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Swami's Every Miracle has to be enjoyed and remembered

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Seva Samithi Building, Inaugurated a Borewell and Distributed “Jangiri” Sweets

to each and everybody. There was Programme in the evening of that Wonderful

day that Swami was to attend in the Seva Samithi Building, It was also to

include some local Political leaders who were also devotees of Swami and used

to come to Darshan very frequently. In Venkatagiri whenever there was a

Programme where Swami was to be there, Swami used to go to that Place in the

Morning and inspect all the arrangements, that Morning Swami inspected all the

arrangements including the Food for the Narayana Seva to be organised later and

the cleaning of the Seva Samithi, Swami was so particular about everything,

Still Is. In the evening,Swami came a bit early along with the Raja of

Venkatagiri and inspected everything, When the Function started

Swami saw a bit of commotion and enquired and he was told that the Garlands

which were to be put on Swami and two other people were too Small and it would

Look embarassing to everyone as there were too Small, Swami smiled and said "I

have to look after everything”, Swami saw the 3 Garlands touched them and then

smiled and said “Parvaledhu” Meaning “No Problem”. And Lo and Behold when the

Garlands were put they were twice the Size of the Original ones. Swami’s

Miracles are not to be questioned, only enjoyed and Remembered. Every Miracle

has a lesson for everyone, every Miracle is Journey to the Divine for all of

us, A journey that Swami shows the way for all of us. Swami’s Miracles are

meant to be enjoyed and lessons to be learnt from and not to be questioned in

any ridiculous Scientific manner.


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to be written in the history books. Current and future generation can benefit

from these experiences,be inspired by them to foster their faith in SWAMI as

GOD, as they will not have physical proximity to Bhagawan, in the very near

future. Swami says "YAT DRISYAM TAT NASYAM. SO we have to treasure the

experiences that lead us to self as HIS ATMA. The materializations when they

stop, it will make us miserable, and Swami said to me "Nothing is Permanent".

What is permanent is the realization of His presence within us. Swami says,

"What goes will not come back, What Comes will never Go". That means the Pride

through self realization, once it leaves us will never come back, what you

realize as The SELF will never go away, as that is your permanent companion. In

my past experience, all that I shared with whom I thought

were my near and dear in my physical proximity, felt that this was arrogance and

bragging on my part and I started withholding all that I could share. So please

take this experience in it's totality in the highest spiritual sense. Swami

says " Kopavantuni koormito marchavachu, PAmu pakkanayina pandavachu, Matsaramu

galigina manishito cherina, nadu manavatvamu mantagaliyu" (You can change an

angry person through your friendship, you can even sleep next to a snake, but

if associate with a jealous person, the humanitarian aspect is lost). In 1993

we wanted to get Swami's blessings to install Utsava Moorties of Balaji,

Sridevi and Bhoodevi at our Hindu Temple Of San Antonio. I requested my

husband to take pictures of moorties to Swami and get the blessings, as he was

going as RSNA professor to give some lectures

in India. He was very reluctant, upset and irritated to change his time lines

and plans. Swami came in his dream on the Thanksgiving Thursday, actually

blessing the whole function while we both were sitting at his feet. Then I

disappeared and Kedar was alone by the shops. He described the deam to me

early morning over a cup of coffee and I caught Swami's message that not only

he wanted to bless the function, but he wanted us both to come.. We had small

kids, but Prof. Anil Kumar's 2nd daughter was with us studying and she

volunteered to take care of children and the house for a week. I was able to

take leave for 5 days and we left for India on the 8th of December. A few

things happened that I need to enumerate so that you can understand Swami's

sankalpa or will behind the scenes. 1.My husband was worried that he had to

pay higher fares. But we got his ticket and mine for $250 less on each ticket

to Banagalore for the 8th of December. Rest of the days after the 16th were for

Kedar's professional seminars. 2. We could not get lines to Puttaparti to have

someone reserve accommodations for us, and I prayed to Swami that we were

willing to stand under the tree if we have to , to get his blessings.When we

leave every thing to Swami, he takes care in a Royal way. While we go through

the anxiety, we do not know that, but we desperately try to do Yatna Prayatna

at a physical level. 3. We called Guntur on 7 th December, to inform my mother

in law about our plans. We pleasantly heard through Anil Kumar that Swami would

be visiting Bangalore on the 9th, and that we did not need any reservations

in Parti. Anil Kumar was then the Principal of Whitefield and was briefly

visiting my mother in law. 4. I was ecstatic about this, as everything was

falling into place with HIS WILL. We bought a flat in Bangalore with

Bhagawan's blessings and Shyam and Sarojini were taking care of it at that

time. We did not need to reserve for a place. 5.Swami arranged for teh wedding

of one Sri Aadi Seshayya GAru's daughter on the 10th morning and we were to

land on the 10th morning. 6. On teh 8th morning, there was dense fog in San

Antonio and DAllas. FLights were not leaving on time. That meant we would miss

the connections in Frankfurt. That meant, I would lose 2 days of my vacation in

travel. I took Swami's picture and held it to my chest, praying that he

take care of the situation. The next minute, there was announcement that the

flights were leaving as the visibility increased. 7. We reached Banagalore,

eagerly sat for the afternoon Darshan. Swami came and saw me, went to Kedar,

who was resistant to the idea of bothering Swami to get the event blessed

(according to him, these are our desires and we should not bother Swamifor our

desires). He said " Aa Ammayi nannu eppudu maruvadu, nevemo Part Time

devoteevi". ( That girl never forgets me and you are a part time devotee). He

laughed and materialized vibhooti for him and the person next to him, or vice

versa. 8. Jamuna Rani, Suseela, Jikki, Leela, MAdhava Peddi Sataym, All these

people were at our house in October of 1993, and sang Bhajans on Swami. Jamuna

Raani did not get a chance . She was teary eyed and said some day she will sing

at our house for

Swami. 9. Swami called Kedar in along with Prof. Anil Kumar into the Mandir. All

these play back singers who came for the wedding also went inside the Mandir.

Swami looked at Jamuna Raani and asked her to sing fr him then. She sang Ganesh

Bhajan. 10. Swami stayed back for a few days and blessed Kedar three times a

day. Introduced us to students and staff in the Whitefield campus. He said he

was very happy that we maintain our heritage and tradition in a forein country.

He was happy that our House was a Center for Bhajans with Pictures on all the

walls. I will tell you this much, in those days we had only 2 -3 pictures of

Swami. Now we have all walls covered with his Pictures and also him with us.

The pictures and the Bhajans at our house was his will11. A little boy in this

event saw Shiva blessing the arrival Of

Srimannarayana. We had sprinkles after every Poornaahuti. We ahd Thunder,

lightening, gale force winds, hail after we all went home fro teh Vikhanasa

Hotram, inviting VAruna, Indra, Arjuna, VAyu and Anjaneya. I learnt from this

personal experience, that if the dieties were installed for Loka Kalyanam, and

no personal interest than blessings fro Peace and Love in the Universe, that

thought itself reached Bhagawan at the next instance. He orchestrated the whole

function and yet I went through the personal expereience of trying to organize.

If we surrender to his will, he will make things happen. He knows what the

inner person of every one is the AATMA . He knows who need to do what. But if

we totally surrender to his will, and write off the feelings of the world

around you, and

limit the unwanted social interactions, he knows how to use his intruments. HE

says that he has to give us back the bank balances. It has to come to ZERO so

that we are not born again. HE is anxious to give us that Mukti. In all of our

dealings, we ultimately forget what is the purpose of a spiritual center. It

is my observation that we forget the sole purpose of devotion in our anxiety to

do seva, compare and get distracted. I have now learnt that speak teh Truth, be

not afraid, do service where it is needed in our own affordable way, no strings

attached and be detached to whom we were serving and whether the served will

benefit from this. Be not distracted by the negative or positive comments as

they are not important at all. The one who is serving is HIM at HIS WILL, and

theONE WHO IS SERVED IS ALSO HIM at HIS WILL. Nothing materializes without his

will. An end to this event with 2 big rainbows happened in JUne of teh same

year. That I can write next time. Sorry to have taken so much of your time. In

Love, with love and for love in his service Meena Chintapalli mannar krishna

<mannar_sai (AT) (DOT) co.in> wrote: Most Dear and Respected Sai Brothers and


Arial">SAI RAM. Praying to Our Beloved Swami that His Love and Grace along with

His Blessings are showered on each and everyone of you and on your Dear and

Near ones always. Recently in our Forum someone had written about Swami's

Miracle about a Garland. I would like to mention to everyone about a most

Wonderful Incident that happened on the day Swami opened the First Ever Seva

Samithi Building In Venkatagiri. .....

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It is very interesting to read the miraculoul happenings in your life. Though I

cannot recall specifics, I could relate very well with the incidents in your

life.However, though my intention for participating in some events is service,

at the end of the event I return with the overwhelming feeling of the kind

services rendered to me by someone or the other. So my question always is, when

am I going to reach the height of real rendering?

I caught myself not getting that chance to sing my piece in a Bhajan session

quite often, but at times when I was totally lost in Swami, some kind soul or

the other prompted me to have the turn - especially the last one I sang I felt

Swami had watched me every second and coming in the form of a couple, insisted

on my singing though there was very little time left for the conclusion of the

session. These miracles in my every day life give me so much strength that I

view life so easy to sail by if I only visualise those two Lotus Feet and

unburden myself totally.

In Sai's love



Meenakshi Chintapalli <mkchintapalli >[saibabanews] Re:

Swami's Every Miracle has to be enjoyed and rememberedSun, 5 Feb 2006

08:23:10 -0800 (PST)

Sai Ram to all brothers and sisters in this group.

Our blessings to younger generation from Swami in us.

I am inspired to share a certain miracle that was created in 1994 by Bhagawan. .....

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