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Excerpts on Free Will

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Sai Ram

Brothers and Sisters


font-weight:bold">As few days back “Free will” has been regarded as

one of the most interesting topic, I wish to add

font-family:"Comic Sans MS";font-weight:bold"> t

font-family:"Comic Sans MS";color:navy;font-weight:bold">he following are

excerpts from the book “My Baba and I” by Dr. John S. Hislop. He

writes about the free will under the chapter “The Will Free or Not”

(pages 142 – 149)


font-weight:bold">Hislop writes –


color:navy;font-weight:bold">Until we realize which we truly are, we can never

be certain as to the freedom or slavery of any particular action. We may

wonder beforehand about free will and we may speculate afterwards about it, but

the fact is that we decide and then act, or we act spontaneously, or in one way

or another are forced to act. Somehow or other the actions takes place. If we

are contended with the action and what seems its consequence, we don’t

worry about it. But if we are not content, the question of free will arises.

Free will may or may not have prevailed. The myriad conflicting influences

bearing upon us may have been at a point of balance for an instant and free

will may have been the final determinant at that point of balance. At out

present stage of limited awareness, we can only speculate.


font-weight:bold">In April, 1977 message to American Sai devotees Baba

said -


color:blue;font-weight:bold">“Nothing is wrong with you –

‘Where there is a will there si a way’ is eminently true. At first

the will is your own which has to be strengthened by the thought of GOD until

you covert it into the Almighty will of GOD. You seem to be playing a

particular game which you do not really desire to throw out. You can change the

game if you will. You are not weak and helpless. Every strength and power is

within you. GOD-Vision is yours that very instant when you will it with

concentration. Why don’t you? Simply because you do not choose to. Sai is

not mocking. He is perfectly earnest and is giving expression from the truths

gathered from the depths of His experience. Trust in and submission to the

Supreme will in all circumstances means the vision of truth, vision of the root

principle of all creation. ‘If GOD wills’ means only if you assert

your own powerful will. The solution is therefore to awaken the inherent power

and splendour of your soul. Do it. You are verily the immortal truth; the great,

deathless and changeless reality. Be victory ever yours.


color:blue;font-weight:bold">With Blessings

color:blue;font-weight:bold">Baba (Signed by Baba)



color:navy;font-weight:bold">Hislop continues ………….

color:navy;font-weight:bold">In a recent conversation with Baba (1984), I said

“one has the free will to choose to turn GOD or to be fully involved with

the world. But on the other hand when Baba looks at a person at one glance He

sees the past present and future of that person. So, how could there be free



color:navy;font-weight:bold">Baba replied,

“From that

view point, from the Divine, there is no free will, for all is GOD. But the ego

view point of the individual there is free will. There is general law and then

the individual and society. The in dividual acts in society according to his

free will, but all conform to the general law. The individual must act, and his

action is a function of his mind. There are thoughts. Thoughts are seeds. They

sprout and become actions. The actions then appear to be free will to the

concerned individual. Everone has been given skills and talents such as

intelligence, reason, energy and they must put into life action.”


color:navy;font-weight:bold">In the midst of all the varying concepts about

free will Baba offers his devotees some firm advice. He says that love can be

dis-regarded. That above all concepts there is the reality of love, and the

love is the royal highway to self realisation. He says that we’ll find

it to be best if we do not take on the burden of the intellectual

argumentation, but instead do service for less fortunate people, live in

devotion of GOD and be sure that thought, word, and action are in harmony. GOD

himself prompt our action. He is then the doer of the action, we are no longer

the doer and the question of free will doesn’t arise. This is a principal

teaching of Baba’s. If we love GOD and dedicate every action to

Him, He will accept the consequences of the action and the devotee need have no

concern about the free will or no free will.


color:purple;font-weight:bold">Let me conclude this excerpt of ‘Free

will’ with the quoting of Gita Sloka given in the “Sanathna Sarathi

– July 2005” issue.


color:navy">Ananyaschintyanto Maam Ye Jana Paryupasate;

color:navy">Tesham Nityabhiyuktanam Yogakshemam Vahamyaham


color:purple;font-weight:bold">The essence of this sloka is : Those

who worship Me with full concentration of mind without any other thoughts

whatsoever, I look after their safety and well-being.”


Sai Ram




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