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You are not different from Swami

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Brothers and Sisters,


"You are not different from Swami!"

Let me share a story with you to illustrate this and to show you how very

much this is true.


I was attending Krishna Jayanti at the Sathya Sai Centre of Russell Square,

in London two years ago. After bhajans and kirtans, the assembly was shown a

video on the water project of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. The commentator

was saying 'Bhagawan (God) has given water to this village, to that

village,Bhagawan (God) has provided drinking water here, there etc.


We all know that Bhagawan Baba did not provide drinking water to poor

villages by the wave of a magic band. So, whilst I sat at the Centre

,watching the video,I had a special thought for one Bhagawan (God). It was a

woman, Sabite, a factory worker in Mauritius.When our centre was collecting

money for the water project, Sabite came up to me and said:


" Didi,I have received my wages, should I give 200 rupees (equivalent of


" Yes, Sabite, give! it is for a good cause."


Sabite is Bhagawan (God).She has given one drop of water to someone who is

in need.


We are God when we are compassionate; we are God when we love others ; we

are God when we help others whatever our social status.The business icon who

donates a cheque of million dollars is God, so is the pedlar on the street

who donates five paisa towards a humanitarian cause.


We are not different from our Beloved Swami. We are One. Birds of the same

feather flock together.


at the lotus feet of Sai





>ram ji <ramramsairam

>[saibabanews] Re: Purpose of Swami's Messages

>Mon, 17 Oct 2005 00:07:17 -0700 (PDT)


>Sai Ram!

>Many thanks for all the replies.

>Please think deeply on my ORIGINAL message. I found that a lot of opinions

>have been expressed ---but ONLY ONE correct and Fantastic answer is there.

> And that is : YOU ARE NOT DIFFERENT from SWAMI!!!....

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So Very True.Whenever we hear or see or get to know of these things we remember

Swami only.We should do at least one good deed everyday.

Sai RamAnita Bacha <bachanita (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

AUM SAI RAMBrothers and Sisters,"You are not different from Swami!"Let me share

a story with you to illustrate this and to show you how very much this is


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