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Sai Vichaar for Thursday, November 03, 2005

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Sai Vichaar


Thursday , November 03, 2005 :: Volume 8, Issue 25

(In its eighth year of publication.)

Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to

the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free to

forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form.











FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Shake the Fear!

Fear is one of the qualities that could drive a person to the level of insanity.

Fear manifests in different ways and forms and may lead to other vicissitudes

such as anger, greed, lust, etc. Freeing oneself of the fear that lies deep

within becoming the cause of various unwanted traits is a must for any serious

spiritual seeker. Fear of the unknown is the biggest cause of misery. People

make their lives miserable because of fear. Fear can be fought with Faith and

Patience. With Faith that all that will happen will be for one's own good and

patience that it will happen when the time comes for the event to happen will

go a long way to lessen the agony and pain that one harbors in their lives.

Shri Sainath gave the lesson of Faith and Patience not as mere words to be

remembered once a while or read in books, but to continuously put them into

practice. Though very easy to read and understand the dictionary meaning, they

are the most difficult to practice in one's life. As one tries to practice

these two qualities, they discover that the harder it gets to deal with them.

At times it goes to such an extent that Baba's dictum seems more philosophical

than practical. It is for this reason that Baba left a series of stories to

serve as an example to inspire his followers.

Patience is merely not just waiting but also actively believing that God is with

them and will help them against all odds. Keeping faith alive against all odds

in prayer and experiencing all difficulties that may come is Patience. As Baba

says, Faith and Patience are like twin sisters, one cannot live without the

other. Where there is no faith there is no patience and vice versa. The

difficulties that do come in our lives are a result of our own past actions and

the results of those have to borne as explained by Baba in Satcharita. So there

is no point in arguing why difficulties or unhappiness comes, it is a fact of

life as any other fact. Dealing with it in the way prescribed by Baba is the

key to burden and live it when sorrow knocks on the door. When one walks on the

path laid by Baba it is invariably noted that slowly but surely the fear that

was lurking behind slowly disappears and one starts becoming free of the burden

and sing joyously in honor of the master who is ever ready to lead all those who

approach Him.


Last year someone asked me, "What is sacrifice?" My internal belief about the

subject at the time was a negative one and so was my reply - "It is the giving

up of something I wanted or desired." Then, earlier this year, I read the Shri

Sai Satcharitha for the first time and Baba explained the true meaning of the

word - sacrifice. Sacrifice is the giving up of oneself for the sake of

another. This is the same as "love". Add to this definition, without the

expectation of reward or reciprocity (renunciation) and you make this love

unconditional. Therefore, true sacrifice is unconditional love. Lord Krishna

said this in the Bhagwad Gita and Sai Baba lived it in Shirdi everyday. Many

times, Baba accepted the offering of some, rejected, and scolded others for

offering the same. Why did Baba behave this way? What was the difference

between the sacrifices of one compared to that of another? The difference was

intent. Those who gave with a pure-mind, with love and devotion, he accepted

willingly. However, if the same was offered with an ulterior motive, ego or

pride, he rejected it. It was not the action itself or the magnanimity of the

action that mattered, it was the underlying "reason why" for which the action

was offered in the first place. Practicing austerities and penance, doing

various works of charity, offering other methods of sacrifice or doing nothing

are all human acts. It is when these actions are performed with love and

devotion, without the expectation of reward (however big or small or noble)

that they become a true offering, a true sacrifice, a true surrender - an act

Divine. "Whosoever offers to Me, with love or devotion, a leaf, a flower, a

fruit or water, that offering of love by the pure-minded I willingly and

readily accept." - Bhagwad Gita

Ask the one question Baba always asked of his devotees, "Who am I?" The answer

to this question unveils the personal attachment, the subtle hidden

expectations and the internal reasons behind actions, an intent that cannot be

masked by the human mind's Maya. It puts on our actions a spiritual value - not

in terms of time dedicated or money donated or desires given up, but in terms of

the unconditional love contained within our actions. This "value" is the real

currency for attaining the spiritual goal of life - self-realization, or spoken

differently - realizing the Sai within ourselves. (Contributed by Vipul Thakrar)


Sai DevoteeMy father went through a very terrifying experience this month. Some

gangsters showed him a gun and took away a huge amount of money he was carrying

at that time. Sai Baba I want to thank you for saving my father's life. I am not

worried about the money. It will come today and go tomorrow but I really

appreciate you saving his life during this situation. Thank you very much for

all your help, please stay with him, and recover him from the shock he has

undergone through.

M K RainaBaba, I am no one to sing your praise. We just want to be at your feet.

How can we express our gratitude for all the good that you have done to us.

There are no words to express the same. As your children we always approach you

for your blessings. It is not only when we are in crisis but also even when we

are relatively at peace. Nothing is hidden from you Baba. You know what we are

passing through. We pray you to bless us and take us out of crisis. There is so

much of pain and misery. Baba please bless all and let there be peace and

satisfaction in every situation. We want you to take us under your wings. May

you bless us all. Om Shri Sadguru Sainathay Namah!

DevoteeThankyou very much for helping our family members. I bow my head on Your

holy lotus feet. Baba, You know very well about my family's condition. Please

help us Baba so that we can come out of this situations and also give me a good

job to help my wife and childrens. You are our Guru Sai, please don't leave us

alone in this world. Please help my wife to solve her all the problems which

she is facing now. Please Baba forgive us if we made any mistakes in our life.

I will write my experience in this Sai Vichaar articles. Om Sai Ram.

SampaI had promised Baba that if I get a job I should share my experiences in

this forum. I was looking for a job for the past two years, I had a green card

since the time I came to United States, but I was not getting a good break, so

I would get very depressed. I always prayed to Baba and knew in my heart that

He is always there with me and He will do only the best for me. On 13th

October, this year a Thursday I received a call from the Hiring Manager that

they have decided to hire me and would like to extend the offer. I knew it was

Baba's kripa. He has done so many miracles in my life that I cannot even count

now. Baba not only gave me one job but he gave me tow jobs, it's only his aseem

kripa, that makes me so very grateful to him. Baba please help my husband find a

good job. He has been looking to make switch, I want to come to India and visit

Shirdi, unless you call me I cannot make the journey. I got a job in a very

good company, Baba its all

your doing; I am incapable without your kripa and favor. Bless my parents,

sister and brother-in-law, nephew, my husband and in-laws. Bless my Nani and

please help her recover from her broken leg. Baba help her to walk again.You

can do wonders.


Sai devoteeOh! Sai save me from this problem please. My husband gets angry often

and very soon. I already wrote to you about this problem. I am getting so scared

whenever he gets so much of anger. So, Sai please make him be so patient in

everything and should not get so much angry.

ManiSai Baba please take care of us all. Baba, please make sure that my

daughter's blood report comes back normal.

AshaBaba, I would like to thank you for everything you have given us. Few years

ago we went through a very bad phase and with Your blessings we came through

it. Bless my children with good health. Make them mature and responsible

adults, especially my older son who is a very nice human being but very naive

when it comes to business. People take advantage of his goodness. Bless them


Sai devoteeDear Baba, You know my problems, I am sort of unsettled as of now. I

need a good place for my office as well as residence. Even my friend needs the

same. Please take care of that Baba. Please bless my sister to get married, we

are searching a groom for her for almost 10 years. I think this is too much

Baba. I always have faith in You and I very well know that You will give her a

very good life partner which she deserves. Please Baba it is already late, so

kindly do it soon and regarding my life it is up to you Baba. You know about

me, my hopes, my dreams, my goals more than anyone else in this world so please

take care of that too and bless my family and give peace of mind to all. It is

raining really bad Baba, please do something and help all the people in need,

it is enough Baba, people are suffering like anything. Please bless us all

Baba. Both my brothers are coming from abroad, take care of them, bless them to

have safe journey and be

with all of us forever.

SurbhiDear Sai, I am a drop in the ocean in front of your devotees. I believe

that whatever I am today am because of you. I have a problem, my daughter is

overweight because of which she is depressed at such a young age. She is

therefore not performing too well in her stuidies too. She is otherwise a

bright child and a very obidient. She is also your devotee. Please bless her

with a perfect body and good career in studies and thereafter.

SuprajaOh Sai, at all times of difficulty You helped us to cross the tough

period with lot of courage and I crossed them and came out with happiness,

which cannot be described in words. Baba please help my husband to get a good

job. As per astrologers, they are saying that my husband is crossing a bad

period. I don't believe in all this. I just believe in You and anything can

happen if you think. Please help us on this Baba.

Sai devoteeOh Sairam! please accept our Namaskars, we bow to your feet. I am

giving the certification exam for the second time this week, please shower your

blessings to pass this exam without any problems, as this is the base

requirement for my future job. Also we have been trying for the experience

letter for the past so many days, please bless us to get this letter at the

earliest as we are urgently in need and make the previous employer to

understand our situation and give him good mind and change his decision in this

regard. We request all Sri Shirdi Sai devotees to pray for us.

DevikaDear Baba, I am hurting a lot, You have been like a father to me all these

years. Whenever I have come to You with a problem, You have helped me out. Why

is it You do not listen to me now. It has been so many years we have not got a

child. Please forgive our previous mistakes and bless us with a child. Please

show us your love in our child.


SrinivasuluI promised Sri Saibaba to write about my recent experience in Sai

Vichaar. I have been in the Biomedical research for the past 5 years. Earlier

also I was in the Research. All the way Baba used to guide me for doing

research. I used to get new ideas and new methods whenever I pray Saibaba

sincerely. Recently my research work was submitted to one top most journal in

the world. It took long time than usual to get the decision. I prayed Baba to

get this paper in this journal so that I will get a good job in India and

settle in India instead of USA. But Baba decided not to be like this. Paper was

reviewed and suggested some experiments. My boss decided not to submit that

journal because it will take long time to do the experiments as suggested by

reviewers. We submitted same paper in next grade journal. It was accepted

within two months. Another experience is my green card. I wanted to submit the

forms last year but I could not do that. I could

able to submit the papers in this April. To my surprise, I got my I-140 approval

within one week. I never expected this fast approval. My wife called and told me

that my I-140 approved then I asked her read that approval notice carefully and

tell me. Then I confirmed that by checking in the USCIS site. This was happened

really because of Sai Nath Maharaj. All our family members are devotees of

Saibaba. What ever we do, we submit that to Sai then He will take care that. We

have millions of experiences in our life. I wanted to write my experiences in

the separate book so that I won't forget them. I request all the Sai devotes to

follow the directions of Sai and propagate the Sai sutras among the people.


"You will never be able to understand thoroughly how great Sai Baba was. He was

the very personification of perfection. If you know him as I know him you would

call him the master of creation".-Meher Baba


Q. What is contentment?

A. by SL Abhyankar

One direct guidance by Baba on contentment is in the 25th Chapter of Shri

SaiSatcharita. The instance is of consultation sought by Damuanna Kasar of

Nagar on the proposal of his friend in Mumbai for indulging in forward trading

in cotton. Baba reacted to the letter even before Madhavrao read it to him. And

the reaction was, "It seems, he wants to aspire for the sky. He does not seem to

be content with what God has given." Another instance is of Baba's advice to

Hemadpant after retirement of the latter. Baba advised that Hemadpant should

thereafter be devoting himself to rendering service to Baba. Actually doing

service to Baba was doing service to the Lord Almighty. So Baba's advice

implied that Hemadpant should be fully involved in spiritual pursuit. If so,

his worldly needs would be taken care of by the Lord. This faith is another

level of contentment. Baba advised likewise to Dasganu Maharaj also to be free

of his Governmental job. Dasganu Maharaj aspired very

much to rise to the level of police inspector. He undertook the challenge of

tracking the dacoit Khanya Bhilla. It was only by Baba's grace that he was

saved from the jaws of death. We must have faith that God knows what is good

and what is not good for us. A Zambian lady told me a very interesting instance

on this. When she was small, her mother used to fetch water from the stream. One

day, when she was returning home across a bushy footpath, she stumbled and fell

down. Impromptu she muttered, "Oh, God! I need to go again to the stream and

make another trek with the heavy pitcher!" Just when she was so murmuring a big

serpent hissed across the footpath. It was as if the God said, "Be still and

know that I am God. I know whether you should step and risk being bitten by the

serpent or whether it is better that you should fall down and let the serpent

pass by." God has His own priorities, who should pass across the footpath

first, the serpent or the lady! Be still and know that I

am God!

Significance of the way, Baba chided with Hemadpant in Chapter 24 goes even

beyond contentment. Madhavrao spotted some groundnuts on the sleeve of

Hemadpant. And when Hemadpant lifted his hand more groundnuts fell out! Baba

made a jocular remark, "Such is his habit, that he eats all by himself."

Hemadpant reacted to say, that such was not his habit. Basically he did not

know where the groundnuts came from. He had not bought any. He didn't even know

where the market in Shirdi was. But Baba said, "Don't you eat such nuts, when

you are all alone, all by yourself? Do you remember me at that time? Does not

that then become eating by oneself?" What great import is implicit in this

comment by Baba! When putting anything into mouth, just remember Him. Then you

are not eating by yourself. What you eat, automatically becomes an offering to

Him. In Chapter 20, Baba advised Dasganu Maharaj to go all the way to Kaka

Dixit's place in Vile Parle to learn the significance of

Ishavasya-Upanishad from a maidservant girl. Interestingly, what is

'consumption' in the theory of economics is connoted by the word "Bhunjeethaah"

in Ishavasya-Upanishad. If every consumption is consumed with the sentiment of

"Tyaktena", offering to God, the contentment deriving from such consumption is

limitless. One reaches the state beyond contentment!

Q. What is contentment?

A. by Sakshi Sareen

To define Contentment is not easy but it literally means, desiring no more than

what one has; satisfied. It is true wealth, not possessions. How you enjoy your

riches depend on how you define contentment. A person's life does not consist of

the abundance of things, which he possesses. The only way we can truly be

content is if we are absolutely sure that God is in control, and that he

desires only good for us no matter what may happen. Then we can be content to

wait for the resolution of problems and know that eventually something will

come of it. Trust him, and he will show you his great and mighty works.


Shirdi Sai Temple of Chicago and Suburbs, Illinois, USAShirdi Sai temple is open

daily from 8:00 a.m to 9:00 p.m (Winter hours). Daily program includes Kakad

Arathi at 8 a.m followed by Abhisek. Madhayana Arathi at 12 noon, Dhoop Arathi

at 6 p.m and Shej Arathi at 9 p.m. Archana, Homams, Sahasranama and sponsored

poojas continue in between the Arathis. To request a pooja for yourselves, your

friends and family, please call. Devotees can request water (Abhishek Jal) from

the Holy bathing of Baba by sending us an email or by phone. Temple is located

25 minutes drive west of Schaumburg on intersection of IL Route 47 and Plank

Road in Hampshire, IL. For more information please call 847-931-4058 or send

email to maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org. Upcoming Event(s): Monthly Pooja (second Sunday

of every month), Sunday November 13th, Samuhika Satyanarayan Pooja on Pournima,

Tuesday November 15h Evening and Thanksgiving day Special Pooja Nov 24th


Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, MinnesotaRegular Sai activities in Minneapolis,

St.Paul area are being conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center, 725 Lake St

NE, Apt #139 Hopkins MN. For details, please contact hamaresai , or

call Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center at 952-938-2983, and to read the monthly

newsletter Sai Sandesh, visit www.hamaresai.org.

Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple

of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212,

Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office

at 469-467-3388 or visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org.

Shirdi Sai Satsang, Bay Area, CaliforniaShirdi Sai Parivaar invites all to join

us for Satsang every Thursday 7:30 pm at Odd Fellows Temple, 20589 Homestead

Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. For details please call 408-564-6704 or send email

to saibandhu or visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org.

Shirdi Sai Satsang, Ontario, CanadaShirdi Sai Baba Sansthan of Canada invites

all to join us for Satsang every Thursday 6:30PM at 147 Winston Castle Dr.

Markham, Ont. L6C 2N4. For details on other activities and services please call

Shammi Chopra at 416-402-8089 or email us saileela99 .

Shirdi Sai Satsang in Vancouver, BC, CanadaShirdi Sai parivar in Vancouver

invites you for bhajans, every Thursday (6:30pm - 7:30 pm) at 8571, 118A

Street, Delta, V4C 6L2. For further details contact Ritu (604)592 4182 or email

at sai_ish (AT) hotmail (DOT) com.

Sri Shirdi Sai Mandir, Scarborough, CanadaThe Shirdi Sai Mandir located at 2721

Markham Road, Scarborough, ON M1X 1L5 (Intersection of Markham and Nashdene) is

open Monday to Friday from 6.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m and Saturday to Sunday from

10.30 a.m to 8.30 p.m. For temple activities and infornmation please call

647-444-4724 or send an email to info (AT) theshirdisaimandir (DOT) com


Sai Vichaar thanks you for your support for the Question of the Week feature.

This feature is intended to initiate useful discussion on topics related to Sai

philosophy, His message, and Sai devotion. Please send your suggested topics for

the same. We also hope to see more use for the Sai activities section. This is a

good opportunity to spread the word about various activities, celebrations, and

festivities of Sai centers across the world. Postings on Sai activities are

very useful for new visitors and for those who would like to know more about

Sai activities in their and other areas The "Question of the week" for the week

is, Q. What is contentment?

Humbly Yours,The Editor


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>From and Editor:

Shirdi Sai Baba Web Site

Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha

(A not for Profit Organization)


182 West Melrose Street Suite #4

South Elgin, IL 60177, USA


maildrop (AT) saibaba (DOT) org





© Copyright 1998-2005 saibaba.org, Shirdi Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly

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