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Wish to have Darshan of Bhagwan

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Sun Nov 27, 2005 3:36pm

Re: [saibabanews] Wish to have Darshan of Bhagwan


How fortunate you are to have had the opportunity to enjoy's swami's

presence at such a young age and once again now. There is no place

for regret, The past is done and the future is not yet come only

concentrate on the present. God has blessed you with the desire for

his darshan, you are indeed most fortunate..

sai ram





Prabhakar Devarakonda <prabhakar_devarakonda

Sun Nov 27, 2005 4:37pm

Re: [saibabanews] Wish to have Darshan of Bhagwan


Dear Prof.

Om sri sai ram

It is interesting.

My analysis would be this...

This is a test for your faith in Swami.How stead fast

you are

Hold on to Him come what may ...total surrender

Constant prayers would definitely give results & a day

will come soonwhen behold There Swami will be there to

give darshan,sambhahan & sparshan.

This is one of His leeles to draw you closer.

Constant Prayers are the only answer.Stay in

Puttaparthi for atleast a fortnight continuosly He

Shall answer you.

With all humility I am telling this.Hope this finds

you in the best of cheer always.

Pray for His Grace.

Om Sri Sai ram

Prabhakar Devarakonda{Canada]




Meera Bakshi <meeraharesh

Sun Nov 27, 2005 11:01pm

Re: [saibabanews] Wish to have Darshan of Bhagwan


Jai Sai Ram.


I am also feeling the same way. I had an

opportunity to have Darshan of Sai Baba on one of his

Birthday. He came to Dharmakshetra, Andheri East.

Along with my family and my unmarried sisters we all

went with Bhanjan Mandali early in the morning. And

we were lucky enough to have Baba's Darshan.

Recently I have been actively keeping in touch of

BABA's devotees .group update and the more I read

various e-mails and Baba's teachings the more I feel

to read more. I have expressed my wish to visit

Puttaparthi to have Baba's Darshan. Hope Baba grants

me this wish. Baba has always provided his

unconditional protection to me and my family. The more

I realize his Krupa in various ways, the more I feel

seeing him in person.

I am in USA and financially not that much flexible

so I have to wait till I can manage such expenses.

Also I have experienced that without Baba's order one

can not visit Shiradi or Puttaparthi.

I feel so happy that naturally by instinct I live

my life exactly as Baba teaches. Of course, many a

times I feel frustrated as people around me take

advantage of my simplicity and make me think that I am

wrong person among these people whose philosophy is

totally different than mine. I am not right for this

kind of world! But somehow now I feel calmness on my

mind eventhough the World is same! :)


Baba fulfils his devotees wishes as soon as he

finds right cirucumstances, so I am sure you will get

your prayer answered sooner.

Jai Sai Ram.

Meera Bakshi






saibabanews, "Prof. V. Shivkumar"

<prof_shiv> wrote:


> OM sai Ram,


> We had been devotees of Bhagwan since 60s.Bhagwan has come to

our house thrice in the 60s.I was a small boy then......

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with a robe of Bhagawan adorining the Chair along with His picture which he had

given to the Argentine devotees .They strongly beleive that Bhagwan listens to

their prayers and Bhajan from close to the Antartic region and they feel His

presence in that far of land.It was a moving experience for me to see the leela

of Bhgawan who had come to our house in chennai triplicane in the 60s when my

father was alive and sat in our iron cot and materailised sweets and gave it to

us all and several years later I go to a far off land to see Him again and

lecture about Him.He is a good sheperd,keeps track of his flocks.Lets submit

ourselves to his lotus feet and be guidede by him in our everyday life.I

remember His most familiar saying 'Why fear when Iam here".OM Sai We all need

your grace blessings and support in all our efforts to make this world a better

place to live. Professor Vaidyanathan Shivkumar, Director UGC Centre for Latin

American Studies, Dean Faculty of Social Sciences, Goa University

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