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God, the indweller or the doer

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Respected Dr.G.Venkataraman Sai Ram,


Some say "God knows whatever I do because He is the


Others say "I don't do anything,He is the doer".

I humbly say"God knows whatever I do because He is the

indweller.He is only a witness to all the deeds. But

we are the doers.He also is the prime mover.He gave us

the intelligence faculty to discriminate(a privilege

given to only human kind!)and He is the energy or the

prime mover for the functioning of this faculty.How

that faculty discriminates is purely at the faculty's

discretion.Therefore whatever we do,the good or the

bad is the decision of the intelligence faculty in us

and the God in us is only witnessing the actions and

continuosly providing the energy to act and think".

Conclusion is,we are the doer and God is only

witnessing and providing the power to think and act.


Surrendering at His Lotus Feet


Sugathan Nambiar

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opposites. About those who claim Him to be the doer - till they are on the

right path no problem, but if they are treading the kama krodha path - then it

is wrong - they will reap the fruit of the seeds they sow. Sai Ram ~ Be Happy

JP www.sailopics.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~sugathan nambiar <sugnam2000 (AT) (DOT) co.uk>

wrote: Respected Dr.G.Venkataraman Sai Ram,Some say "God knows whatever I do

because He is theindweller".......



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Swamy says, every action (karma) good

/ bad has equal and opposite reaction. You can get rid of this bondage

through surrender.

If you do your actions without the doership,

then you are not bound by those actions and you will be FREE.

A simple technique to start practising

nikshama karma ...


the morning, when you wake up say a little prayer ...

Telugu Prayer - Swamy nenu nidra yokka garbham

nundi puttithini. Sakala charachara jagattuku tandri vi (you can say tallivi


naa hridaya vasiaina ninne talanchi nee korake

sakala karya kalapamulanu cheyapoonuchunnanu. Neeke

arpanamu ga nenu ade matalu, nenu talanche

talampulu, nenu chese panulu ivanniyu pavithram ga kaliginchi,

manchi matalu, manchi talampulu, manchi panulu

vachu natula chesi evarini badhimpaka nenu badha padakunda

nadipimpumu tandree.

I could not do the exact translation well,

hope some one from the group will provide the exact translation.

before you go to bed, say a littel prayer ...

English prayer - What ever I did with mind,

body, talk, intellect, by nature - I offer every thing to you.

Remember your prayers during the day.

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