was thinking whether I can do something to keep

my memories ever fresh. A flash came to my mind that offering of

PADHUKAS (FOOT IMPRESSIONS) made of marble and getting them installed

under the NEEM TREE may be more appropriate.


In the meanwhile I saw the temple priest going round the Neem tree and

walking towards me. He stood by my side and came up with a strange

request "Sir, coming summer is going to be severe and every day I have

to walk to the temple bare footed, so will you please present me with

a pair of slippers made of leather". I was a totally surprised and

over whelmed with joy as my running thoughts were captured by SAINATH.

It is also well known that people rarely accept charities of this

nature. He further requested me if I can be kind enough to give a

kerosene fuelled stove for his daily scores. I readily acceded to both

requests with pleasure. The kerosene stove in this context I consider

it to be symbolic of 'DHUNI' maintained by LORD SAINATH. I fulfilled

both the desires of the priest and I was finally left with the

satisfaction that I was blessed to have met the requirements of

SAINATH through priest.


To be Continued….





These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 29-05-1993.


I completed reading of all the 51 chapters from Sat Charitra. Every

time I completed reading in the past, I was blessed with a unique

experience. However, this time I was deprived of the same. So before

going to bed, I prayed Lord Sainath to at least grant me with a

message or an experience in the dream. I reached Kakinada an important

Railway Station in coastal Andhra Pradesh in India. The waiting Room

there was over crowded and people were in lined up in a queue waiting

their turn to touch the holy feet of Sri.Satya Sai. I entrusted my

luggage to a friend of mine to be taken care of. I joined the `Q'

formed for the purpose with half mind, as I was a Shiridi Sai devotee.

I approached him, bent down to touch his holy feet. I lifted my head

to have a look at his face in search of the magnetism that attracts

numerous masses. I was shocked to see Shiridi Sai gazing at me with

his compassionate looks. My joy knew no bounds. His message was very

clear to identify all saints as one and their working in a

closely-knit network towards a common cause i.e. Service to Humanity.

I recollected the contents from the 12th chapter where in Sai gave

darshan to Moole Shastri in the form of his Guru Golav Swami. Sai has

always read the minds of his devotees and gave darshan to them in a

fitting manner to see that their faith in the Guru Prampara is not

only strengthened but also enhanced.


Paths are different but goal is one.


Dated: 01-06-1993.


I was fed up with my on going family problems. I prayed Sai and seeked

his permission to commit suicide. Sai appeared in the form of an

unknown person and asked me- "Are your difficulties much more than

your friend Kameswara Rao's, who is leading life of torture with a

mentally unsound wife?


-"Think it over".


Secondly, "Remember that I have saved you from a certain death on 30th

October 1970 – you came out scratch - less, when the Auto over tuned".


"You claim to have read my Satcharitra so many times, don't you

realize that taking one's life is sin and how do you think that I will

grant you permission to commit suicide".


I got up from my bed and by that time I have already concluded that

these are the hard realities that cannot be challenged. My conditions

are far more better compared to that of my friend .I was almost saved

from a certain death on the day of accident way back in 1970. At that

time I did not even know Sai, still he was instrumental in saving me

from the jaws of death probably for a better life mission - I am with you.


Life and death are not in our hands.


To be continued……




(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

"Shashi": shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

So a person in the PARAMARTHIKA stage is the sage who sees only

Truth. The person in the VYAVAHARIKA stage tries to follow the

Sastras. If one in PRATHIBHASHIKA stage does not see truth, he sees

good as evil and evil as good. But Atman is common to all these three


Nana Saheb Chandorkar further expresses a doubt. How can Reality be

one and indivisible when there be division of Reality as in the above

three Gunas. Baba replied- Just like as Brahman appears in different

forms, it is the union of Brahman with MAYA that causes Brahmananda.

Chandorkar further questioned – We often pray to God to grant some

favor or other. Is such a prayer necessary?


Sri Sai Baba explained- Does not God know what is good for you? It

would be better to leave it to Him to take care of you all by assuming

an attitude of humility and devotion. You do not know what is good for

you and what is bad, but He knows. It is better to leave it to His

sweet will to give you whatever is good for you. Therefore, after a

sincere prayer, leave everything to Him only. Suppose your child

pesters you to give sweets which you know are bad for health, what do

you do? You refuse it and may even beat the child. Similarly, although

you may pray for something, God might not grant it. He knows what is

good and what is bad for you.

Nana further questioned- How to surrender to God and what does it mean?

Baba clarified- it means by surrendering yourself you will go to God

so that you do, or not do a particular thing or say, even think

without seeking God's guidance. This means you are constantly thinking

of God, so that His guidance is always available to you and you do not

do anything unless you feel in your heart, this is what God wants.

Nana further questioned- how is it possible to think constantly on God

while at the same time, attending to many other things in daily life?


To be continued…..



"Sridhar Ramaswamy" sridharr24

5/24/2005 14:27:36 -0500


Pranams to Baba's Lotus Feet. A few months back, I went for my yearly


checkup with the doctor. I live in Chicago...

The doctor said my ECG showed abnormality, and I should go for

treadmill and

many more tests. It was a painful experience, by Sai's Grace, everything

turned out to be normal. However, the doctor said my total cholesterol


is too high, and I should be on medication. Then I said to him, in a


or two I will checkup again, following my food change. I got a bit


and scared too, after going through so many checkups.


I started eating only sukha roti, no fried stuff and stopped rice almost

completely. It is a major change for me. Baba wanted me this way to

give up

one of my desires. Slowly, I got used to eating fresh vegetables, and

stopped snacking. I lost nearly ten pounds. I postponed further tests


last two weeks. I went for the second blood test two weeks back. The


called me to discuss. I went confidently to him as there will not be


cholesterol problem. But he started saying that my cholesterol level has

reduced very less, and in fact, triglycerides have shot up more, to

335 from

230 last times. According to the index here, it should be below 150.

I was

bewildered seeing those numbers that this is in no way possible. The


said I must start life-time medication or else I will have

heart-attack. I

was very very upset. I prayed a lot to Sai for better results, even

after I

gave up my food habit, why this turned out to be so.


Praying to Sai in my mind, I confidently told the doctor that these


are wrong from his lab. I challenged him that I need another blood

test to

confirm this. He reluctantly agreed for the same. Then, within two days,

last Sunday, I went to a different hospital than his lab, and gave the


test. Still, I lost hope thinking no major change will show up in a

week. I

was praying to Sai that at the least the triglyceride number be come

down a

bit. On Monday the doctor called me. He said he was surprised at my blood

result this time. The triglyceride is actually 167 against the 335 he


before! Also the overall cholesterol showed lesser number. I cried in my

heart to thank Sai. The same doctor conveyed to me now, that I do not


to go for medication, and follow my food regime that is sufficient. He


we will check again after three months. I considered this as a great Sai

miracle and way of teaching me to give up my desire for food. Thank

you Sai

Maharaj. I am now confident that You always take care of us, and teach


right way to control our desires.




5/12/2005 21:15:35 +0530

I am narrating my experience which I went through around 2

years back and Sai has provided me a with a opportunity. Now to

present it before you, during that period I was going through a rough

time. Nothing was happening for me. I was totally in disarray. One

night I had dream where few people looking like demons attacked me and

they wanted kill me I was terrified at this nightmare and prayed Sai

Baba all of a sudden he appeared before me with his wooden stick and

asked me what I wanted do with the demons I prayed Sai to beat them

and Sai heat them hard with his wooden stick and they left the place

and in the morning when I woke up my problem was solved.

Anil Kumar Sahu


pankaj.vivek @rediffmail.com

5/10/2005 19:33:16 +0530

Om SAI Namah

I have been a devotee of Shirdi SAI Baba for last one year. During my

exam, I suffered from severe acidity problem. I tried RANTEX tablets

as prescribed by doctor but it did not go completely. Then I took a

pinch of Baba's Udhi mixed with water. Immediately the burning

sensation went off. Where the tablets and injections did not work, a

pinch of Baba's Udhi worked.

Vivek Kumar Pankaj




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.




Rama and Lakshmana moved further and met a pious woman, Sabari, who

welcomed them to her hut and gave them delicious fruits to eat, and

then went to her heavenly abode. Thereafter the two brothers proceeded

towards Rishyamuka mountain. At last they reached the mountain, where

they met Hanuman, an ape. Hanuman took them to Sugreeva. Sugreeva

greeted the two brothers. Rama and Lakshmana narrated their tale of

suffering and Rama said how he had missed Sita. Sugreeva also told

Rama that he had been exiled by his elder brother Bali and that his

brother Bali had married his wife. He further told that he lived in

mortal fear of his brother Bali. They promised to help each other.

Rama promised to Sugreeva to recover his kingdom and wife from Bali

and Sugreeva promised to Rama to help him to recover Sita from Ravana.

Thus started their friendship on give and take basis.


Sugreeva showed Rama and Lakshmana some ornaments and said that one

day, they found them falling from the sky. "In fact a wailing lady

dropped them, while she was being carried against her will by some one

in a flying chariot." Hanuman added. Rama and Lakshmana recognized

Sita's ornaments. Now they felt that they were heading in the right

direction. Bali, the king Krishkindha, was very powerful and strong.

He had been granted a boon by Lord Brahma that he would be invincible

and whoever came to fight him would lose half his strength and power

to him. Sugreeva was afraid of challenging his brother but on the

encouragement of Rama he did challenge and returned any how saving his

life, wounded and severely battered. Rama said, "You two looked so

much alike that I was unable to distinguish you from a distance." When

Sugreeva recovered, Rama flung a garland round his neck and said, "Now

go and challenge your brother, I shall recognize you by this garland."


Once again a fight started in which an arrow which Rama, taking a

careful aim shot, killed Bali immediately. Rama fulfilled his promise

by killing Bali and helping Sugreeva in recovering his kingdom and

wife. Now it was Sugreeva's turn to help Rama. It was decided to trace

Sita after the rains were over. Hanuman also stayed with Rama and

Lakshmana at Rishyamuka Mountain.


To be Continued……



Sankaraiah Dubagunta" sainama


Doctor's Doctor Sai Nath Maharaj


We are all aware of several incidents confirming Sainath's

omnipresence and omnipotence Baba during early period of his stay at

Shirdi used to give medicines and later 'UDHI'for curing diseases. It

is my sincere appeal to all readers to understand greatness of our

beloved master from my own experience discussed below. I was a patient

of Hypertension and neglected for more than two decades. I always used

to say" Man dies only once, when the time comes none can escape" one

day I had massive heart attack but ignored thinking it was a gastric

problem. The conventional sweating chestpain, back pain and hand pain

etc. were not there except breathlessness.


I did not got to a doctor for 2 days. Even the third day I went to

have endoscope test. There I was asked to take an E.C.G. The

Technician ran to the doctor giving a very bad picture. I was

immediately admitted to CDR hospital. All tests were done only to

confirm 95% of the heart was damaged .Doctors suggested Bypass

surgery. CDR hospital doctors informed my family that I could not

withstand surgery. For some other conveniences sake, I was shifted to

NIMS hospital where Dr.Mullapudi R.V.assured of successful operation

after three weeks observation .After opening the chest doctor found

new defects and told my wife" He is lucky. Blood circulation was going

on through a sub-way a rare feature."


Dr Mullapudi who had done more than 5000 By Pass surgeries in USA and

India had done successful operation but bleeding could not be

controlled. He advised my people to wait and see but they were

disheartened as another patient died on account of profuse bleeding

though operation was successful. After 48 hours bleeding was stopped

and I was shifted to a special room for recoupment. Operation was done

on 21.07.1995.I started attending Sainama sankeerthanas from Oct

1995.Before I was taken to the theatre my wife only was allowed. She

asked me" Say SaiRam" I replied" What Sairam, this is the result of my

seva". I apologized to mother Sai for such dejected comments. This was

in brief the incident. Later I came to know the following facts

indicating Baba's motherly care of her children. The purpose of this

article is only to project greatness of Baba. One Mrs. Rahmanbee (70

yrs) was taking care of my children for the past two decades. She

silently developed faith in Sai on account of our devotion, weekly

Bhajan's, Shirdi trips etc.She had some experiences of Sri Sai

leelas.During my treatment in CDR hospitals she had a dream in which

she was dancing while throwing coins on my dead body. (It is custom in

some parts to shower coins and flowers on the dead body while carrying

to burial ground). Suddenly Baba appeared on the scene and shouted"

Stop it, He is not dead. He will live. He will be alright. After

shifting to another hospital" After this dream she was confident of my

survival but did not disclose the dream as the prevailing situation

was such that nobody would believe the dream of a servant maid. During

the same period one Mr. Seetharam Rao of Andhra bank Vemsoor,

Khammam dist. had dream. The venue was SaiBaba mandir, punjagutta,

Hyderabad. Mr. rao saw my dead body duly covered with white cloth

suddenly Baba from marble moorthy informed "Sankaraiah is not----HE

WILL SURVIVE" By then he was not aware of my ill health. He was 300km

away from Hyderabad. After the dream he wrote a letter to Sri

Sivaprasad and ascertained how in a casual way, Sri Prasad wrote back.

I had successful heart surgery.


One month after operation he came to Hyderabad and saw me with tears

of joy in his eyes Added to this, after some days a middle aged

employee of Secretariat was admitted for minor heart problem. After

check up the doctors felt surgery would help the patient.

Unfortunately the patient collapsed after opening of the chest. All

the employees assembled and started blaming the doctors. One such

employee who is a neighbor of my friend N.S.Moorthy. He questioned the

doctor how Sankaraiah of Srinagar colony whose heart was totally

damaged could survive. Immediately the doctor told"Oh! That Sai

devotee Sankaraiah", we were doubtful but suddenly a ray of light

passed on his body in the early hours. Next morning we found bleeding

was stopped. Sai Baba only saved him as I was on duty on that night I

could see. See the greatness of our beloved Master. Fifteen days prior

to surgery I prayed to Baba "If you extend my ration card, please see

that I am in Saiseva not in another seva. At the same time I should

not be confined to bed for ever, otherwise take away". Though a big

photo of lord Sainath was kept in the Special room I was not looking

at it with wholehearted love and devotion. It was a routine exercise.

I admit my ungratefulness to Baba Sai just because I suffered. I beg

of his pardon for the inexcusable ommission.


To speak truth from Dec 95 onwards, I am in his seva. Now I realize

our unwritten agreement is literally implemented by Sai seva. If we

read experiences of devotees we notice one thing that we realize Baba

has done, Baba has come after the incident. Beloved readers Baba's

ways are always inscrutable and mysterious. Are you not convinced that

Sainath Maharaj is chief of chief Doctor!

I have unfulfilled desire of erecting Baba's Bikshatana pose statue of

36' high on a platform of 9' high to be installed at

Rameswaram,Kanyakumari, Chennai, Bangalore etc including New Delhi.

Some devotees/Samajams may take up the monumental work.





Sai devotee

4/27/2005 20:17:22 +0530

Baba, naa manasulonchi chedda alochanalu poyela choodu. tana meeda

naaku elanti chedda alochanalu raakunda choodu. nenu chesina tappulani

kshaminchi, naaku nenu korina vyakti to vivaham ayyela choodu. naa

tappulanni manninchu, nannu sanmargam lo nadupu. nee priya bhakta



4/27/2005 17:34:37 +0530


http://www.saidarbar.org is an excellent web site




4/27/2005 16:40:41 +0530

Om Sai,

when I was studying inter, I heard that one of my friends mother

passed away, she is the only daughter, then I pray to SAI that it can

be any other person but not my friends mother, but next day when I

heard the news that the lady who died is not my friends mother.


SAI IS THE GREAT .If pray to him with whole heartedly he can do any

thing for his devotees.



Bandla saritha saritha_185

5/6/2005 09:28:29 +0100

Dear Saibandhu,

Sai natha! Thanks to Sai that am in a group of Sai devotees. I want to

receive each and every moment of Great SAI.




Neeraja": neerajalankar

Thu, 12 May 2005 20:22:39 -0700 (PDT)

Om Sai Ram!

I eagerly wait for The Glory of Shirdi Sai and each time. I read, my

heart is overflowing with immense love for our Baba. Saibanisa Uncle

ji, reading your dream sequences and the Foot Steps of Holy Feet makes

one's faith in Sri Sai reach new heights.






Please visit:



Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford


"baba today" babatoday

Wed, 18 May 2005 23:29:25 -0700 (PDT)

Anna Baba Mandir Chennai

Satsangh: 15 5 05 Grihasthasram or Baba's advice to Married couple

by Sri Sai.Ba.Ni.Sa Gopal Rao Ravada

Sri Sai Baba has said in chapter 3 of Sai Sat Charita, "If a man

utters My name with love, I shall fulfill all his wishes, increase his

devotion. And if he sings earnestly My life and My deeds, him I shall

beset in front and back and on all sides. If anybody sings my leelas I

shall give them infinite joy and ever lasting contentment.". Saibanisa

Sri Gopal Rao Ravada is one of the very few fortunate devotees

selected by Sri Sai Baba to spread His message through divine

discourses. Named by Shirdi Sai Baba as Sai Ba Ni Sa, which means in

telugu, "Bhadyathalu Nirvarthinche Sanyasi". (the person who obeys the

instructions of Sai and implements it), he is the founder member of

www.saidarbar.org. He spreads the messages of Sai Baba through

Internet through the email newsletter 'The Glory of Shirdi Sai". He

came into the fold of Baba in 1989. In the year 1998, on Christmas

day, Baba came in his dreams in the form of his English Lecturer and

said, "today you cut my Spiritual cake and distribute it to the entire

world". So to spread Sai Philosophy and Sai's teachings, Saibanisaji

started Sai Darbar and from then has been touring throughout the world

spreading the message of Sai through his divine discourses. All his

discourses are unique and very interesting. He has compared Sai Baba's

life with the Ramayan, Bhagavatham, and Dattavatar relating similar

instances in Sai Sat Charita. Being a scientist by profession, he has

also approached the Sai Sat Charita scientifically. He can talk about

Sai and His leelas for any number of hours if the audience consist of

a very few ardent Sai devotees. He answers questions and doubts in

any chapter of Sai Sat Charita to the level to which the devotee can

understand. Now he is compiling his dreams in which his Master Sai

Baba has given him many instructions and this is published in his

fortnightly newsletter "The Glory of Shirdi Sai".

The devotees of the Anna Baba Mandir Chennai are very fortunate to

have had the darshan of many Mahaans and saints who have put their

holy feet in our mandir. Guruji Kumar Baba always insists on the

importance of Satsangh for spiritual advancement and whenever a Mahaan

visits the temple, he arranges a Satsangh with the Mahaan for the

benefit of the devotees of Anna Baba Mandir. We have already heard

Saibanisaji's discourses on Sai in Ramayana and Sai in Bhagavatham

and these discourses have been published in our monthly newsletter

Baba Today. Sri Saibanisaji divine discourse on 15-5-2005 on the

topic' Grihasthasram" meaning Sai's advice to married couple and

Children, quoting instances from Sai Sat Charita will be published in

our e- magazine this month and the next month. Guruji Sri Kumar Baba

and devotees of the Anna Baba Mandir, like to convey our heartfelt

thanks to Saibanisaji for enlightening us on the Grihasthasram. Sai Ram.


"Ramesh and Anitha" kandra

Saidarbar Canberra

For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

5/22/2005 14:44:00 -0000

Next Saidarbar and satsang on Saturday 28th May 2005


Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Saturday the 28th

May, 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm -– Sai Nama japa 05:30pm - Satang Prayer

For activities of Saidarbar Wallingford

Please contact: technical


Shanthi Ramakrishnan: shanthi

5/22/2005 16:04:05 -0700

Sai Darbar Portland OR USA activities for the month of May 2005

Sai Ram

We had a wonderful session of our monthly Sai Darbar on May 21st

Saturday. We started the session with OM, Gayatri and Sai Gayatri

followed by Sai Ashtothram and sang a Ganesh Bhajan. Then we read 40th

& 41st chapters in Sai SatCharitra.

Sai Darbar was concluded with Aarti & prasad.

Thank you for your support.


For Activities of Sai Darbar Portland

Please contact: shanthi


Usha malavathu" ushamalavathu

5/12/2005 11:48:22 -0000

TO All Sai Devotees,

We conduct Sai Satsangam every Saturday between 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in


For further details contact on E-mail: ushamalavathu




"Saidhamsola.org" sai

5/19/2005 16:19:02 +0530

Hello Namaskar and Om Sai Ram

We request you to kindly visit our website http://www.saidhamsola.org

and include link of the same in your website at suitable place. As a

Common interest of Shri Saibaba of Shirdi this is humble request.

Please visit this unique website of Saibaba temple in Ahmedabad.

URL: http://www.saidhamsola.org

We send free udi and saibaba photo to devotees who want.

Thanks. Sureshbhai webmaster.


shanthipanneerselvam": shanthipanneerselvam

Fri, 20 May 2005 12:33:51 -0000

For Correspondence course on Gita

Please contact: shanthipanneerselvam



9 May 2005 18:56:54 -0000


FLUSHING, NY 11355 is in progress.

For further details please visit:


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Atlanta Sai Temple News" webmaster

Sun, 22 May 2005 00:37:40 IST

North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta

Open 7 days a week. MON-WED 5 PM to 9 PM, THU-SUN 12 Noon to 9 PM

NASSTA Health Fair & Health Clinic - Saturday, June 4th

Sai Vrath - Saturday, June 11th

For more details please contact the Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


"Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center": sai

Hamaresai-Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center.

For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


"Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW" USA: shirdisaidallas

Wed, 04 May 2005 21:36:14 -0000

The executive committee is pleased to announce the new temple timings.

Mon thru Fri - 5:15am to 6:00am, 12:00noon to 1:00pm, 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Sat - 5:15am to 6:00am, 10:am to 9:30pm

Sun - 10:00am to 8:30pm

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


"Om Sai Mandir" saisandesh

4/30/2005 22:47:44 -0400

Om Sai Mandir - Sai Sandesh May 2005 Issue.

Sai Sandesh can be read online at:




Monday, May 23, 2005 5:34:09 PM


Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans- Invitation- May 26th at the Prayer Hall

Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans at the Prayer Hall in Cupertino, CA. We would

like to invite you and your family for these Bhajans. This week we

will chant Sai Mahima.

When: May 26th (Thursday)

Time: 7:30 to 8:25 p.m – Sai Mahima & Bhajans

8.25 to 8.30 p.m. – Mangalam & Naivedya 8.30 to 9.00 p.m. –

Shej Arathi

9.00 to 9.15 p.m. – Meditation

Visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org for details about the Weekly Satsanghs.



As a part in propagating Shri Shirdi Sai philosophy and on the

invitation from Sri Saikaladla Naresh Kundaniji, Saibanisa Gopalarao

Ravada ji gave a discourse on Sai philosophy in the Shirdi Sai

Mandir in PUNE on 01-5-2005.

Saibanisaji along with his wife Smt Madhugopal Ravada has attended Sri

Shirdi Sai festival organized by Saidarbar –Chennai during 13th May to

15th May 2005 and gave spiritual discourses on all the three days.

We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:

For the advancement in the spiritual life, you should select a good

guide (Guru). If you fail you will not achieve spiritual heights.

You should be faithful and dutiful towards your parents to receive

their blessings always.

Paths are different but goal is one is analogous to that all rivers

ultimately join the sea.

Life and death are not in our hands.

We often pray God to grant some or other favor. Is such a prayer

necessary? For God knows what is best to be given to a person.


Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai" -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



P.S. In case you do not like to receive "The Glory of Shiridi Sai ",

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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