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Thoughts about SAI AT alias essence of Atmic reality. Part 1

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Light and Love Brother Jatindar's mails finish with sharing

information-explanation about SAI AT - Sai - Always There I wish to share

some thoughts about it. SAI AT - seems the best heading that one can ever

discover. Its meaning is not as an advertisement, but has a deep spiritual

background. SAI AT – is this point where science and spirituality meets that to

continue the path of the new spirituality directed by Swami Sai is always

there - it is single reality for humanity, accept they it or not. Sai is always

there as the Self, as Conscience, as His Omnipresent Cosmic Form. SAI AT - as

principle what expresses to human beings their true reality through Divine

emotion spread by holographic surface of SAI holographic pictures, Sailogram

and through His Teaching, direct and indirect (images) darshans. "Where is

the Supreme Divinity? It is Omnipresent. God is a permanent Witness. He has no

attributes. He has no specific form. He can assume any form.... The Divine is

in forms and is formless. He is with and without attributes." (Excerpts from:

Sri Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba. SSS. Vol. 28.Chapter 5).


There is an idea that the divine awareness of SAI AT protects Swami's

devotees and followers from different harmful vibrations of harsh world. SAI

AT is as in the role of special mantra. Pictorially it may compare with the

research from scientific area. It is known space beyond low-Earth orbit is awash

with intense radiation from the Sun and from deep galactic sources. Finding a

good shield to protect the astronauts is important. NASA scientists are

investigating many physical solutions. However, there is another possibility,

plenty of shielding power: a force field. So why not protect astronauts by

surrounding them with a powerful electric field deflecting the radiation away?

Radiation comes as both positively and negatively charged particles. For

deflecting radiation Charles Buhler and John Lane (scientists with ASRC

Aerospace Corporation at NASA's Kennedy Space Center) propose to use the

spheres with negative and positive charges. The research is still preliminary,

but, who knows, perhaps one day astronauts will work safely, protected by a

simple principle of electromagnetism even a child can understand.(More complete

materials: Patrick L. Barry,(Editor: Dr. Tony Phillips). Active Radiation

Shielding for Human Space Exploration Workshop - experts gathered at the

University of Michigan in 2004 to discuss radiation-deflecting force fields).

As the modulated electromagnetic field can protect astronauts from space

radiation, so the wordless Divine forces from Swami's holographic images can

protect His devotees and followers who have faith and devotion to Swami.

However, what is reality by modern science? By modern science SAI AT really

exist as cosmic, universal possibility, principle what as longs for connection

with observer - a devotee or follower who sincerely believes in Swami. I

try as popularly as it is possible to explain the outlook of modern science and

you may notice that this outlook is as integrated with Atmic Reality by Swami's

Teaching and Vedic wisdom of ancient times.

Modern quantum mechanics (QM) is a physical theory about atoms and subatomic

particles what behave differently than laws of classical mechanics foresee. It

combining scientific methods with curiosity about the spirit views the entire

universe as a quantum superposition of many states which do not measurably

interact on macroscopic scales. By QM the process of the measurement is not

limited to physical quantities, but can extend to quantifying almost anything

imaginable. The "wave-particle duality" explained by quantum physics and is

taken as evidence. The rules of quantum mechanics cannot predict where the

particle will actually be observed. The act of measurement causes an

instantaneous "collapse of the wave function". This means that the measurement

process randomly picks out exactly one of the many possibilities allowed for by

the state's wave function, and the wave function instantaneously changes to

reflect that pick. How do we reconcile the fact that photon 'B' "knows"

that the x-spin of photon 'A' has been measured, even though they are separated

by light years of space. How can it be else by the new spiritual outlook

powered by Swami? That is the Great Oneness what Atmic Reality expresses.

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is a fundamental property of quantum

physics. The classical approach to it is the idea of light comes in little

packets or quantities, known as "quanta." (Today the uncertainty principle was

to turn out to be much more fundamental than even Heisenberg imagined in his

first paper). The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle basically stated that if

one starts to know the change in the momentum of an elementary particle very

well (that is usually, what the change in a particle’s velocity is) then one

begins to lose knowledge of the change in the position of the particle, that

is, where the particle is actually located. The relativistic version of this

principle states that as one gets to know the energy of an elementary particle

very well, one cannot at the same time know (i.e., measure) very accurately at

what time it actually had that energy. So we have, in quantum physics, what are

called "complimentary pairs." It is as Maya and Atmic Realities are too the

fundamental "complimentary pairs." Interactions between such complimentary

pairs reveal the mystery existence for human consciousness, on this relative

level what is possible to percept.


EPR (Einstein, Podolski, Rosen) paradox postulates (year 1935) that the

existence System B knows all about System A long before the scientist measures

any of the observables. It shows that quantum physics was not complete – that

some factors had to be, as yet, undiscovered. This led Niels Bohr and his

associates to formulate the "Copenhagen Interpretation" of quantum physics

reality. By this no sense to talk about an elementary particle until it is

observed because it really doesn’t exist unless it is observed. In other words,

elementary particles might be thought of not just as being made up of forces,

but that some constituents of it that must be taken into account are the

observer or measurer as well, and that the observer can never really be

separated from the observation. The entire Universe is exist within human’s

being, who is an expression of the Great Oneness - Atma, God, SAI AT.


It is the best scientific contemplation that there exists no reality without

spirituality. The Universe and a human being is the one and the same on the

level of elementary particles. Swami stresses to this nearly in every His Work.

Using the wave equations formulated for quantum particles by Erwin

Schrödinger, Max Born suggested that these elementary particle waves were not

made up of anything but probabilities. So all we see are made up of ”tendencies

to exist" which are made into particles by adding the observer's ingredient of

"looking." A physicist at CERN, Switzerland (European Laboratory for

Particle Physics is the world's largest particle physics centre, founded in

1954), John Bell proposed an experiment that could measure if a given

elementary particle could "communicate" with another elementary particle

farther away faster than any light could have traveled between them. In 1984 a

team led by Alain Aspect in Paris did this experiment with polarized light and

indeed, this was undeniably the apparent result. This experiment has been

confirmed many times. Fundamental ideas in this experiment have been called

"Bell’s Theorem" and can be stated as 'Reality is non-local.' In other words,

not only do the elementary particles that make up the things we see around us

not exist until they are observed (Copenhagen Interpretation), but they are

not, at the most essential level, even identifiably separable from other such

particles arbitrarily far away. John Muir, the 19th Century naturalist once

said, "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to

everything else in the universe." Swami explained it more easily,”This

energy, present in man and in other objects, has been characterized as cosmic

energy. What is this cosmic power? For example, the Sun derives its energy and

effulgence from this cosmic source that accounts for the power of the human

mind and the marvelous power of the eye to see the most distant stars." (A tiny

compilation from, Sathya Sai Baba. Divine Discourse: "Three Forms of Energy,” 14

Oct 1994, Brindavan). Swami stresses, "In this context, the importance of

thoughts should be properly understood. Thoughts arising in the mind fill the

atmosphere with waves of energy. (Sathya Sai Baba. Divine Discourse: "The

Message of Sakkubai's Devotion." 26 Feb 1998, Prashanti Nilayam).


Thoughts that arises in connection with SAI AT and Swami's marvelous

holographic images made by Jatindar’s team are inspired by the divine power

within and as the pictures so the sacred thoughts can clean the space surround

them. This is in harmony with standpoints if QM, as by Max Born elementary

particle waves were not made up of anything but probabilities. So all we see

are made up of ”tendencies to exist" which are made into particles by adding

the observer's ingredient of "looking." Elementary particles - they are

neutrinos, photons, electrons.... The light thanks to what we can see is only

the streams of photons, (electromagnetic waves of different frequencies).

By my experience it is a quite safe protection for bad tendencies to attach the

thoughts with Swami, believe or not, but it really acts. SAI AT in action -

alias dedicate all your activity to the God, Swami's Omnipresent form - SAI AT

References: D. Bohm: Quantum Theory, Dover, New York (1957). B.

d'Espagnat: "The quantum theory and reality" Scientific American 241 No 5

(November 1979).


To be continued Namaste - Reet

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