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A Wonderful Incident

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Respected Sai Brothers and Sisters,


SAI RAM. Praying that Swami's Love and Blessings be showered on all of you



There are great lessons to be learnt by every action, words and deeds of

Swami, Everyone can learn so much from Swami in every way.


In late 1965 when Swami came to Venkatagiri A wonderful incident took place

which show Swami's Love and Divinity. During the Bhajan sessions that Swami

used to hold every day there used to be a crowd of around 100 people and the

Bhajan was held in one of the larger rooms in the palace of the Raja of

Venkatagiri, There used to be a very old woman named Ramanamma who was a

very old Devotee and who used to come every day and sit in a corner and go

away immediately after the Aarthi. Suddenly she was missing for a week, when

someone asked Bhagawan about the Woman, Swami smiled and said "You are the

natives of this place, you should know more about her than me ?", The Next

day, Swami after morning Bhajans suddenly told the Raja that he wanted to go

out, Swami never went out when Staying in Venkatagiri, Swami went further

and further out of the village, after a mile or so, Swami told the Driver to

stop near a desolate place and Swami got down and took a small walk and went

to a shack nearby and went inside, there to everyone's Surprise was the old

day Ramanamma sleeping, Swami said in telugu "Nenu Vachchanu" meaning "I

have come", The Woman started weeping inconsolably, Swami created some

Vibuthi and applied it on the woman's Forehead and the Woman breathed her

last at Swami's Lotus Feet, Swami then said that the woman used to walk a

mile everyday to have His Darshan and it was her last wish that Swami should

be with her when she breathes her Last, Nobody even knew where her house

was, Swami knew every inch of the way. Swami always keeps his Word, always.


Swami's Love and Grace is all pervasive, it is for everyone, It is just that

everybody should follow Bhagawan's Ideals to partake of that immeasurable

Love and Grace.


Sometimes people say that Swami talks to somebody more and that he or she is

physically neglected, In Swami's world nobody in neglected, we neglect

ourselves by Looking away from Bhagawan when Swami looks at us, Everyone

should look at ourselves and ask Ourselves whether we are good enough to

have His Grace and Blessings, Are We ?, Think about it.







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