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Buddha Purnima Divine Discourse: Develop the Spirit of Oneness - 23rd May, 2005

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Develop the Spirit of Oneness

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Brindavan, 23rd May 2005, Buddha Purnima Celebrations

Text of the Divine Discourse delivered by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on 23rd

May 2005, Buddha Purnima, in Sai Ramesh Krishan Hall, Brindavan (Whitefield),


Embodiments of Love!MANY DIGNITARIES FROM SRI LANKA have spoken to you about the

great teachings of Buddha. First of all, you have to understand that God is

omnipresent. There is no place where you do not find God. The essence of the

teachings of all scriptures is that God is present everywhere. Out of their

ignorance, some people argue that God is limited to a particular place.Divinity

Indwells all BeingsTruly speaking, Divinity is present in everyone and is

all-pervasive. This is the basic truth of all doctrines and philosophies. See

everywhere God. If you see God everywhere, nothing bad will happen to you. This

Ekatma Bhava (principle of oneness) should be understood by the Bharatiyas. See

no evil; see what is good,Talk no evil; talk what is good,Hear no evil; hear

what is good,Do no evil; do what is good,Be always with God.Some people call

Him Rama, some others adore Him as

Krishna and still some others worship Him as Buddha. Names and forms may vary,

but God is one. God is not limited to a particular name, form, region or

religion. There is only one God who pervades every atom of the creation. Words

fail to express the glory and grandeur of Divinity. People may describe

Divinity in a number of ways, but no description can ever portray Divinity in

full measure. In fact, to describe Divinity is a sign of delusion. Where is

God? You are all the embodiments of God. God pervades all beings as their

life-breath. Such transcendental principle of Divinity cannot be described. One

may do one's best to describe it at any length, yet all descriptions will fall

short of what reality is. Water is infinite; a container cannot hold more water

than its capacity. As is the size of the container, so is the quantity of water

collected. Likewise, God is infinite, but each one describes Him based on his

limited understanding. Divinity is much more than what human mind can

comprehend.Embodiments of Love!It is impossible for anyone to describe Divinity

in full measure. God is one, but people may describe Him in various ways

depending on their feelings. Divinity is one. It is sign of ignorance to divide

God in the name of religion and limit Him to a particular name and form. God is

limitless and boundless. He is Sarvantaryami (all-knowing inner reality). He is

Sarva Bhutantaratma (indweller of all beings). How can anyone describe such

Divinity? God is present in everyone in the form of Atma (Self). Develop such

self-confidence and spirit of oneness. Ekam Sath Viprah Bahudha Vadanti (truth

is one, but the wise refer to it by various names). (Pointing to the tumbler,

Swami said) This is water. Telugu people call it Neeru, Tamilians call it

Thanni, so on and so forth. Different people call it by different names, but

water is the same. Likewise, the same God is extolled by various names. The

indweller is the

same in all beings. People worship God by different names and forms, but God is

one. The principle of the Atma which resides in everyone is the true divine

power. Only those with self-confidence are true Bhaktas (devotees). You cannot

call yourself a devotee if you lack self-confidence. Without self-confidence,

you cannot achieve anything in life. Therefore, first and foremost develop firm

and unshakeable self-confidence. From self-confidence arises self-satisfaction.

Self-satisfaction shows you the path of self-sacrifice which ultimately leads

to self-realisation. Self-confidence is the basis for self-realisation.There is

Nothing like my God and your GodToday many people practise meditation without

knowing what it is. In the process, they waste a lot of time. What is

meditation? Is it to sit cross-legged with closed eyes? No. Not at all. People

undertake meditation with a deluded mind. Consequently, they are unable to

achieve the desired result.

What is meant by meditation? To think of God at all times and under all

circumstances is true meditation. You should install God in your heart and

discharge your duties with the feeling that God is the basis of everything.

Only then can you be called a true devotee. Wherever you go, whatever you may

do, recognise the truth that there is only one God and He is all-pervasive.

Never give scope for differences saying, my God and your God. Where is your

God? Where is my God? All are one; be alike to everyone. There is only one God

and He is present in everyone. It is a big mistake to think that God is

different for different people. You should have firm faith that God is one. The

process of inhalation and exhalation as indicated by the Soham principle is one

and the same in everybody. Soham means "I am God." This clearly demonstrates

that God is not different from you. When man comes into the world, the first

word he utters is "Koham, Koham" (who am I?). He should constantly keep asking

this question until he realises his true identity. He should realise his true

nature and proclaim, "Soham, Soham" (I am God) before leaving the world.Never

attribute multiplicity to Divinity on the basis of different names and forms

such as Rama, Krishna, Jesus, Allah, Buddha, etc. You may call Him by any name,

but God is one and the same. But these days, we do not find teachers who can

make lasting impression on the hearts of people by imparting such sacred

teachings. All the time, man keeps searching for God elsewhere. How can you

find God elsewhere? Some people may call Him Allah; others may call Him by some

other name. Does God become different for different people just because they

call Him by different names? No, no. These are only names. To think that God is

different for different people is a great delusion. You may call Him by any

name. God is one.Sri Lanka will be Safe and SecureWhen you develop such spirit

of oneness, you will certainly have

Sakshatkara (vision of the Divine). Everyone should develop Ekatma Bhava (spirit

of oneness). Easwara Sarva Bhutanam (God is the indweller of all beings). It is

sheer ignorance to say, "My God is different from your God". Those who quarrel

with each other in the name of religion are foolish people. For some time now,

certain types of differences have cropped up in Sri Lanka. Whatever others may

say, we have to firmly believe that God is one. It is a great mistake to

develop differences on the basis of our deluded thinking.Once an old woman went

in search of Jesus. When she met him, she asked, "Are you Jesus?" Jesus replied,

"That is the name given to me. But you can call me by any name, I shall

respond." Names and forms are bound to change. When you are born, people call

you a child. As you grow up, you are called a boy, then you become a man and

later on a grandfather. But the child, boy, man and grandfather are one and the

same. Childhood, youth and

old age are merely the different stages of your life. But you are one and the

same. Similarly, names and forms may be different, but God is one.Embodiments

of Love!You have come here all the way from Sri Lanka because of your love for

Me. My love for you is hundred times more than the love you have for Me

(prolonged loud applause). Sri Lanka had to face many hardships, even from the

time of Ravana. But Sri Lanka can never be put to harm. It will always be safe,

secure and prosperous (loud prolonged applause). God is the leader of your

country. As long as you have faith in God, you have nothing to fear. May you

all enjoy safety and security! Wherever you go, whatever you do, have firm

conviction that God is always with you, in you, around you, above you, below

you. Do not be carried away by what others say. Have God firmly installed in

your heart. You can never be put to any harm. No danger can ever befall you.

Lead your lives with such courage and

conviction. God will certainly bless you with success.Embodiments of Love!The

hearts of the people of Sri Lanka are sacred. Hence, they will always enjoy

safety and security. Difficulties will come and go like passing clouds. You

don't need to be afraid of anything. God will always protect you. Be courageous

and face difficulties with fortitude. You are the embodiments of Love. Where

there is love, there cannot be any adversity. Love is God. God is Love. Hence,

fill your hearts with love.Embodiments of Love!Very soon I will visit Sri Lanka

and bestow eternal bliss on all of you (thunderous applause). In the present

situation, it is difficult for Me to walk. However, difficulty is only for the

body. It comes and goes. I do not care for such physical constraints. I will

certainly come to your country very soon and fulfil your long cherished dream.

Right from a child to an old man, devotees in Sri Lanka think of Swami always.

Your prayers

and penance will certainly find fulfilment very soon. Cherish this sacred

feeling in your heart. The passage of time will not affect the intimate

relationship that exists between you and Me. It is eternal and

everlasting.(Bhagavan concluded His Discourse with the Bhajan, "Prema Mudhita

Manase Kaho…")– From Bhagavan's Buddha Purnima Discourse in Sai Ramesh Krishan

Hall, Brindavan (Whitefield), Bangalore on 23rd May 2005.

Source: http://www.sssbpt.org/Pages/Prasanthi_Nilayam/Buddha_Purnima_Discourse.htm

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