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Parthi Update January 11th to 14th 2006

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Style'"> Sairam. The long awaited day dawns, bringing to fruition the

tireless efforts of all students of Bhagawan. The students have just one

objective in mind – to please their Lord. Bhagawan too reciprocates with the

same intensity. Even yesterday evening, with just a night to go for the Sports

Meet, Swami had come out for

a round. He first went to the College Auditorium, sat there for a few minutes.

The participants, who were taken by surprise, started donning their costumes

immediately. However, after a few minutes, Swami said that He would come back

again and proceeded towards the Shanti Vedika stadium. There, He took a full

round watching the rehearsals going on and returned to Mandir in time for


After Aarti an announcement was made that the Sports Meet would begin the next

day morning in Shanti Vedika grounds at 8.00 a.m. This morning, even as the

students assembled for the March Past in the grounds at 7.00 a.m., the

galleries and stands were full to their capacity. The weather was very pleasant

– neither too cold nor hot. Flags of various Nations adorned the gallery tops –

just as

it had been done for the Birthday Celebrations. At 7.45 a.m. Music was played

on the Public Address system starting with the Vedic chanting of Ganaanaam

Tva…..Bhagawan made His entry at sharp 8.00 a.m. At 8.05 a.m., the Brass Band

of the Anantapur Campus was heard playing at the rear end of the Shanti Vedika

grounds welcoming Bhagawan at the entry point near the Primary School. A few


later, the Escorts students were seen leading the procession. Behind them, were

all the captains of various squads offering their salute to their Divine

Chancellor. Swami was sitting in the special car – which He used for the

Birthday – the Mercedes sports convertible. As the car moved ahead on the road

along the Ladies side, the Institute Brass Band took over with the Slow March


Bhagawan. Behind the Slow Marching boys and in front of Swami’s car were the

Lions of Prasanthi marching majestically. (The Lion dance had been performed

earlier by the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus a few years back. The same coaches from

Singapore were back again to train the students in this Chinese art form of

dance). Leading the pack of lions were the three huge flags exhibiting the

Institute logo and the Silver Jubilee insignia.

Style'"> At 8.15 a.m. the Vice Chancellor welcomed Bhagawan as the car entered

into the D-circle in front of the stage. After a while, Bhagawan emerged in His

yellow robe looking radiant and got onto the lift. Brother Satyajit was next to

Swami, helping Him to move onto the lift. As the lift rose up, more and more of

Swami’s physical Form could be seen by the audience and then there He was

standing on the stage.

Arial"> Bhagawan lit the ceremonial lamp and went walking to take His Chair at

the center of the stage. After Swami sat down on the Chair, three young boys

and three girls from the Primary School – tiny tots – were seen walking past

the ground towards Swami with Bouquets and cards in their hands. As they

approached Swami on the stage, Bhagawan very lovingly received all their


Arial"> At 8.25 a.m. the March Past began. Dr. M. Sainath, Lecturer, department

of Physics, Parthi Campus, was playing the Master of Ceremonies – giving a

scholarly commentary to all the happenings on the ground. The waterfall from

the Hanuman statue was shining in the morning sunlight in the rear. Dear Sai

Gita who actually led the entire procession during the welcome, stood next to

the Shamiyana set up for the students at the Hostel end. She stood their decked

gorgeously with all her ornaments and was grazing away to glory, thanks to the

lush green grass on the cricket stadium! The March Past went on as usual –

starting with most colourful squads from the Primary School, followed by the

Anantapur Campus of the Institute and the Anantapur Junior College. Then came

the Higher Secondary School boys with their bright coloured T-shirts


with the Brindavan and Parthi men students. The final squad to sign off was the

Athletic squad consisting of all medal winners, wearing white pants with tucked

in red coloured shirts. After all the squads had assembled on the grounds, the

Institute Flag was brought in ceremoniously with a special marching team. After

Mr. Gopinath and Mr. Ravikiran – the Physical Directors of the Brindavan

and Parthi campuses respectively, tied the flag to the pole, Mr. Gopinath went

over to the stage and handed over the remote button to Bhagawan. Swami pressed

the remote switch and hoisted the flag on its mast. Then we had the oath taking

ceremony. The Institute captain – Sri Hem Sundar from the II M.Sc.© class

administered the oath to all the students. The next item was the torch


ceremony. Swami lit the torch which was carried by pairs of students in a relay

to the mountain top. Meanwhile, Swami stood up from the chair to release the

white pigeons and the balloons. In the background, one could see the peacock –

the mascot for the Sports Meet this year, carrying the torch to the top of the

hill. Once the peacock reached the hill top, the main torch of the Sports Meet

was lit. It was 8.45 a.m. when the squads dispersed, giving way to the

Prasanthi Nilayam campus to begin its presentation.

justify">At 9.00 a.m. the Parthi Campus made its entry in a grand manner with a

huge structure – a rotating pillar with Duty, Devotion, Discipline, Purity,

Patience, Perseverance, written on its various sides. Right at the top was a

swan around whose neck was a disc with the numbers 25 shining on it, marking

the Silver Jubilee of the Institute. On either sides of this structure, were

the cutouts with Swami’s photographs on them. Between all these were giant

models – 15 feet high and around 15 kgs in weight - of ‘Sai Students’ dressed

up as Vedam chanting students, some in whites and some in the Convocation

dress. These models were specially designed and built for this occasion by

professionals from Mangalore and they were designed on the lines of the Rama

Leela festival held in the North. The uniqueness of these statues was that they

were very light in

weight and a single student could easily lift a model on his head and move

around. After they all took their position, the Opening Ceremony song began.

Groups of students danced to the tune depicting a mix of the East and the West,

symbolizing a blend of spiritual and secular knowledge that is the hallmark of

the Institute. The second item was one

of the main items of the Campus. The Lion dance. 30 lions barged into the ground

dancing vigorously and exhibited a number of stunts on tables, poles and even

did bamboo walking. The next item was a display of Rhythm on poles done by the

School students, followed by another eycatching item – the Giant Wheels. Two

Giant Wheels, 35 feet in height were mounted just in front of the ladies

gallery to the left of the stage. Students performed wonderful feats on these

revolving wheels.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE;

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">Subsequently came the Gymnasts displaying their

mettle, performing all types of jumps – over fire, through rings and finally

even over a Maruti Van! Following this were the drummers playing their rhythmic

beats on 25 Chinese drums that were specially flown in from Singapore for this

event. The impact was very good and the Giant Flags displaying their show in

the background added to the beauty. The Delta Force came in next. Tough guys

working unitedly to show what can be done with huge logs of wood, displayed

synchronized movements ending with the real tough guys climbing upon the logs

held vertically. Then came in another round of the Giant Wheels with the

students exhibiting their skills further, performing head stands right at the

top. Acrobatics by the School children was the next item. A brief dance by Lord

Shiva who actually passed on the science of Yoga to humanity, was followed by

wonderful Asanas performed in a very coordinated and harmonious manner.

'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> The

final item of the Prasanthi Nilayam campus was a Fun on the Run game involving

a number of competitive games between two teams. Shooting balloons with

catapults, basketing balls after running through an obstacle course, pyramid

formation and so on. The presentation came to a close with all staff and

students coming into a closing ceremony formation with a special closing song

being played in the background.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE;

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> At 10.00 a.m., the Anantapur students began

their presentation. The theme of their presentation was Unity-Purity-Divinity.

They began with a dance followed by wonderful, breathtaking Asanas performed

atop moving Jeep. Following this was a butterfly dance - a mass item with a

hundred plus girls with butterfly wings that turned shining silver and bright

gold as they changed sides. It looked very good. After this, there was another

mass dance item using rings covered with shining pink material. By 10.25 a.m.

they concluded their very crisp and gripping presentation and moved on for the


Ceremony. Around 10.30 a.m. Swami took Aarti and retired for the morning. In

the evening, Swami arrived in the ground at 4.05 p.m. The Escorts on the bikes

led Bhagawan’s Porte car. Swami was in His orange robe. The leading bike held

the flag bearing the Silver Jubilee logo with the two wings of Sathya and

Dharma. The second in line held the flag with the Institute logo having a blue

background specially designed for the Silver Jubilee celebrations.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'"> As Bhagawan’s car approached the

dais, the Primary School gymnasts in orange suits welcomed Swami with a crawl

on their hands. By 4.15 p.m. Swami ascended the dais using the lift. Two young

Primary School girls decked in green and two boys in yellow marched across the

grounds to offer their bouquets and card to Bhagawan. After Swami received

their offerings, the presentation began with a dance to the song – Prasanthi

Vaasa Swagatam, Puttaparthi Purisha Swagatam, Susswagatam….

Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> Following this was

a dance by young boys dressed as Vanaras. There were a hundred plus boys, all

Vanaras dancing to a fast beat song. In the course of the song, Lord Rama and

Lakshmana come in and the monkeys help them building the bridge across the

ocean. It was very well depicted.

FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'"> Then it was the turn of the gymnasts to

display their solid talent. No doubt they stole the show. Then there were mass

dances, one of them by girls dressed in blue looking like waves interspersed

with other girls holding silver and gold coloured rings. It looked very

attractive. As this item got over, the Roller Skates boys rolled in and

performed a number of feats in front of the dais. Then came the malkhamb drill

on tall vertical poles erected on the ground. This too was very well planned

and executed by the young boys.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE;

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> A few more dances by large numbers of girls and

then we had drills on the ropes again by the boys. They performed extremely

well, displaying their skills on the ropes. At 5.10 p.m. all the children

entered together like a wave offering their Pranaams to Swami.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'"> At 5.20 p.m. the children of the

Deenajanodarana Pathakam made a 15 minute brief presentation showing a war

between good and bad symbolized by white and black dresses symbolically

presented on a giant chessboard.

maroon; FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE;

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">At 5.35 p.m., the Brindavan students commenced

their presentation. The opening spectacular item was the Dragon dance followed

by Martial Arts. Almost all the students participated in the Martial Arts item

displaying various forms of this art. They presented the mace fight, war with

sword and shield, Karate, Nan Chaku, Spears and even stick fights. All this

went on synchronized with music in the background. They concluded with the

breathtaking items like braking pots, blazing tiles, etc. At 5.55 p.m. all

the Brindavan students came forward towards the dais to offer their gratitude

to Bhagawan. Swami took Aarti and retired by 6.00 p.m. Thus the curtain closed

on this year’s Annual Sports and Cultural Meet.

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">Regarding the other programmes, the drama by the

Parthi students is likely to be exhibited in the Institute Auditorium on the

13th evening while the Primary School may present their drama tomorrow evening

in the Kulwant Hall. We will get back to you with further details. Sairam

Style'"> Parthi Update 12- 01- 2006 13- 01- 2006 14- 01- 2006

0in 0pt; TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> Parthi and Brindavan Dramas

Arial"> Sairam. This day turned out to be a very significant day for the

Institute as Swami Blessed the College Campus not once but twice in the evening

to watch two dramas – one by the Brindavan Campus students and another by the

Parthi Campus students.

mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">The plan as per Bhagawan’s

instructions in the morning was that He would come to witness the Brindavan

play first at 3.30 p.m. and later after the evening Bhajans He would come again

for the Parthi play. The College Auditorium and the Foyer below was bustling

with activity right from the morning. Sets were being arranged and the artists

were donning their costumes. We all were seated in the Auditorium by 3.00 p.m.

It was an in-house affair with only the Brindavan and Parthi Campus Institute

students seated in the Auditorium.

justify">At 4.10 p.m., Swami arrived at the College Campus. As His chair rolled

in and was positioned at the centre, the announcement was made and the play

began. The title was ‘Adi Kavi Valmiki’. It was an excellent presentation that

went on for an hour. The best part was the fantastic sets that gave a real lift

to the whole drama. It was an aesthetically breathtaking and technically

intricate effort to have all those contraptions and multi sided cutouts that

would turn and immediately become a new background for another scene. Even

before the play started, Lord Rama, Lava and Kusha came down the stage to offer

a bouquet and the welcome card to Bhagawan. The first scene was about the

highway robber Ratnakara who attempts to rob the seven sages and in turn is

robbed of his own evils and gets transformed into the great poet saint Valmiki.

The stage was set into two sections at different heights, that enabled two

different scenes to be depicted parallely. The next scene directly takes us

to the Ashram of Saint Valmiki on the banks of Tamasa. Here Valmiki gets the

Darshan of Narada who reveals to him the secret of the One who has all the 16

Kalas and is currently present on earth in a Human Form. Later, Valmiki

discovers how his Soka (sorrow) upon seeing a bird killed by a hunter

metamorphoses into a Sloka (hymn). He then gets the vision of Lord Brahma who

Blesses him to write the poem Ramayana and offer it to humanity. At the rear

end of the stage, there was a hydraulically operated platform that was raised

and lowered as desired. For example, Lord Brahma appeared out of nowhere from

below and having said his dialogues disappeared with the lowering of the

platform. This was a very unique and creative

idea! Thus Valmiki starts composing the Ramayana in the Anushtup Chandas.

Lava and Kusha come into the scene – the ones Blessed to propagate the Ramayana

to the world. The rest of the play was the entire Ramayana Katha song that we

often hear in Bhagawan’s Presence. Ramakathanu Vinarayaa….As the song was being

sung by Lava and Kusha the relevant scenes were depicted on the raised stage

behind in quick succession. The best part was that there was no

break for change of scenes. Everything was so well organized, the artistes

coming in from one end, moving out through the other end. Some of the

characters like Shurpanaka and the deer appearing from below at the rear end.

The best part was the beginning of Rama’s story when the sacrifice is being

performed. A Yagna Kundam is placed on the rear stage with the fire lighted and

in an instant, the cutouts at the back open up revealing a beautiful massive

sun chariot with the Sun God standing behind. The moment the sacrifice is over,

during which the Fire God appears again from below on the hydraulic platform,

giving the feeling that he is really coming out of the fire; the cutouts close

up bringing us back to the original backdrop. Scene after scene kept moving

in font of our eyes with such precision and accuracy of movement and

coordination that it was a breathtaking experience! The scene of Mandara

poisoning Kaikeyi’s mind, the exile of Lord Rama, the deer attracting Sita,

Ravana coming and taking her away – again the movable platform making the

depiction look so realistic. The killing of Vali, the bridge across Lanka, the

slaying of Ravana and finally the most touching event, the Agni Pareeksha of

Mother Sita. Every few minutes, two anchors would come onto the stage and

narrate the significance of the events being depicted. Finally Lord Rama

accepts Mother Sita. After this there was a brief break with the curtains

closed. Minutes later, the curtain parted to reveal a beautiful palace scene

with a lovely throne and the Pattabhishekam of Lord Rama. Lord Rama is

coronated and the citizens dance with joy. The final scene brings all the

artistes together in prayerful obeisance to Bhagawan. No doubt, there was

loud applause for the wonderful play. Bhagawan was very pleased and even asked

them to

present the same drama once again in Sai Kulwant Hall on the 15th of January to

bring joy to all the devotees. Swami spent quite some time Blessing the

artistes and talking to them. He left to the Mandir at 5.30 p.m. At the Mandir

He took Aarti and retired to PC. Meanwhile, the Parthi drama boys were all

dressed up in their costumes anticipating Swami’s arrival. A few minutes later,

an announcement was made that the drama was postponed to

another day. But would our compassionate Lord disappoint His students who were

waiting for Him ready with all their costumes. Once again there was a message

that Swami will be coming today only to witness the Parthi drama too. Giving

enough time for the Parthi boys to set up the stage and get ready, Swami

arrived at 7.15 p.m. A rare Blessing for the College campus in its 25th year of

existence! The Parthi drama was a display of ancient

scriptural wisdom in a contemporary setting, titled Bhakti Pravaham – a title

selected by Bhagawan Himself. The play began with an interview of two young

scientists in the studios. Mr. Mukherjee and Mr. Prajnaat. Mr. Prajnaat who is

lost in the world of science is guided and shown the true path by Mr. Mukherjee

– a scientist turned inwards. In the course of his dialogues with Mr. Prajnaat,

Mr. Mukherjee narrates instances from our scriptures to show how Science is not

the ultimate but just a prelude to the Ultimate.

Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">Three plays were

part of this drama. One was that of the Pandavas. It is a period of their exile.

All the brothers criticize Dharmaja for being responsible for their current

plight. Dharmaja unable to bear the agony opens the leaf on which Lord Krishna

had given him a message – a message that was to be used as a Mantra in times of

unbearable grief. Opening the leaf, the brothers find on it written – This too

shall pass! The message – nothing is permanent in this world. Everything is a

passing cloud. Name, fame all come and go.

TEXT-ALIGN: justify">Incidentally, both the scientists lose an award which they

were expecting to win. Whereas Mr. Mukherjee is able to take it with

equanimity, Mr. Prajnaat beaks down. The next message is depicted through the

story of Tyagaraja. How he offers everything to the Lord and nothing else

matters to him. No worldly pleasures or wealth is able to take him away from

singing the glory of the Lord. The final scene is that of Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu, who gets lost in ecstasy the moment he utters Lord Krishna’s name.

Finally, the play culminates 10 years

later, when the transformed scientist Mr. Prajnaat, realizes his dream of

winning the Nobel prize for his achievements. However, he now offers this at

the Lotus Feet of Bhagawan for he has realized that all name and fame is a gift

of God and man is truly a puppet in His hands. Saying so, he comes down the

stage and offers the award to Bhagawan seated on His chair. Thus the play ends

in a very dramatic way. This drama too had very good sets, with many

scenes being depicted at the rear end behind a curtain. When Tyagaraja sings,

Lord Vishnu reclining on the Adishesha is seen in the background and so on.

It was 8.30 p.m. Bhagawan was very happy and said – very good drama. He raised

His Hand and Blessed all the artistes assembled on the stage. Chaitanya

Mahaprabhu and Tyagaraja came down and bowed at His Feet. Swami spent some time

talking to them and once again Blessed all the actors. He said that this

was only a rehearsal and asked them also to make a presentation once again on

the 15th for a larger audience. There was loud applause appreciating the

fantastic drama and Swami moved out towards the Mandir. Thus the day came

to a glorious end. Drama by the Primary School Children

FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family:

Arial">Sairam. This evening Bhagawan came out for Darshan at 4.20 p.m. Having

taken a full round, the car stopped near the interview room and the car door

glided open. The Brindavan Warden Sri Narasimhamurthy Garu and the Vice

Chancellor were summoned and were spoken to. After a while, Swami went into the

interview room and came out again at 4.35 p.m. The Primary School drama was

slotted for this evening and it was already 4.30 p.m. But the compassionate

Lord knew the requirements of the presentation. It was an audio-video show with

projections to be made on a huge screen that was set up behind the pathway

leading from PC. For this, the surroundings needed to be dark. Therefore, Swami

made Prof. Anil Kumar announce that there would be Bhajans now and then the

Primary School children would present their play.

Style'"> Bhajans began at 5.00 p.m. and went on till 5.45 p.m. when the sun

had just crossed the edge of the Ashram walls, thus providing the necessary

ambience in the Kulwant Hall. Swami then asked the programme to commence.

First, the girls of the Primary School presented a violin recital – a large

number of them producing a beautiful music. Meanwhile, Swami came out and sat

at the centre of the dais. He signaled to Dr. Goldstein and Dr. Narendra Reddy

to sit on the chairs behind Him. The VC and Sri S.V. Giri also joined

them. Young children dressed in bright coloured costumes went forward to

present to Bhagawan a bouquet and the Programme card. At 6.05 p.m. the play

titled “Sai Prema Dhara“ began. This same play was enacted earlier by the

Primary School children on the occasion of the International Children Festival

celebrated at Prasanthi Nilayam in October 2005. It was the same show. A

beautiful blend of audio-video effects and actual skits by the children!

Basically, they

depicted the entire life of our Swami right from the childhood days,

highlighting some of the most important and significant events. The

uniqueness was that the video was used to depict characters before they

actually came onto the stage. For example, children dressed as Lord Ganesha and

Subramanya are shown in the video to be flying in the sky coming towards the

earth from heaven and then as the video fades away, the same children in the

same costume

appear on the stage. This gave a very realistic effect to the play. Characters

like Sri Kasturi Garu and Mr. John Hislop were depicted as anchors, who

narrated various events in Swami’s life. The Kalpavriksha episode, Sri

Subbamma Garu witnessing the Cosmos in Swami’s mouth, the Virupaksha temple

episode, and the various projects of Bhagawan were depicted very well. The

great saints like Meera, Tyagaraja, Andal, Purandara also come onto the stage


glorify our Lord. A number of video clippings of Swami of the earlier days were

shown in the background making the presentation very lively. The play went

on till 7.00 p.m., the best part being an interview that Swami gives to the

children, wherein, the children on the stage ask Swami several questions and

Bhagawan is shown answering those questions through appropriate video

clippings! In conclusion, all the children assembled together in front of Swami

and swayed to the song Madhura Mohana Ghana Shyama Sundara Sai….. Swami was

very very happy and materialized a chain which He put around the neck of the

boy who acted as Prof. Kasturi. After a while, He also materialized a ring for

a student who acted as one of the Sai Baba’s in the play. There were many Sai

Baba’s in the play to depict Swami at different points of time! The play

had a great impact on the

audience and all gave a loud applause. Swami gave group photographs to all the

participants. In a very orderly fashion, the children came in small groups and

sat around Swami’s chair for photographs. Swami had some word for each group

filling their hearts with joy! By 7.30 p.m. Swami took Aarti and retired to PC.

HAPPY PONGAL – HOLY SANKRANTI Yesterday evening, an announcement was

made that this morning, the valedictory function of the Annual Sports and

Cultural Meet would be held at 8.30 a.m. All of us were seated in time in the

Sai Kulwant Hall. However, Swami made His entry only at

9.50 a.m. The Porte car with Swami was led into the Kulwant Hall with a grand

procession starting with the Brass Band by the Anantapur sisters, followed by

the Flag March by the captains of various sports and cultural events and then

the Brass Band by the Prasanthi Nilayam boys. The flag bearers halted at the

centre of the Hall and formed two neat rows on either side of the pathway.

Swami’s car made its passage through the pathway amidst the flags saluting Him.

Taking a full round, the car approached the interview room. At 9.55 a.m. Swami

came out in His chair. He moved straight to the ceremonial lamp and lighted the

same with a candle handed to Him by Sri Gopinath – Physical Director of the

Brindavan Campus. Accompanying him were Sri Ravi Kiran – Physical Director of

the Parthi Campus and the PD’s of the Higher Secondary School and Primary

School. The Hall was decorated well with the large giant puppets used

during the Opening and Closing Ceremony of the Parthi Campus Sports event on

the 11th. Two were kept on either side of the dais while the others were kept

against the pillars in the Kulwant Hall. Even the huge cutouts with Swami’s

photographs used on the 11th were resting against some other pillars in the

Hall. It was 10.00 a.m. by the time Swami walked and stood holding the

railings and finally sat down on His chair and the VC began his address. The

Vice Chancellor, Sri Anil Gokak spoke very briefly focusing on two points. One,

the Annual Sports and Cultural Festival of the Institute and the second, the

Makara Sankranti festival and its significance.

Arial"> He spoke about the passion that the Greeks had for sports and how the

Olympiads had ‘peace among nations’ as their true purpose. In our Institute, he

said that Human Values and Sports were interwoven. Talking about Sankranti, he

said that it was the arrival of a new spirit. It is the Uttarayana, when the

sun enters the Makara Rashi. Spring or Summer symbolizes activity and

creativity in both outlook and attitude. The old and worn-out must be gone and

all new things must be born, the speaker said.

mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> Again talking about the

sportsman spirit, he stated that the passion for perfection is much more

important than the achievement of success. He concluded his talk at 10.15 a.m.

and prayed to Bhagawan to deliver His Divine Discourse. Bhagawan stood up to

everybody’s joy and delivered His Divine Message. Here are the highlights of

Bhagawan’s Message:

FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'"> Human life is very sacred. Whenever God

descends on earth, He takes a human form only. There is no separate God other

than a human being. The human body is made up of five elements. Atma is the

totality – formless. We must prove our human nature through our behaviour and


'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">

Education is only for the body and the mind. It is external. Educare is from

within. It deals with the inner feelings. When inner feelings are not pure,

even vocabulary cannot be pure. Outer action is a function of the inner

feelings. _Expression of educare in the outer world is true education. Only

experienced people can understand this inner principle. All degrees such as BA,

B.Sc…..are external. Those who have understood the inner nature are very rare in

this world.

FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family:

Arial"> There are three Gunas that drive us in life. Satva arises from within.

Rajas is passion in action. Control over these is most essential. Do not use

sports and games which stand for Rajas to communicate the higher Truth –

Paramaartha. Instead, based on Paramaartha carry out your physical activities.

Without Adharam (basis) there can be no Adheyam (based). Ekoham Bahusyaam.

The One has become many. There are so many bulbs here in this Hall. But the

current that is lighting all of them is One. Everything comes from God only.

Sugar is the same in all sweets. Bereft of Love you are not a human at all.

True Will Power is also an _expression of the Atma. Atma is the source of

everything. When God descends on earth, He behaves like an ordinary human

being so that all humans can understand Him clearly. Atma represents oneness of

all beings. Degrees are different but learning is the same. Cows are different

but the milk is same. Ornaments are different but the gold is the same. It is

God only who manifests as Man, Woman and the child.

mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">What is true Japam? Is it holding the Japa Mala and

praying to God? No. When you forget all worldly matters – that is true Japam.

What is the use of merely closing your eyes and sitting? Be it Japam or Tapam –

all of them ultimately lead you to the Atma. Honey bees fly around everywhere

and finally settle down for the nectar in the flower. It could be a Jasmine

flower or a rose flower. Ultimately, it is interested only in the nectar!

Arial">Why did we start this College? It is to develop good virtues, character

and good conduct. Without desires you cannot achieve anything. Therefore,

consider this desire also as the Will of God. Be it a man or a woman, if the

heart is pure, he / she will be successful in any venture. In the word

Manava, Ma stands for Maya or attachment, Na stands for denial and Va stands

for totality. Born in Maya, learning Atma Vidya in life, one must be able to

move around with total awareness. We are not just humans, we are truly Divine!


TEXT-ALIGN: justify"> Realize the value of diamond. Diamond stands for Die

Mind! Annihilation of the mind. Mind is the basis of this whole universe.

Without controlling the mind, what is the use of all achievements? Annihilation

of the mind makes you a Paramahamsa. Do not follow the mind. It yields sweets

fruits outside but the juice inside is bitter.

Arial"> Students, you may read so many books but understanding is very

important. What is the use of merely chanting the Vedas? You must make an

attempt to understand the meaning. Whether you like the Vedas or not – Vedas

are Vedas! They are very sacred.

mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">Dear students. (At this

point, Prof. Anil Kumar translated as – Students. Swami corrected him saying

DEAR Students and Prof. Anil Kumar repeated DEAR Students!!) You know a lot

related to the material world. But you do not understand the inner feelings.

Bulbs are many but the inner current is one. We must be able to experience the

spiritual feeling even in this physical world. Leave all your burden and

responsibilities to God and discharge your duties in this world. Then alone,

you will be able to acquire true education. Education is not just going through

books. Be convinced of two things:

mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">1) 1) There is

Divinity 2)

mso-bidi-language: TE"> 2) We must do everything, all actions, to please


mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial">God goes only by inner

feelings and motives while the world goes by outer expressions and behaviour.

God is Bhava Priya and not Bahya Priya. Each one must ask the question –

Who am I? Not just - Who are you? A true aspirant is one who understands this

Oneness. Father, Mother all these are based on physical relationships. Be true

to your name. For example, Ramaiah must live like Lord Rama. Many students

have a desire to complete their B.Com. and then go to USA for taking up of a

job. Do not entertain too many desires. I always tell the Ladies, wear one

bangle on each hand. If you wear too many bangles, they will clash with each

other and make sound. So have fewer desires. Above all, have total faith in

God. Students, I am not happy with your just earning degrees. You should be pure

outwardly and inwardly, both. Be always happy. Get a good name. People should

say – see this person, he is so good, he always minds his own business, never

interferes with unnecessary matters. Never get the title of ‘Rowdy’!! Get the

title ‘Good Boy’. This can come from good work, good thoughts and good conduct.

In Telugu, guddu means egg, not that guddu! Students, you are all Embodiments

of Love. You want God but your actions are not in line with your wish.

Therefore, develop unity of thought, word and deed. I want you all to be

united. Pray to God and get a good name. It is only then that the purpose of

setting up this Institute will be

fulfilled. I am always with you. Grow in your devotion and share the same with

all. That will make Me happy!! Today is Uttarayana. If you have good

thoughts and feelings now, you will certainly get a good name, surely you will.

When I see you all, I feel so happy! Happiness is union with God. Do not worry

about your examinations. Write what

comes to your head. I will take care. Saying so, Swami sat down on His chair

and sang the Bhajan – Bhajan Bina Sukha Shanti Nahin…

FONT-FAMILY: 'Bookman Old Style'; mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family:

Arial"> He again continued….Though My physical body is weak, I am attending to

all My duties. After this, Swami gave away the Award Cups to the different

Campuses, starting with the Brindavan Campus, followed by the Prasanthi Nilayam

Campus, Anantapur Campus, Higher Secondary School, Music College and finally the

Primary School. Apple Prasadam was distributed to all. The Band team played a

few pieces. Swami then got up and went walking to the car. At 11.40 a.m. Aarti

was given and Swami retired for the morning. An announcement was made by Prof.

Anil Kumar that in the evening at 6.00 p.m. the Brindavan students of the

Institute would present the play – Adi Kavi Valmiki.

justify"> In the evening, Bhajans began at 4.50 p.m. and concluded with Aarti

at 5.10 p.m. Swami came outside and sat on the dais. At 5.15 p.m. the play

commenced with Lord Rama and few other characters presenting a bouquet and card

to Swami. The same play that was enacted on the 12th in the College Auditorium

(see Parthi Update 12-01-2006) was presented in the Kulwant Hall. It was

received very well by the audience and at the end; Swami gave group photographs

to all the artistes and the sets and costumes boys. He took Aarti and retired to

PC by 6.30 p.m. Prasadam was distributed to all. Tomorrow evening, the drama

‘Bhakti Pravaham’ enacted by the Prasanthi Nilayam students on the 12th of

January, in the College Auditorium is going to be presented again in Sai

Kulwant Hall by Bhagawan’s Blessings.

mso-bidi-language: TE; mso-bidi-font-family: Arial"> We end this update by once

again wishing all of you a very Happy Sankranti. Sairam

Old Style'">A Anantha VijayaH.No.247Nizarapar RoadChandmari ColonyGUWAHATI - 781

003Mob: 9954206469 / 9954037252

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