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Swami's Devotee Bhupendra Desai passed away

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Swami's Devotee Bhupendra Desai passed away


Web page sent to www.saibabalinks.org by Craig Hamilton-Parkerhttp://www.psychics.co.uk/



Bhupendra Desai has now passed to the spirit world. We leave this page in place

as a legacy to his work as an artists and to a good friend of Craig's and to

many people who have visited this site. The articles here will give you a

little insight into Bhupendra's paintings and the materialised vibbhutti ash

that he gave to people visiting this site.

On 2 April 2005, artist Bhupendra Desai sadly lost his battle with leukaemia. In

his final days he received wonderful support from his family, who were assisted

by staff from the Community Palliative Care Team at Birmingham St Mary's

Hospice, England.In recognition of this care, the Desai family are now very

kindly allowing St Mary's Hospice to auction a collection of his paintings to

raise funds for Birmingham St Mary's Hospice and two of Bhupendra's other

favourite causes, St Basil's for the young homeless and the Tsunami Appeal. All

of the money raised will benefit these causes.Our friend Bhupendra Desai was a

devotee of Sai Baba, and he reported that his oil paintings of the holy man

started manifesting vibhutti, the holy ash said to have spiritual and healing

properties.Three of these paintings (below) are now up for auction.

Decide the maximum amount that you would be prepared to bid and send an e-mail to

bid-online (AT) st-marys-hospice (DOT) org.uk The auction concludes at the end of August

2005, when successful bidders will be notified. Bids are for the paintings

only, and any collection or post, packacking and insurance is the

responsibility of the purchaser. The results will be published on the

Birmingham St Mary's Hospice website. The paintings (above) measure (in

inches): left: 32 x 22 centre: 24 x 20 right: 34 x 28 (inches)


Bhupendra, who was cared for at Birmingham St Mary`s Hospice until his final

days, painted a portrait of Pope John Paul II, who died on the same day, and

this is now displayed in the Vatican. Coincidentally, Bhupendra died at

Birmingham St Mary`s Hospice on the same day as Pope John Paul.

He was also commissioned to paint other world-famous faces including Mother

Theresa, Sai Baba, Gandhi, John Wayne and The Queen Mother, who had her

portrait presented personally by Bhupendra at Clarence House.

Bhupendra's family would like to celebrate his life and art by holding this

exhibition, and proceeds from the sale of his work will benefit his three

favourite charities: Birmingham St Mary`s Hospice, St Basils and the Bhupendra

Desai Tsunami Appeal. St Basils works with young people to prevent homelessness

by providing accommodation and support services.Last year, Birmingham St Mary`s

Hospice provided specialist care for more than 1000 patients, and also offered

essential support to their families.

Bhupendra had already used his artistic talents to raise over £5000 for various

charities through previous sales of his paintings.

Lee Benson of Number Nine the Gallery, who was a personal friend of Bhupendra,

had no hesitation in offering the use of The Buttermarket in Brindleyplace for

the display of portraits.

Nick Venning, Chairman of St Basils Fundraising Committee has this to say about

the sale : "As a long time enthusiast for the arts in Birmingham, I am

delighted to see how charities can benefit from the goodwill and spirit

generated by Bhupendra's life and art. Certainly, we at St Basils are

particularly pleased to be working alongside Birmingham St Mary`s Hospice as

both of our organisations provide valuable services to local people in need.

Bhupendra's family can be confident that his legacy will be keenly felt by

everyone who benefits."

Lee Benson of number nine the gallery adds : "I knew him ages ago and he used to

make people feel good all the time; he had a natural way of instilling a well

wishing inside all he met. I was speaking to the nurse who looked after him,

and even on the day he died he was still full of love and friendship to all."





Vibbhutti is an ash that is holy to the Hindus and is said to have spiritual and

healing properties. Our friend Bhupendra Desai is a devotee of the holy man Sai


His oil paintings of Sai Baba have started manifesting vibhutti ash. Holy ash

has also been materialising at a shrine dedicated to sai Baba in London.

Bhupendra has been collecting this vibhutti and sending it to people who have

made requests via this website. Many of the people who have eaten a little of

this ash claim that it has cured them of their illness.

Further down the page is an article from Psychic News about the amazing cures

that have happened from the vibhutti that we made available from this site.

Painting by Bhupendra Desai manifesting vibhutti ash


VIBHUTTI ASH - HEALING MIRACLES(report from Psychic News)

Readers will remember that earlier this year we reported about the paintings of

Sai Baba by artist Bhupendra Desai. These were made into calendars and given

away via Psychic News together with Sai Baba's healing ash called vibhutti. Mr

Desai also linked up with the Spiritualist medium Craig Hamilton-Parker who

helped him promote Sai Baba on his Spiritualist Internet site

(http://wwwpsychics.co.uk). Here are some of the amazing stories that happened

as a result of the PN article.

Bhupendra Desai wrote to Craig Hamilton-Parker to say that he received over 600

requests from Psychic News readers and he was kept very busy posting off the

free calendars and packets of healing ash. "Some people wrote to me asking for

vibhutti for healing and others wrote out of curiosity just to see what Sai

Baba's ash looked like," says Bhupendra, "There was a point when I thought we

would run out of ash but more just kept appearing at the shrine in London where

it materialises."

Many of the Spiritualists who were given some of the ash wrote back later to say

that they had paranormal experiences and there were many claims of miraculous


Christina Morgan from Swansea wrote "I suffer from a kidney problem but as soon

as I swallowed the vibbhuti the pain went like magic. I also gave some to my

husband who suffers from diabetes and has ulcerated legs. The ulcers are

getting smaller. I even gave some to my friend who plays Bingo with me. It

cured her asthma."

Spiritual healer Pauline Frobisher now uses vibhutti ash as part of her work.

She wrote "I have seen Sai Baba clairvoyantly whilst giving healing but was

never aware who he was until I bought a book with his picture on the front."

Mrs Trudy Scott from Sunbury-on-Thames has been unable to walk properly for 2 ½

years. She wrote: "Last evening I was getting ready to go to church and I put a

tiny amount on my forehead and a similar amount on my tongue. Within minutes I

could walk. When I got to the church, everyone was amazed to see me walking

briskly, without support!"

Mrs C Turner from Paigton, South Devon wrote: "I have battled with cancer of the

throat for three years. I have eaten the vibhutti once a day for three weeks. I

still can't believe it. I have been free of cancer now for six months."

Craig Hamilton-Parker believes that the teachings of Sai Baba are very important

for welfare of Spiritualism in general. "My wife Jane and I went to see Sai Baba

in India and we saw vibhutti ash being materialised by him. When I saw it happen

I was only a few feet away from Sai Baba. I am absolutely convinced that there

is no trickery involved. It appeared in the air about three inches away from

his finger tips."

"One of the main reasons I went to see Sai Baba is because of my disillusionment

with 'modern' Spiritualism" continues Craig "I was hoping to find ways that

Spiritualism and mediumship could flourish again. At Sai Baba's ashram in

Puttaparthi I met may Spiritualists who were very inspiring and full of the

sort of enthusiasm normally only associated with our pioneers. I know that the

vibbhuti helps with the healing of the body. I know it can also quicken the

spirit. If enough Spiritualists take it, maybe it will cure the soul of the

movement. Perhaps my questions about Spiritualism were answered and that's why

Sai Baba made such a point by materialising his ash so close to me!"

The story of Craig & Jane's trip to see Sai Baba is told in his new book The

Psychic Casebook (Blandford £9.99)

Here's the above article in SPAINISH compliments from Ricardo Merchor

merchoris (AT) emcali (DOT) net.co- a Columbian devotee.


sobre temas parapsicológicos)

(Traducción del artículo publicado en P.S. el 11 de Septiembre.)

Los lectores recordarán que, a comienzos de este año, informamos sobre las

pinturas de Sai Baba ejecutadas por el artista Bhupendra Desai. Estas fueron

impresas como calendarios y ofrecidas gratis a través de PN junto con las

cenizas sanadoras que genera Sai Baba, conocidas como vibhuti.

El Sr. Desai se comunicó con el medium Espiritualista, Craig Hamilton Parker,

quien le colaboró para promocionar el movimiento de Sai Baba a través de su

portal en la Internet: << http://www.psychics.co.uk >>

A continuación algunas de las sorprendentes anécdotas que resultaron del artículo publicado en PN:

El Sr. Bhupendra Desai escribió a Craig Hamilton-Parker para informarle que

recibió 600 solicitudes de PN y que continuaba despachándo por correo los

calendarios gratis junto con paqueticos de la ceniza sagrada . "Legumes

personas volvieron a escribir solicitando mas bibhuti" comentó Buhpendra.

Hubo un momento cuando cuando se nos acababa la ceniza pero luego aparecía una

nueva cantidad en el altar en Londres, que es donde se materializa en


Muchos de Los Spiritualistas a quienes se les proporcionó la ceniza escribieron

para relatar las experiencias paranormales que habían tenido y entre los

relatos hubo muchos acerca de curas milagrosas.

Chistmas Morgan, de la localidad de Swansea escribió: " Sufro de un problema

renal, pero tan pronto como tragué el bibhuti me desapareció el dolor, como por

magia. También la dí a mi esposo, quien sufre de diabetes y tiene úlceraciones

en las piernas. El tamaño de la úlceras se ha ido reduciendo. Inclusive, dí

algo de bibhuti a una amiga que me acompaña al juego de Bingo, y le ha curado

el asma bronquial que padecía."

La sanadora Espiritualista, Pauline Frobisher, ya está empleando la ceniza

bibhuti como parte de sus recursos en su práctica de sanación. Ella me

escribió: "He llegado a ver a Sai Baba de manera clarividente, en los momentos

en que estoy practicando la sanación, pero nunca lo había reconocido; pero

luego una vez que compré un libro que tenía su fotografía en la portada, lo

identifiqué y supe quien era."

La Sa. Trudy Scott, de Salisbury-on-Thames, había estado impedida de caminar

normalmente durante dos años y medio. Ella escribió diciendo: " anoche estaba

preparándome para asistir a una reunión en nuestra Iglesia y decidí poner un

triz de bibhuti en mi entre-cejo, y otro en mi lengua. Y, para mi gran asombro,

a los pocos minutos ya podía caminar sin dificultad. Cuando llegué a la Iglesia,

todos los presentes se asombraron de verme caminando sin necesidad de ayuda!"

El Sr. C. Turner, de la localidad de Paignton, en South Devon, escribió: "He

batallado contra el cáncer de garganta durante los últimos tres años. Estuve

ingiriendo vibhuti durante tres semanas; y todavía no puedo creer que ya hace

seis meses que estoy curado de ese mal."

Craig Hamilton-Parker opina que las enseñanzas de Sai Baba son sumamente

importantes en cuanto a que contribuyen al binestar del movimiento

Espiritualista en general y, además, relata:

"Mi esposa, y socia, Jane y yo fuimos a ver a Sai Baba en la India y

presenciamos como él hacía materializar bibhuti. Cuando lo presencié yo me

encontraba a unos tres piés de distancia de Sai Baba, y estoy completamente

convencido de que no hubo ningún subterfugioo truco; pude ver como el vibhuti

se materializaba, en el aire, a una distancia de unas tres pulgada de las

puntas de sus dedos.

Una de la razones principales por la cual fui a verlo era por la desilusión que

siento acerca del Espiritualismo moderno", continúa diciendo Craig: "tenía la

esperanza de encontrar la manera de cómo lograr que el Espiritualismo y la

mediumnidad pudieran florecer nuevamente.

En el ashram de Sai Baba en Puttaparthi conocí a muchos Espiritualistas quienes

le comunican a uno un alto grado de inspiración; algo así como sucedía, en los

viejos tiempos, al contactar con nuestros antiguos pioneros. También estoy

convencido de que el bibhuti ayuda el proceso de sanación; y que es capaz de

activar el espíritu.

Creo que quizás hallé las respuestas que buscaba sobre el Espitualismo, y que

eso fuera la razón para que Sai Baba procediera a materializar su ceniza

sagrada tan cerca de mi.!"

Se puede obtener una cromografía de Sai Baba y además su ceniza sanadora,

solicitandolas a: Bhupemdra N. Desai, Sai Krupa, 62 Ridgeway, Edgbaston,

Birmingham, B17 8Jc. England.-

Mayor información acerca de Sai Baba y del Espiritualismo se encuentra en el

Portal de Internet, de Craig Hamilton-Parker y Jane Hamilton-Parker, en: <<

http://www.psychics.co.uk >>

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