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|SBN| looking for bhajans of Madhvi

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dear brother jayant,


om sai ram to you dear brother. thank you so much for your love and kindness . i

am sending you my address and would really appreciate the miracle vibhuti.


yes i agree with everything you have said about sister madhvi. i pray she does

not get embarassed but she is so blessed to have such an awesome gift from

swami - her voice . in fact the 'love' in her voice actually connects my heart

with swami immediately. with baba's grace, she truly can be the sai mirabai of



although i do have her 'arpanam' cds i was hoping to find some more of her

songs. luckily a brother who has 2 of her krishna bhajans has promised to send

them to me - i can't wait!


thank you for sharing your divine experiences with sister hema and the 'three

dhaams'. brother, if you happen to ever meet sister madhvi personally - i

understand she too is from london - please convey my humble 'sairam' to her!


my friends tell me that there is a recording of hers with dr. gadhia with the

paduka group - pls if you can locate it do let me know.


thank you once again for all your love and kindness brother.


with sai love,


sister priya



jayant kachhwaha <omsairamjk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:

OM SRI SAI RAM;My most humble Sai greeting to you sister Priya;I mustsay, what I

wrote from heart may haveembarrased our "Sai 'Nightangle' voiced

sisterMadhvi..more, there are many who can sing, and renderexceptional sweet

mesmerisng Bhajans, as one hasexperienced in Prasanthi NILAYAM,however sister

Madhviis like a present day Sai Meera.. One has to speak thetruth..Since you

have these CD's, I will honour my pledge tosend you the Miracle Vibhuti, IF YOU

SO DESIRE, THENKINDLY SEND ME YOUR FULL ADDRESS, separately to me,and Not let it

be known all over this magnificent mostprecious SBN group for obvious reasons of

safeguardingone's privacy. Early having dropped my sister at the

London'sheathrow Airport, I was at sister Hema's Sai Kripahome when she told me

she is taking to someone on linefrom Calgiery in

CANADA..and then I thought of Youimmediately and mentioned to sister Hema, who's

homehas been radiating with SWAMI's Amazing spiritaullyattracting leelas since

BABA's 69 thBirthday, with so many Vibhuti, Kum Kum. Sandlewood,SAI MESSAGES,

mostly INSIDE THE PICUTRES, and in the upstairs sacred private Sai shrine..One

canseealmost Pink coloured Vibhuti covering all the picturesof SWAMI etc etc.I

had a BIG full size picture inWHITE of SWAMI in the both raised divine

hands,BLESSINGS..she inmmediately took a liking to it andsaid BHAIYAA..Please

give this to me, since it is Oneof its kind, sent to me persoanlly by sister

ANNE fromDenmark when she was in Puttaparthi recently..See HowLord's leelas

work..I had a hitch that by showing thisto sister Hema I may risk losing it

altogether..Butmorthan chanting just the name, its His dedicated

SEVAof.detachment, and sacrifice..truely comes to one;s

innerconsciousness..So she said if you have to offer meanything BHAIYAA, Please

GIVE this BABA to ME..Wellher elderly mother and someimportant guests from

Nepal etc were there watchingthis Drama.enacted by us..Without hesitation or

refusal,I justquitely..sincerely without uttering oneword..let my left hand

holding that large picture ofbeloved SWAMI's most precious golden gift..makeits

way into sister Hema's hands..she said, You aregiving it to me, REALLY..BHAIYAA,

I just could notopen mylips (silence is best gift)..just nodded and letemotions

take hold of mysister Hema, who just got so excited she

literallyfainted,holding the SWAMI form of "Happy LOVE",and then shehugged me.

SHE WAS WITH SWAMI ..she is A very veryBlessed soul. since thosands benefit

from her selflessseva. Now She will have a Special Guru poorinamacelebrations

for this special gift of Lords allpowerful embracing Grace in her

home...I then had myother visits to myother THREE DHAAMS..brother Gordhan bhai

Patels, inHarrow and later at Brother Deepak's in Kingbury,where I juts could

not believe my eyes looking at theLARGE VIBHUTI SAI EMBLUM of SARVA DHARMA, in

LOTUS.SOmajestic and so vibrantly powerful, on the SAICHAIR.and then the sacred

symbiol of AUM or OM INDISTINCT STYLE..on the foot stool, and also on

anotherchair, the vibhuti marking the PRESENCE ofSWAMI having possibly

occupied His Chair,there and'left' with the foot printson the cushion,

below..Much blessings are to be seeneverywhere in every room, at brother

Deepak's SaiHome, and so finally I also arrived at our mosthonourable well

known 'uncle' Vadgama, of SAIPLASWARE, who just is one GREAT LIVING EXAMPLE OF

SAISEVAK..He isamply Blessed with so many many great of UNEXPECTEDgifts of

happy events and incedents.personally one cannot BELIEVE..esp if you know

aboutHis factory and the Green Plastic moulding machine,whereVibhuti just

'appears' inside the machine near thetransformer..having electronis switches

close by..Well He told me about the untimely sad departure ofuncle our great

SAI DAASO KAA DAAS, yes late Dr.Gadhia,and how they were about to go on a

spiritual tour ofUSA..and perhaps CANADA.but a week before it wascancelled

bylate Dr,Gadhia himself who said that uncle VADGAMA hasto goalone without him

everywhere..SWAMI has beencontinously surprising uncle VADGAMA, (who

incedentlyalso had many miracles in side the sacred divineheavley earthly

paradise abode of our Supreme Cosmic"GOD" here with and among us as SAI BABA,in

humanform,the Eternal SUPREME OMNIPRESENT, ANANATAM Brahmanin Prasanthi Nilayam

in Puttaparthi Well Let me share with you, a very personal, most mindboggling

and unbelieveable ; unexpected thrilling 'AIR- Travel MIRACLE we

both encountered of Bhagavan BABAthe All Knowing and Allpowerful SUPREME MASTER

in CHARGE of everyTHING one can imagine..As I was reminded of thatwonderful

immpossible incedent..when I went to dropand see my younger sister leave for

Indiaon the Emirates Airline.I told the lady attending mysister at the Ticket

counter at the airport."Would youbelieve if Itold you that I and a close friend

of mine Flewwithout 'anytickets' on EMIRATES..to MumbaiIndia..She just gave me a

unbelieveable surprised lookand asked"when was it". I replied," a few years

agowhen..!!!!.and my sister interrupted her to get thebaggagecheacked in in

case they get delayed too etc..and thematter ended there, till Ileft the

airport and reached uncle VADGAMA's plasticfactory in Kingsbury ..He looked

sudddenly verysurpised but very pleased and happy to see me beforehis eyes in

person, and askedwhere I had been so long..and

he offerd me coffee andtold me so many many new interesting amazingly

truehappenings, leelas of ourbeloved BABA helping him solve many many

untoldbusiness matters, and that now he is doing better thanbefore, rather

extremely well in business, since ithas kept on expanding rapidly,infact so

well it is hard to believe.How much the LordLOVES HIM AND TAKES CARE of our

VADGAMA.and then heshowedme His new next door factory, recently purchased

wherebesides his office he shall have a big open SAISHRINE..alongside his

office..He told me, that Apparently SOME "UNKNOWN" salesperson, keepsvisiting

many LARGER (big brands)poupal High Streetstoers, Giant NAMES in Consumer

Markets andthey seem to be immpresssed with the sample productsshown and

leftforplacing orders,AMAZING isn't it..since he said thathe has never employed

a sales-person!!!i mentioned "like our Baba'S GREAT MIRACLE of AMRITAdripping

inside our plane (EMIRATES);FLYING 60,000 FEEET ABOVE IN SKY !!He simply brused

itby saying that..was a past Miracle since these are New,so let me tell

them....and overthe cup of coffee, I rushed so impatiently to hearABOUTTHIS

"INVISIBLE SUPER SALES MAN'S TALES" blessed, andwonderful..I too felt specially

blessed..He is A real transformed Sai Soul among millions..Well sister priya

it's longe-mail so I cannot see any point in wrting the SAIMIRACLE of flying to

Mumbai..in sceduled overbookedFlight without prior booking and any paid

Tickets(whenthere were no seats availble), at all on a fullybooked flight, to

Delhi and then surprisingly gettingchanged by a great miracle to on a FUlly

booked Mumbaiflight and AMRITHA FLOWING from Heavens IN FRONT OFBOTH OFUs, on

our FOOD TRAYS..like rains drops in a forest.If you wish to hear this in full

then please dolet me know my sister priya, I shall be

only toopleased to sharethat DIVINE UNFORGETABLE, SAI Special

intervention..UnknownInivisible Omnipresence of our beloved LORD of LOVEand

Bliss ..WHATEVERdoubts one has, this surely will clear them..as onecannot

discuss DIVINITY..but Only EXPERIENCE it..andFEEL it, and get IMMERSED, or

merged with It.SAI islike the OCEAN, both outside and inside the tiny

fish,Hundreds gather to participate in a Marothon, yet onlya few reach the

Finish line in record breakingtime.How fortunate we are to earn His GRACE, in

thislifetime itselfPlease let me have your full addressalso I hope and pray

sister MADHVI..forgives me forusing the word "Sai Naightangle" Koyal in

hindi..butsince I have my ears as to experience the mutlitude ofSai Bhajans

sung in the Presence of our BHAGAVAN andalso having been and attended so many

Sai centers andSAI homes in various areas, let alone UKitself..Sister Madhvi

has certainly a RARE



do a worldtour promoting SAI Ideals through her SINGING Bhajansand perhaps a

Big international concert for thebenefit of Sai brothers and sisters SPREAD all

overthe UK..Ilook forward to the day I would be amongstthe vast audience at

Prasanthi Nialayam to hear hersing in Dvivine Presence Once again..Jai

SAIRAMplease forgive me for taking so much precious time ofyours..May we become

what He wants His children to BEbrother jayant--- priya doshi

<pridosh9 (AT) (DOT) ca> wrote:> sairam brother jayant,> > thank so much for your

loving email dear brother.> > i already have a copy of the awesome arpanam

audio> and the vcd . yes she has the most amazing voice and> her bhajans truly

touch one's

heartstrings!> > however, i was recently informed my some devotee> friends that

sister madhvi had sung at a paduka> poojan function in banglore with dr. d.

gadhia (who> recently merged with our lord). so i was really> wondering if this

or any other of her recordings are> available anywhere at present.> > i would

be grateful to receive the prasadum of> vibhuti from u brother.you are really

kind and your> emails are always so full of love and joy - a> pleasure to

read.> > sairam.> > priya> > > > > > > > > > jayant kachhwaha

<omsairamjk (AT) (DOT) co.uk> wrote:> sairam;> my dear sister priya, would you

believe, if i said,> i> could post you a copy, of melody singing sensation>

sister Madhvi, called

"Sai Arpanam"..since only> yeasterday morning i received a speacil personal>

copy> of this SAI ARPANAM form the magic amazing hands of> soul catching sweet

voiced Madhvi herself.> She also posted me a Video version of it, produced> by>

none other than the accomplisded 'guru' of Sai Music> Seva..brother Deepak from

Mumbai, whom I had the> good> fortune to meet with a few years ago, when he

took> me> their most vibrant SAI CENTER for an unforgetable> divine

experience..> I hope this Sai NIGHTANGLE sister Madhvi of ours> with> so much

potential to bring out a good many series of> such super soul touching rather

spritually> awakening,> renedering of Sai Bhajans will carry her to bring> her>

most favourite "Old" themes especially in ENGLISH> so> everyone can listen to

this wonderful soul so> blessed> to

possess enchanting attracting voice with much> variances..> Please let me have

your address, and i promise to> also> post a packet of Sai manifested Healing

Vibhuti too> With happiness of Sai seva> brother jayant> --- ..priya doshi

<pridosh9 (AT) (DOT) ca> wrote:> > > sairam. would anyone in our sai family have

any> > live recordings or other bhajans of madhvi? i> would> > really

appreciate if you can send me a copy.> > > > thanks.> > > > priya > > > >




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