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From Baba to You

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Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters, Friends and All those who are yearning to be with Bagawan BABA,


Baba has written this poem for you. It is reproduced in French in the book of

Antonio and Sylvie Craxi "L'Aube d'une nouvelle ere"; I have cherished this

poem since I got hold of the book in 1983; today I am sharing it with you coz I

pray that He loves You as much as He loves me



(How would U know?)

Comment sauras tu que Je suis pres de toi ?

(How would U know that I am close to you?)

Lorsque ,la nuit, la chaleur est etouffante et que tout est tranquille, a la

premiere brise qui effleure ton visage,

c'est Moi qui te caressse, pense a Moi

(When, in the nite,the heat suffocates U and in the silence,a cool breeze brushes ur cheek,

It's Me who is caressing U, think of Me)

Lorsque les affres de la faim sont calmees et que ta solitute se teinte de bonheur,pense a Moi...

(When the pangs of hunger are appeased and ur solitude is tainted with Bliss,think of Me)

Lorsque ta bouche est seche,que tu as du mal a parler,a la premiere gorgee d'eau

fraiche, pense a Moi..

( When ur mouth is dry,when u cannot utter a word, at the first drop of fresh water, think of Me)

Lorsque l'ombre de la mort recule devant le regard souriant d'un bebe, pense a Moi..

( When death steps back at the smiling look on a baby's face, think of Me)

Lorsque Je baigne ton visage de gouttes de pluie et que Je lave la terre et les

feuilles seches, au tout premier parfum qui se degage d'une claire averse,

pense a Moi...

(When I bathe ur face with raindrops and I wash away the earth and the dry

leaves, at the very first perfume which aise from the clear drizzle, think of


Lorsque ton regard pourtant ferme,est lasse,tout a coup, des cruautes de

l'existence,au tout premier clin d'oeil du soleil,c'est Moi qui te reconforte,

pense a Moi...

(When ur look, though fixed, is tired at the cruelties of life, at the first

blink of the Sun, it is Me who is comforting U, think of Me)



(How do U know that You are close to Me?)

Lorsque les rayons du soleil t'ont brule la peau et ont roussi la terre, que le

sable et la poussiere piquent tes yeux,que pas l'ombre d'une ombre ne te



(When the rays of the sun have burnt ur skin and have scorched the earth , when

the sand and the dust sting ur eyes, when there is no shadow to protect U


Lorsque tu as faim et que tu es seul au monde...et que tu m'aimes..

(Wen U are hungry and alone in the world...and that you love Me)

Lorsque tes levres sont gercees, ta langue est comme l'argile, ta gorge serree

et qu'il n'y a pas d'eau,pas meme un mirage en vue..et que tu M'aimes

(When ur lips are chapped,ur tongue is white, ur throat is dry and there is no

water, not even a mirage in the horizon..and U love Me)

Lorsque tu serres dans tes bras un enfant dont les yeux t'implorent, qui pleure

et qui se meurt..et que tu m'aimes...

(When you hold a child tightly in ur arms, his eyes imploring you, he cries and

he dies..and U love Me)

Lorsque Je t'arrache tes biens les plus precieux et qu'a la premiere perte, les

tenebres t'envahissent et te font chanceler... ET QUE TU M'AIMES

(When I snatched from U ur most coveted possessions and at the first loss,

darkness covers U and makes U stagger... AND THAT YOU LOVE ME


Bhagawan Sri Sathya SAI BABA


at the lotus feet of SAI


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