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Shri Sai Baba's Grace (December 1975) by S.Thyagarajan

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One of His chosen Devotees is Sri Swami Keshavaiahji of Shenoynagar, who

after having served as a Sub-Registrar in the composite State of Madras, is

doing yeoman service to humanity for the past forty years and more,

helping the needy, healing the sick and solving so many problems

every one has to face in these days of stresses and strains in all

spheres of one's life. He has cured so many diseases which have been

finally diagnosed as incurable by eminent doctors and relieved so

many people of their acute sufferings be it mental, physical,

financial, legal or official. He does not give any medicine nor

money nor deputes anybody to fight a case in Court or to mediate in any

dispute. All He does is only giving the sacred Udhi and touching the

sufferer on the forehead with his healing palm and.-giving golden

advice to take such and such steps to get relieved of one's suffering.

What do you think He takes as Dakshina or fees for all this valuable service

rendered ? Money, clothes, fruits-anything in kind-No, No, No. He takes

nothing from you, sheer nothing. Do you wonder or doubt to believe

this ? It is the truth and nothing but the truth that He takes nothing

from anyone for having helped him or her. Then why does He take so much

pains doing Puja all the time and answering every question put to

him on Thursdays from 6.00 P.M. The last devotee only knows the

closing time-may be even 1.00 A.M. or 2 A.M. (Fridays). He only expects the

devotees to be sincere, truthful and grateful to Sri Sai Baba. That is

all. When anyone tells Him that such and such a thing was achieved by

him only through His blessings, He hastens to correct the devotee

telling him that it was Sri Sai Baba in His infinite mercy who had done it

and not Swami Keshavaiah, who is only another devotee of Sri Sai Baba. He

looks at the Shrine and directs the devotees to look to Him for help

and Grace. Whom else could you find in this world, who after having

helped you through and through would take nothing in return, not even a

word of thanks except your continued and sincere devotion towards Sri Sai

Baba ? I am doubly sure that you cannot find another person like Him.

There is no equal or sequel to Him. He is unique, His methods are unique

and everything He does is unique. He is an ideal Guru who will not take

Dakshina. No wonder then innumerable devotees throng in front of Sri Sai

Nilayam on Thursdays, wait patiently for their turn to have Dharshan and go

back with immeasurable - peace of mind and solace, almost relieved of their

burden and feeling bodily lighter than when they entered.

Such has been my own experience and there are ever so many people who have

had the same experience once they came into contact with Sri Swamiji.



To be contd....


The experiences of Devotees as published in Shri Sai Leela Magazine, can be

read at www.saileelas.org/magazines/SAILEELA/exp.htm

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