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Swami's Teaching, science and spirituality.

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The role of Swami as world's Spiritual Leader is clear to all who try to rise

to the higher state of spiritual development. Today is the urgent need to awake

human beings and to lead them on the path towards their own Reality, Self. This

is the core of Swami's Teaching. Swami's Words are as Words of the True

scientist who connects spiritual knowledge with human's Self (true Reality) and

in this context He explains the ancient and the modern culture, social life,

educational systems and science. His Teaching put into practice is the key

for the human beings who are on the path towards spiritual enlightenment. Why

namely His Teaching and not the teaching of other prominent saints, thinkers,

Vedic pandits? It is because His Teaching carries the stream of the direct

Divine energy. His words, insights, analysis, directions, explanation the

wisdom of Vedas have two aspects. 1. First is the direct knowledge what

Swami gives to humanity by simple examples what are understandable to scientist

and to person who hardly can to read. 2. The second is the spreading of the

Divine energy from His words everywhere. His Teaching is as His mental Darshan

what as unconsciously attracts human mind for doing good and living for high

spiritual tasks for the benefit all beings and for the benefit of the Nature

with animated and unanimated objects in it. The other teachings do not have

such quality in direct action. (They too have the divine vibrations, but it

seems, they are veiled or hidden). Avatar is one, but saints and spiritually

enlightened persons are many - such is the rule of the Divine play. In

His Teaching Swami often turns to the ancient and modern science. He does not

deny science what is in accord with spiritual truth of Atmic Oneness and acts

accordingly to it. However, he does not accept science as separate entity from

spiritual base what's aim is to make more money and to live more happily in the

world of 'empty' worldly desires by the way of exploration of natural and

humans' resources. Swami explains that such style of life is dangerous and

demonic as for humans so for the nature and for the whole planet's environment.

Modern science is a mixture of positive and negative forces. The result

is the great technological development and personal devastation. Swami teaches

person to reach to the Self as an expression of Atma, God. He teaches that our

conscious experience is an element of the Divine Will what as expands to the

whole Universe. We are divine sparks of God and all are from the same base

- Atma. Today many scientific versions have reached close to this truth also.

The modern science has also reach to the truth that science about the universe

is not complete and even will not become complete.... something is lack on the

modern scientific works. Below are some statements and explanations to the

unsolved problems from scientific works of modern age. (List of references is


1. Today’s quantum mechanics hides many unsolved mysteries. (Quantum

mechanics is a physical theory about atoms and subatomic particles what behave

differently than laws of classical mechanics foresee. It is the framework of

physics and chemistry, including condensed matter physics, quantum chemistry,

and particle physics, etc. It predicts at least three types of phenomena that

classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics cannot account for:

quantization, wave-particle duality, and quantum entanglement). The latest

world wide Lepton-Photon 2005 meeting underlined that the big questions on this

area remain unanswered. The most evident of unanswered questions is why are

the weak interactions weak? (In year 1934 Enrico Fermi discovered a theory that

prescribed a quantitative relation between weak interaction. However, the

essence remains unknown). Dark clouds also have built up on this sunny

horizon of measurements Standard Model of particle physics. Physicists hope

that particle physics will return to its early traditions where experiment leads

theory, as it should, and where innovative techniques introduce new accelerators

and detection methods that allow us to observe with an open mind and without a

plan. But in quantum world no concrete traditions exist. It seems that the core

of these problems is more spiritual than physical. Another grand unresolved

question was: why are we here? At some early time in the evolution of the

universe quarks and antiquarks annihilated into light, except for just one

quark that failed to find a partner and became forms material substances?

Nobody can peep beyond Atma by the spiritual aspect. A third important

question concerns neutrino mass. A string of fundamental experimental

measurements has led progress in neutrino physics. Super-Kamiokande detector

has confirmed discovery of oscillations in solar and atmospheric neutrinos.

Experiments, done by the new complex devices physicists will have to answer the

great "known unknowns" of neutrino physics, however, the question still remains

unsolved concern neutrinos relation to dark matter and some general acoustic

wave that make up the universe, (These acoustic waves are seen today in the

temperature fluctuations of the microwave background, as well as in the

distribution of galaxies in the sky. These acoustic waves by Vedas and Swami’s

Teaching are expressed through OM - matrix installed into the universe and in

all objects in it as the hologram of Atmic Reality. Physics at the

high-energy frontier is the physics of partons, probing the question of what

the proton really is. Physicists can master this physics with unforeseen

precision. These now include experiments using targets of polarized protons and

neutrons. Theory and experiment joined forces in the ongoing attempts to read

the information supplied by the rapidly accumulating data from the Relativistic

Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven. Such physics is relevant to analysing

cosmic-ray experiments. What a modern super expensive technique such

experiments need! However, a century has passed since cosmic rays were

discovered, yet anybody does not know how and where they are accelerated.

Opportunity for particle acceleration to the highest energies in the cosmos is

limited. The Copenhagen interpretation is the most widely-believed

specific interpretation of quantum mechanics. It views the entire universe as a

quantum superposition of many states which do not measurably interact on

macroscopic scales. Copenhagen interpretation holds that in quantum

mechanics, measurement outcomes are fundamentally indeterministic. The act of

measurement photons, electrons causes an instantaneous "collapse of the wave

function". This means that the measurement process randomly picks out exactly

one of the many possibilities allowed for by the state's wave function. The

rules of quantum mechanics tell statistically where the particles will hit the

screen of particles diffraction, and will identify the bright bands where many

particles are likely to hit and the dark bands where few particles are likely

to hit. However, for a single particle, the rules of quantum mechanics cannot

predict where the particle will actually be observed. So the very modern

views of quantum mechanics are not complete. When to approach to this question

from spiritual point entwined with scientific one, as Swami has done through

Vedic wisdom, the insight unveiled. The universe indeed has many methods of

showing outwardly the limitless power; however, to understand the essence of

this power, scientists have to manifest this power inwardly.

2. The modern chemistry too has not fully solved problems. Chemists have

been disagreeing for the past 40 years over how water molecules arrange

themselves in a liquid drop. Chemically simple though it may be, water is an

unusual substance. Most substances with comparable molecular weights become

gases under the same conditions as water becomes a liquid. And unlike most

other substances, when liquid water freezes it expands in volume rather than

contracts. It is known that every individual water molecule can form

hydrogen bonds by pointing its two hydrogen atoms towards the oxygen atom of

one of its adjacent neighbors. When water exists as ice, the hydrogen bonds

form a complete network. When the same amount of water is melted and becomes

liquid, it loses about ten percent of those hydrogen bonds. The controversy has

revolved around the nature of the missing hydrogen bonds. The latest works

done by team Richard Saykally, (an award-winning chemist who holds joint

appointments with Berkeley Lab's Chemical Sciences Division and UC Berkeley's

Chemistry Department) and other leading chemists tried to solve this

controversy and showed that hydrogen bonds in liquid water are continually

breaking and reforming and moving around. However, scientists have solved one

controversy but what is the initial source of this action is now not fully

discovered. By spiritual-scientific outlook any structure made of weak energy

impulses, will try to reproduce itself in physical form, or denser matter: so

water clusters too. However, "What is essential is invisible to the eye", said

The Little Prince. 3. Three spatial dimensions are visible - up/down,

left/right, and forward/backward. Add time to the mix, and the result is a

four-dimensional blending of space and time known as space-time. Thus, we live

in a four-dimensional universe. Some new theories of physics predict that one

of the three dimensions of space could be a kind of an illusion - that in

actuality all the particles and fields that make up reality are moving about in

a two-dimensional realm. Gravity, too, would be part of the illusion: a force

that is not present in the two-dimensional world but that materializes along

with the emergence of the illusory third dimension. Here is conclusion from

academic science that even the well-known to every student gravity maybe

illusion, as all in this Maya Reality by Swami's Teaching, Vedas and ancient

wisdom. 4. Let's look into the universe by guidance of modern cosmology.

The big bang is often described as an event that occurred long ago, a great

explosion that created the universe. In actuality, the theory says nothing

about the moment of creation. It simply states that as far back as we can

extrapolate, the cosmos has been expanding, thinning out and cooling down.

Gradually the universe imposed order on itself. The familiar particles of

matter, such as electrons and protons, condensed out of the radiation like

water droplets in a cloud of steam. Sound waves coursed through the amorphous

mix, giving it shape. The universe - a set of distinct bodies separated by

vast expanses of essentially empty space - is a fairly recent development,

cosmologically speaking. Starting several billion years ago, matter has been

losing control to cosmic acceleration. The ever faster expansion has already

arrested the formation of large structures and, if it continues, could rip

apart galaxies and even our planet. When Albert Einstein was working on his

equations for the theory of general relativity, he threw in a cosmological

constant to bring the universe into harmonious equilibrium. But subsequent

observations proved that the universe was not static. Observations in the

1990s, however, proved that the universe was not only flying apart, it was

doing so faster and faster. This seemed to point to a dark energy filling space

that actually repelled ordinary matter with its gravity, in contrast to all

other known stuff, including dark matter. Now new observations seem to

show that dark energy is like the cosmological constant, unvarying throughout

space and time. By spiritual outlook and Swami's innumerable explanations this

dark energy and Einstein's cosmological constant by science are near to the

scientific awareness of Atma, what is always the same in time and space. It

seems that from day to day the scientists are getting closer that the universe

is made of the Divine power that is always in motion. Swami's Teaching will

help them to obtain the spiritual awareness by more cheap and easier way than

the expensive experiments at time when a large part of humanity needs food.

The first step toward the spiritual understanding of the Reality is preparing

mind for a new manner of thinking. Knowledge of Reality is gained through

knowledge of Self. It is true that real discernment is not gained through

books or arguments, but through experience. However, books and courses have no

power to change person, but with those ideas one can choose to release his/her

limitations. ”There are two modes of knowledge, through argument and

experience. Argument brings conclusions and compels us to concede them, but it

does not cause certainty nor remove doubts in order that the mind may remain at

rest in truth, unless this is provided by experience." (Excerpt from Roger

Bacon, Opus Maius, 1268). So Swami's Teaching is a pinpointer to to

awareness of the Self. However, this awareness is the result of practice His

Teaching. The actual achievement of the higher spiritual state must come from

own inner work beyond reading and studying and it is beyond explanation.

Everyone has own experience. Today the world has a great need of

enlightened persons - Swami's devotees and followers. By Swami and Vedas the

enlightened person will become a source of the Divine light and purifies the

surrounding. Probably when 5 - 10 % of humanity will obtain the spiritual

enlightenment the whole world would purified from negative tendencies and

vibrations of delusion of society. These delusions are not only in humans'

minds but have the destructive power to the whole Earth's environment. By

the means of modern science the technology of mind-control is on the highway of

development. Propaganda and brainwashing take place continually in all forms of

mass media, most significantly in TV. The mass of humanity is progressively

ignorant and thus enslaved by the forces of violence and greed. Scientists

today do not fully know, (maybe they do not interested in) the final

consequences their discoveries to the Earth's environment and to the humanity,

in most they do not interested in the spiritual basis their works. The results

of such technical and scientific actions are visible and touchable to all

people. During last decades the number of earthquakes has risen tens of times.

The planet's weather is out of order, etc... The pulsations of artificial EM

vibrations with different scale of frequency can attract humans' minds. In the

environment of artificial (technical) electromagnetic waves from extremely low

to extremely high frequency (created for scientific studies) people cannot

percept the natural vibrations from fields of Nature. The pilot study in

applying the complex bioelectrography methods for the experimental study of

psycho-physiological mechanisms of altered states of consciousness was carried

out in the end of last century. The interaction of the brain activity with

energy-informational space, i.e. with the field energy-informational

homeostasis of very weak electromagnetic fields has revealed. Brains are like

sensitive liquid-crystal in response to the extremely low

magnetic/electromagnetic component of the Earth. Not only human brain but

the Earth is sensitive to the artificial actions to change planet by human's

will. The latest and most detailed climate model of the continental U.S.

predicts temperatures so extreme by the end of the century they could

substantially disrupt the country's economy and infrastructure. The climate

simulation, churned out by supercomputers at Purdue University, factors in

dynamic environmental variables previously unaccounted for and analyzes them at

a resolution twice as fine as previous models. The results indicate an increase

in heat, heavier rainfalls and shorter winters, which could strain water

resources for people and crops and cause a catastrophic loss of life and

property, among other things. "Climate change is going to be even more

dramatic than we previously thought," says Noah Diffenbaugh, who reported his

team's findings as Diffenbaugh's model in the October 17 online edition of the

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Diffenbaugh explains that

this scenario that should be taken under serious consideration. However, what to

considerate without being aware of the Divine Will and spiritual points of

human's development? Science without spiritual approach will lead

scientists in the delusion. In many cases they are not aware the final results.

They said, they wish to save the planet; however, the final results are vice

versa. In many cases scientist’s activity carries the wishes to improve humans'

life quality, but the result is controversial. Humans live in a Atma as

within so without by virtue of which all living creatures exist through their

ability to transmute this Universal Atmic force. Humans are as Atmic energy

transformers (carriers of the Divine sparks of energy) from without to within

and vice versa. Swami's Teaching - the collection of awareness to humanity

about The Great Timeless, Spaceless, Eternal Atma is an immense ocean of Bliss

connecting all individuals and lead humans into a higher state of spiritual

development. Vedic and ancient sages, and saints have come to the

conclusion that we are all one. Swami does not tire to explain this Truth to

human beings. From quantum physics may conclude the same thing - at the quantum

level we all are patterns of energy (Atma by spiritual outlook). There is no

separateness except as an illusion of Maya.


Swami's Teaching is directed to a human being. He/she has long felt as the

puppet in life - molded by economic forces, by unconscious forces, by

environmental forces, etc. He/she has been enslaved by persons, by

institutions, by own desires and delusions.

Swami's Teaching is as a new declaration of independence. By His Teaching a

person is discarding the alibis of unfreedom and is choosing him/herself.

He/she is not a puppet, not a slave, not a machine, but his/her own unique

individual Self.




Halliday, D., Resnick R., Walker J., 2002, Funfamentals of physics,

Extended. 6th ed., Wiley & Sons. Alonso, M., Finn, E.J., 1992, Fundamental

University Physics. Vol. 3, Addison-Westley.


"The Illusion of Gravity" by Juan Maldacena. Scientific American. November


"Four Keys to Cosmology" by George Musser. Scientific American, February


"Supernovae Back Einstein's "Blunder" by David Biello. Scientific

American.com. News. November 23, 2005.

"Climate Model Predicts Extreme Changes for U.S." by Tracy Staedter.

Scientific American.com News. October 18, 2005.

Bundzen P.V., Zagrantcev V.V., Korotkov K.G., Lasner P., Unestahl

L.E."Altered states of consciousness: analysis with complex bioelectrographic

approach. " Research Institute of Physical Culture, Technical University

"SPIFMO", Saint Petersburg, Russia; Scandinavian International University,

Örebru, Sweden.

Korotkov K. Aura and Consciousness. New Stage of Scientific Understanding.

Sankt-Petersburg., 1999, 301p.

Korotkov K.G., Krizanovsky E.V. Dynamic Properties of Solitones in

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A. Robinson: "Loophole closed in quantum mechanics test" Science 219, 40 (7

January 1983).

B. d'Espagnat: "The quantum theory and reality" Scientific American 241 No

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The biennial Lepton-Photon conference was held in Uppsala on 30 June - 5

July 2005 by Francis Halzen, University of Wisconsin. Cern Courier, Vol. 45.

November, 2005,

Namaste - Reet

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