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80 Ways to Serve Mankind

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Helping the Less-privileged Sections of Society

1. Organising Narayana Seva by distributing food and clothes to needy people.2.

Organising free food centres for needy people.3. Providing Amruta Kalasham (bag

of food items) to needy families.4. Providing rugs and blankets during winter

season to poor people.5. Providing Sai Protein to meet the nutritional needs of

poor people.5. Organising systematic poverty alleviation schemes for the most

needy sections ofsociety by adopting needy families.7. Organising Grama Seva in

villages for conducting programmes of total villageuplift.8. Providing training

and means of self-employment to needy people.9. Providing training and

efficient tool kits to plumbers, electricians, carpenters and other trained

professional workers to make them self-reliant.10. Organising self-help groups

in villages for maintaining sanitation and for constructing public utility

conveniences like approach roads, water storage tanks, bus shelters, etc.11.

Constructing houses / shelters for those who are without shelter.

12. Providing help in repairing of houses for those who live in dilapidated or

unsafe houses.13. Setting up orphanages to take care of destitute children.

14. Setting up old age homes for old people.

15. Organising visits to old age homes to help aged people.16. Providing

drinking water to people in scarcity affected areas by digging wells and

setting up water supply schemes in rural and remote areas.17. Providing

electric supply to remote areas which are still without electricity.18.

Organising cleanliness drives in villages.19. Adopting villages for village

uplift programmes.

20. Providing the services of agricultural scientists to farmers at their

doorstep to improve the agricultural yield.

21. Conducting mass marriages to save on wasteful expenditure on marriages.22.

Organising rehabilitation programmes for homeless street children.23. Providing

tricycles to physically challenged persons to make them mobile.24. Conducting

Seva camps during religious fairs for providing sanitation, medical aid and

guidance to pilgrims.25. Conducting youth camps to guide the youth on the path

of Seva and spirituality.

26. Conducting youth camps to provide training in disaster management.27.

Organising disaster management during calamities like floods, earthquakes,

etc., for saving lives of people.28. Organising relief measures for the

rehabilitation of victims of disasters. 29. Setting up small-scale village

industries for providing employment to villagers, especially the housewives to

utilise their spare time and increase the income of the family.30. Providing

electronic devices like iCARE developed by Sathya Sai Organisation of Arizona

(U.S.A.) to help the visually challenged persons to read books and to identify

people.31. Helping the villagers to make water safe for drinking by

chlorination of wells and water tanks.32. Setting up agricultural institutes

for training the children of farmers in better techniques of farming. 33.

Providing value-based education to students for proper use of water and other

natural resources so as to avoid wastage. 34. Organising tree plantation drives

for planting more trees to combat deforestation.

35. Conducting surveys in villages for providing need-based services to the

villagers.36. Organising Bhajans, meditation and lectures in jails for the

reformation of the inmates.

Healthcare for all

37. Conducting health check-up camps and organising health education meets to

prevent the spread of diseases.38. Putting up health education exhibitions to

provide guidance to people on health education.39. Organising medical camps for

providing free medicare to underprivileged sections of society in villages,

urban slums and remote areas.40. Setting up free "homoeopathic, ayurvedic and

allopathic dispensaries to dispense medicines to needy people.41. Setting up

hospitals for providing free medical treatment to less privileged sections of

society.42. Setting up hospices for terminally ill patients like the one set up

by the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation of Sri Lanka. 43. Organising malaria

eradication programmes like the Sainet Project started by the Sai Organisation

in Kenya.44. Organising visits to spastic homes to help spastic children.45.

Setting up leprosy home for rehabilitating lepers and providing treatment to

them.46. Setting up schools for deaf and dumb children for their

rehabilitation. One single act of service offered to the God whom you visualise

in another is worth all the years of yearning for God.47.Providing hearing aids

and spectacles to needy people.48. Providing artificial limbs to needy

physically challenged people.

49. Organising medical help and counselling to mentally challenged people.50.

Setting up schools for the visually challenged.51. Monitoring and improving the

health and nutritional needs of expecting mothers.52. Providing health check-ups

in schools and colleges for students.53.Organising special medical camps for

drug de-addiction and freedom from bad habits likesmoking.54. Visiting

hospitals and distributing gifts with humility and love to patients on various

festive occasions.55. Conducting free veterinary camps for treating domestic

animals in rural areas.

56. Providing the services of livestock experts to villagers at their doorstep

for improving the health of the livestock, and for the eradication of diseases

of the livestock.

Education for all

57. Setting up schools, colleges and other educational institutions for

providing free value-based education to students. 58. Conducting literacy

classes to eradicate illiteracy in rural areas, urban slums and other backward

areas.59. Providing scholarships, books and other teaching and reading material

to needy school children.

60. Conducting free coaching classes for helping needy students.61. Constructing

buildings for schools in villages with the help and cooperation of villagers.

Moral and Spiritual Regeneration of Mankind

62. Conducting Bal Vikas classes for providing education in human values to

children. 63. Conducting seminars to provide value-orientation to school and

college teachers.64. Conducting interfaith meetings to foster love and harmony

between followers of different religions.65. Conducting summer courses on

Indian Culture and Spirituality to spread awareness about Bharat's cultural and

spiritual heritage.

66. Setting up forums of professionals like lawyers, professors, businessmen,

doctors to provide value-orientation to professionals.

67. Setting up exhibitions to spread the teachings of Bhagavan on social

service, village uplift and for spreading the values like Sathya, Dharma,

Santhi, Prema, Ahimsa in society.

68. Conducting Pallaki Seva (palanquin processions) and Nagar Sankirtan in

villages, towns and cities for the spiritual regeneration of people,

69. Spreading awareness about the need of values in society through Ratha Yatra,

seminars, conferences, etc.

70. Organising cultural activities like dramas, Burra Katha to spread values among people.

71. Holding exhibitions and seminars on Sathya Sai Parenting to educate the

parents how to inculcate values in children.72. Setting up Sathya Sai Human

Values Institutes to train human values teachers.

73. Conducting Bhajan classes and Bhajan centres.74. Conducting spiritual

retreats and Sadhana camps for the spiritual advancement of people.75.

Conducting functions like Mass Upanayanam to initiate children on spiritual

path.76. Conducting Yajnas for the welfare of the world and promoting the

teaching and learning of Vedas by setting up Vedic schools and honouring Vedic

scholars.77. Publishing books and magazines and producing films to make people

aware of the humanitarian work of Bhagavan.78. Producing serials on the Life

and Message of Bhagavan for broadcasting to educatepeople about the ideals of

Bhagavan like "Love All Serve All". 79. Producing ACD's VCD's, DVD's on the

teachings of Bhagavan to spread values in society.80. Holding meetings at

local, national and international levels to propagate the ideals of morality,

ethics, spirituality taught by Bhagavan.

(Sanathana Sarathi Pgs 370-373 November 2005)

Sourced: http://worldnet24.tripod.com/articles/80-ways.htm

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