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Chinna Katha - 39 (Leave Everything to His Will) (Short Story: As told by Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai Baba)

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Yearning leads to surrender, and surrender gives highest joy.


Leave everything to His Will, accept whatever happens whether pleasant or painful.


There was a rich merchant once in Baghdad. He was leading a virtuous God-fearing life.


He had a daughter whom he adored greatly, for she was the very embodiment of virtue.


The father decided that he would give her in marriage only to a young man who

was intimately bound with God, regarding of any other excellence or handicap.


He searched for such a groom, in caravanserais, mosques and places where holy

persons were likely to gather.


One Friday, he noticed in the mosque a fair young man, on his knees even after

all else had left, crying out to God most endearingly and with great sincerity.



He approached him and asked whether he would marry his daughter.


He said “I am the poorest of the poor; I have a leaky roof over my head, and a

gravel floor whereon I sit. Who will wed such a beggar? I shall marry if some

one who would not object to my spiritual Sadhana, consents to share my poverty”.

The merchant felt that he was the most eligible groom and the wedding was celebrated soon.


His daughter came to the fakir’s residence and started cleaning the floor. She

was happy that her husband was of her own heart; she too was a pilgrim on the

road to God, a practitioner of spiritual exercises.


While sweeping the floor, she found in a corner a plate with a piece of bread on it.


She asked him why it was kept there, and he replied, “I kept it by, lest

tomorrow, when I go my rounds, we may not get enough to eat”.

At this, the wife replied. ‘I am ashamed of you. You have so little faith in

Allah. He who gives us hunger, will He not give us bread, too? I shall not

live with a person of this nature. You have no faith in God and His Companion’

she said, and left the fakir to himself.


(from the Book: "CHINNA KATHA" (Short Story, as told by Bhagavan Sri Satya Sai BABA))




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us. Bol Sad Guru Sai Nath Maharaj ki Jai. Pawan Om Samadhi ki Jai. "I am ashamed

of you. You have so little faith in Allah. He who gives us hunger, will He not

give us bread, too? I shall not live with a person of this nature. You have

no faith in God and His Companion’ she said, and left the fakir to himself."

Bowing at feet of Baba, S.L.Gupta, 20-12-2005 =========

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