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Prashanthi Bulletin - July 4th to 11th, 2005

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Prashanthi Bulletin

July 11th, 2005 This morning was an unforgettable one for all students and staff

of the Institute. The Foyer prayer session had just begun and the Management

students were getting prepared for their Workshop. Vedam was being taught in

the Foyer as part of the Prayer session, when there was some commotion on the

road outside. Some of us who were outside the Foyer realized that it was

Swami's car making its way forward. We thought that Bhagawan must be going out

for a visit to the Hospital or just for a round as He does sometimes, Blessing

people on the way! Least did we know what surprise was in store for us! As

Bhagawan's car came close to the Institute entrance gate, we found devotees

rushing forward. To our greatest surprise, the car turned inside the College

Campus. We were stunned. What were we to do? Immediately, the Principal Prof.

U.S. Rao was intimated about Swami's arrival and he came running all the way.


then, Swami's car had already proceeded half way to the Auditorium side

entrance. Prof. Rao ran to the car and there was some interaction with

Bhagawan. Meanwhile, some students ran to the Auditorium and opened the doors.

The Workshop was to be held in the Audio Visual Room of the College and hence

the Auditorium was not in use this morning. The car slowly moved forward and

was finally parked near the Auditorium side entrance, from where Bhagawan used

to enter the Auditorium in earlier days. By now, Prof. A. Sudhir Bhaskar and

some others had reached the spot and were interacting with Swami. The news

reached the Vice Chancellor who rushed from his office to the College. Swami

then asked for Sri S.V. Giri our former Vice-Chancellor. He too drove down in a

few minutes. All along, Bhagawan was silently sitting in the car, Blissful as

ever! We were standing over there in awe and wonder at the immense patience of

our Lord! By now the students had moved into the Auditorium

and Bhajans were going on in full swing. Inside the Auditorium there was

pandemonium. There were one set of students arranging Swami's Chair, another

set arranging the Public Address System and some more were busy in

miscellaneous tasks. Welcoming Bhagawan is not a simple task. We need to be

perfect in welcoming the Lord who is the embodiment of perfection! A short

while later, the guest speakers for the Management Workshop also arrived and

took there seats. It was 9.00 a.m. Our Lord had sat in the car waiting for the

preparations to be made for a full 40 minutes. Incidentally, today happens to

be a Monday and Rahu Kalam just ended at 9.00 a.m. (Divine Will !). The Vice

Chancellor offered a rose to Bhagawan and the chair manoeuvered itself outside

the car. Swami entered the Auditorium and sat down in the centre, in front of

the stage, facing the first row of chairs. There was a podium arranged next to

Swami's Chair. Bhagawan looked at everybody seated in the

Hall and then signaled for the Vedam chanting. A large group of students came in

from the side door and chanted Vedam. Swami then asked the Vice Chancellor to

speak. The Vice Chancellor gave a very brief talk for around 5 minutes, summing

up the various initiatives taken in the Institute since June 2005 in the areas

of various academic programmes, Human Values integration, etc. After his talk,

the mike was arranged for Swami and the Management Professors prayed to Swami

to Bless the Workshop with His Message. However, Swami was looking for

something else. After a few minutes Bhagawan indicated for His regular chair in

which He normally used to sit when He came for viewing programmes to the

Institute. The sofa was brought immediately. Then Bhagawan was assisted in

shifting from the Porte Chair to the red coloured sofa. The sofa was placed

facing the stage in the middle of the Hall in line with the first row of

chairs. Once He was in this position, He asked for the

programme to begin! What a crisis! No one was clear which programme was to

begin. The talks of the Management Executives were arranged in the Audio Visual

Room. Was that to be held here or was it something else? Very soon, it became

clear that Swami was looking for the Music boys. Well, so that's it. It was

going to be a continuation of yesterday's Music Programme. Within minutes, the

Music Group was ready on the stage. Mikes were arranged and the songs began.

After a few glitches with the mikes and speakers, in due course, things went on

fine. Tyagaraja Keertanas, "Piba Re Rama Rasam" and other classical songs were

rendered. It was around 9.30 a.m. and Swami asked them to sing the "Rama Katha"

song. Once again, boys ran helter and skelter to get the appropriate

instruments. Within minutes, the Rama Katha began. It was a soul stirring

experience! Swami was very involved in the music. He kept talking to Sri S.V.

Giri and Sri Gokak every few minutes and was

also giving instructions to the singers on the stage. We were very surprised to

hear Bhagawan talking so loudly that His voice could be heard by the singers on

the stage. He is all mystery and inscrutable! At 10.00 a.m. the Rama Katha came

to a close. Swami was very happy with the performance. The two lead singers Sri

Omprasad (I M.Sc. Phy) and S.V.B.S. Sai Krishna (II MBA) came running down for

His Blessings. There was a long feedback session and Swami gave them a number

of tips regarding singing. In the course of His interaction, suddenly, He waved

His right Hand and created a gold ring for Brother Sai Krishna. There was loud

applause and all students raised their heads to see the ring and the lucky

recipient and above all the Creator! By 10.05 a.m. Swami signaled for His

chair. Once again, He shifted to the Toyota Porte chair and as He went past the

aisle to the exit door, the Management Workshop Guest speakers standing along

the path were Blessed. Prasadam had been

arranged (very thoughtful of somebody) and was Blessed and distributed to all.

Swami took Aarti and moved to the car. The car made its way outside the College

Campus. What a most fortunate and lucky day it is for the Institute and all of

us. A most unexpected visit and most cherishable moments in the Lord's

Presence!! The entire Campus was Blessed by His sacred and Divine Presence. In

the evening, Bhagawan came out at around 3.00 p.m., took a full round of the

Darshan Hall and stopped near the interview room door. He waited until all the

students came for Darshan and moved over to the centre of the dais. Vedam

chanting went on in full swing. At 4.10 p.m. Swami called the Vedam Teachers

forward. Brother Sudhindran, Dr. Anil Kumar and Sri Vedanarayana went towards

Swami. Bhagawan spoke to them for some time and then with a wave of His Hand,

He materialized a beautiful gold chain for Sri Vedanarayana. Bhagawan spent a

long time in untangling the chain and all the while

Sri Vedanarayana spoke to Swami. One could see the Bliss on both the faces!

Finally Swami Blessed him and put the chain around his neck. There was loud

applause in the Kulwant Hall. After this Vedam chanting stopped for some time.

Prasadam distribution began and at 4.20 p.m., Rudram chanting commenced once

again. At 4.25 p.m. Swami went inside the Bhajan Hall and there He had a

wonderful informal session with the Bhajan Boys. He asked them to sing some

songs like "Challa Gaalilo", "Madhura Mohana" and "Kondalalo..." - suggesting

changes, telling them the correct way to sing, and so on. After the interaction

Bhagawan retired at 5.15 p.m. Bhajans went on till 5.30 p.m. concluding with

Aarti. July 10th, 2005 This evening, Swami was out very early - before 3.00

p.m.! He waited near the interview room door, talking to the Vice Chancellor.

Then, He left the Hall for a ride through the campus. At 3.40 p.m. He reentered


Kulwant Hall. The car moved towards the portico and came onto the stage. This

evening, the Music Group boys of the Institute had planned for a Music

Programme. They were all set, waiting for Swami's arrival. The Vice Chancellor

went forward and told Swami that the boys were ready with the programme. The

sofa moved out of the car and Swami sat in His regular position the centre of

the dais close to the Brass railings. He immediately stopped the Vedam chanting

and asked the boys to begin their presentation. What followed was something

worth witnessing! The Lord has some surprises for us everyday. We thought it

would be a regular Music Programme with classical and some light devotional

songs. The first song was "Deva Namo Deva..." - a Telugu composition. After one

verse, Swami asked them to stop and begin another song. They sang the most

popular "Madhura Mohana Ghana Shyama Sundara Sai...." This too went on for some

time and then Swami intervened. He

called the lead singers front and gave them some instructions. They went back. A

few minutes elapsed possibly they were trying to work out how best to meet the

unexpected demand from the Lord! Crisis Management in action! "Kondala

Nelakonda Koneti Rayuduvadu..." began and half way through, they switched over

to "Sai Charanam Baba Charanam Sharanam...." Even this was not completed. Swami

had some more instructions for them. Next came "Murahara Nee Charanamu

Veedaga...." It looked like some selections were going on. Sample testing as

they call it! "Krishna Krupa Sagaram", "Appa Rama Shakti Ento Goppa Ra", "Ranga

Baro Panduranga Baro", "Rama Nannu Brovaraa" - all these followed in short

bursts. By 4.15, the 'music programme' came to an abrupt end. We were left

wondering, whereas Swami was giving them some clear cut instructions. Who can

ever understand His mysterious ways? He called the lead singers again and spoke

to them for quite some time. Subsequently, He went into

the interview room. All students rushed into the Bhajan Hall, as they do

whenever Swami goes inside for Bhajans. Once Swami goes inside for Bhajans, it

is a real feast. He stays inside the Bhajan Hall throughout the Bhajans and

even for the complete Aarti. Only after the Lokaa Samasta Sukhino Bhaavantu and

3 times Shanti, the sofa is wheeled out towards the car. Therefore, students

literally wait to rush into the Bhajan Hall and book a place for themselves!

This evening, Bhajans began at 4.30 p.m. itself. A few minutes later Swami went

back to the Poornachandra Auditorium. Bhajans went on till 5.00 p.m. and then

Aarti brought the day to a close. On quite a few occasions Swami leaves the

Mandir during the Bhajans. At such times, the Bhajans go on for exactly half an

hour and then Aarti is given. Thus each day is full of new patterns. The Lord is

truly an enigma wrapped in mystery! Who can ever comprehend His Ways! Let us

just sit back and enjoy and experience

His very Presence! July 5th to 9th, 2005 On 5th , in the morning, Swami went in

His car on a round outside the Ashram. He went up to the Music College in

Vidyagiri, and after a few minutes, returned to the Ashram. In the evening,

Darshan was at 3.30 p.m. Swami sat outside all the while and we had continuous

Vedam Chanting. It was great to see Bhagawan chanting with the students from

time to time, and He was all the while encouraging them to chant with vigour by

often nodding His head in sync with the intonations of the chants. The same

pattern continued on the following days. Swami spent long hours sitting outside

in full view of the devotees giving all of us a golden opportunity to feast on

His Divine Form. He would sit all the while, absolutely still, looking into the

emptiness and this gave us a feel of what Divinity is all about. He is the

unchanging eternal Witness and that is the feeling one gets these days when

Bhagawan sits outside during Darshan. But now and then, He suddenly asks for

letters and then it is great to see one student after the other, going forward

and giving their letters to Swami. Bhagawan spends quite some time with each

boy talking to him, asking him some questions and giving him some answers. It's

a great sight to watch the Divine interaction. The best part is when Swami calls

the Birthday boys. They move forward like a train with a number of compartments.

Each one makes the best of the opportunity, giving letters, getting Blessings,

praying for solutions to their problems - a total package! Very patiently,

Swami caters to the needs of each one and the whole episode goes on for quite

some time, to the delight of one and all. One evening, Swami went inside the

Bhajan Hall, which He does occasionally. Inside the Bhajan Hall, He spent some

time talking to the Bhajan singers and others seated in front. He spoke to them

about the life of Paanchaali

(Draupadi) and Savitri. In the course of His conversation, He materialized a

huge locket (round disc) having a colour portrait of Lord Rama profile view in

the typical posture of holding the bow and arrow. The other side was shining

with gold. Bhagawan gave the sacred locket to a senior faculty member. On 9th

July, the Dean of the School of Business Management, Prof. U.S. Rao sat in

front in the Darshan lines, to pray to Bhagawan for Blessing the Management

Workshop that commences in the Institute on the 11th and goes till the 13th .

The theme is: "Service Sector in India - Building World Class Organizations".

As the car went gliding by the stage, Swami called him and spoke to him for a

while and gave His Blessings for the Workshop. A group of Sai Students (Alumni

of the Institute) had come to Parthi to have Bhagawan's Darshan and seek an

audience with the Vice Chancellor and identify opportunities for the Alumni of

the Institute to offer their service as part of the

80th year celebrations of the Avatar. The Vice Chancellor spent quite some time

talking to them and giving them guidance and advice regarding their role in the

oncoming celebrations of Bhagawan's 80th Birthday. July 4th, 2005 This evening,

Swami came out for Darshan at 3.50 p.m. A group of devotees from USA were

seated in front, ready to put up a programme in the Divine Presence. A huge

backdrop draped with a dark blue screen was erected at the rear end of the

Kulwant Hall. On it was the following text: THE ONLY ELEMENT SSE Children

Region X USA The dais too was very well decorated with flowers. The pillars on

either side of the stage and even the brass railings bordering the stage were

decked with bright orange colour flowers. At 4.00 p.m. two young boys dressed

as Vedic Pundits went forward to Swami. They had a yellow Angavastram (upper

garment) draped around their pant and shirts making them look

like Pundits. They offered a bouquet to Swami who received with them with Love

and Blessed the two lads. At 4.15 p.m. Vedam chanting stopped on Swami's

command. Two young girls now went forward to offer their Pranaams with flower

bouquets. Another two went forward with a programme card and three more with a

tray of fruits, chocolates etc, for Blessings. Swami spent a long time reading

the contents of the Programme Card and Blessed all the children talking to them

and enquiring about their details. The play was a 50 minute presentation on the

importance of the five elements in life which have been bestowed as a free gift

for humanity by God. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. It depicted through the

lives of two gentlemen, Shawn and Sid, a number of instances where the two

experience the joy of selfless service to the needy. Thanksgiving Day

celebration forms the backdrop for the play. A brief description of the play:

Shawn joins Sid's family as they go

out to serve food to the homeless at the shelter in downtown. It was wonderful

to share the gift of food that Mother Earth has bestowed upon us in abundance.

He realizes the significance of the element Earth. Shawn goes on to serve a

thirsty person with Water, a person shivering in the cold with a warm blanket

(Fire); a person wilting under the oppressive heat with a fan (Air). When he

experiences in return, the helping hand of the very people he was serving, he

is thrilled to experience the joy and brotherhood among men! All of this takes

place in space (Ether) created by God. Finally, the play concludes by revealing

to Shawn and Sid, the One Final Element that transcends all these. That is the

Element of Love - Selfless Love! All Seva depicted in the play were based on

real life events. At 5.05 p.m. all the participants joined together in a

closing song. The play was followed by a series of light devotional songs in

English and Hindi sung by elderly

devotees from USA. At 5.30 p.m., Swami signaled for the next group. Yet another

team of singers came forward and sang a number of Bhajans and devotional songs.

Prasadam was distributed to all. Swami was totally involved in the songs and

kept beat with His right Hand all the while. At 5.45 p.m. Aarti was offered and

Swami retired for the day.

You can see an illustrated version of happenings at Prashanthi Nilayam in the

Prashanthi Diary of our monthly e-Journal Heart to Heart. The previous issue of

Prashanthi Bulletin is available here. The Photo album contains photos of events

of past Prashanthi Bulletins. Index of past Prashanthi Bulletins... Source:


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Om Sai Ram.

Thank you for the wonderful News from

Prashanti Nilayam. Always pleasure to read with love and joy in my


Once again thank you.

Tara (Canada).

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