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Shirdi Baba Dream

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Aum Sai Ram to my brothers and sisters in Sai


I just woke up with a dream. I saw Shirdi Baba at a time when I was

very busy, lots of things going on, not any one of them stands out in



This is a first. Typically I have dreams of Parthi Sai and have lost

count of how many times but now I wonder what it means to have seen

Shirdi Sai in a dream.


I wondered if any brother or sister can offer suggestions to its

meaning. If it would help, Sai Baba manifested a Shirdi Baba ring

for my mother 7 years ago (she is now 93). Also, in recent times, in

addition to going to the Sai Samiti, I have also been playing my

guitar at Bhajans held at Shirdi Baba Temple (Pittsburgh, PA, USA

area) on Thursdays. In fact we welcomed the new year with a 3 hour

Bhajan at the Temple.


I understand that in the final analysis, only I can decipher what

Swami is telling me but I am hoping that someone can offer



Thank you in advance.


Jai Bolo Sai Ram, love


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Dear Brother,

What a coincidence! I dreamt of Shirdi Sai Baba too and that was, as far as I

can remember in December 2004.

In my dream, I am entering a grotto, holding the hand of one of my sons. On the

walls there are stone carvings, statues and pictures of both Shirdi Baba and

Sathya Baba. At one point in time, I am walking all alone and I can hear my own

voice in the background, reciting the 'Sathya Sai Mantra'- 'saiswaraya

videmahey.sathya devahi dimehi,tano sarva prachodayat...' repeatedly..it is

quite awesome and then I see Shirdi Baba and on His left, half of Sathya Baba,

I mean ,like we see in pictures of Hindu dieities,attached to the full body of

Shirdi Baba, there is half the body of Sathya Sai Baba! But that's not all;

Shirdi Baba lifts His Hand and holding it out to me, He invites me to come to

Him, whilst Sathya Bab looks on, smiling..

One psychic has interpreted the dream as meaning that I am looking for something

which I cannot reach or find; however my own interpretation is that Shirdi Baba

and Sathya Baba merge into ONE. BOTH ARE ONE. Dream of a grotto or an

underground room or building ,in psychic jargon, would indicate frustration,

something you crave for but cannot obtain but dreams of Baba occur to one only

when Bhagawan Baba wills it.

So you are blessed with Bliss and Good Fortune. You have realised this truth and

You KNOW that Shirdi Baba and Sathya Baba are ONE!

at the lotus feet of SAI


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