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Disharmony in the home?

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Om Sri Sai Ram.In today's modern world,there is a lot of disharmony in homes.A

home is supposed to be a sacred place where all the 16 sanskars or 16 Vedic

sacraments from the birth of the individual up to his death ought to be

observed.However, in today's homes, there is abuse, assault, aggression,

battery, sarcasm,rudeness, effrontery towards parents, elders,and husbands and

loads of violence.


We should look to Bharat,not modern India, for the solution.If we follow the

example given to us by the Avatar Sri Ramachandra, His consort Sita and His

brothers,we can't go wrong.


What I am suggesting is what my family and I have practised for decades.I am now

55 and I still practise.MATHRU DEVO BHAVA ( worship your mother as God ).PITHRU

DEVO BHAVA.( worship your father as God ).When we worship someone as God, don't

we do padamnamaskar? Don't we prostrate ourselves at his / her feet and seek his

/ her blessings?But first of all, we as adults have to give the example to our

children and to our younger brothers and sisters.As Sai devotees we have to be

role models.I suggest that you start this practice as early as possible.Go down

completely and kiss the feet of your parents with an intense feeling of love and

gratitude.The feeling is very important.If you cannot do this, then how can you

expect your children to do this to you?Then again, the wife should do

padamnamaskar at the husband's feet.Younger siblings should touch the feet of

older siblings and we should also touch the feet of all older family members

such as grandparents, uncles and aunts, etc.On

the other hand, the person being honoured ought to reciprocate by raising of the

hand and blessing the person who is doing the padamnamaskar,lifting the person

up and embracing him or her and giving him or her blessings and kissing him or

her ( not on the lips ) to return his or her love and affection.All of this

should not be done in a matter-of-fact way but with a feeling of great

respect,love and affection.


I was living in a Spanish-speaking country for 27 years and some Latin Americans

wondered how they would ever accomplish this as it is not a part of their custom

and tradition.I suggested that they play with their parents' feet and tell their

parents how lovely feet they had.When their parents had gotten accustomed to

this after some days they could then kiss their parents' feet and tell them how

grateful they were for having brought them into the world.AND IT WORKED!


Let your own children see this before you ask them to do padamnamaskar at your

own feet.Children should bow at and kiss their parents' feet every morning when

they awake and before they go to bed.The wife should do the same to her

husband.Remember that the feeling with which we do padamnamaskar is very

important.It should be intense and done with a feeling of love,respect and



Then too, we had this done in some Sai centers when it was arati time.But each

person should bring his or her own thali or diya to do it to parents,elder

relatives,husbands and older siblings.The intense feeling of love,respect and

gratitude was evident and there were tears everywhere.


Brothers and sisters, I am not saying that with this practice, conflict would be

impossible but I am saying that there would be less likelihood to have

disharmony in the family.I even did padamnamaskar at the lotus feet of my dead



Remember when on the battlefield of Kurukshetra as the war was about to

begin,the eldest pandhava brother, Yudhishthira, got off the charriot,crossed

over to the other side, took off his sandals, did padamnamaskar at the feet of

Dronacharya and Bheeshma and sought their blessings to begin the war.Of course,

his younger brothers had to follow suit.


Then too, please remember that the husband or parent who is being honoured as

God has the onus to give an excellent example and to behave DIVINE especially

when the person is a devotee of Swamiji.


I am asking all of you not to immediately condemn this practice but to give it a

sincere try for at least two months and then I would like to hear your

comments.Remember that Swamiji has said that He has come to strenghten SANATAN

DHARMA and if we are to help Him in His task, then we have to practicse SANATAN

DHARMA from now on in all love and humility so that THE GOLDEN AGE that the

Vishnu Purana speaks of can be established as Swamiji said in a conversation

with Dr. John Hislop, by the year 2018.Let us not strut around on Mother Earth

in arrogance with our heads high and not worshipping our parents and husbands

as God.Being able to see God in all forms begins with a simple practice like

this. And with continued practice, you will see how disharmony disappears from

your homes.





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om sai ram

wonderful!In india I have seen lot of problems mostly

in joint families.Son who is with parents is just for

his selfish motives-to save his money -not to pay rent

and other things.In some cases there are separete

kitchens.why it is happening in india which is a

sacred land,god loves to incarnate their.son and

daughter in law thinks that they have lost their

freedom while staying with old parents.value system is

losiny its significance.In most of the cases what I

have observed that from the birth of child we just

ignore the bad conduct of our children-thinking that

they are too young without realising that habit

formation takes form from the very beginning-in later

stages it is difficult to change your odd habits.we

have to pray to our beloved to give sadhbudhi(good

intellect)to us so that we can serve our parents with






--- sase persaud <parallelmedicine wrote:

> Dear Sai brothers and sisters,....

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