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Prayers of Comfort and Hope

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Prayers of Comfort and Hope

(A selection of prayers from the world's religious traditions)


God Is Our HopeGod is our hope and strength, a very present help in trouble.

Therefore will we not fear, though the earth be moved, and though the hills be

carried into the midst of the sea; Though the waters thereof rage and swell,

and though the mountains shake at the tempest of the same. There is a river,

the streams whereof make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacle

of the Most High.

Book of Common Prayer 1979


>From Death to ImmortalityFrom the unreal lead us to the Real,From darkness lead

us to Light.From death lead us to immortality.--Upanishads

Prayer for Those Affected by the Tsunami & Katrina DisastersFather/Mother

Creator,Please heal those who have been affected by the hurricane, earthquake

and tidal wave. Let those who have died now be in peace and in happiness.Please

comfort the peoples affected by these disaster. Bring their communities together

in love, in prayer, and help them care well for each other.Let the world

community pray and assist the people who were affected by these disasters with

much compassion and show their caring in practical and abundant ways.Let those

affected rebuild better than before. Let them be strong. May good come out of

this time of sorrow.Bless the earth. Bring peace and harmony to the lands, to

the sky, to the waters... If there be a need for the earth to release its

tensions in the future, let it do so in a way that is gentle and harms no one.

Let the waters return to their natural ebb and flow. Let the earth be

calm.Peace, Peace, Peace... Be calm. Be still. Let the healing begin...

White Heron


Prayer for Those Whose Loved Ones Are MissingLoving God, the hope and protector

of all humankind; bless those whose loved ones are missing.


The agony of not knowing whether someone is living or dead is a daily torture.

The uncertainty of life’s future relationships hangs in limbo.


Hope rides a roller coaster. Yet each day must be lived. Give unto your people

the blessing of your grace that they may face each day with courage and hope.


Guard their families from further danger and harm and hold them in the blessing of your love.



-- Vienna Cobb Anderson, from "Prayers of Our Hearts" © 1991 Vienna Cobb Anderson.


Cure For All Sorts of PainsI seek protection for my soul in the Lord of the

earth and the Lord of the heavens. I seek protection for my soul in the One in

whose name no sickness can hurt. I seek protection for my soul in the One whose

name is Blessed and a Cure.U`idhoo nafsee birabbil-ardhi wa rabbis-samaa'

U`idhoo nafsee billadhee laa yadhurru ma`a-smihi daa' U`idhoo nafsee

billadhee-smuhu barakatun washifaa'--Imam Ar Ridha



Meditation in AfflictionAssailed by afflictions, we discover DharmaAnd find the

way to liberation. Thank you, evil forces!When sorrows invade the mind, we

discover DharmaAnd find lasting happiness. Thank you, sorrows!Through harm

caused by spirits we discover DharmaAnd find fearlessness. Thank you, ghosts

and demons! Through people's hate we discover DharmaAnd find benefits and

happiness. Thank you, those who hate us!Through cruel adversity, we discover

DharmaAnd find the unchanging way. Thank you, adversity!Through being impelled

to by others, we discover DharmaAnd find the essential meaning. Thank you, all

who drive us on!We dedicate our merit to you all, to repay your kindness.

--Gyalwa Longchenpa


Prayer for Those Who MournExalted and honored, adored and acclaimed be Your

name, O Holy One, blessed are You, whose glory transcends all praises, songs,

and blessings voiced in the world, and let us say, Amen.


Grant abundant peace and life to us and to all Israel, and let us say, Amen.


May You who establish peace in the heavens, grant peace to us, to Israel, and to

all the earth, and let us say, Amen.


May God comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

--from the Jewish Kaddish for Mourners




Make Me Brave for LifeGod, make me brave for life: oh, braver than this.Let me

straighten after pain, as a tree straightens after the rain,Shining and lovely

again. God, make me brave for life; much braver than this. As the blown grass

lifts, let me rise From sorrow with quiet eyes,Knowing Thy way is wise.God,

make me brave, life bringsSuch blinding things. Help me to keep my sight;Help

me to see aright That out of dark comes light.

-- Author Unknown


Prayer of Comfort

Grant unto us, Almighty God, in all time of sore distress, the comfort of the

forgiveness of our sins.

In time of darkness give us blessed hope, in time of sickness of body give us

quiet courage; and when the heart is bowed down, and the soul is very heavy,

and life is a burden, and pleasure a weariness, and the sun is too bright, and

life too mirthful, then may that Spirit, the Spirit of the Comforter, come upon

us, and after our darkness may there be the clear shining of the heavenly light;

that so, being uplifted again by Thy mercy, we may pass on through this our

mortal life with quiet courage, patient hope, and unshaken trust, hoping

through Thy loving-kindness and tender mercy to be delivered from death into

the large life of the eternal years.

Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord – Amen.

--George Dawson


Prayer for Freedom From SufferingMay all beings everywhere plaguedwith

sufferings of body and mindquickly be freed from their illnesses.May those

frightened cease to be afraid, and may those bound be free. May the powerless

find power, and may people think of befriendingone another.

May those who find themselves in trackless, fearful wilderness--the children,

the aged, the unprotected-- be guarded by beneficent celestials, and may they

swiftly attain Buddhahood.

The Buddha


Prayer for Bereaved ParentsGod, you sacrificed your son so that we and our

children would transcend physical death. We know that you grieved when he was

crucified and that you grieve over all the atrocities done by men -- especially

in your name. You know and understand grief as you know and understand all. You

know best how to comfort these parents. Lift their hearts up to you and fill

them with your peace. Your understanding is beyond our human comprehension, but

give them the knowledge and faith to endure even that which they can't

understand. Let them be aware of you always God, and help them to remember that

your Love is Life that can never really be taken away.

-- Beliefnet member



Honoring the DeadFrom the dawn of your birthTo the sunset of your deathI honor

you.From the missions you completedTo your duties left undoneI honor you.From

the seasons of your beingThrough the cycle of your lifeI honor you.From your

time beyond the veilLie your entrance back againMay the angels support youMay

my healing love reach youFrom this moment until the end of timeSo Mote It Be.

-- Silver Raven Wolf


Do Not Lose HeartTherefore we do not lose heart.Though outwardly we are wasting

away,yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.For our light and momentary

troublesare achieving for us an eternal glorythat far outweighs them all.So we

fix our eyes not on what is seen,but on what is unseen.For what is seen is

temporary,but what is unseen is eternal.

-- 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (New International Version)



Sourced: http://www.beliefnet.com


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