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Light and Love


- Meenakshi Chintapalli


Tuesday, June 28, 2005 11:47 PM

[saibabanews] Re: Power of prayer, doubts and science


Thanks, dear Meena for good sites and information. It takes a time I can

examine the issues of them. How right you note, "When we pray for

Universal peace and wellness, we are putting positive thoughts inot the

Universe. Who knows more than Swami about all these things?? That is why we

have the Annual Global Bhajans for Universal Peace." I have noticed that at

last times Swami enjoy ancient dances. They are too the spread the bright divine

power of sacred emotions as Vedas chanting performed with faith. Swami's

Teaching in wide aspects as creates a new view of the religions over the world.

Swami's idea is as to expand the humans' spiritual capacity to obtain spiritual

experiences in a higher level than ever. Consciousness, in all its

variations in general is accepted as an essential, central, and proactive

factor in the establishment of physical reality by science. By Vedas and

Swami's works there are nine levels of consciousness. Eight of them - eye, ear,

tongue, nose, body consciousness and three levels of mind consciousness. They

control the perception of the outer and material and inner spiritual world,

store of karma. The ninth level of consciousness is the basis of the Atmic

reality and always remains pure and uncontaminated. "Man and mind are not

separate. Treat the mind as something apart and becoming subject to it is

wrong. It has to be treated as a servant as long as the body-mind consciousness

remains. Then the mind obeys you. Today the man follows the dictates of the

mind." (Sathya Sai Baba, SSS, Vol. 26, Chapter 20). One from

functions of consciousness is the form the aims. This aspect contains

motivation sphere and will (free will on the human’s level of every-day life)

to act. In the psychology is considered that source of activity of

consciousness is a requirements. Also there is considered that requirements

have connection with motivation sphere and have connection with involves,

desires, will, etc... There are different standpoints in science. But the

theory of Georgian scientist Dimitri Uznadze seems to be more ready to

integrate psychology with spirituality. D. Uznadze defined this problem as

“... The reality influence on a psyche directly and at once. This direction

defines actions". D. Uznadze understood necessity to introduce gap level

between external world and own person actions. This gap is "course of action"

named by author as the Set. The Set - it is a tendency to move in order to

which was defined. The Set depends from little changing of situation as in

external world so in internal world. I understand that the Set by Uznadze is

close with the Self by Swami and Vedic texts. By psychology consciousness

is a complex of activities what consists in two main parts consciousness and

the unconscious. These two cannot be separate as human activity cannot be

separate from the Atmic reality. So the generalizations which concern to

consciousness belong to the unconscious too. In view of

ordinary life there are three levels within every human being. The conscious,

the sub-conscious and the unconscious. One is conscious of what he/her knows.

Skills, experiences, memories are as sub-parts of conscious. But there is a

large area of the unconscious what is a topic of discussion of modern science.

Nobody exactly knows what really under the unconscious is hidden, but there are

thoughts, hypotheses, and theories. Modern psychologists point out that the

conscious mind is associated with a much broader or deeper mental system, the

unconscious mind, where the real Self is hidden. Consciousness always seems

to favor novel information. But recognizing novelty requires an implicit

comparison the old knowledge that is represented contextually. Probably the

unconscious shapes conscious experience. Unconscious contextual assumptions may

become consciously accessible. Every percept statement has presupposed hidden

information that has to be understood before it can make sense. (A comparable

situation is in the world of elementary particles). It seems that the

unconscious is as the direct bridge to the Atmic reality, less or more guided

by it. How deep is this guidance it may depend upon a spiritual state,

religious faith and activity of karma of a person. It seems to be real that in

human's unconscious has hidden the matrix of information of previous

incarnations. All cultures have periodic ceremonies, festivals, and

initiation rites using dramatic oreven traumatic symbolism; a major function of

these events may be to create and renew memorable conscious experiences that

invoke and reinforce the unconscious contextual assumptions of the society. The

role of prayer, images, is the same. In addition to it such activity causes the

‘special (divine) vibrations of balance and harmony’ within and without – when

there is a faith. The source of vibration is mutual – from objects of worship,

rituals and from worshipper. All as in the world of elementary particles.

Vibrations of thoughts, prayers, as the vibrations from pictures, image,

dances, and singing are belong too to the world of elementary particles…

In the integrated state of science with spirituality the scientific discoveries

(which have largely unconscious, intuitive contexts) would be reflecting the

reality of Atmic Oneness, what will lead humans (back? forward?) to their inner

state of the divine nature. The prime study would be human’s own reality and

his/her immense possibilities and then the reality of other forms and



However, the reality is such that "God is beyond all attributes. No one can

describe the nature of Divine love. It is beyond the reach of poets. The one

who is immersed in the waters of Divine Love will be unable to speak to anyone.

Those who speak about God in the world do so only from superficial experience,

but those who are wholly saturated with God's Love will find no words to

describe their bliss." (Excerpts from, Sathya Sai Baba. SSS, Vol. 28, Chapter


The conclusion is that all we share and write has a superficial significance

and serves as pinpointer to the Bliss what is not describable.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us

are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

Ralf-Waldo Emerson



D. Uznadze. Person behaviour kinds. Moscow. 1966. (In Russian). 5. A.

Asmolov. Activity and Set. Moscow. 1979. (In Russian) 6. V.V. NALIMOV.

Realms of the Unconscious. The Enchanted Frontier, Philadelphia: ISI Press,

1982, 320 pp.

Namaste - Reet

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