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God's Watchful Grace??

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Sai Ram to all of my Sai Brothers and Sisters


I just HAD to share this story with you ...


Not too long ago .. my nieghbor across the street and I got into an arguement.

It was a silly arguement but it concerned some behavior that effected the entire

neighborhood and was very negative .. if not



She was very adament about certain things and I had to stand my ground with her

and tell her that I would act according to Dharma ...

no matter what that meant and I would not do otherwise just to please her even

if it meant that she never spoke to me again or hated me for it.


Without getting into the very personal details of this person or the events that

took place ... I will tell you this.


Though she had come to my home many times and could see my pictures of swami...

my path was not necessarily something that she

herself followed. In our arguement I stated to her .. that I would do whatever

Dharma necessitated and that I would not worry because I knew

that the Lord would look after me and my family!


It wasn't until many months after certain events unfolded and time passed and

she got over her anger did she come back to me with this picture ..

reminding me of this day and what I had said to her as she was leaving....


As my nieghbor left my house very angrily and as she was walking home from my

house to her house which is directly across the street. She was

absolutely livid at me. She told me later on that for no reason at all .. she

took a photo of the outside corner of my property that directly faces her

driveway and

house ....


When she developed the roll of film some weeks later .. she was astonished to

see what was on the film and after some time ... she gave the picture

to me saying only this .... " I guess God really is looking out for you and your family! ".


When my husband and I looked the picture we were AMAZED ...


The Globe you see .. looks just like the surface of SUN ... like where Baba has

said Angels really live and it brought to my mind LORD SURYA .. :)

And then when we used a magnifying glass .. the streak of light comes and forms

the globe which looks like the sun .. but on the SNOW beneath it ...

you can SEE colors of the rainbow .. as if the light is being reflected through

a PRISM .. and it only shows up underneath the image of the SUN! :)


I cannot say for certain what this is .. But I definately feel that it is a GOOD

sign that the Lord is watching over us ... as I know that he watches over

everyone of you .. :)


Your Sister in Sai Always

Sister Melody



Attachment: (image/jpeg) God Watchful Grace.jpg [not stored]

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After reading the story and looking at the picture all i can think or say that

You are a Blessed Soul and BABA is always around you,and i am glad to be in

your group,hoping at least one day BABA may be make me even 1% of you i will be

very thankful to you all in the Group.

May BABA always be with all of us for ever and ever.



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Oh! What a wonderful picture for

reassuring us that SWAMI is always with us, taking care of us and watching

after us. Thanks a lot for sharing the picture.

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu,

In Sai seva,

Madhusudan Nori

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