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Exhibition on Bhagawan's Message of Educare on 3rd June 2004 at Brindavan

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Exhibition on Bhagawan's Message of Educare on 3rd June 2004 at Brindavan

Please click on the thumbnails to view the pictures full size.

The images that you are about to view were part of an Exhibition on Bhagawan’s

Message of Educare – an Exhibition that was staged at ‘Brindavan’ in Whitefield

on the outskirts of Bangalore on 3rd June 2004. The Exhibition was graced by

Bhagawan’s august presence.



Educare helps us to obtain knowledge of the creation of the universe, the five

elements that exist in all creation, their properties, the holistic

relationship between different objects in creation and the manner of usage of

our five senses in enjoying creation which is but a Divine rainbow created for

our pleasure. The five elements are: space, air, fire, water and the earth.

Each of these has one or more attributes but earth alone has all five

attributes: shabda, sparsha, roopa, rasa and gandha (sound, touch, form, taste

and smell) which are to be grasped by our five senses.

Bhagawan also tells us that nature, which exhibits qualities such as beauty,

harmony, balance, peace, unity in diversity, self-regulation and sacrifice, has

many lessons for humankind. Dharma is described as the one factor which governs

the conduct of all objects in nature, animate or inanimate.


We are witness to a strange and sad paradox in the world around us. By

harnessing science and technology and through the exploitation of the elements,

man has been able to reach great heights of material prosperity. And yet, peace

and happiness have eluded him. Instead, there is dissatisfaction and disquiet,

differences within families and conflict between different sections of society,

peoples and nations based on caste, creed, religion, language, ideology, etc. As

Bhagawan puts it, nations are even waging wars in the name of peace!

What is the way out?

Three among the tools for self-transformation are an understanding of Soham

Mantra which proclaims the inherent divinity of man, silent sitting and Jyothi


It is said that God descends so that man may ascend.

To our great good fortune, we have the Sai Avatar in our midst who now says:

“Your life is My Message!”


Educare must become as easy and natural as breathing in our lives.

We must seek to practice the five fundamental human values in thought, word and deed.

Then again, we must subject all our thoughts and actions to a constant process

of review and correction.

We must realise that we too are Divine.

Once individual transformation takes place, societal transformation and global

peace and harmony become possible.

Are we prepared to discharge this sacred responsibility?



Source: http://www.sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/Educare_Photos.htm

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